Checkered square table in Haskell - haskell

Sometimes you need a checkered data structure, for example if you model a chess board. The simplest way to represent checkered data is via list of lists.
The above is the example of a checkered list. My first attempt:
import Data.List
checker :: Integral i => i -> a -> a -> [[a]]
checker n a b = genericTake n $ intersperse (genericTake n xs2) $ repeat (genericTake n xs1)
where xs1 = checker' a b
xs2 = drop 1 xs1
checker' :: a -> a -> [a]
checker' a b = intersperse b $ repeat a
The code is verbose, while the result is correct:
*Main> checker 5 0 1
How do i write a function to create such a list with arbitrary size in Haskell?

evenRow = 0:oddRow -- evenRow = 0:1:evenRow
oddRow = 1:evenRow
board = evenRow:oddRow:board
Here's an infinite checkered board. Saw off any rectangular part:
smallBoard = take 17 $ map (take 11) board
Parameterize this as needed.
EDIT: I haven't used cycle here for the sake of illustration. In real code you probably want it:
board = cycle [cycle [0,1], cycle [1,0]]
It's much shorter but frankly looks fairly cryptic.


Store "constants" without reevaluating them in Haskell

I'm tinkering with a program evaluating optimal yahtzee play. Something that will need to be done often is performing a given task for every possible roll. The following function creates a list that contains all possible rolls, which will be mapped over frequently.
type Roll = [Int]
rollspace :: Int -> [Roll]
rollspace depth = worker [[]] 0
where m xs n = map (\e -> n:e) xs
addRoll xs = m xs 1 ++ m xs 2 ++ m xs 3 ++ m xs 4 ++ m xs 5 ++ m xs 6
worker xs i = if i == depth then xs else worker (addRoll xs) (i+1)
This function works as intended, and produces a list of 7776 items when run with a depth of 5. However, it seems terribly inefficient to generate the list of all rolls at a given depth any time it is needed, especially because the depths will only be in the range 1-5. Is there and way to store the rollspace lists for the needed depths and reference them without reevaluating, or does Haskell compile away this issue?
Is there and way to store the rollspace lists for the needed depths and reference them without re-evaluating?
Yes, sure, and it's even technology you already know.
rollspace5 :: [Roll]
rollspace5 = rollspace 5
rollspace4 :: [Roll]
rollspace4 = rollspace 4
-- etc.
If it's important that you have a "function-like" object that accepts a number as input -- i.e. rather than knowing statically that you want depth 5 -- you have a few options, including:
rollspaceStored :: Int -> [Roll]
rollspaceStored 5 = rollspace5
rollspaceStored 4 = rollspace4
-- etc.
rollspaceStored other = rollspace other
rollspaceMap :: IntMap [Roll]
rollspaceMap = fromList [(n, rollspace n) | n <- [0..5]]
There are also packages on Hackage for memoization more generally; that search term should be enough to find them.

Haskell Infinite loop in a recursive function

I am beginner to Haskell Im trying to make neuron to do that I need to generate random numbers for the weights of neurones but I'm stuck at function random it provokes an infinite loop
I can't figure where the problem is, in addition when I ask in terminal when compiled take 3 random it always give me the same numbers I want it to take different random numbers each time
l = [1,0,1,1,0,0,1,0]
toDec :: [Int] -> Float
toDec [] = 0
toDec (x:xs) = fromIntegral x+2*(toDec xs)
next :: [Int] -> [Int]
next xs = xs'
where xs' = v:(init xs)
v = xor (last xs) (xs!!4)
random :: [Float]
random = ran l
where ran l = ( (toDec l) / 255.0):(ran (next l))
-- simple neuron
data Neuron = Neuron [Float]
deriving (Read,Show)
n = Neuron (take 3 random)
You function works perfectly fine: it generates an infinite list of pseudorandom numbers.
(It's not a particularly good PRNG – for serious applications you should better use a library, random-fu is very extensive – but for educational purposes it's fine.)
But well, you need to be clear what this actually means. Because random is just a value of type [Float], it of course is always the same list. You can still use it for obtaining multiple different finite lists, by splitting up the single infinite one:
n₀, n₁, n₂ :: Neuron
(n₀:n₁:n₂:_) = Neuron <$> splits 3 random
-- | #splits n l# gives a list of sublists of #l#, each of which has length #n#.
-- If the sublists are concatenated again, you get back #l#.
splits :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
splits nPerList l = case splitAt nPerList l of
(h,[]) -> [h]
(h,t) -> h : splits nPerList t
If you want something that behaves like the “random functions” in imperative languages, i.e. something that gives a different value each time it's called... well that's not a function then, because a function must for given input yield always the same result. However you can implement it as an action in a suitable monad. In an imperative language, there would be an implicit state of the PRNG. You can have that in Haskell too, except the state is explicit (which actually has a lot of advantages for reliability).
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
type RandSupply = State [Float]
oneRandom :: RandSupply Float
oneRandom = do
~(h:t) <- get -- This is a bit of a hack†
put t
return h
randomNeuron :: Int -> RandSupply Neuron
randomNeuron nWeights = Neuron <$> replicateM nWeights oneRandom
Then you can write code like
import Control.Monad
(`evalState`random) $ do
n <- randomNeuron 3
n₅ <- randomNeuron 5
and n and n₅ will have different weights, because the state of the supply-list has changed in between.
†The irrefutable match ~(h:t) means that the action can fail badly if you try to use it with only a finite supply of random numbers. Again: the proper thing to do is to use a library for random numbers, rather than rolling your own.

