sklearn: vectorizing in cross validation for text classification - scikit-learn

I have a question about using cross validation in text classification in sklearn. It is problematic to vectorize all data before cross validation, because the classifier would have "seen" the vocabulary occurred in the test data. Weka has filtered classifier to solve this problem. What is the sklearn equivalent for this function? I mean for each fold, the feature set would be different because the training data are different.

The scikit-learn solution to this problem is to cross-validate a Pipeline of estimators, e.g.:
>>> from sklearn.cross_validation import cross_val_score
>>> from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
>>> from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
>>> from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
>>> clf = Pipeline([('vect', TfidfVectorizer()), ('svm', LinearSVC())])
clf is now a composite estimator that does feature extraction and SVM model fitting. Given a list of documents (i.e. an ordinary Python list of string) documents and their labels y, calling
>>> cross_val_score(clf, documents, y)
will do feature extraction in each fold separately so that each of the SVMs knows only the vocabulary of its (k-1) folds training set.


Does K-Fold iteratively train a model

If you run cross-val_score() or cross_validate() on a dataset, is the estimator trained using all the folds at the end of the run?
I read somewhere that cross-val_score takes a copy of the estimator. Whereas I thought this was how you train a model using k-fold.
Or, at the end of the cross_validate() or cross_val_score() you have a single estimator and then use that for predict()
Is my thinking correct?
You can refer to sklearn-document here.
If you do 3-Fold cross validation,
the sklearn will split your dataset to 3 parts. (For example, the 1st part contains 1st-3rd rows, 2nd part contains 4th-6th rows, and so on)
sklearn iterate to train new model 3 times with different training set and validation set
In the first round, it combine 1st and 2nd part together and use it as training set and test the model with 3rd part.
In the second round, it combine 1st and 3rd part together and use it as training set and test the model with 2nd part.
and so on.
So, after using cross-validate, you will get three models. If you want the model objects of each round, you can add parameter return_estimato=True. The result which is the dictionary will have another key named estimator containing the list of estimator of each training.
from sklearn import datasets, linear_model
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_validate
from sklearn.metrics import make_scorer
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
diabetes = datasets.load_diabetes()
X =[:150]
y =[:150]
lasso = linear_model.Lasso()
cv_results = cross_validate(lasso, X, y, cv=3, return_estimator=True)
#Output: ['estimator', 'fit_time', 'score_time', 'test_score']
#Output: [Lasso(), Lasso(), Lasso()]
However, in practice, the cross validation method is used only for testing the model. After you found the good model and parameter setting that give you the high cross-validation score. It will be better if you fit the model with the whole training set again and test the model with the testing set.

is it possible to set the splitting strategy for GridSearchCv?

I'm optimizing model's hyperparameters by GridSearchCv. And because the data I'm working with is very imbalanced, I need to "choose" the manner that the algortihm splits the train/test sets in order to ensure that the underrepresented points are in both sets.
By reading scikit-learn's documentation, I have the idea that it's possible to set the splitting strategy for GridSearch but I'm not sure how or if this is the case.
I would be very grateful if someone could help me with this.
Yes, pass in the GridSearchCV as cv a StratifiedKFold object.
from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold
from sklearn import svm, datasets
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
iris = datasets.load_iris()
parameters = {'kernel':('linear', 'rbf'), 'C':[1, 10]}
svc = svm.SVC()
skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5)
clf = GridSearchCV(svc, parameters, cv = skf),
By default, if you are training a classification model with GridSearchCV, the default method for splitting the dataset is StratifiedKFold, that takes care of balancing the dataset according to the target variable.
If your dataset is imbalanced for some other reason (not the target variable), you can choose another criteria to perform the split. Carefully read the documentation of GridSearchCV, and select an appropriate CV splitter.
In the scikit-learn documentation of model selection, there are many Splitter Classes that you could use. Or you can define your own splitter class according to your criteria, but it would be more difficult.

scikit learn: learning curve without information leak?

I would like to generate a learning curve for an LinearSVC estimator that is using countVectorizer to extract the features. The countVectorizer is also applying some feature selection step.
I could do the following:
fit the vectorizer on all data, including selection of top N features
use these features in fitting the linearSVC
use the linearSVC as the estimator in sklearn.model_selection.learning_curve()
But I think that it will result in information leak: information based on all data will be used to select features for the smaller sets used in the learning curve.
Is this correct?
Is there a way to use the built-in sklearn.model_selection.learning_curve() with countVectorizer without information leak?
Thank you!
You need to use a pipeline in conjunction with the learning_curve.
The pipeline will call fit_transform of the transformer when training and only transform when testing. The learning_curve will also apply cross-validation which can be controlled by the parameter cv.
With this pipeline, there is no leak of information. Here, is an example using an integrated toy library in scikit-learn.
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfTransformer
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from sklearn.model_selection import learning_curve
categories = [
# Uncomment the following to do the analysis on all the categories
#categories = None
data = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='train', categories=categories)
pipeline = make_pipeline(
CountVectorizer(), TfidfTransformer(), LinearSVC()
learning_curve(pipeline,,, cv=5)

to Find out accuracy of a model in Python using decision tree

I am very new in Python, So I was trying to run the below code and I want to find accuracy but this program is not displaying accuracy nor any error.
I have tried again and again but its still not displaying. I use jupyter notebook. I am using two datasets(csv) in this program.
def DecisionTree():
from sklearn import tree
clf3 = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier() # empty model of the decision tree
clf3 =,y)
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
print(accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred))
print(accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred,normalize=False))
You can simply use:
print(clf3.score(X_test, y_test))

Use gensim Random Projection in sklearn SVM

Is it possible to use a gensim Random Projection to train a SVM in sklearn?
I need to use gensim's tfidf implementation because it's better at dealing with large inputs and then want to put that into a random projection on which I will train my SVM. I'd also be happy to just pass the tfidf model generated by gensim to sklearn and use their random projection, if that makes things easier.
But so far I haven't found a way to get either model out of gensim into sklearn.
I have tried using gensim.matutils.corpus2cscbut of course that doesn't work: neither TfidfModel nor RpModel are corpi, so now I'm clueless at what to try next.
This is now very easy thanks to an awesome gensim contribution from Chinmaya Pancholi (see post here).
Simply import the sklearn wrapper from `gensim:
from gensim.sklearn_api import RpTransformer
Then, you can use the model to do analysis as you would any other sklearn classifier:
model = RpTransformer(num_topics=2)
clf = svm.SVC()
pipe = Pipeline([('features', model,), ('classifier', clf)]), y_train)
One thing to be aware of, when using the gensim models, is that you still need to perform the dictionary and corpus steps. So instead of fitting your model on X_train, you'll have to do something along the following lines:
dictionary = Dictionary(X_train)
corpus_train = [dictionary.doc2bow(text) for text in X_train]
corpus_test = [dictionary.doc2bow(text) for text in X_test]
Then fit/predict your model on corpus_train or corpus_test.
