Lisf of avaliable servers on ssh login - linux

I'm having some problems with switching between servers using ssh, on my universitys Linux servers.
The servers I'm using are set up such that I am sent to an initial login server once I run ssh ...#login.... from my terminal. As the login-server is not meant for heavy computations I usually switch to another server after login, by simply writing that server's name. However, this server is full at times (since a lot of different people are using it), and I'd like to switch to another server at the same network. The problem is that I don't know any of the other servers' names, so I'm looking for a command to list all available servers from the login-server.

Possible with NMAP, I am not an NMAP expert but hopefully you can take a look and get it working for you.
The bottom option:
nmap -p 22 --open -sV XX.XX.XX.XX/XX
will scan for port 22 being open displaying the Version number across the IP subnet range...I would recommend better understanding nmap. Hope it at least gets you started! You could always ask your universities IT dept for a list of server names as a shortcut...


How to launch a "rogue" cli server as unprivileged user

Let's state a situation:
I have the possibility to run arbitrary commands on a server as an unprivileged user, through "unconventional means".
I do not have the possibility to login using ssh to that server, either as my unprivileged user or anything else. So I do not have currently a CLI allowing me to run any commands I would like in a "normal" way.
I can ping that server and nothing prevents me to connect to arbitrary ports.
I still would like to have a command line to allow me to run arbitrary command as i wish on that server.
Theoretically nothing would prevent me to launch any program as my unprivileged user, including one that would open a port, allow some remote user to connect to it and just forward any commands to bash, returning the result. I just don't know any good program to do that.
So, does any one know? I looked at ways to launch ssh_server as an unprivileged user but some users reported that recent versions of ssh_server do not allow that anymore. Actually I don't even need ssh specifically, any way to get a working CLI would do the trick. Even a crappy node.js program launching an http server would work, as long as I have a CLI (... and it's not excessively crappy, the goal is to have a clean CLI, not something that bugs every two characters).
In case you would ask why I would like to do that, it's not related to anything illegal ^^. I just have to work with a very crappy Jenkins server for which I'm not allowed to have direct access to its agents. Whoever is responsible for that server doesn't give a sh** about its users' needs so we have to use hacky solutions just to have some diagnostic data about that server (like ram, cpu and disk usage, installed programs, etc...). Having a CLI that I can launch some time instead of altering a build configuration and waiting 20 minutes to have an answer about what's going on would really help.
Thanks in advance for any answer.
So do you have shell access to the server at least once? E.g., during the single day of the month when you are physically present at the site of your client or the outsourcing contractor?
And if you have shell access then, can you or your sysmin install Cockpit?
It listens on port 9090.
You can then use the credentials of your local user and open a terminal window in your browser. See sidebar item "Terminal" on the screenshots of the cockpit homepage.
According to the documentation
Cockpit has no special privileges and doesn’t run as root. It creates a session as the logged in user and has the same permissions as that user.

linux -- determine what service was running on a down port

I need to write a bash script that:
-- takes ip address and list of ports as standard input,
-- check to see if port up or down,
-- if port is down, then restart the service via ssh
Got the first two working, however I am stuck on the last part, determining what service was running on the down port, as I may not know what services the machine is supposed to be running. lsof, netstat are not useful because the service is down.
The assumption is that this script will run on the users machine to check server status and restart any downed services automagically. It is known that some services may use ports listed in /etc/services for other services (for example, cpanel customer portal uses 2083, which /etc/services lists as radsec).
Any help is most appreciated, thank you!!
There is no way to determine what nonstandard ports what a non-running application may have used. All that you can do is to check for services which are not running, and (perhaps) restart those that are not running.
Even doing that runs into problems:
some services may not be running for other reasons (than loss of connectivity)
some services may not give a useful status when asked if they are running (Apache Tomcat, for instance, seems to come with service scripts which never do more than half the job).

