Is it possible to call the Adobe Acrobat Javascript functionality in a node.js application to convert a PDF to an EPS?
In the Adobe JavaScript API Reference there is a document object method .saveAs(...) that takes a cConvID paramtere (com.adobe.acrobat.eps) which accept an output path and render eps but I'm unclear as to how I can use this process in an automated fashion to process any PDF file.
I am using NodeJS and I want to modify uploaded PDF file by add svg.
I tried to use Muhammara/Hummus and it is great to edit but it can not handle SVG, only JPEG.
I also Tried PDFmake, but as far i know, I can not read PDF with this tool, just create PDF from documentData obj.
Is there any possibility accomplish mentioned goal in Nodejs?
I'm currently building a web application with Openlayers that draws routes en points of interest on a map. This map needs to be saved to a file on the server (.png of .svg), so it can be embedded in a .pdf file. The route and POI information is available as KML file.
What is the easiest way to do this?
You have several options:
Directly export your OpenLayers map to a PNG or even a PDF on the client-side (see these two examples: png export and pdf export).
Use wkhtmltopdf to export a HTML page containing an OpenLayers map to a PDF (on the server-side).
Use MapFish Print 3 which is a print server to generate PDF reports containing maps. You would create a report template and configuration and then send a print request containing the geo-data that you want to print (e.g. tile layers or GeoJSON data).
How to get the data from the Java script to qt?
In HTML page we are giving the input values and in JS file we written some calculation, its output is been display in the HTML. Now, we want to send the output we got in the calculation to the qt C++ file or QML file.
I am creating a windows 8 app in c# and xaml.
How can i print a pdf file on my system from this app without launching the pdf reader of windows.
If a commercial library is an option, you could try Amyuni PDF Creator for WinRT.
From the documentation, the code for printing a PDF file in C# using this library would look like this:
// Printing on a XAML Windows Store Application
// The field AmyuniPDFCreator.PDFCreator m_pdfCreator; contains an instance of the PDFCreator control
TypedEventHandler<PrintManager, PrintTaskRequestedEventArgs> m_printTaskRequestedEventToken;
// Registering the Application View for printing
void RegisterForPrinting()
// Request a PrintManager instance
PrintManager printMan = PrintManager.GetForCurrentView();
// Add a handler for printing events.
m_printTaskRequestedEventToken = printMan.PrintTaskRequested += m_pdfCreator.Document.PrintTaskRequestedEventHandler;
// Unregistering the Application View for printing
void UnregisterForPrinting()
// Remove the handler for printing events.
PrintManager printMan = PrintManager.GetForCurrentView();
printMan.PrintTaskRequested -= m_printTaskRequestedEventToken;
More details about the library can be found here.
Disclaimer: I currently work as a developer of the library
It is possible to achieve this without any third party library if you want to print it with a device.
This isn't working to create or write a ".pdf"[Pdf File). To make this happen without another library you could maybe try to write images directly into a pdf, but i can only reference here the Pdf Documentation.
First of all you have to render your pdf. You can do this with Windows.Data.Pdf.
You can take a look at an example here. The libary will handle the Pdf and you get some BitmapImages rendered.
This library can read, but not write ".pdf"
Now you have to print your Images(rendered pdf pages). For this you take the Windows.Graphics.Printing.PrintManager.
I would not recommend the msdn example in this case.
So have a first look at Windows Store Apps and XAML Based Printing.
And you will find another printing example with MVVM here: Printing from MVVM XAML Windows 8 Store apps.
If you just follow the examples you will achieve to print a pdf on paper some trouble.
How to add custom settings for your printer is explained at How to add custom settings to the print preview UI (XAML)!
Windows 8 doesn't have an API to do this, so you'll have to acquire one elsewhere - something that's capable of properly rendering a PDF for you, and that's going to mean a full-blown PDF API with all the bells and whistles (I'm not aware of any of these for Windows 8 that only supports printing).
If only PDF Sharp had a WinRT version, I'd recommend it in a heartbeat... unfortunately it doesn't (yet). Only ones I know of that have an API for WinRT are Foxit and Siberix Report Writer.
I am using Raphael to create a dynamic visualization. Is it possible to allow the image generated on the Canvas to be downloaded as a SVG/PDF or another image format?
There are pieces of information missing here, namely browser support, server-/client-side solution and whether costs are okay or not. So I'll try to give you an exhaustive answer.
For a client-side solution, you can use DocRaptor. Just feed the SVG tree to DocRaptor This works for the SVG-producing browsers (all since 2005 except for IE prior to version 9). Note that DocRaptor has a fee for converting documents into PDF. For a free server-side solution for converting an SVG tree to a PDF, I would suggest using wkhtmltopdf as proposed in this answer.
For IE6-8, which Raphaƫl produces VML for, you could create a PHP solution using the Vector Converter library. When the conversion from VML to SVG is finished, sent the SVG to DocRaptor (or wkhtmltopdf).
There is no free client-side VML/SVG -> PDF solution that works for VML or SVG. To build that would mean interpreting SVG and/or VML, creating a PDF from it using JavaScript (there are JS PDF library attempts), and sending it to the client using some Flash technique. I guess nobody has attempted to build that yet. I might.
pdfkit seems to be the way to go, with using browserify to make the node code run client side. There is a nice demo here
You can save as an image using canvg and canvas2image libraries