Create shared NUnit tests for plugins - c#-4.0

I have plugins and i need to test, that any plugin fits to some specification. One of these cases is to check whether some interface exists in assembly (need to reflect from assembly).
I'd like to create some console application which will take plugin as an argument and check it.
This application will contain a set of tests, that will be configured by a passed argument. And the test runner which will produce xml report to output.
Is there better solution?
In my console application i call:
static int Main(string[] args)
var runner = new SimpleTestRunner();
var testPackage = new TestPackage(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().FullName);
string loc = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;
if (runner.Load(testPackage))
var result = runner.Run(new NullListener(), new AllTestsFilter(), false, LoggingThreshold.Off);
var buffer = new StringBuilder();
new XmlResultWriter(new StringWriter(buffer)).SaveTestResult(result);
return result.IsSuccess
? 0
: -1;
return -1;
In this soultion i have tests, but i need to pass arguments from command line to this tests through runner..

Probably you can use the TestCaseSource attribute:
Inside the test case source property you can enumerate the assemblies to test: NUnit will take care to generate a parametric test for each value.
Regarding the command line execution, you can use nunit-console.exe. You can get it here:
Hope it helps.

solved this problem by creation simple console application without NUnit.. Just return code -1/0


how do I configure my testng IReporter to accept parameters

IReporter is an interface that has a single void generateReport(List<XmlSuite> xmlSuites, List<ISuite> suites, String outputDirectory) method. I would like to make the behavior of the reporter configurable so I can pass options to it when run on the commandline. The documentation explains how to pass parameters to a reporter on the commandline:
-reporter The extended configuration for a custom report listener. Similar to the -listener option, except that it allows the
configuration of JavaBeans-style properties on the reporter instance.
Example: -reporter
com.test.MyReporter:methodFilter=insert,enableFiltering=true You
can have as many occurences of this option, one for each reporter that
needs to be added.
So it seems I should be able to call testng with -reporter,key2=value2
but WHERE do I get the values passed in.
I've looked at the XMLReporter provided by testng, and it has a private final XMLReporterConfig config = new XMLReporterConfig(); line, but I can't find out how the config is ever populated.
Magic, that's how it's done :-) It appears it looks for instance variables on your class that implements IReporter with the same name. It does need a stronger type than Object or def though it seems. Here's an example.
class MyReporter implements IReporter {
int foo; //<-- populated when instantiated
void generateReport(List<XmlSuite> xmlSuites, List<ISuite> suites, String outputDirectory) {
println "foo = ${foo}"
And then to execute it:
testng ... -reporter ''

Catel Auto Register Attributes with multiple instances

we are developing a GUI Plug-In Framework using Catel.MVVM.
Single Plugins should be loaded dynamically using the "ServiceLocatorRegistration" Attribute.
[ServiceLocatorRegistration(typeof(IInitializable), ServiceLocatorRegistrationMode.SingletonInstantiateWhenRequired, "SamplePlugin")]
In our bootstrapper we load all Plugin assemblies into the default AppDomain:
Catel.Windows.Controls.MVVMProviders.Logic.UserControlLogic.DefaultSkipSearchingForInfoBarMessageControlValue = true;
Catel.Windows.Controls.MVVMProviders.Logic.UserControlLogic.DefaultCreateWarningAndErrorValidatorForViewModelValue = false;
IoCConfiguration.DefaultServiceLocator.AutoRegisterTypesViaAttributes = true;
IoCConfiguration.DefaultServiceLocator.CanResolveNonAbstractTypesWithoutRegistration = true;
foreach (
var file in
BaseDirectory.GetFiles("*.dll", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
.Where(f => IsNetAssembly(f.FullName))
.Where(f => !f.FullName.EndsWith("resources.dll"))
var asm = Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom(file.FullName);
catch { }
Then we try to initialize them by calling
var initializables = ServiceLocator.Default.ResolveTypes();
foreach(var initializable in initializables)
But even if we have the plugin assemblies loaded in the AppDomain, we dont get all Classes with the ServiceLocatorRegistration attribute.
Is there any was to resolve all classes that have the example attribute set as above?
Thanks in advance!
The problem is probably because the assemblies containing the types that use the registration are not loaded into the AppDomain yet. There are a few things you can consider:
1) Use AppDomainExtensions.PreloadAssemblies
2) Use the type somehow (like Console.WriteLine(typeof(TypeFromAssembly).FullName))
I wouldn't recommend the second one because it goes against your plug-in architecture.
Resolved this issue myself. Mistake was probably the linevar asm = Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom(file.FullName);
After replacing this line withAppDomain.CurrentDomain.LoadAssemblyIntoAppDomain(file.FullName); everything works as expected.
Thanks Geert for pointing to the right direction!