Configuration deluge on tor

I know we already talked about this, but the Q&A I found here and googling doesn't suit my issue.
I've read that I shouldn't do that for several reasons (and take a look to the alternatives and probably an affordable seedbox will be the best option). Even though that, I'm struggling to get it working but currently I cant.
Based on what I read, to get it work, first all I have to run Tor browser and successful initiate it. I got that, tor browser running with all ok.
Then I launched Deluge, Edit -> Preferences, and for each field (Peer, Web seeds, Tracker and DHT) Sockv5,, port 9050 and restart Deluge.
But doesn't work at all... Deluge is working good without that configuration.
I've been trying to track that with Wireshark, I noticed that source port for TCP Tor connections is 9666. Also tried that port and get nothing. Also tried as Sockv4 and Sockv5 W/ Auth. Ping at is ok and I can 'ssh'.
nmap -> 22/25/80/111/631/9418 are open.
I'm out of ideas.
Recommend that you disable certain features to stay anonymous when using a SOCKS proxy, click the network tab on the side menu, under "Network Extra's" disable UPNP/NAT-PMP, to disable them you just need to click them once, then click apply and then OK.
In general, I wouldn't use Tor for torrents, as it's horribly slow, plus torrent clients are prone to leaking info even when properly configured to use Tor. You're better off getting Private Internet Access or TorGuard for three or four bucks a month.
I guess if you really wanted to do this, Whonix would be an option, as 100% of traffic would be funneled through Tor. But again, I would go for the VPN option.

Trying to setup Linux Service in IBM Tivoli Identity Manager (ITIM)

I am currently trying to setup a Linux service with IBM Tivoli Identity Manager (IBM Security Identity Manager) a.k.a. ITIM, to a Linux development server where I work and have had some issues. All our Linux servers use ssh to connect. Our eventual goal is to implement single sign on across our networks using Identity Manager.
In the ITIM web interface, I chose the option MANAGE SERVICES and was displayed a page like the following, where I click the CREATE button to create a new service:
Then I am next shown a page where I choose the kind of service I want to make, in this page I choose the POSIX LINUX option because I want to connect to a Linux Server.
Then on the next page, I am entering the information for my Linux server that I want to connect to, the domain name for the server is, a server for development work.
Note on this page there is a field titled TIVOLI DIRECTORY INTEGRATOR (TDI) where there is default information for the TDI installation, in my case, TDI is installed on the same server as ITIM is installed, so the localhost domain name should be fine. However when I check the server using netstat command there is nothing running on that port, 16231, so I looked up the instructions for starting the TDIDispatcher on google and was told to run the following command, /etc/init.d/ITIMAd restart at the command line and that appeared to run successfully, however still nothing running on port 16231 on the server.
Since our servers use SSH I was required by ITIM to setup key based authentication, I did setup a key and passphrase on this Linux server using ssh, and entered the data on the next screen of ITIM which looks like the following, but as you can see an error is generated when I choose the TEST CONNECTION button:
I checked the logs and there is no info in the logs for these errors, I am not sure where to move next in trying to solve this issue, i suspect it may be related to the fact that the TDI Dispatcher does not appear to be running on port 16231.
Apart from what Matt said (the link especially is useful), the var/ibm/tivoli/common/TDI logs should tell you what the problem with TDI is when you start it up - if there's a problem.
The port number where it's listening ought to be mentioned somewhere in those logs.
Unless there was an upgrade or multiple attempts to configure the RMI dispatcher I don't see why the port shouldn't be 16231 or 1099.
TDI is probably running on a different port. You didn't specify if TDI is running on Windows or Linux, so my answer is assumes Linux since that is what I am most familiar with.
You can find your port # by looking in the file in your TDI/timsol directory. It should be listed as api.remote.naming.port.
TDI runs on the default port 1099. Once you start TDI (service ITIMAd start, or however you start it on your system) use ps auxw | grep -i rmi (or something similar) to find the process. Then use netstat -anp | grep PID where PID is the process ID of the TDI RMI process. You should see immediately what port it is listening on. I am not where I have access to a TDI server right now to get you exact commands, but you should get the idea.
Here is a good article for ISIM 6 (should be the same for ITIM 5.1 on TDI 7) on changing the port # for the RMI:
If you are experiencing error CTGIMT600E and you have multiple network interfaces on TDI 6 or lower, you may need to specify your server IP (or hostname) as a java property so the TDI RMI binds on the correct interface. Edit <tdi_home>/ibmdisrv and insert -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=<yourhost>. For more infomration refer to this article:
If you are still having issues, watch your ITIM msg.log and trace.log when you test the connection and look for clues. Also look at the TDI ibmdi.log which will be located under your TDI directory. That may also help you out.

Running shell commands remotely on multiple servers?

I need to run shell commands on several servers. Is there a secure way to do this? Right now im thinking of exposing a php url that allows me to send pure script commands and let the web server spit out a json response. But this is a lot of work and doesnt sound like it will be very secure.
I want to run commands like "ping", "whois" and other network commands. Its about seeing connectivity between different servers. I.e. Server in germany can talk to the server in the us, etc
Use ssh. Read a good ssh tutorial. You want to use it with a public key (to avoid typing passwords).
Of course, you need to have an SSH server process running on the remote server machines.
