NUnit TestCaseSource modification - multithreading

I have some code that looks like this
[Test, TestCaseSource("NspecRunner")]
public void TextContext (example thing)
//does testing like things using thing
while( othread.threadState == running && currentTestCount == StaticList.count)
public List<example> NspecRunner
ClassName x = new ClassName
Thread othread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => x.function_that_adds_to_StaticList()));
return ClassName.StaticList;
However Nunit doesn't ever look at the StaticList that is being returned after the initial look. Do you know of any way to make the TestCaseScenario reevaluate so that it will create a new test as the other thread adds new stuff to that static class. I'm totally open to other frameworks. Or if you know where in the Nunit project I can find a way to modify the way that TestCaseSource works, that would be lovely.
I'm trying to create a test for each item inside of ClassName.StaticList. I don't know how many are going to be in the list, but I would like each test to start immediately after the item is added to the StaticList by the other thread. Is that possible?


get attributes, even if they do not exist

Please don't hate me, yes I want to do something really stupid.
I want to get null on every attribute if it does not exist. I found out that I can create the propertyMissing method:
class User {
String name = "A"
Object.metaClass.propertyMissing() {
u = new User();
println u?.name
println u?.namee
This prints:
Now I have the "great" Hybris system in my back :D
If I add the propertyMissing part on top of my script and run this in the Hybris groovy console, I still get the MissingPropertyException.
Is there another way to avoid the MissingPropertyException exception without having to work with hundreds of try catch? (or hundreds of println u?.namee ? u.namee : null isn't working)
/Edit: 1
I have the following use case (for the Hybris system):
I want to get all necessary information in a dynamic output from some pages. Why dynamic? Some page components have the attribute headline other teaserHeadline and some other title. To avoid to create each time an try catch or if else, I created a function which loops through possible attributes and if it's null it skips that one. For that I need to return null on attributes which doesn't exist.
Here is an example which should work, but it doesn't (don't run it on your live system):
flexibleSearch = spring.getBean("flexibleSearchService")
FlexibleSearchQuery query = new FlexibleSearchQuery("select {pk} from {ContentPage}");
SearchResult searchResult =;
def i = 0;
def max = 1;
searchResult.result.each { page ->
if (i < max) {
def gatherCMSPageInformation(page) {
page.class.metaClass.propertyMissing() {
println page.title2
Weird thing is, that if I run it a few times in a small interval, it starts to work. But I can't overwrite "null" to something else like "a". Also I noticed, to overwrite the Object class isn't working at all in Hybris.
/Edit 2:
I noticed, that I'm fighting against the groovy cache. Just try the first example, change null with a and then try to change it again to b in the same context, without restarting the system.
Is there a way to clear the cache?
why don't you use the groovy elvis operator?
println u?.namee ?: null

Create shared NUnit tests for plugins

I have plugins and i need to test, that any plugin fits to some specification. One of these cases is to check whether some interface exists in assembly (need to reflect from assembly).
I'd like to create some console application which will take plugin as an argument and check it.
This application will contain a set of tests, that will be configured by a passed argument. And the test runner which will produce xml report to output.
Is there better solution?
In my console application i call:
static int Main(string[] args)
var runner = new SimpleTestRunner();
var testPackage = new TestPackage(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().FullName);
string loc = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;
if (runner.Load(testPackage))
var result = runner.Run(new NullListener(), new AllTestsFilter(), false, LoggingThreshold.Off);
var buffer = new StringBuilder();
new XmlResultWriter(new StringWriter(buffer)).SaveTestResult(result);
return result.IsSuccess
? 0
: -1;
return -1;
In this soultion i have tests, but i need to pass arguments from command line to this tests through runner..
Probably you can use the TestCaseSource attribute:
Inside the test case source property you can enumerate the assemblies to test: NUnit will take care to generate a parametric test for each value.
Regarding the command line execution, you can use nunit-console.exe. You can get it here:
Hope it helps.
solved this problem by creation simple console application without NUnit.. Just return code -1/0

General Problems With Geb (StaleElementReferenceException & Wait Timeouts)

