Pygame Shooting Bullets - python-3.x

Recently ive been trying to create a small game using Pygame, Ive managed to display an image which can move side to side, the trouble ive been having is enabling it to fire bullets using the space bar.
Heres my code so far:
Ive now got the bullet to display however it doesnt come out from the "turret.png", and just sits in the top left of the screen.
Is anyone able to help me with this? I am extremely new to python and would appreciate the help

It looks like you're using a technique I like employing in PyGame - using different sprite Groups for separating good guys, bad guys, bullets, blocks, etc… with a single unified 'all the things' Group.
What I don't see is the all_sprites.update() call that makes the whole thing work, though I do see player.update(). PyGame groups are designed to let you call group.update() in place of a for x in y call such as:
for sprite in my_sprites:
EDIT: Not seeing your images in the right place? If they're being set to the upper-left corner, this is usually because nothing is setting the surface of the drawn image to appear where you want it to.
One thing I've found handy about PyGame's get_rect() call is that it allows you to pass arguments to set attributes of the rect you get back. For example, my sprite.draw(self) methods tend to look something like this:
def draw(self):
"""Sets the image's Rect to the middle of the sprite,
then blits to the screen.
draw_rect = self.drawn_image.get_rect(
SCREEN.blit(self.drawn_image, draw_rect)
This assumes that the sprite object's self.x and self.y are being updated correctly as well, but it's essentially the right thing to do; get the rect for the object you're drawing, set it to the right coordinates just as you do the actual sprite, then pass the image and the rect to SCREEN.blit().


Can you hide a node when not directly above a parent in Godot?

So I have an instanced scene that is supposed to be the child of a colour rect in my tree. I want to randomly generate the nodes, but I also want parts of the view to be cut off if the texture no longer is above the main section. I know you can render nodes below their parents, but I don't know if stopping part of them from rendering is physically possible.
In this image I want the bottom circle to remain the same, but the top circle to not show anything above the dark purple box
This is the node tree in the editor
Is there any way to do this directly, or am I gonna have to use a viewport of some variety?
I believe what you want is to set rect_clip_content to true on the ColorRect (or whatever Control). Making invisible any part of its children outside of it.
From Godot's documentation:
bool rect_clip_content
Enables whether rendering of CanvasItem based children should be clipped to this control's rectangle. If true, parts of a child which would be visibly outside of this control's rectangle will not be rendered.
If what you want is the opposite, perhaps you can use z_index to have something render on top, occluding the parts you don't want visible.
There is also a trick you can use with lights (including 2D lights):
Make a light that matches the area you want things to be visible.
Set a custom material that will be transparent by default, but visible on the light pass. The simpler way to do this is to set the light_mode of the material to "Light Only". You could also do it with a custom shader instead.
Making something disappear with light, in 2D, is impossible. In 3D, you can use flags_use_shadow_to_opacity. That is how you make a shadow catcher.
But, there is one more trick: you can use a mask. This should give you full control of when to show or hide things. So, if none of the above solutions works for you, use a mask. I have an explanation in a different answer. See also: How to crop sprite in a non-rectangular form?.
Mighty Mochi Games recently (2022-03-30) made a compilation of the different approaches in video form: Mask Methods Collection - Godot 3.x - 2D

Make canvas background transparent - python

So I am making a Frogger game, but have run into a problem. For the collision detection, I am using the following to check if one Tkinter canvas object is overlapping another:
However, I made the background a canvas object as well:
background = self.canvas.create_image(0, 0, image = self.imageData["Background"], anchor = "nw")
So the program is detecting a collision between the player and an object 24/7. Is there any way around this? I searched SO and tried putting the background in a label, but when I packed the canvas over it the background disappeared (probably because the canvas was covering it).
I can't find a way to make the canvas transparent without making the objects on it transparent as well. I also do not want to calculate the x and y boxes of each object, as that is just cumbersome and unreliable.
If someone could suggest another way, that would be awesome.
The find_overlapping method returns a list of items. Just cycle through the list and ignore the background item.

Anyone know if its possible draw to erase the picture on the top?

Scratch allows selection of the color using the set pen color. Does anyone know if its possible to program to set the color to transparent so that what ever is drawn can effectively be erased? What would the color number be for that?
The idea was to cover a picture (background) with a colour drawn over the top. Now give the player a little creature that erases the colour on top, they have a certain amount of moves or time to guess what the picture is. The less moves/time they use the more points the player will be awarded.
But the problem seems to be that in the paint a sprite part of scratch erase is an option, but not in the pen programming.
If I cant solve it using erase apprach, my alternative is to make a lot of sprites covering the picture and hide them when the creature touches them. But it seems less fun for the player as the uncovered patterns will be more predictable.
Unfortunately, this isn't really possible. If you have a backdrop that's all one color, you could set the pen color to be the same as the backdrop and color over what you already have (giving the illusion of erasing), but other than that there really isn't a good way.
Your only other option is to use the clear block and then re-draw everything except the piece you want to erase.
If you want to give more context about your specific project, I might be able to help you work out a solution (I've done quite a lot with pen blocks over the years).
Like PullJosh said, it isn't really possible but you can make a sprite called Cover and make it a circle of any color you want. Then, it can clone it's sprite over the sprite you want to hide. Then you can attach a script to the clones: (ctrl + click)

Moving elements on a layout controlled programmatically

My goal is to create something like the arrow from car that indicates the speed of the car. My problem is that I do not know what is the best practice for moving the green arrow. I have an image arrow.png and I guess I need to manipulate with the place that the picture is shown and with the rotation of the image.
Can someone point to me some guidelines ?
My basic idea is to have a relative layout for the background and to have one image view that will change the position, but the part changing position is little unclear to me. And I do not think that is good idea to play with layout params and margins...
I would probably extend ImageView then override your onDraw method and use canvas.rotate() to rotate the arrow depending on your app state.

'Slider Control' kind of controls in Cocos2d help

I am making a game in Cocos2d. I want there to be a dotted line that follows the user's finger. I want the line to be straight. The problem is, how do I check to see how many 'dots' will fit in the distance between the ball and where the user is touching? And make it follow in a STRAIGHT line between the ball's position and the finger's position? So here's a re-clarification:
The ball sits still on the left side of the screen, and is halfway up the screen. The user drags their finger, and a dotted line is drawn between the ball's position and the touch's position. I have a 'dot' image to be used, and I would like it to be used as the dots in the line. So it will have to recreate the sprite as many times as it will fit in the area between the two points. Please tell me if you want me to clarify further, Thanks!!
I would make a CCNode object called dottedLine or something.
The dot image would be a sprite that gets added as a child of the node (multiple times).
I would work out the path from ball to finger touch using Trigonometry/Pythagoras theorem.
For creating the line:
From point 0, the ball, i would add 15-20 pixels towards the touch point along the path, and place a dot, I'd repeat this until I reached the end of the line.
Every dot that was placed I would increment a counter, and set that number as the integer tag of that sprite for use in an update method.
Every time the cctouchesmoved method gets called, i'd call an update method on the dottedLine object.
This method would check the distance between the ball and touch point, divide it by the number of dots currently children of the object and remove or add any that are needed. Recreating the sprites every time you move your finger would be messy and wasteful, so reusing your dots and just setting them new positions as the path between ball and touch point changes would probably be best.
I'm not going to provide you code, i think i've explained more than enough of the working out for you to do some googling and work this out.
