.htaccess rewrite to add query parameter - .htaccess

I need to modify all requests bearing the form
http://example.com/dw2/dokuwiki/doku.php/page to
The page bit is variable - it corresponds to each paage in the wiki. I should mention that given the way dokuwiki syntax works page could contain one or more colons. e.g. glossary:archive.
The intent here is to extract the bare page content (shorn of the header, sidebar etc) of the wiki for distribution via a CDN. This does not give a complete solution since dokuwiki still leaves in a lot of unrequired verbiage in the exported markup file but gets me most of the way there. I'd much appreciate any help with this.

Place this rule as your very first rule in /dw2/dokuwiki/.htaccess:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /dw2/dokuwiki/
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^$
RewriteRule ^(doku\.php/[^/]+)/?$ $1?do=export_xhtml [L,NC,QSA,R,NE]


htaccess redirect if the url does not contain a specific character

I'm moving the site to a subdomain and need certain tag strings to go to the subdomain and some to remain on the main site. Problem is both have a similar tag system.
I need this type of request
to go here:
but this type of request
to remain unchanged and parsed to content without redirecting.
What would be the most recommended and best solution?
I have written some code to work around other redirects but this one is causing me a headache.
For your this mentioned example, below should work.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(.+)/(.+)
RewriteRule ^ https://sub.site.co.uk/%1/%2 [R]

Renaming and redirecting pages fails in htaccess

I am sorry to ask this question, because the answer seemingly is so easy. However, after three hours of trial and error I am without a clue.
I have several pages on a website using parameters in the url. I would like to change that, to a more regular url. Example:
domain.com/pag.php?id=1-awesome-page should become domain.com/awesome-page
So far so good, but so far I have three problems.
1. The old page still is accessible, Google will index it as duplicated content. When I try to redirect it, I am getting infinite loop errors.
2. For whatever reason, sometimes SOME images (straight from the content) get stripped off on the newly named page. I tried playing with a base-url and renaming the images and urls, but nothing so far.
3. Also the redirect doesn't care if i'd enter id=1-awesome-page or id=2-worthless-page. It all redirects to the first one.
Among the things i've tried.
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} id=1-awesome-page
RewriteRule ^pag\.php$ /awesome-page? [L,R=301]
RewriteRule ^awesome-page?$ pag\.php?id=1 [NC]
What you want to do cannot really be done with mod_rewrite, unless you want to make a rule for every page, which will probably slow your site down quite a lot. This is, because you can't summon the 1 in 1-awesome-page out of thin air, and your pag.php page doesn't seem to be able to load the page only based on it's seo name. If you need to use that number, you need to have that number somewhere in your url.
As for your questions:
The error you mention cannot be reproduced with the current iteration of your .htaccess. You likely had an infinite loop previously, and since you use R=301 to test, the browser will cache this redirect and only request the second resource afterwards when you request the first resource. You should test with [R,L] and only change to [R=301,L] when everything works as expected. Not doing so will cause weird behaviour, and behaviour you do not expect with your .htaccess.
When you have an url a and an url b, and want to redirect a to b, and want to internally rewrite b to a, you need to make sure that any given time not both rules can be matched. You can either use the %{THE_REQUEST} trick or use the END flag. Both are outlined in this answer.
If you have a problem with resources on a page not loading after making a fancy url, you likely used relative url's. This question outlines the possibilities on how to resolve this. You can either make the url's absolute or relative to the root of your site, or use <base href="/">.
The following would work for /pag.php?id=123-news-page and /news/123/news-page.
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} pag\.php\?.*id=([^-]+)-([^&\s]+)
RewriteRule ^pag\.php$ /news/%1/%2? [L,R]
RewriteRule ^news/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/?$ pag.php?id=$1-$2 [L]

redirect old wordpress ?page_id= to non-wordpress site

I used to have a WP site that I converted to a standard html site. Problem is I found doing a google search that instead of http://www.genealogyinc.com it was returning http://www.genealogyinc.com/?page_id=21, I dont know how many pages are like this but am trying to find a htaccess workaround, all the ones I found online give me 500 server errors.
Need a rewrite for any ?page_id= cause I dont know how many other numbers are out there.
Off the top of my head, without testing, it would be something like this.
The first line looks for the page_id querystring parameter, and if it meets it, it should pass on to the second line. The rewrite rule I have below may need some tweaking, but I hope this helps you.
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} page_id=(.*)$
RewriteRule $ /? [R=301,L]

