Search for specific number in column and fill cells from its adjacent cells - excel

I have a list of employee ID's for each period of the year. Each ID has Specific stats for that time period. The problem I'm running into is the list order changes every period according to the employees tasks.
Cell 1A contains the Employees ID#(ID's are Numbers only if that makes a difference). Column B has the whole list of employee ID#. I need to figure out how to write a formula or vba that checks column B for the ID# that matches 1A and populate 1C-1J with the adjacent data found in column B (columns C-J).
I hope I explained myself correctly without being to confusing. I appreciate any help.

The vlookup formula looks at the first column of $B:$J (column B) and searches for $A$1 and if it finds it returns the value in the 2.(3.,4.,...,9.) column of $B:$J
A1 | B1 | =VLOOKUP($A$1,$B:$J,2,FALSE) | =VLOOKUP($A$1,$B:$J,3,FALSE) | =VLOOKUP($A$1,$B:$J,4,FALSE) | ... | =VLOOKUP($A$1,$B:$J,9,FALSE)


Conditional subtraction from multiple cells

A |B |C |....|K |L |M |
Tom |0 | |....|Tom |Jim |Dave |
Jim |1000 | |....|15000|14000|12000|
Dave |3000 | |....| | | |
Using Google Sheets for this one. I would like the values in columns K, L, and M to read from column B, detect if the corresponding cell from A reads one of 'Tom', 'Jim', or 'Dave' for example, and then subtract the amount from the correct column to reduce a running total. I've had some trouble figuring it out and tried to use conditional formatting to solve it but can't seem to quite get there. Is there a formula I can use that will read column B and subtract the amount shown from the correct column based on the name in column A?
So to pseudo-code it:
read(column B cell);
if(column B cell - 1 column = "Tom")
column K - (value of column B cell)
else if(column B cell - 1 column = "Jim")
column L - (value of column B cell)
Is there a simple method I can use to generate this result? Also thought about changing the formatting of a cell based on the name in the cell next to it and subtracting the value of any cell with that colour but this becomes unwieldy if names are added. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
would there be a way to constrain the formula to a single cell so I can have the total in a single location rather than down the columns? My plan is to have the total boxes scroll with the sheet and always be visible.
Let's assume that Columns A and B continue on down the sheet, with further name + amount entries. You want to have a single row of balances for each of the people.
The balance is then some initial value less the sum of amounts for that person. Say the amounts you've shown in row 2 are the initial values; here's how you could have row 3 reflect the remaining balance for each person (This is for "Tom", copy for the others):
Alternative solution
This doesn't do exactly what you want, but it is more appropriate for a running total scenario, so others may find it useful to adapt to ledgers, etc.
The IF() function can be used to decide whether or not a value in Column B applies to one of the "total" columns, K to M.
Use this formula in K3, copy to the rest of the range:
This example is in Google Sheets, but the same formula works in Excel and other "compatible" offerings.
What you do is put the formula in each column.
Column K subtracts value of column B if column A = "Tom"
Column L subtracts value of column B if column A = "Jim"

Need assistance with Excel 2010 filtered cells query

I am trying to create a summary sheet that details the amount of a certain product number found in a separate tab. The inventory tab has around 50k records that are filtered by certain manager names.
I need to search by the first four numbers on the inventory tab to match column A on the summary sheet.
Example: The summary sheet may list the model type as 1234, but the inventory sheet lists it as 123463AW3234.
| Model | Codename | Marketing | Quantity |
| 1234  | CN 1     | MN 1    | 1        |
| 1234  | CN 1     | MN 1      | 12       |
| 1234  | CN 1     | MN 1      | 13       |
I would add a formula into column D cells (quantity) that takes the text from cells within column A (model type) searches that through the inventory tab, and lists the quantity of that model type.
This is the formula I have so far, but it detects all cells with 1234 anywhere in the test. I need to edit it where it will only search for the first four numbers taken from column A.
=SUMPRODUCT(SUBTOTAL(103,OFFSET('Development-Asset list'!G2:G33080,ROW('Development-Asset list'!G2:G33080)-MIN(ROW('Development-Asset list'!G2:G33080)),,1)),ISNUMBER(SEARCH(B5,'Development-Asset list'!G2:G33080))+0)
Column G is a seperate tab and contains the full 10 digit product number. I want to pull the data from the model cell (A1) and use it to count the number of products in the sep tab G row.
These rows are filtered which is why I am using SUMPRODUCT. So column G has product numbers like 1234abcde and I want to pull data from A1 (1234) and search column G for matches, but only the first four characters.
Any help would be appreciated!
How about:
=SumIfS(ColumnToSum, ColumnToSearch, Left(A2,4))
Check out the Sumifs function that allows you to set multiple search criteria. Notice that the item I searched for in the third argument is the left 4 characters of the search cell.
how about a simple solution like this:
it sums up the data in column H, if G starts with the four digits of A.

