redirect old wordpress ?page_id= to non-wordpress site - .htaccess

I used to have a WP site that I converted to a standard html site. Problem is I found doing a google search that instead of it was returning, I dont know how many pages are like this but am trying to find a htaccess workaround, all the ones I found online give me 500 server errors.
Need a rewrite for any ?page_id= cause I dont know how many other numbers are out there.

Off the top of my head, without testing, it would be something like this.
The first line looks for the page_id querystring parameter, and if it meets it, it should pass on to the second line. The rewrite rule I have below may need some tweaking, but I hope this helps you.
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} page_id=(.*)$
RewriteRule $ /? [R=301,L]


Redirect dynamic url to new dynamic URL which is also prettified in htaccess

I have a website which has dynamic URLs and they're not currently prettified. I have re-worked the site and included pretty URLs, but the real dynamic folder structure/filename has also changed.
To better explain, the current dynamic URLs look like
The new dynamic url for the same page is
I use the following:
RewriteRule ^shows/(199[5-9]|200[0-9]|20[0-1][0-7])/?$ /shows/show-list.php?year=$1 [L]
To enable the use of pretty URLS like
So what I'm trying to do is if anyone followed a link of the original dynamic URL, they'll end up on the new clean URL. So far I've just got
RewriteRule ^liveguide/year.php /shows/show-list.php [R=301,L]
Which redirects to the correct page, but you're left with the ugly URL in the address bar. How could I do it so that the new, pretty URL is in the address bar?
Ie someone visits
They end up on, and see in their address bar
You just need to match the query string, which is in a separate variable, and used in a RewriteCond, which capture to %1, %2 etc. Like this:
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^year=(\d{4})$
RewriteRule ^liveguide/year\.php$ /shows/%1? [R=301,L]
While we are here, do you really need to only match just those exact years? Would it matter if /shows/1234 also got rewritten? Probably not, you can just return a 404 from your PHP, so a simpler rule would be ok, like the above just saying any four numbers. It will also work for future years without changing it.
RewriteRule ^shows/(\d{4})/?$ /shows/show-list.php?year=$1 [L]
The goal is usually not to match exactly what you want, and only that, but rather to ensure nothing else (other parts of the site) will be matched that shouldn't be. Simpler rules are easier to maintain and review later. Your script must already be able to handle bad data anyway, so just let it handle the detailed checking without duplicating it unnecessarily.
Hope this helps.

Having issue with query string htaccess redirect

Tried looking via search but I couldn't find a match for this particular issue.
Needing to redirect /games/ps3/?page=2 to /ps3/games/2/. All of the approaches I've tried so far won't remove the query string and grab the page value to pass into my new URL.
A little bit new to these types of redirects as I don't work with them often, so I'm guessing it might be a RedirectRule-type approach but I'm not sure.
(Note that due to how the URLs work with other pages on the site I'm having to create the rule for each platform, i.e. I need have a separate rule for both ps3 and xbox-360. So the only variable here is the page number.)
I was thinking it might work something like
RewriteRule ^games/ps3/?page=(.*)$ /ps3/games/$1/? [L,R=301]
But I think the first ? is causing the rule to fail since the second part uses it. I tried looking online to see how to resolve that possible issue but I couldn't find anything.
Ended up messing around with the rules and got this to solve the issue:
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^page=(.+)$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^games/ps3/$ /ps3/games/%1/? [L,R=301]

htaccess 301 redirect Find and Replace

I have a website which refers to to various Indian cities. Code makes links from an external source, which may name a city as Calcutta, calcuta, Kolkata, etc.
I need a htaccess 301 redirect rule which, given all the misspellings would redirect the following the known good spelling (Kolkata):
Calcutta-to-Delhi.html to Kolkata-to-Delhi.html
and also
Calcuta-Airport.html to Kolkata-Airport.html
What you're asking for is not simple and need you to have a powerful computer, but the results are simply amazing.
Here's what I'd suggest to do:
You have to test if your expression matches in the URL / i.e.
If yes and there's no file, redirect to a Php file that handles everything.
In this Php file, analyze the URL (once again): if your expression matches /(expr1)-to-(expr2)/ then do a SOUNDEX search with MySQL (in your Php file). See query sample here.
Then, in this "special" 404 case, do a suggestion, like google does, i.e.: "did you mean Kolkata-to-Delhi.html? if so, click on the link".
This a hard work, but it's both interesting and shows your skill. Very few websites do this (I just know google actually).
Maybe you can try something like this:
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^calcutta\.com\.au$ [nocase, ornext]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.calcutta\.com\.au$ [nocase]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ [nocase,L,R=301,O]
Notice the "[nocase]" which ignores case. This will only redirect from "calcutta" to "kolkata" and not from "calcuta" or "Kolkata" (notice the missing 't' in calcuta and uppercase 'K' in Kolkata).
You will need to add two more rules following the same pattern of code as above.

How to redirect an erroneous URL

I just noticed that sometimes (even when given a wrong url) load perfectly fine. How do they accomplish this? What I mean is, suppose you click on a link that seems good like but it contains in the end a space character which would appear on the address bar as some sites manage to redirect this to their correct url while others just break. How can this be achieved? I'm guessing it's something to do with the .htaccess but I have no idea what to do or where to do it.
The URL I'd like to redirect looks like this actually:
I get the following error message:
The requested URL /%C2%A0 was not found on this server.
How can I make this redirection?
So far I came up with:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]+\ /[^%?\ ]*\%
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ [R=301,L]
but it's not working at all
URL Rewrite would be the IIS version that may exist in other forms if you want to look at re-writing the URL assuming you mean this kind of case.
Don't forget that browsers may make certain guesses about what someone enters so that if someone types in " " that the browser may trim white space by default rather than URL encode the text. If "" fails then it may try "" for another idea as these could be seen as simple interpretations to take on what someone types in. If both fail then it may just Google the text believing that the address bar should be treated like a search box.

.htaccess redirect/rewrite help needed

I am writing htacess redirect rule but it is not working properly I have tried many solutions but simply it is not working.
What I want to do is to
I have url I want this url to be executed and show appropriate page but in browser it should show And what is important is I only want to right this rule for this page only and it should not effect to other pages.
Thank you.
RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/$ /cms/index.php?filename=$1 [L,QSA]
The L at the end says it is the last rule (stop processing) and QSA means 'Query String Append', so if someone puts other parameters after it, such as:
The GET value for order will be passed also - without it it'll just quietly drop it.
Something like this ought to work:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^$
...should work.
Have a look at a tutorial with some examples if you're interested in seeing what else you can do.