.htaccess and seo friendly search query string

I am really new to .htaccess. I was wondering how to create a complex seo friendly urls for the search string and selected filters.
I'm using following code currently for the search.
ReWriteRule ^search/(.*)/(.*) ?module=search&q=$1&page=$2 [L]
ReWriteRule ^search/(.*) ?module=search&q=$1 [L]
When it comes to adding filter options it starts to be a nightmare. Consider following filters;
Short by: none, name, date + ASC, DESC.
Category: none, category ID.
Search In: All, title, Message, Author.
When all filters are selected our address would be;
Raw :
Seo Friendly : www.site.com/search/test/name_ASC/1/title/
Now that's not complex at all but I just want to understand the how things work.
Do I have to apply all the filters to URL even if they are not selected? This would create longer URLs for no reason so I believe there must be another approach to this.
How do I define the rule in .htaccess? As in my example, I am writing at least 2 rules in my .htaccess file (2nd one is for pagination).
All I could think right now to do something like this ^search/(.*)/(.*) ?module=search&$1=$2 [L] but this doesn't look elegant.
I will be glad if you could help me out with this problem. I will be grateful if you could also share some of your experiences to a .htaccess newbie like I am.
Put the rules below at the top of your .htaccess file (in the root directory of your site) and then select one of the options below, modify it to your needs and place in after in your .htaccess file.
The first option will match the most urls and is not recommended. The second will only match urls with 5 directories, but requires all the paramters, so I recommend the 3rd.
Though the pattern below may not look elegant, it is a featured solution in The Definitive Guide to Apache mod_rewrite
For more details look at the apache docs or some examples or this post
In all cases, I am assuming that the requests go to index.php, so you should modify this to match the actual page.
This section should go at top of .htaccess file for all 3 options
#for all 3 options these 2 lines should be at the top of the .htaccess file
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
#1 if all parameters are optional, and you page (index.php) can handle blank parameters use
RewriteRule ^([^/]*)/?([^/]*)/?([^/]*)/?([^/]*)/?([^/]*)/$ index.php?module=$1&q=$2&shortBy=$3&catID=$4&searchIn=$5 [L]
#2 if all parameters are required use
RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)?([^/]+)/([^/]+)/$ index.php?module=$1&q=$2&shortBy=$3&catID=$4&searchIn=$5 [L]
#3 if the module is required and other parameters are optional, then this is better
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/(search|produce_detail|other_modules_here)/
RewriteRule ^([^/]*)/?([^/]*)/?([^/]*)/?([^/]*)/$ index.php?module=%1&q=$1&shortBy=$2&catID=$3&searchIn=$4 [L]

url rewriting an id with a string variable

trying to figure out how to rewrite this url clientside
to point serverside to
i know how to do this:
RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/?$ post.php?id=$1 [NC,L]
but how do you replace the id string with the post title slug?
The webserver itself doesn't make this distinction and cannot translate from your "unique text identifier" to the database id. Therefore a .htaccess rule alone evaluated by the webserver will not help you. But how is it done on all those web-applications? Normally this translation is done by Joomla/Wordpress itself and it only works as long the "how_to_get_the_ladies" text is known and unique throughout the system/database.
you can add rule that go to index file like :
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?url=$1
and in this file according to the title you can show the post that request
I solved a similar problem recently. I would suggest looking into the RewriteMap directive and using an 'External Rewriting Program'.
There are some big limitations with RewriteRule in terms of maintainability and robustness. If you haven't gotten there yet you may eventually. Only simple rewriting rules can be written safely.
With a rewriteMap you can create a php or perl script, take advantage of your existing code base, and perform all the rewriting rules from a localized place in your code which easily sits in version control.
I believe you need access to the httpd.conf (or vhost) configuration file though, RewriteMaps (or some related directive) cannot be put in .htaccess files.