Excel matching multiple cells for duplicates

I need to populate a cell where the result is either valid or an error based on the following criteria. I'm not sure if using Match, Lookup formulas will work for this problem.
1 | IntRef | Value | Result
2 |-----------|-----------+----------
3 | r01 | Value 123 | Success (because B4 matches B3)
4 | r01 | Value 123 | Success (because B3 matches B4)
5 | r02 | Value ABC | Failed (because B6 differs from B5)
6 | r02 | Value XYZ | Failed (because B5 differs from B6)
Success Criteria
Scan each IntRef (A) column for all duplicate keys. Where they match
on a row check the Value column (B). Where all matching cells have
the same value set their result cell (C) to Success.
Failed Criteria
Scan each IntRef (A) column for all duplicate keys. Where they match
on a row check the Value column (B). Where all matching cells have a
different value set their result cell (C) to Failed.
I am sure there is a formula that can be entered into each cell of column C which will do a lookup for each IntRef cross referencing the contents of column B where the match occurs. This is going beyond Excel formula knowledge.
Is it possible to create and help formulate the calculation of the success/failed criteria (Column C)?
This appears to do the trick...
Note that that's an array lookup formula (meaning you need to hit Ctrl+Shift+Enter when entering it).
This formula basically counts the number of times the A and B column values appear together and compares this to the number of times the A column value appears. If the two counts match, you have success.
Try this formula:
Assuming you have your data like this:
Formula is entered as Array Formula in C2 by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter.
Then just copy on the remaining cells.
I just added and changed the position of some data for testing.
Hope this works for you. Change the Range to suit your data size.

Excel: Create Custom Sheet 2 Based on Data in Sheet 1

I have two sheets in a spreadsheet. Each sheet has a first column with common values (however they are not sorted the same and they are not all there in each sheet).
What I'm trying to do, if possible, is put a formula in sheet 2, where, if column 1 is a match for sheet 1, copies selective data from certain columns in that same row in sheet 1, to certain columns in sheet 2.
Sheet 1 has a heading setup and sample data row like this:
Title | Day of Week | First | Last
Supervisor | Wednesday | Mike | Jones
Sheet 2 has a heading setup and sample data row like this:
Title | Surname | Weekday
Supervisor | (empty cell) | (empty cell)
After running the mystery formula I'm looking for, placed in the 2 empty cells above, sheet 2 should match on the Supervisor key in sheet 1 and copy in data I have specified into each column, such as:
Title | Surname | Weekday
Supervisor | Jones | Wednesday
(In this case I have told it to map the "day of week" column to weekday, and map the "last" column to "surname").
I hope this is easy/possible??? Help???
VBA is not necessary. You can use a simple VLOOKUP:
=VLOOKUP(cell to look-up,
range where you want to look up the values (first column *must* contain the keys to look-up) including all columns that you want to retrieve,
the position of the column to be retrieved relative to the first column specified in argument 2,
0 (specifies you want an exact match))
For example:
=VLOOKUP(A1, Sheet1!$A$1:$D$150, 2, 0) ' Retrieves the 2nd column matching criteria in A1
Please notice, however, that you need your keys to be unique. Matching information based on the title seems a bit odd since it is likely there will be more than one person assigned to a certain role. For example, there may be more than 1 supervisor.
Use INDEX and MATCH (better than VLOOKUP).
I suggest renaming your headers so they match on both sheet.
Sheet 1 should be :
Title | Weekday | First Name | Surname
In sheet 2, cell B2 type in
You can drag and drop it in column C as well, it will work since you are using two MATCH functions with the cells properly anchored.

Add cell string to another cell if 2 cells are the same for 2 rows

I'm trying to make a macro that will go through a spreadsheet, and based on the first and last name being the same for 2 rows, add the contents of an ethnicity column to the first row.
FirstN|LastN |Ethnicity |ID |
Sally |Smith |Caucasian |55555 |
Sally |Smith |Native American | |
Sally |Smith |Black/African American | |
(after the macro runs)
Sally |Smith |Caucasian/Native American/Black/African American|55555 |
Any suggestions on how to do this? I read several different methods for VBA but have gotten confused as to what way would work to create this macro.
There may be more than 2 rows that need to be combined, and the lower row(s) need to be deleted or removed some how.
If you can use a formula, then you can do those:
Couple of assumptions I'm making:
Sally is in cell A2 (there are headers in row 1).
No person has more than 2 ethnicities.
Now, for the steps:
Put a filter and sort by name and surname. This provides for any person having their names separated. (i.e. if there is a 'Sally Smith' at the top, there are no more 'Sally Smith' somewhere down in the sheet after different people).
In column D, put the formula =if(and(A2=A3,B2=B3),C2&"/"&C3,"")
Extend the filter to column D and filter out all the blanks.
That is does is it sees whether the names cells A2 and A3 are equal (names are the same), and whether the cells B2 and B3 are equal (surnames are the same).
If both are true, it's the same person, so we concatenate (using & is another way to concatenate besides using concatenate()) the two ethnicities.
Otherwise, if either the name, or username, or both are different, leave as blank.
To delete the redundant rows altogether, copy/paste values on column D, filter on the blank cells in column D and delete. Sort afterwards.
EDIT: As per edit of question:
The new steps:
Put a filter and sort by name and surname. (already explained above)
In column E, put the formula =IF(AND(A1=A2,B1=B2),E1&"/"&C2,C2) (I changed the formula to adapt to the new method)
In column F, put the formula =if(and(A1=A2,B1=B2),F1+1,1)
In column G, put the formula =if(F3<F2,1,0)
In column H, put the formula =if(and(D2="",A1=A2,B1=B2),H1,D2) (this takes the ID wherever it goes).
Put the formulae as from row 2. What step 3 does is putting an incremental number for the people with same name.
What step 4 does is checking for when the column F goes back to 1. This will identify your 'final rows to be kept'.
Here's my output from those formulae:
The green rows are what you keep (notice that there is 1 in column G that allows you to quickly spot them), and the columns A, B, C, E and H are the columns you keep in the final sheet. Don't forget to copy/paste values once you are done with the formulae and before deleting rows!
If first Sally is in A1 then =IF(AND(A1=A2,B1=B2),C1&"/"&C2,"")copied down as appropriate might suit. Assumes where not the same a blank ("") is preferred to repetition of the C value.