Create a mapping operation so each input element produces 1 or more output elements?

Recently I am trying to figure out how to do some programming in Haskell.
I'm trying to do some simple operations. Right now I'm stuck with an operation like in this example:
input = [1,2,3,4]
output = [1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,4]
That is, for each element x in input, produce x elements of x in output. So, for element 1 in input, append [1] to output. Then, for element 2 in input, append elements [2,2] to output. Then, for element 3, append [3,3,3], etc. The algorithm should work only on standard numbers.
I know it's very easy, and it's trivial to perform it in "normal" imperative programming, but as Haskell's functions are stateless, I'm having a problem in how to approach this.
Could anyone please give me some hint how can an absolute Haskell beginner cope with this?
You've just discovered monads!
Here's the general idea of what you're doing:
For each a-element in the input (which is a container-type M a, here [a]), you specify an entire new container M b. But as a final result, you want just a single "flat" container M b.
Well, let's take a look at the definition of the Monad type class:
class (Applicative m) => Monad m where
return :: a -> m a
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
which is exactly what you need. And lists are an instance of Monad, so you can write
replicates :: [Int] -> [Int]
replicates l = l >>= \n -> replicate n n
Alternatively, this can be written
replicates l = do
n <- l
replicate n n
It might be interesting to know that the, perhaps easier to understand, list comprehension
replicates l = [ n | n <- l, _ <- [1..n] ]
as suggested by chi, is actually just syntactic sugar for another monad expression:
[ n | n <- l, _ <- [1..n] ] ≡ l >>= \n -> [1..n] >>= \_ -> return n
... or least it used to be in some old version of GHC, I think it now uses a more optimised implementation of list comprehensions. You can still turn on that de-sugaring variant with the -XMonadComprehensions flag.
Yet another solution, exploiting list comprehensions:
output = [ n | n <- input , m <- [1..n] ]
Compare the above with the imperative Python code:
for n in input: -- n <- input
for m in range(1,n+1): -- m <- [1..n] (in Python the second extreme is excluded, hence +1)
print n -- the n in [ n | ... ]
Note that m is unused -- in Haskell it is customary to can call it _ to express this:
output = [ n | n <- input , _ <- [1..n] ]
As a beginner, I more easily understand something like this:
concat $ map (\x -> take x $ repeat x) [1,2,3,4]
For "list as monads" it is important to know that there is also "concat" operation under the hood (in bind definition), IMO
A simple solution:
rep (x:xs) = replicate x x ++ rep xs
rep [] = []
replicate 5 "a" gives ["a","a","a","a","a"], and it works the same way for any type in the second argument, but first argument must be of type Int
the operator ++ concatenates two lists
so the inferred type of rep is [Int] -> [Int], if you need to use other types you should use conversion functions

