Visual Studios "extra" build files - visual-studio-2012

I am looking to create a "Publish" configuration for my VS solution that will build the project and only include the files I actually wish to distribute.
I have switched off Enable the Visual Studios hosting process and set the Debug info in Advanced Build Settings to none.
I am trying to stop all the extra XML files and Source Browser Database files that come with the nuGet packages from getting copied to the publish directory (I assume these aren't required) - anyone know how?
Is there anything else that I should be doing?

In the end I used a post build event to delete the files that I didn't want.


MS Visual Studio Add several config files

I'm adding a Project (console application) to an already existing web project in Microsoft Visual Studio 2012. I'm trying to add a number of config files depending on environment application is run in...the files highlighted in the red box in the picture below
I've had a look online and it suggests right clicking on the App.Config file and selecting 'Add Config Transform', however, this option does not appear. I also read you can't 'Add Config Transform' for web applications. However, the Project I'm trying to add these additional config files to is a console application.
Any suggestions on how to achieve the multiple config files is greatly appreciated.
As I recall, VS 2012 only did transforms for web.config. So when we had the same problem we solved it by adding the SlowCheetah Nuget package, which adds the ability to auto create transforms for each of your builds, for app.configs as well.
Have a look at this post as well, which discusses this:
App.Config Transformation for projects which are not Web Projects in Visual Studio?
Hope this helps!

How to commit list of ignore files with Android Studio using TFS plugin

I'm using Android Studio 3.2.1 with
TFS Integration by JetBrains Version: 173.3415.27
I have .tfignore files but TFS Integration plugin does not utilize it. .tfignore file support has been requested to plugin but that doesn't seem to go anywhere:
AFAIK only place ignore files are listed is workspace.xml which is not recommended to be commited into source control.
Is there a way to commit list of ignored files to source control using TFS Integration by JetBrains?
No, there is no way to share internal Ignore files list.
The link you referenced is just a forum thread. Here is the request in the tracker - Does not look like a popular one.

Publishing npm_modules folder in Visual Studio

I'm just starting out with npm. I use visual studio and everything is working great. I've got my packages installed.
How do I go about publishing the website with the node modules? If I publish the site within visual studio 2015 right now, it is missing all the scripts installed via npm.
Do I need to include the npm_modules folder in my project? If so I've tried just to test, and it seems to freeze VS2015 on every attempt. I've failed to find information on how to do this. I'm guessing there is an easy fix that I'm just not aware of.
A brute force solution is to set the following project setting:
tab 'Package/Publish Web
Set 'Items to deploy ....' to 'All files in this project folder
See also this answer:
How to "Add Existing Item" an entire directory structure in Visual Studio?

VS publish vs dotless

When Visual Studio publish feature is used, it does not publish the css files created by dotless.
E.g. I have a less style sheet named Site.less and upon build it will create Site.css. However as the Style.css file is not included in the project it will not get published.
Appreciate any ideas.
Found it...
Add this template to you project. It will compile on change rather than on build.

"generator.exe" exited with code "-1073741819"

I'am developing a android application in Visual Studio and the Xamarin c# monodroid development tools.
I have some external JAR files that i embed into my projects. Most of the project work fine but when i try to embed the JAR from Yocto (yocto android lib) and place the YoctoAPI.jar into a new android project and link it as "EmbeddedJar" the compiler fails with the exception "generator.exe" exited with code -1073741819.
This is a NULL pointer exception in the generator and searching the net i found some people who have the same problem and tells me that obfuscated code is not supported (that i understand). But how can i find the obfuscated code in the JAR file? Or is there a other problem that i'am not seeing.
If i need to post more project settings or envirioment/system parameters, please let me know
Such issues with Visual Studio can be fixed by repairing it.
You need to repair Visual Studio. Go to Control Panel -> Programs. Then select your version of Visual Studio you are using and press "Change"(or right click it and press "Change"). When the setup appears, click "Repair".
I got same error while create binding project, in my case the problem is in resource file, you need to add the jar file and resource file like,
bin - contains all jar files,
res - contains all resource files,
and add the compressed 'bin' folder in your project and build works fine.