According to the "Book of Geb" I started to map our portal's web pages. I prefer to use variables defined within static content closure block and accessing them afterwards in page methods:
static content = {
buttonSend { $("input", type: "submit", nicetitle: "Senden") }
def sendLetter() {
waitFor { buttonSend.isDisplayed() }
Unfortunately, sometimes I get an Geb waiting timeout exception (after 60 secs) or even worse I receive the well known "StaleElementReferenceException".
I could avoid the wait timeout when using "isEnabled" instead of "isDisplayed" but for the "StaleElementReferenceException" I could only apply the below solution:
def sendLetter() {
waitFor { buttonSend.isEnabled() }
try {
} catch (StaleElementReferenceException e) {
I guess, this solution is not really nice but I could not apply an explicitly wait as described in another article. Thus, I have some general questions:
Should I avoid to use static content definitions when pages are dynamically?
At what time or event Geb is refreshing its DOM? How can I trigger the DOM refreshment?
Why I still get a "StaleElementReferenceException" when using CSS selectors?
I would appreciate every hint which helps to understand or to solve this issue. The best would be to have a simple code example since I'm still a beginner. Thank you!
If you defined an at check on your page class the page would first verify that condition and wait for the first n seconds. Which is assigned in your gebConfig file. The default is 30 seconds.
static at = {
waitFor { buttonSend.isDisplayed() }
Thus once you call your pages 'to' method with a test or whatever you are using it for the page will wait and then perform your page manipulations.
to MyPage
Should I avoid to use static content definitions when pages are dynamically?
No. Actually, the static definitions are of closures. So what is
actually happening is each time you make use of that Pages static
components you are calling a closure which is run dynamically on the
current page(collection of webElements). Understanding this is key to
using Geb and discovering the problems you will run into.
At what time or event Geb is refreshing its DOM? How can I trigger the DOM refreshment?
When you call: to, go, at, click ,withFrame(frame, page), withWindow
and browser drive methods it will refresh the current set of
WebElements. Geb has a nice collection of utiliities to make switching
between pages and waiting for page manipulations easy. Note: Geb is
actually built on WebDriver WebElements.
Why I still get a "StaleElementReferenceException" when using CSS selectors?
It is possible the page hasn't finished loading, has been manipulated
with ajax calls or has been refreshed in some other way. Sometimes an
'at' PAGE method call can fix these issues. They are for me most
common when using frames as Geb seems to become confused between pages
and frames a little. There are workarounds.
In short if you use the page pattern you can easily switch expected pages using the Page class you have defined with a static content, at, and url closure using the below:
withFrame(frame, Page) { }
In addition to twinj's answer, I would like to point out a couple of other workarounds in case you encounter a StaleElementReferenceException.
Often times I find it is better to write out your selector manually rather than rely on the contents as defined in the page. Even though your page contents should not be cached by default, they still manage to slip away from me at times. This is particularly prevalent when dealing with dynamic content or iterations.
Ex: Let's say we want to click an element from a dynamically created dropdown.
Typically you might want to do something like...
static content = {
dropdown { $("#parentDiv").find("ul") }
void clickDesiredElement(String elementName) {
def desiredElement = dropdown.find("li", text:elementName)
waitFor { desiredElement.displayed }
If this doesn't work, try getting rid of the contents altogether, and writing out the selector manually...
void clickDesiredElement(String elementName) {
def desiredElement = $("#parentDiv").find("ul").find("li", text:elementName)
waitFor { desiredElement.displayed }
In really nasty cases, you may have to use a manual timer, as pointed out in this answer, and your code may look like this...
void clickDesiredElement(String elementName) {
def desiredElement = $("#parentDiv").find("ul").find("li", text:elementName)
waitFor { desiredElement.displayed }
Keep in mind this is a workaround :)
For large iterations and convenient closure methods, such as each{} or collect{}, you may want to add a waitFor{} in each iteration.
Ex: Let's say we want to get all rows of a large table
Typically you might want to do something like...
def rows = $("#table1").find("tr").collect {
name: it.find("td",0),
email: it.find("td",1)
Sometimes I find myself having to do this iteratively, along with a waitFor{} between each iteration in order to avoid a StaleElementReferentException. It might look something like this...
def rows = []
int numRows = $("#table1").find("tr").size()
int i
for(i=0; i < numRows; i++) {
waitFor {
def row = $("#table1").find("tr",i)
rows << [
name: row.find("td",0),
email: row.find("td",1)
I have figured that it is the navigator which get lost when you load dynamically.
I've solve the issue locally by reinit the page or module with below code:
void waitForDynamically(Double timeout = 20, Closure closure) {
closure.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST
switch (this) {
case Module:
init(browser, browser.navigatorFactory)
case Page:
throw new UnsupportedOperationException()
waitFor {

How to set TestName in CodedUI?

