Tell if specific char in string is a long char or a short char - string

Be prepared, this is one of those hard questions.
In Farsi or Persian language ی which sounds like y or i and is written in 4 different shapes according to it's place in word. I'll call ی as YA from now for simplification.
take a look at this image
All YA characters are painted in red, in the first word YA is attached to it's previous (right , in Farsi we right from RIGHT to LEFT) character and is free at the end whereas the last YA (3rd word, left-most red char) is free both from left or right.
Having said this long story, I want to find out if a part of a string ends with long YA (YA without points) or short YA (YA with two points beneath it).
i.e تحصیلداری (the 3rd word) ends with long YA but تحصیـ which is a part of 3rd word does not ends with short YA.
Question: How can I say تحصیلداری ends whit which unicode? I just have a simple string, "تحصیلداری", how can I convert its characters to unicode?
I tried the unicodes
string unicodes = "";
foreach (char c in "تحصیلداری")
unicodes += c+" "+((int)c).ToString() + Environment.NewLine;
result :
but at the end of the day unfortunately all YAs have the same unicode.
Bad news : YA was an example, a real one though. There are also a dozen of other characters like YA with different appearances too.
Additional info :
using this useful link about unicodes I found unicode of different YAs

We solved similar problem the way bellow:
We had a core banking application, the customer sub-system needed a full text search on customers name, family, father name etc.
Different encoding, legacy migrated data, keyboard layouts and Farsi fonts ... made search process inaccurate.
We overcame the problem by replacing problematic characters with some standard one and saving the standard string for search purpose.
After several iterations, the replacement is as bellow that may come in handy:
(REPLACE(FirsName || LastName || FatherName,
'أ', 'ا'),
'ئ', 'ي'),
'ي', 'ي'),
'ك', 'ک'),
' ا لله','اله'),
'ا لله','اله'),
' ا لله','اله'))"

Despite there are different YEHs in Unicode, it must noticed that all presentation forms of YEHs are same Unicode character with code 0x06cc. You can not determine presentation forms by their Unicode code.
But you can reach your goal be checking to see what characters is before or after YEH.
You can also use Fardis to see Unicode codes of strings.


Replacing "invisible" special characters with something legible

About twelve years ago, I wrote a small VB.NET application that loads strings from files. These strings may contain one or more of the following characters: à, è, é, ì, ò, ù, ä, ö. The application uses a special custom font (JazzText Extended) that does not have those special characters. Yet, I somehow managed to make the application display words correctly in that font, and twelve years later, I have no idea how - thanks for not leaving a line of comment, past me!
The program has the following routine:
Private Sub SetWord(ByVal word() As String)
Dim nword(3) As String
nword(0) = word(0)
nword(1) = word(1)
nword(2) = word(2)
For i As Integer = 0 To 2
nword(i) = nword(i).Replace("à", "")
nword(i) = nword(i).Replace("é", "")
nword(i) = nword(i).Replace("è", "")
nword(i) = nword(i).Replace("ì", "ê")
nword(i) = nword(i).Replace("ò", "")
nword(i) = nword(i).Replace("ù", "")
nword(i) = nword(i).Replace("ä", "")
nword(i) = nword(i).Replace("ö", "")
lblItaWord.Text = nword(0).ToUpper
lblEngWord.Text = nword(1).ToUpper
lblFinWord.Text = nword(2).ToUpper
End Sub
What it does is, it takes an array that contains three words, and for each of those three words, it looks if it contains any of the special characters. If it does, it replaces them with... something, makes the words all caps, and then assigns each of them to one of three labels.
In Visual Studio, the replacement characters look like empty strings. I had to put the cursor in between the quotation marks to realise that it was in fact not an empty string and there was an invisible character there. Here on SO... I'm not sure what you'll see. You might see just a square, or some other weird character. (The ê character is an exception, it seems to display in the same way everywhere.)
If you copypaste any of the invisible/square characters to Google and search for it, you'll get a different representation that uses two characters—for example, the first one translates to ‡. Using this pair in place of the invisible/square character in the Replace method does not produce the correct result. FYI, the encoding I use to read the files (the default one used by IO.StreamReader if you don't specify any encoding) works fine: if I use a more standard font, all special characters display correctly without using the SetWord sub at all.
Now, I have absolutely no idea how those characters, whatever they may be, manage to make the app display correctly the words when the font I use does not have those characters. I have no idea how I found out about this trick, either. Right now, my problem is that I would like to replace those squares/invisible characters with something intelligible, and I have no idea how. Any ideas?

