Excel matching multiple cells for duplicates - excel

I need to populate a cell where the result is either valid or an error based on the following criteria. I'm not sure if using Match, Lookup formulas will work for this problem.
1 | IntRef | Value | Result
2 |-----------|-----------+----------
3 | r01 | Value 123 | Success (because B4 matches B3)
4 | r01 | Value 123 | Success (because B3 matches B4)
5 | r02 | Value ABC | Failed (because B6 differs from B5)
6 | r02 | Value XYZ | Failed (because B5 differs from B6)
Success Criteria
Scan each IntRef (A) column for all duplicate keys. Where they match
on a row check the Value column (B). Where all matching cells have
the same value set their result cell (C) to Success.
Failed Criteria
Scan each IntRef (A) column for all duplicate keys. Where they match
on a row check the Value column (B). Where all matching cells have a
different value set their result cell (C) to Failed.
I am sure there is a formula that can be entered into each cell of column C which will do a lookup for each IntRef cross referencing the contents of column B where the match occurs. This is going beyond Excel formula knowledge.
Is it possible to create and help formulate the calculation of the success/failed criteria (Column C)?

This appears to do the trick...
Note that that's an array lookup formula (meaning you need to hit Ctrl+Shift+Enter when entering it).
This formula basically counts the number of times the A and B column values appear together and compares this to the number of times the A column value appears. If the two counts match, you have success.

Try this formula:
Assuming you have your data like this:
Formula is entered as Array Formula in C2 by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter.
Then just copy on the remaining cells.
I just added and changed the position of some data for testing.
Hope this works for you. Change the Range to suit your data size.


How if capture particular cell value

I have entered a date in Column A and column B.
Column A | Column B | Column C
23/9/2019 | 19/9/2019. |
Now i am trying to get date in a column c which is greater. Which formula should I use?
Use the MAX() worksheet function. It will give you the greater (that is, the larger or most recent) of the two values.
Just make sure the values are true Excel dates and not text values.

Excel solver, variable cell to change adjusts data set

I am new to excel solver and I'm trying use it for what I think fairly simple task but it just won't work.
I have 3 columns as follows:
%CHNG | PnL | Criteria met
1 | 1 | 1
.5 | 2 | 2
2 | -1 | -1
3 | 6 | 6
-1 | .5 |
-.2 | -5 |
and the following 2 cells:
Criteria: 0
Total: =sum of criteria met column
When the number in the 'criteria' cell is changed the value in the 'criteria met' column is posted from the PnL column only if the value in the '%CHNG' column is greater than the value in the 'criteria' cell using an if statement.
The 'total' cell is then the sum of the 'Criteria met' column. (The PnL values that are greater than the criteria value)
I am trying to get solver to maximize the 'Total' cell, by changing the value in the 'criteria' cell, however everytime I try this it leaves the criteria cell unchanged and claims a solution has been found. No matter what value I initially have in the criteria cell the solver claims that is the solution when it is run.
Is there any way to get this to work? preferably without VBA
Thank you
A way to do this without Solver: With your %CHNG and PnL data in A2:B7, in D2 use this formula to create a score if Criteria equals A2:
(entered as an array formula: CTRL-SHIFT-ENTER). Copy/paste that formula into D3:D7 to get a score for the other %CHNG values. For this set of data, this gives a max score of 8 when %CHNG is -0.2.
A formula to get the max of all the scores is:
And a formula to get the %CHNG value associated with the max is:
Hope that helps.
If you want to do it with Solver, then use the "Evolutionary" Solver and not the default "Simplex LP" Solver.
And cell C2 should be
If the Solver wants the variables bounded just limit "criteria" to between -100 and 100.
Here's a way to get the maximum over a range. This is called the Maximum Subarray Problem see here.
As before I assume that your %CHNG and PnL data in A2:B7. First you'll need to sort the data based on %CHNG. Column D will hold "maximum ending here" and column E will hold "maximum so far". We'll also have "First" in column F and "Last" in column G --- these are the first and last values of %CHNG that correspond to the maximum sum.
In D2 through G2 enter these formulas:
Now in D3 through G3 enter these formulas:
Copy/paste those formulas down to the end of your data. Cell E7 gives the maximum sum. Cells F7 and G7 give the values of %CHNG over which PnL is summed to get the maximum sum.
Hope this helps.

