Android Studio: android-19 not found, but it's clearly installed - android-studio

I've tried rebuilds, opening/closing android studio, switching to api level 18 and everything: I get this output:
Error:Module 'LabsCore': platform 'android-19' not found.
Error:Module 'facebook': platform 'android-19' not found.
In the sdk manager it is really all installed, I checked multiple times. Is this an issue with android studio/gradle plugin in the latest version?

I faced the same error after updrade to Android Studio 0.5.3/0.5.4. Take a look at this question. And the cholm's answer that was the solution for me.


Android Studio ArticFox compiling fine but showing red errors everywhere

I have a multi module Android Compose project. One module is an android app, others are android libraries or kotlin libraries. I'm running AS Artic Fox 2020.3.1 Beta 5 on MacOS 11.4 Big Sur.
After a library upgrade (probably AGP to use compose, I don't remember when exactly) Android Studio started to show syntax errors everywhere, both in .kts and .kt files.
Compilation and execution are working fine, only those weird JDK errors are displayed.
Here are some examples :
in a .kt file from a kotlin library module, in a .kts file from the buildSrc module
It seems that there is an error with the JDK somewhere, but I don't understand how to fix it.
I Googled/StackOverflowed before posting here and I already tried :
to check the JDK used Project Structure > SDK Location > Gradle. It is using the Embedded JDK 11.0.10
to reinstall AS using Jetbrains Toolbox
to invalidate cache and restart
to clone my project again
to delete ~/.gradle
But none of those actions helped...
Thanks in advance !
Update 22/07
I tried to create a new empty Compose project with .kts support, but no luck, everything is in red
Because of a bug preventing to update, I updated manually to RC_1. Here is my current setup.
I tried to change from Embedded JDK to a separately installed OpenJDK 11 and reimport but not luck (#alexey-belkov suggestion)
I checked the logs but found nothing obvious (#andy suggestion)
ℹ️ Finally I tried to create a new empty Android project with only .gradle support, and no errors ! Could it be a kotlin script plugin problem ?

Some conflicts were found in the installation area.(Android Studio)

I'm currently using Android Studio 4.0.1 and I've been trying to update it to the latest version that was recently released(4.0.2) but each time I click the update button, it displays the below error:
"Some conflicts were found in the installation area."
"Some of the conflicts below do not have a solution, so the patch cannot be applied."
"Press 'Cancel' to exit."
I have searched all the similar related issues on this site, some had similar issues with me but it didn't solve the error because the missing file it indicated has something to do with plugins and most people's own were different
A Screenshot of it:
I would like to know if there's anywhere I can get all the required latest plugins for Android studio because I previously uninstalled Android Studio, so maybe I wiped out the plugin files in the process. My current Android Gradle Plugin version is 4.0.1, then the Gradle version is 6.1.1.
Any Help will be appreciated
The folder where the studio is trying to install to may be the issue, You can always try to uninstall Android Studio and then install the version you wish to install.

Cannot Start Android Emulator on Android Studio Version 2.3.3 After Android Oreo Installation

I am unable start android emulator on android version 2.3.3 after android Oreo installation.
At first it worked,but now after a weekend when i ran a project the emulator doesn't pop up.
AVD loading notification is shown as in the below screenshot(dummy screenshot image in reality the notification is different)
But it will not appear,I have completely installed every package related to android Oreo in the sdk tool manager
Still the same result,if anyone has the same issue and have found a solution.Please,help.
Try to use cmd command like
*path_to_your_android_sdk*\tools\emulator -avd *device_name, f.e Nexus_5_API_23*
It should give you some detailed output about what happened wrong or would launch emulator.
Also make sure you are using last version of emulator (you have added screenshots only for SDK).
If nothing works - just remove all related to emulator sdk tools and reinstall them.

Android Studio - SequencePluginReload requires unknown plugin

In Android Studio 1.5.1, I'm trying to run the plugin SequencePluginReload 1.0.6. The installation works fine, but after restarting Android studio I get the following error message:
Problems found loading plugins: Plugin "SequencePluginReload" was not loaded: required plugin "com.intellij.diagram" not installed.
So I figured, I need to install the com.intellij.diagram plugin. However, I wasn't able to find it in the android studio repository or elsewhere. Any ideas where I could find it?
The issue appears to be resolved in the latest version.
For me, that is Android Studio 2.1.1 with SequenceDiagram 1.1. (They renamed the project)

Problems with Gradle in Android Studio

I had to reinstall Android Studio and now when I try to build my projects I get this error:
org.gradle.tooling.GradleConnectionException: Could not create an instance of Tooling API implementation using the specified Gradle distribution ''.: Could not create an instance of Tooling API implementation using the specified Gradle distribution ''.
I tried editing system variables and Android Studio settings but nothing has seemed to work.
This is a problem with the Android plugin v0.7.2 and will be fixed in 0.7.3. In the meantime you can force it back to 0.7.1 following the answer here:
Android Studio fails - unsupport unsupported major minor version 51.0