Regex to find numbers that are not in a phrase

If I have e.g. this string:
Beschreibung Menge VK-Preis MwSt% Betrag
Schadenbewertunginkl.Restwertermittlung 1 25,00€ 19 25,00€
Rechnungsbetragexcl.MwSt.: 25,00€
MwSt.(19%): 4,75€
Rechnungsbetragincl.MwSt.: 123.029,75€
I want to extract all the numbers.
My regexes are:
regex_up_to_thousand = r'\b(?:\d{1,3}){1}(?:,{1}\d{2})\b'
regex_every_price = r'\b(?:\d{1,3}(\.|,))+(:?\d{3}(\.|,))(?:\d{2})\b'
My idea was to first get the "big" prices, remove them from the text and get the other numbers.
Which works in most cases, until I have a date that looks like this maybe
Gutachtennummer: 1009126 Leistungsdatum: 11.10.2021
I would get the 11.10 with my second regex, and I don't know how to prevent this.
I thought the \b would help, but sadly not.
Any ideas?
It's not the end of the world, since I do a lot of math in the background, but it's a possibility that a date would fit some values and I calculate something wrong in the end.
You could try the following pattern.
The main thing is (?!\W\d) at the end which ensures that after your amount you will not have a construct of 1 non-word character followed by 1 digit.

NoneType object has no attribute 'group'

I'm working through Automate the Boring Stuff and in part II I have an issue with some code as what is returned is an AttributeError, even though I copied exactly what is written in the book:
phoneNumRegex = re.compile(r'(\(\d\d\d\))(\d\d\d-\d\d\d\d)')
mo ='My Phone number is (415) 555-4242.')
The problem is the space in '(415) 555-4242' - the regex only matches phone numbers without spaces. You can change the regex to r'(\(\d\d\d\))\s*(\d\d\d-\d\d\d\d)' - \s* matches any amount of whitespace or nothing.

Comparring a string with a manually added string

If have been cracking my head over this for a week now:
We have an assignment, where we have 2 options in our program, with option 1, the program asks for a name and a date, and then it generates an email addressed to the give name, with that date.
The second option, we have to paste text in to program, and it will tell us if the 'template' from option 1 is used or not, and it gives you the name, and date.
my question is now: how do I compare the given string, with the manual input string and make that name, and date (could be 2nd of oktober, could be 10/02, could be sunday the 2nd, basically anything that isn't the same as the template) and still make it say the template matches?
I thought: cutting the strings up, comparing them, word for word, but then what? and how?
Since I do not know what language you are programming in, I will give you some examples of what you ask in the languages I know.
x = raw_input('Manual String') // get user input, this can be replaced
y = 'this is a string: '+ str(x) // use Str incase of a number or other format of x.
if(y == 'this is a string: doubleo'):
print "The strings are equal!"
use this page:

Eggplant/Sensetalk parsing and separating a string with capitalized words

I'm in need of the ability to parse and separate a text string using Sensetalk (the scripting language the Eggplant GUI tester uses). What I'd like to be able to do is provide the code a text string:
Put "MyTextIsHere" into exampleString
And then have spaces inserted before every capital letter save for the first, so the following is then stored in exampleString:
"My Text Is Here"
I basically want to separate the string into the words it contains. After searching the documentation and the web, I'm no closer to finding a solution to this (I agree, it would be far easier in a different language - alas, not my choice).
Thank you in advance to anyone who can provide some insight!
See question at
With credit to Pamela at TestPlant forums:
set startingString to "HereAreMyWords"
set myRange to 2 to the number of characters in startingString // The range to iterate over– every character except the first
Put the first character in startingString into endString // The first character isn't included in the repeat loop, so you have to put it in separately
repeat with each character myletter of characters myRange of startingString
if charToNum(myLetter) is between 65 and 90 // if the character's unicode number is between 65-90...
Put space after endString
end if
Put myLetter after endString
end repeat
put endString
or you could do it this way:
Put "MyTextIsHere" into exampleString
repeat with each char of chars 2 to last of exampleString by reference
if it is an uppercase then put space before it
end repeat
put exampleString