Search for specific number in column and fill cells from its adjacent cells

I have a list of employee ID's for each period of the year. Each ID has Specific stats for that time period. The problem I'm running into is the list order changes every period according to the employees tasks.
Cell 1A contains the Employees ID#(ID's are Numbers only if that makes a difference). Column B has the whole list of employee ID#. I need to figure out how to write a formula or vba that checks column B for the ID# that matches 1A and populate 1C-1J with the adjacent data found in column B (columns C-J).
I hope I explained myself correctly without being to confusing. I appreciate any help.
The vlookup formula looks at the first column of $B:$J (column B) and searches for $A$1 and if it finds it returns the value in the 2.(3.,4.,...,9.) column of $B:$J
A1 | B1 | =VLOOKUP($A$1,$B:$J,2,FALSE) | =VLOOKUP($A$1,$B:$J,3,FALSE) | =VLOOKUP($A$1,$B:$J,4,FALSE) | ... | =VLOOKUP($A$1,$B:$J,9,FALSE)

Excel: Matching the closest date from range of dates

I'm trying to display the header of the column that its cell that contains a date, is the closest (out of 3 other cells with dates, B2:D2) to the a specific cell (A2)
So here's my sheet:
1 | T1 | T2 | T3 | T4 |
2 | 5/1/2013 | 5/31/2013 | 2/5/2013 | 3/2/2013 |
A2 = a date.
B2:D2 = 3 dates, can also be blank
I've tried using the following array formula that I found online:
But it sometimes when there is only one or two dates, it gives me the wrong header. I would also like to avoid using array formulas, but couldn't convert it to a regular one.
Would highly appreciate assistance on this matter
Can you give an instance were the array formula you are using isn't working ? It worked for the cases I tried.
You can avoid using the array formula if you are prepared to have another row with the difference in the dates and your date cell A2.
Push your rows down one row, so the headings are on row 2 and the dates on row 3 and enter the following formula across row 1, starting at cell B1
Drag this across and enter the following HLOOKUP to get your header row
if you can't move your rows down for some reason you can use a combination of MATCH and INDEX (which is slower) . If you were to put the difference function =ABS(B2-$A$2) across row 7 the formula would be
Okay so the answer was fairly simple.
I went back to the sheet to investigate the scenarios in which this happens.
It seems that when A2 is blank (= no date to make the comparison) it just gives out the only date available from B2:D2.
By simply adding another condition to the IF statemented that would work only if A2 has a value resolved the issue. So we're checking if both A2 and B2:D2 has values in them (with B2:D2 needs to be at least one:
and here is the full formula
Thanks for making me go back to the investigate! :D
For a non-array alternative, you could try:
in place of the INDEX(...) part of the formula.

Excel Function Help - Compare 2 Cells in Worksheet to 2 Cells in another worksheet, if they match, return value from a different column

I'm wondering if someone would be able to offer some advice on the best way to do this please:
Data in Worksheet # 1
Col A | Col B | Col C
Part-1 | 8 | 2
Part-2 | 7 | 7
Part-7 | 9 | 4
Part-8 | 2 | 6
Data in Worksheet # 2
Col A | Col B | Col C
Part-1 | 8 | *Return value* (If Part-1 is found and 8 matches, return 2)
Part-2 | 7 | *Return value*
Part-3 | 8 | *Return value*
In Worksheet#2 in Cell C2 - I would like to check if the Part-1 in A1 is found in Col A in Worksheet#1. If it is, then I would also like to make sure the Number is B2 in Worksheet#2 matches the Qty in Col B next to the same part#, if both the Part# and Qty match, then i would like to copy across the value from the corresponding cell in Col C in Worksheet#1, to Col C in Worksheet#2. If it does not match, I would like it to return a 0.
Here is the a variation on Reinier's second approach in a form that will work in any version of Excel. You can use references to the specific data ranges, as I have done here, or to entire columns.
This is an array formula, so it needs to be entered with the Control-Shift-Enter combination. It performs the same operation as the SUMPRODUCT. (There are several other ways to do this, such as using MATCH with INDEX or OFFSET.)
Essentially, what you are doing is a lookup based on values in two columns. Looking at it from that angle, you can use a the SUMPRODUCT function, which is supported in any version of Excel. Enter the following in Sheet2, cell C2:
Select and drag down the right-bottom corner of C2 to complete column C.
This only works by virtue of the fact that the values in Sheet1, column C, are numbers. It breaks if value pairs in column A and B of Sheet1 occur multiple times, but you did not address that situation in your question in the first place.
For versions 2007 and up, you can use the more convenient function SUMIFS with basically the same approach:
Alternatively, you can use a combination of IF and VLOOKUP functions. A formula that will work for Excel 2007 or newer is the following:
Older versions of Excel do not support IFERROR, but you can still use a similar approach as explained here.
I have uploaded an example workbook here, which includes an alternative method in column D of Sheet2 as well.
