Azure multiple subscriptions network - azure

I'm currently stuck with designing my Azure environments.
What i would like to have is multiple Azure subscriptions that work togheter in a private network with Active directory on the different subscriptions that are synced.
Imagine the following scenario:
I've got two developers, who each have an own Azure Subscription (free with msdn) on which they develop their software.
When they finished the code, they will do a checkin to a visualstudio online and a build server on a second azure subscription will build the code.
When everything is ok, the code will be deployed on a VM in a third subscription.
All this would need to work with synced active directory's and in a private network.
This means that if their is a website created in the thrid subscription, it would only be accesible from a VM in subscription 1 or 2
So as resume:
1 subscription for the developer to developer code (visual studio, AD, sql, ...)
1 subscription for building the code of the developer
1 subscription for collect all the code and test the software (AD, SQL, website, ...)
Only subscription 1 should be able to access VM's, websites, ... in subscription 2 or 3.
Could any of you advise how I should set up the Virtual network, VPN, ...? Or maybe is just not possible?
Thanks in advance!!

Today's Virtual Network feature does not let you span data center regions, subscriptions, etc. as far as I know, sorry!
I'm sure people are looking at what it would take to support this sort of scenario someday.

I'd recommend to look at Azure VNet-to-VNet VPN gateway. It works fine through different regions and Azure subscriptions.


2 subscriptions "Microsoft Azure" & "Pay-As-You-Go" when creating Azure App Service, which one to chose to host sharepoint remote event receiver

I want to deploy our SharePoint remote event receiver inside an Azure web app. but when i create a new web app i got 2 subscriptions ("Microsoft Azure" OR "Pay-As-You-Go"), as follow:-
So i am not sure what are the main differences between these 2 subscriptions?
second question; which one is more suitable for hosting SharePoint remote event receivers?
Pay as you go is just like it says, you pay for only the services that you use, based on the pricing for that service. More info here.
A subscription is as described here "a logical grouping of Azure services that is linked to an Azure account. A single Azure account can contain multiple subscriptions. Billing for Azure services is done on a per-subscription basis. For a list of the available subscription offers by type, see Microsoft Azure Offer Details"
You have two subscriptions set up. On is a pay as you go subscription, and one is another type, although I'm not sure what. There should be no difference which one you select from a technical standpoint. It is only a matter of how you want to be billed. Azure web apps have a free tier as well.
There is no technical difference between the two subscriptions. There might be a difference with regards to support levels or service level agreements (SLAs), e.g. if one of them is a Dev/Test subscription. There might be a difference in "purpose" - one might be exclusively for "production use cases", while the other might be for testing. There is no way for us to know.
You really should ask the person responsible for the Azure subscriptions on which one you should use. If you set them up yourself, you take a more detailed look at the subscriptions themselves.

how to export/move my Azure Machine Learning Workspace to different subscription?

I am using azure machine learning services. I have created an experiment and deployed as a webservice on Azure Machine Learning Workspace.
My problem Is my subscription has expired and now I want to export/move my Azure Machine Learning Workspace to different subscription so I can reuse its all content(model, experiment etc.) without losing.
How can I save my all important work and export or move Azure Machine Learning Workspace with all working functionalities in different subscription?
Thank you
The following document demonstrates how to migrate Azure resources across subscriptions. You should be able to migrate your workspace as indicated here.
As highlighted in the document above, if the tenant IDs for the source and destination subscriptions aren't the same, use the following methods to reconcile the tenant IDs:
Transfer ownership of an Azure subscription to another account
How to associate or add an Azure subscription to Azure Active Directory
The source and destination subscriptions must be active. If you have trouble enabling an account that has been disabled, create an Azure support request. Select Subscription Management for the issue type.
This document says that moving an AML workspace is currently not supported:
In this doc referenced in a previous answer, .MachineLearning refers to the classic ML studio. You should be looking for .MachineLearningServices which refers to the new AML studio which clearly states that moving between resource groups or subscriptions is not supported.
I'm looking to do this myself but I haven't found a complete solution.

Publish WebApp to Azure MarketPlace

My company has a direction to create web app to be published and sold on Azure Marketplace.
After reading up on the topic on, I am confused that what is actually the right way to achieve what we want to do above.
Do we need to create a VM as a container for our webapp so that it can be sold on Market Place? In this method, are subscribers creating their own VM service from the image we publish? I wonder how are updates/fixes being pushed out to every subscriber.
I then came across AppSource. In this way, are we creating/hosting the app in our azure app service, and users are authorized into the app through AAD (it looks like we have to use AAD authentication?)? Are we able to segregate user data by say, organizations?
I really appreciate if someone can shed some light on this.
For point 1, you could look at this question: Publishing a web application on Azure
i think what you are looking for is the "solution template". it took me a while to get it, but if you look at the docs there is a comparison between "Virtual machine" and "Solution template".
From the docs:
VM example:
As an Azure publisher, you've created and validated a VM with an innovative database service. Other Azure subscribers want to procure and deploy this VM into their cloud service environments.
Solution template example
As an Azure publisher, you've bundled a set of services from across Azure that make it quick to deploy cloud services with load balancing, enhanced security, and high availability. Other Azure subscribers can save time by procuring the solution template that meets their objective. They don't have to manually locate, procure, deploy, and configure the same or similar Azure services.

Azure subscription access between multiple subscription

I need help with some azure questions, sorry I new to azure
If under one agreement I have multiple subscriptions broken out into the following
Can services in either "production-client-a" or "production-client-b" subscriptions access services in the "infrastructure-main", this would be like active directory / chef server / octopus deploy servers,etc
If this is possible, can you then control what networks have access to certain services in different subscriptions?
for example:
production-client-a subscription hosts (access to ports 80 + 443) to infrastructure-main subscription chef-server
How would you go about setting this up ?
Hope this makes sense
I believe no, not directly. If these are PaaS services that can be used with some endpoints or connection strings, then yes. If you want to access resources from the subscription1 from subscription2 in like... one namespace or just select "subscription1 resource" from the subscription2 dashboard, then no.
If you want to put your Chef master in one subscription and add slaves from different subscriptions, there should not be a problem.

In Azure, is it possible to move an existing set of hosted sites to another subscription?

On Azure, I am currently using my "3-month Free Trial" subscription, and just recently I got access to a "Windows Azure MSDN - Visual Studio Ultimate" subscription.
Is it possible to move an existing set of hosted sites to another subscription using the Portal?
Obviously I could just re-publish the sites using Visual Studio, but I'm wondering if there is a way to do this in the GUI?
There is no way you can accomplish in the Portal interface. You do have an option to request Windows Azure Billing Team and request them move all of your currently configured and running services from one Subscription to other subscription, the key is "all".
IF you want to move one specific service from one subscription to another then the available option is to deploy directly to other subscription.
I did do this once. I had to contact their billing team and after a couple of days of back and forth between them it was taking too long so I just did it manually, redeploying the sites to the new subscription. This may not be possible if you have many sites. I did a backup and restore of the SQL Azure database.
I am battling with azure support right now on trying to do the same thing. From what I can tell your best bet is creating the services on your MSDN subscription and redeploying.
I don't know a way to do this from the portal but I do recommend using Windows Azure PowerShell which has the ability to manage multiple subscriptions and in your case you can just do this cmdlet to copy a service into another subscription:
Publish-AzureServiceProject -sn MyNewSubscriptionName
