standard error of addition, subtraction, multiplication and ratio - statistics

Let's say, I have two random variables,x and y, both of them have n observations. I've used a forecasting method to estimate xn+1 and yn+1, and I also got the standard error for both xn+1 and yn+1. So my question is that what the formula would be if I want to know the standard error of xn+1 + yn+1, xn+1 - yn+1, (xn+1)*(yn+1) and (xn+1)/(yn+1), so that I can calculate the prediction interval for the 4 combinations. Any thought would be much appreciated. Thanks.

Well, the general topic you need to look at is called "change of variables" in mathematical statistics.
The density function for a sum of random variables is the convolution of the individual densities (but only if the variables are independent). Likewise for the difference. In special cases, that convolution is easy to find. For example, for Gaussian variables the density of the sum is also a Gaussian.
For product and quotient, there aren't any simple results, except in special cases. For those, you might as well compute the result directly, maybe by sampling or other numerical methods.
If your variables x and y are not independent, that complicates the situation. But even then, I think sampling is straightforward.


Cross-Correlation between 3d fields numerically

I have a two 3D variables for a each time step (so I have N 3d matrix var(Nx,Ny,Nz), for each variables). I want to construct the two point statistics but I guess I'm doing something wrong.
Two-point statistics formula, where x_r is the reference point and x is the independent variable
I know that the theoretical formulation of a two-point cross correlation is the one written above.
Let's for sake of simplicity ignore the normalization, so I'm focusing on the numerator, that is the part I'm struggling with.
So, my two variables are two 3D matrix, with the following notation phi(x,y,z) = phi(i,j,k), same for psi.
My aim is to compute a 3d correlation, so given a certain reference point Reference_Point = (xr,yr,zr), but I guess I'm doing something wrong. I'm trying that on MATLAB, but my results are not accurate, and by doing some researches online it does seem that I should do convolutions or fft, but I don't find any theoretical framework that explains how to do that and why the formulation above in practices should be implemented by the use of a conv or fft. Moreover I would like to implement my cross-correlation in the spatial domain and not in the frequency domain, and with the convolution I don't understand how to choose the reference point.
Thank you so much in advance for reply

Why is Standard Deviation the square of difference of an obsevation from the mean?

I am learning statistics, and have some basic yet core questions on SD:
s = sample size
n = total number of observations
xi = ith observation
μ = arithmetic mean of all observations
σ = the usual definition of SD, i.e. ((1/(n-1))*sum([(xi-μ)**2 for xi in s])**(1/2) in Python lingo
f = frequency of an observation value
I do understand that (1/n)*sum([xi-μ for xi in s]) would be useless (= 0), but would not (1/n)*sum([abs(xi-μ) for xi in s]) have been a measure of variation?
Why stop at power of 1 or 2? Would ((1/(n-1))*sum([abs((xi-μ)**3) for xi in s])**(1/3) or ((1/(n-1))*sum([(xi-μ)**4 for xi in s])**(1/4) and so on have made any sense?
My notion of squaring is that it 'amplifies' the measure of variation from the arithmetic mean while the simple absolute difference is somewhat a linear scale notionally. Would it not amplify it even more if I cubed it (and made absolute value of course) or quad it?
I do agree computationally cubes and quads would have been more expensive. But with the same argument, the absolute values would have been less expensive... So why squares?
Why is the Normal Distribution like it is, i.e. f = (1/(σ*math.sqrt(2*pi)))*e**((-1/2)*((xi-μ)/σ))?
What impact would it have on the normal distribution formula above if I calculated SD as described in (1) and (2) above?
Is it only a matter of our 'getting used to the squares', it could well have been linear, cubed or quad, and we would have trained our minds likewise?
(I may not have been 100% accurate in my number of opening and closing brackets above, but you will get the idea.)
So, if you are looking for an index of dispersion, you actually don't have to use the standard deviation. You can indeed report mean absolute deviation, the summary statistic you suggested. You merely need to be aware of how each summary statistic behaves, for example the SD assigns more weight to outlying variables. You should also consider how each one can be interpreted. For example, with a normal distribution, we know how much of the distribution lies between ±2SD from the mean. For some discussion of mean absolute deviation (and other measures of average absolute deviation, such as the median average deviation) and their uses see here.
Beyond its use as a measure of spread though, SD is related to variance and this is related to some of the other reasons it's popular, because the variance has some nice mathematical properties. A mathematician or statistician would be able to provide a more informed answer here, but squared difference is a smooth function and is differentiable everywhere, allowing one to analytically identify a minimum, which helps when fitting functions to data using least squares estimation. For more detail and for a comparison with least absolute deviations see here. Another major area where variance shines is that it can be easily decomposed and summed, which is useful for example in ANOVA and regression models generally. See here for a discussion.
As to your questions about raising to higher powers, they actually do have uses in statistics! In general, the mean (which is related to average absolute mean), the variance (related to standard deviation), skewness (related to the third power) and kurtosis (related to the fourth power) are all related to the moments of a distribution. Taking differences raised to those powers and standardizing them provides useful information about the shape of a distribution. The video I linked provides some easy intuition.
For some other answers and a larger discussion of why SD is so popular, See here.
Regarding the relationship of sigma and the normal distribution, sigma is simply a parameter that stretches the standard normal distribution, just like the mean changes its location. This is simply a result of the way the standard normal distribution (a normal distribution with mean=0 and SD=variance=1) is mathematically defined, and note that all normal distributions can be derived from the standard normal distribution. This answer illustrates this. Now, you can parameterize a normal distribution in other ways as well, but I believe you do need to provide sigma, whether using the SD or precisions. I don't think you can even parametrize a normal distribution using just the mean and the mean absolute difference. Now, a deeper question is why normal distributions are so incredibly useful in representing widely different phenomena and crop up everywhere. I think this is related to the Central Limit Theorem, but I do not understand the proofs of the theorem well enough to comment further.