The Cucumber JVM's (Groovy) "World (Hooks)" object mixin and Intellij navigation

I am developing cucumber scenarios using Cucumber JVM (Groovy) in intellij. Things are much better than doing the same in eclipse I must say.
I'd like to resolve one small problem to make things even better for my team. But since I am new to Intellij, I need help with the following please:
When I am in a step def file (groovy), Intellij can't seem to see variables and methods defined in the cucumber "World" object. So don't get IDE support (auto-complete, etc) for those which is a bit annoying. How can I fix that?
IntelliJ IDEA expects an object inside World closure. So, you could define the folloing block in EACH step definitions file:
World {
new MockedTestWorld()
class MockedTestWorld implements TestWorld {
private TestWorld delegate = {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("" +
"Test world mock is used ONLY for syntax highlighting in IDE" +
" and must be overridden by concrete 'InitSteps.groovy' implementation.")
To cleanup duplicated world definitions we use last-glue initializers and a bit of copy-paste:
def world
GroovyBackend.instance.registerWorld {
return world ?: (world = new RealTestWorld1()) // Actual initialization is much longer
def world
GroovyBackend.instance.registerWorld {
return world ?: (world = new LegacyTestWorld1())
Finally, run configurations would be like this (with different glues):
// Real setup
glue = { "classpath:test/steps", "classpath:test/real", },
// Legacy setup
glue = { "classpath:test/steps", "classpath:test/legacy", },

NUnit TestCaseSource modification

I have some code that looks like this
[Test, TestCaseSource("NspecRunner")]
public void TextContext (example thing)
//does testing like things using thing
while( othread.threadState == running && currentTestCount == StaticList.count)
public List<example> NspecRunner
ClassName x = new ClassName
Thread othread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => x.function_that_adds_to_StaticList()));
return ClassName.StaticList;
However Nunit doesn't ever look at the StaticList that is being returned after the initial look. Do you know of any way to make the TestCaseScenario reevaluate so that it will create a new test as the other thread adds new stuff to that static class. I'm totally open to other frameworks. Or if you know where in the Nunit project I can find a way to modify the way that TestCaseSource works, that would be lovely.
I'm trying to create a test for each item inside of ClassName.StaticList. I don't know how many are going to be in the list, but I would like each test to start immediately after the item is added to the StaticList by the other thread. Is that possible?

How can I use relative paths to external response files for soapUI MockService

What I've Done
I am using soapUI (3.6.1 Free version) mock services to serve up specific data to 2 client applications I am testing. With some simple Groovy script I've set up some mock operations to fetch responses from specific files based on the requests made by the client applications.
The static contents of the mock response is:
The groovy in the operation dispatch scripting pane is:
def req = new XmlSlurper().parseText(mockRequest.requestContent)
if (req =~ "CategoryA")
context.responsefile = new File("C:/soapProject/Test_Files/ID_List_CategoryA.xml").text
context.responsefile = new File("C:/soapProject/Test_Files/ID_List_CategoryB.xml").text
In this example, when the client application issues a request to the mock service that contains the string CategoryA, the response returned by soapUI is the contents of file ID_List_CategoryA.xml
What I'm Trying To Achieve
This all works fine with the absolute paths in the groovy. Now I want to pull the whole collection of soapUI project file and external files into a package for easy re-deployment. From my reading about soapUI I hoped this would be as easy as setting the project Resource Root value to ${projectDir} and changing my paths to:
def req = new XmlSlurper().parseText(mockRequest.requestContent)
if (req =~ "CategoryA")
context.responsefile = new File("Test_Files/ID_List_CategoryA.xml").text
context.responsefile = new File("Test_Files/ID_List_CategoryB.xml").text
... keeping in mind that the soapUI project xml file resides in C:/soapProject/
What I've Tried So Far
So, that doesn't work. I've tried variations of relative paths:
One post indicated that soapUI might consider the project files parent directory as the root for the purposes of the relative path, so tried the following variations too:
When none of that worked I tried making use of the ${projectDir} property in the groovy script, but all such attempts failed with a "No such property: mockService for class: Script[n]" error. Admittefly, I was really fumbling around when trying to do that.
I tried using information from this post and others: How do I make soapUI attachment paths relative?
... without any luck. Replacing "test" with "mock," (among other changes), in the solution code from that post resulted in more property errors, e.g.
testFile = new File(mockRunner.project.getPath())
.. led to...
No such property: mockRunner for class: Script3
What I Think I Need
The posts I've found related to this issue all focus on soapUI TestSuites. I really need a solution that is MockService centric or at least sheds some light on how it can be handled differently for MockServices as opposed to TestSuites.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks. Mark.
The Solution - Provided by GargantuChet
The following includes the changes suggested by GargantuChet to solve the problem of trying to access the ${projectDir} property and enable the use of relative paths by defining a new projectDir object within the scope of the groovy script:
def groovyUtils = new
def projectDir = groovyUtils.projectPath
def req = new XmlSlurper().parseText(mockRequest.requestContent)
if (req =~ "CategoryA")
context.responsefile = new File(projectDir, "Test_Files/ID_List_CategoryA.xml").text
context.responsefile = new File(projectDir, "Test_Files/ID_List_CategoryB.xml").text
I'm not familiar with Groovy, but I assume the File is a normal instance.
Relative paths are interpreted as being relative to the application's current directory. Try something like the following to verify:
def defaultPathBase = new File( "." ).getCanonicalPath()
println "Current dir:" + defaultPathBase
If this is the case here, then you may want to use the new File(String parent, String child) constructor, passing your resource directory as the first argument and the relative path as the second.
For example:
// hardcoded for demonstration purposes
def pathbase = "/Users/chet"
def content = new File(pathbase, "Desktop/sample.txt").text
println content
Here's the result of executing the script:
Chets-MacBook-Pro:Desktop chet$ groovy sample.groovy
This is a sample text file.
It will be displayed by a Groovy script.
Chets-MacBook-Pro:Desktop chet$ groovy sample.groovy
This is a sample text file.
It will be displayed by a Groovy script.
Chets-MacBook-Pro:Desktop chet$
You could have also done the following to get the value of projectDir:
def projectDir = context.expand('${projectDir}');