I have a data driven CodedUI test method named myTestMethod, which uses XML for supplying input data.
For each run on a data set, CodedUI reports something like this in the Test Explorer:
Test Passed - myTestMethod (Data Row 0)
Test Passed - myTestMethod (Data Row 1)
Test Failed - myTestMethod (Data Row 2) <error details>
Test Failed - myTestMethod (Data Row 3) <error details>
I was wondering is there is a way to set the test name to something more identifiable (probably from the input data set itself).
Seems like CodedUI uses TestContext.TestName for this reporting purpose, but, it is a readonly property. Is there a way to set it somewhere else, somehow?
Please help.
Ok i understand you now. I actually have a class where i write general functions. One of them is for save the test results as i want.
I use data driven based in XML. then my Employe1 and Employe2 are different runs of the same test_method.
Just locate [TestCleanup()] and call here a function to save a log has you need.
Log can be saved in csv format, plain text separated by ; for example with StreamWriter.
namespace NAME_SPACE
public class Program_Something_BlaBla
Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
[TestMethod(), Timeout(999999999)]
[DataSource("Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.DataSource.XML", PATH_XML, "DATOS", DataAccessMethod.Sequential)]
public void Program_Something_BlaBla_Method()
string employe = TestContext.DataRow["EMPLOYE"].ToString();
//Test actions
catch (Exception g)
#region Additional test attributes
// You can use the following additional attributes as you write your tests:
////Use TestInitialize to run code before running each test
public void MyTestInitialize()
//Use TestCleanup to run code after each test has run
public void MyTestCleanup()
Hope it helps,
I don't want to say it's impossible, but the Test Explorer in populated at compile time and the data would be pulled in at run time.
I don't think this would be possible. The only way for you is to read the generated "TRX" file ( as it is xml) and replace the values by reading your csvs. Might need to do a tool but the overhead is huge.

MbUnit Icarus self-destructs on this test

I'm trying to test a multi-threaded IO class using MbUnit. My goal is to have the test fixture constructor execute 3 times, once for each row on the class. Then, for each instance, execute the tests multiple times on parallell threads.
However, Icarus blows up with an 'index out of range' on TaskRunner. I can't get the full stack, it spawns message boxes too fast.
What am I doing wrong, or is this a bug in MbUnit/Gallio?
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Gallio.Framework;
using MbUnit.Framework;
using MbUnit.Framework.ContractVerifiers;
using System.IO;
namespace ImageResizer.Plugins.DiskCache.Tests {
public class CustomDiskCacheTest {
public CustomDiskCacheTest(int subfolders, int totalFiles, bool hashModifiedDate) {
char c = System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
string folder = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath().TrimEnd(c) + c + System.IO.Path.GetRandomFileName();
cache = new CustomDiskCache(folder,subfolders,hashModifiedDate);
this.quantity = totalFiles;
for (int i = 0; i < quantity;i++){
cache.GetCachedFile(i.ToString(),"test",delegate(Stream s){
s.WriteByte(32); //Just one space
},defaultDate, 10);
int quantity;
CustomDiskCache cache = null;
DateTime defaultDate = new DateTime(2011, 1, 1);
public void TestAccess() {
CacheResult r =
cache.GetCachedFile(new Random().Next(0, quantity).ToString(), "test",
delegate(Stream s) { Assert.Fail("No files have been modified, this should not execute"); }, defaultDate, 100);
Assert.IsTrue(r.Result == CacheQueryResult.Hit);
volatile int seed = 0;
[Test (Order=2)]
public void TestUpdate() {
//try to get a unique date time value
DateTime newTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(seed++);
CacheResult r =
cache.GetCachedFile(new Random().Next(0, quantity).ToString(), "test",
delegate(Stream s) {
s.WriteByte(32); //Just one space
}, newTime, 100);
Assert.AreEqual<DateTime>(newTime, System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(r.PhysicalPath));
Assert.IsTrue(r.Result == CacheQueryResult.Miss);
public void TestClear() {
System.IO.Directory.Delete(cache.PhysicalCachePath, true);
I wont answer direct question about bug but I think following steps will help find the error and not get lost in popping message boxes
decrease numbers of totalfiles ,
subfolders to much lower values to
see if error persists in 2 or even 1
file counts
your tests code isn't
super easy, as it should be,
write tests for tests
so you know they are running
correct, maybe those random nexts
are the problem, maybe something
else, tests should be easy.
figure out what test breaks the
system, your code contains 3 tests,
and constructor, comment two other
tests and see which one produces
your threaded repeat 150
looks pretty sick, maybe try smaller
number like 2 or 3 if error is basic
even 2 threads might break, if you
run 150 threads I can understand
your trouble with message boxes
add logging and try catch - catch
that index exception and log your
class state carefully, after
inspecting it I think youll see
problem much more clearly.
Right now you cant figure out the problem I think, you got too many variables , not to mention you didnt provide code for your Cache class which might contain some simple error that is causing it, before MBunit features even begin to show up.
