GPUImageHistogramFilter with GPUImageFilterPipeline - gpuimage

I am using GPUImage in my photo app to make some image filter options. In the app, there is an option to add multiple filters while capture an image, so to handle multiple filters, I have used GPUImageFilterPipeline. Every filter effect, those I have added, works well on pipeline except GPUImageHistogramFilter. I know that GPUImageHistogramFilter need more steps when compare to other filters(as mentioned here). But this is not working on pipeline. How to make histogram with GPUImageFilterPipeline?

A GPUImageHistogramFilter doesn't operate like a normal filter, and you can't use its output directly. It sends out a 3x256 texture containing the RGB channel histogram, but you need some way of parsing that for display. You won't be able to set that up in a GPUImageFilterPipeline construct.
Instead, you'll want to set up your filter pipeline manually, following the example provided in the FilterShowcase sample application (or my steps in the answer you link above). I use a histogram generator to create the overlay you see in the example there, and there's no easy way to set that up with a GPUImageFilterPipeline.
Also, I'd personally recommend not using the GPUImageFilterPipeline, since I don't maintain that class. It was contributed by a couple of other people, but I don't use it for anything myself and it has a tendency to break. I'd instead just create your filter chain yourself or place things within a GPUImageFilterGroup if you need to organize filter subunits.


nested collapsible container in drawio?

I'm wondering if it's possible to nest collapsible containers? In the picture below I have a container containing various lists of text organised in "sections"; it'd be great to be able to collapse the sections individually as well.
Related query, since I'm creating those boxes programmatically – is it possible to create the text content programmatically and not need to position them with absolute y positions? With the user interface I can just add a new text box and it automatically stacks below the current one, and the container expands. If I create those with a script it seems I need to provide the y positions and sizes myself.
you could try adding a new container for every section (as shown in the attachment) and check if it suits your needs. I created a simple test diagram, it could be improved visually.
nested containers

Using ContainerList with ImageDownloadService

I was referring to this code here. This suffices my need but I need to display the contents in 2 columns instead of 1. Hence, I thought of using a ContainerList with grid layout. The problem here is that the boolean initListModel(List cmp) is not getting called for the containerList.
I also tried to dynamically add the ContainerList but am having problems while using it with ImageDownloadService, the way it was used in case of List. It would be great if anyone could provide me with any sample code to get along

Which tools to build a complete interactive mapping application/web application?

I want too build a web application, and I am looking at the tools I will have to use.
I want to use a real time map
I'm a thinking about :
Tilemill to get .png in order to constitue the background of my maps
or get data from a webite in shp files to build layers for this in mapnik.
Mapnik Build layers with the data I want to add on my map.
Mapnik : Put layers together and generate a map.
TileStache : generate tiles for my application.
Openlayers : Display my map with tiles in a browser.
Once my map is displayed, I'd like to add interactivity. For example when you go over a line or a circle (a town/ an event), then it gives you the attributes of this object.
But the lines and circles will integrated dirctly to the mapnik map, so I need to add some javascript to make it dynamic and open a pop-up. How do I do this ? Using Openlayer javascript libraries or node.js.
What is your advice on the question/the way I want to use theese tools?
Thanks a lot!
I'm in a similar situation, so I don't know the answer, but from what I've been able to figure out I think you're on the right track.
I started off using the Mapbox approach, which simplifies things as long as your data is static. You use Tilemill not only to generate your PNG tiles (once you've used Carto to do some nice styling) but also to import your data sets.
TileMill can export your TileJSON and UTFGrid files with the PNG tiles all packaged up and ready to use. Mapbox will then host all that stuff for you, and you can use their mapbox.js library (an extension of Leaflet) to bring it all together in the browser, with full interactivity. Opening popups would be something you'd do in Javascript in the browser - and if you mean infoWindows (the overlay window that's associated with a map point) then that would be a call to the Leaflet API.
If you're happy to create your layers and import your data offline this approach seems to be really simple and powerful; Mapbox will even render out tiles using multiple layers overlaid - so for example you can see your circles on top of a satellite image, merged into a single PNG.
The problem really comes in when your data needs to be live and you can't therefore prepare it all ahead of time in TileMill. I'm still trying to figure this all out but it does seem as though a combination of TileStache and Mapnik would be able to serve you up the TileJSON, GeoJSON and UTFGrid files you'd need as well as the tiles themselves, in the way you've outlined in the question.
You might also want PostGIS and GeoDjango or similar behind the scenes in order to hold and manage your live data, respectively.
As I said, I'm still trying to actually get my full stack working so I can't vouch for this 100% but if your data is gathered upfront then I'd definitely recommend the TileMill route for simplicity's sake.
I hope that's a help!

How (if possible) can this SAP Smartforms template be drawn?

Is it possible to split a template like below image?
If it is, may I get some instructions on how to do it please? I've only managed to create the 3 frames in a configuration that is basically rotated with 90 (or 270) degrees from this one.
No, this is not possible. Check the online documentation:
[...] to create a template like the one below, you cannot use the template concept of Smart Forms: [...] The cells of the colored part cover several lines. [...]
The linked article also contains an example on how to split the contents into separate windows.

Susy: different order of blocks for different breakpoints?

I would like the header of my site to look like this:
[_1_] [____2____] [_3_]
On smaller screens, i would like it to adapt like this:
[_1_] [_3_]
That can easily be achieved with ZenGrids, but i fail to come up with a solution for Susy.
How can i achieve that using Susy's at-breakpoint?
This should be possible with source order 2-1-3, and then using push/pull to move columns into place. You can also use the columns(), gutter(), and space() functions to manipulate margins by hand - which would allow you to recreate the Zen approach fairly easily.