Two Dimensional Curve Approximation

here is what I want to do (preferably with Matlab):
Basically I have several traces of cars driving on an intersection. Each one is noisy, so I want to take the mean over all measurements to get a better approximation of the real route. In other words, I am looking for a way to approximate the Curve, which has the smallest distence to all of the meassured traces (in a least-square sense).
At the first glance, this is quite similar what can be achieved with spap2 of the CurveFitting Toolbox (good example in section Least-Squares Approximation here).
But this algorithm has some major drawback: It assumes a function (with exactly one y(x) for every x), but what I want is a curve in 2d (which may have several y(x) for one x). This leads to problems when cars turn right or left with more then 90 degrees.
Futhermore it takes the vertical offsets and not the perpendicular offsets (according to the definition on wolfram).
Has anybody an idea how to solve this problem? I thought of using a B-Spline and change the number of knots and the degree until I reached a certain fitting quality, but I can't find a way to solve this problem analytically or with the functions provided by the CurveFitting Toolbox. Is there a way to solve this without numerical optimization?
mbeckish is right. In order to get sufficient flexibility in the curve shape, you must use a parametric curve representation (x(t), y(t)) instead of an explicit representation y(x). See Parametric equation.
Given n successive points on the curve, assign them their true time if you know it or just integers 0..n-1 if you don't. Then call spap2 twice with vectors T, X and T, Y instead of X, Y. Now for arbitrary t you get a point (x, y) on the curve.
This won't give you a true least squares solution, but should be good enough for your needs.

Occurrence prediction

I'd like to know what method is best suited for predicting event occurrences.
For example, given a set of data from 5 years of malaria infection occurrences and several other factors that affect the occurrences, I'd like to predict the next five years for malaria infection occurrences.
What I thought of doing was to derive a kind of occurrence factor using fuzzy logic rules, and then average the occurrences with the occurrence factor to get the first predicted occurrence, and then average all again with the predicted occurrence and keep on iterating for all five years, but I decided to seek for help online.
There are many ways to do forecasting, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. The science of determining the accuracy of a forecast often consists of trying to minimize error. All forecasting comes down to using the past as a predictor of the future, adjusting it by some amount. E.g. tomorrow the temperature will be the same as today, plus or minus some amount. How you decide the +/- is what varies.
Here are a range of techniques you might want to review:
Moving Averages (simple, single, double)
Exponential Smoothing
Decomposition(Trend + Seasonality + Cyclicals + Irregualrities)
Linear Regression
Multiple Regression
Box-Jenkis (a.k.a. ARIMA,
Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving
Sorry, for the vague answer but forecasting is complex stuff.
What you describe about feeding your predictions back into the model to produce future predictions is standard stuff. I don't know if "fuzzy logic" gets you anything in particular. As any forecasting instructor will tell you, sometimes you just squint and look at the data. Context is everything.
I would use a logit or probit model to predict occurrence given a set of exogenous circumstances. Not sure why you want to iterate. That would basically be equivalent to including a lag in the regression formula. You could do it, and as long as the coefficient was <1, you wouldn't have the explosion problem.
If you want to introduce an element of endogeneity to the independent variables, you could use a VAR.
I think with your idea as stated, you'll have asymptotic behavior as time goes by. Either your data will converge to 0, or it will explode. That said, you'd probably have to give some data and/or describe its properties before anyone can help you. This is basically a simulation, and the factors are everything when it comes to extrapolation.

Is linear regression the same thing as ordinary least squares in SPSS?

I want to use a linear regression model, but I want to use ordinary least squares, which I think it is a type of linear regression. The software I use is SPSS. It only has linear regression, partial least squares and 2-stages least squares. I have no idea which one is ordinary least squares (OLS).
Yes, although 'linear regression' refers to any approach to model the relationship between one or more variables, OLS is the method used to find the simple linear regression of a set of data.
Linear regression is a vast term that just says we are finding a relationship between the dependent and independent variable(s), no matter what technique we are using.
OLS is just one of the technique to do linear reg.
Lets say,
error(e) = (observed value - predicted value)
Observed values - blue dots in picture
predicted values - points on the line(vertically below to the observed values)
The vertical lines below represent 'e'. We square them -> add them and get total err. And we try to reduce this total error.
For OLS, as the name says (ordinary least squared method), here we reduce the sum of all e^2 i.e. we try to make the error least.