Dovetail iteration over infinite lists in Haskell

I want to iterate 2 (or 3) infinite lists and find the "smallest" pair that satisfies a condition, like so:
until pred [(a,b,c) | a<-as, b<-bs, c<-cs]
where pred (a,b,c) = a*a + b*b == c*c
as = [1..]
bs = [1..]
cs = [1..]
The above wouldn't get very far, as a == b == 1 throughout the run of the program.
Is there a nice way to dovetail the problem, e.g. build the infinite sequence [(1,1,1),(1,2,1),(2,1,1),(2,1,2),(2,2,1),(2,2,2),(2,2,3),(2,3,2),..] ?
Bonus: is it possible to generalize to n-tuples?
There's a monad for that, Omega.
Prelude> let as = each [1..]
Prelude> let x = liftA3 (,,) as as as
Prelude> let x' = mfilter (\(a,b,c) -> a*a + b*b == c*c) x
Prelude> take 10 $ runOmega x'
Using it's applicative features, you can generalize to arbitrary tuples:
quadrupels = (,,,) <$> as <*> as <*> as <*> as -- or call it liftA4
But: this alone does not eliminate duplication, of course. It only gives you proper diagonalization. Maybe you could use monad comprehensions together with an approach like Thomas's, or just another mfilter pass (restricting to b /= c, in this case).
List comprehensions are great (and concise) ways to solve such problems. First, you know you want all combinations of (a,b,c) that might satisfy a^2 + b^2 = c^2 - a helpful observation is that (considering only positive numbers) it will always be the case that a <= c && b <= c.
To generate our list of candidates we can thus say c ranges from 1 to infinity while a and b range from one to c.
[(a,b,c) | c <- [1..], a <- [1..c], b <- [1..c]]
To get to the solution we just need to add your desired equation as a guard:
[(a,b,c) | c <- [1..], a <- [1..c], b <- [1..c], a*a+b*b == c*c]
This is inefficient, but the output is correct:
There are more principled methods than blind testing that can solve this problem.
{- It depends on what is "smallest". But here is a solution for a concept of "smallest" if tuples were compared first by their max. number and then by their total sum. (You can just copy and paste my whole answer into a file as I write the text in comments.)
We will need nub later. -}
import Data.List (nub)
{- Just for illustration: the easy case with 2-tuples. -}
-- all the two-tuples where 'snd' is 'n'
tuples n = [(i, n) | i <- [1..n]]
-- all the two-tuples where 'snd' is in '1..n'
tuplesUpTo n = concat [tuples i | i <- [1..n]]
To get all results, you will need to insert the flip of each tuple into the stream. But let's do that later and generalize first.
Building tuples of arbitrary length is somewhat difficult, so we will work on lists. I call them 'kList's, if they have a length 'k'.
-- just copied from the tuples case, only we need a base case for k=1 and
-- we can combine all results utilizing the list monad.
kLists 1 n = [[n]]
kLists k n = do
rest <- kLists (k-1) n
add <- [1..head rest]
return (add:rest)
-- same as above. all the klists with length k and max number of n
kListsUpTo k n = concat [kLists k i | i <- [1..n]]
-- we can do that unbounded as well, creating an infinite list.
kListsInf k = concat [kLists k i | i <- [1..]]
The next step is rotating these lists around, because until now the largest number is always in the last place. So we just look at all rotations to get all the results. Using nub here is admittedly awkward, you can improve that. But without it, lists where all elements are the same are repeated k times.
rotate n l = let (init, end) = splitAt n l
in end ++ init
rotations k l = nub [rotate i l | i <- [0..k-1]]
rotatedKListsInf k = concatMap (rotations k) $ kListsInf k
{- What remains is to convert these lists into tuples. This is a bit awkward, because every n-tuple is a separate type. But it's straightforward, of course. -}
kListToTuple2 [x,y] = (x,y)
kListToTuple3 [x,y,z] = (x,y,z)
kListToTuple4 [x,y,z,t] = (x,y,z,t)
kListToTuple5 [x,y,z,t,u] = (x,y,z,t,u)
kListToTuple6 [x,y,z,t,u,v] = (x,y,z,t,u,v)
{- Some tests:
*Main> take 30 . map kListToTuple2 $ rotatedKListsInf 2
(2,6), (6,2), (3,6)]
*Main> take 30 . map kListToTuple3 $ rotatedKListsInf 3
I realized there is a bug: Just rotating the ordered lists isn't enough of course. The solution must be somewhere along the lines of having
rest <- concat . map (rotations (k-1)) $ kLists (k-1) n
in kLists, but then some issues with repeated outputs arise. You can figure that out, I guess. ;-)
It really depends on what you mean by "smallest", but I assume you want to find a tuple of numbers with respect to its maximal element - so (2,2) is less than (1,3) (while standard Haskell ordering is lexicographic).
There is package data-ordlist, which is aimed precisely at working with ordered lists. It's function mergeAll (and mergeAllBy) allows you to combine a 2-dimensional matrix ordered in each direction into an ordered list.
First let's create a desired comparing function on tuples:
import Data.List (find)
import Data.List.Ordered
compare2 :: (Ord a) => (a, a) -> (a, a) -> Ordering
compare2 x y = compare (max2 x, x) (max2 y, y)
max2 :: Ord a => (a, a) -> a
max2 (x, y) = max x y
Then using mergeAll we create a function that takes a comparator, a combining function (which must be monotonic in both arguments) and two sorted lists. It combines all possible elements from the two lists using the function and produces a result sorted list:
mergeWith :: (b -> b -> Ordering) -> (a -> a -> b) -> [a] -> [a] -> [b]
mergeWith cmp f xs ys = mergeAllBy cmp $ map (\x -> map (f x) xs) ys
With this function, it's very simple to produce tuples ordered according to their maximum:
incPairs :: [(Int,Int)]
incPairs = mergeWith compare2 (,) [1..] [1..]
Its first 10 elements are:
> take 10 incPairs
and when we (for example) look for the first pair whose sum of squares is equal to 65:
find (\(x,y) -> x^2+y^2 == 65) incPairs
we get the correct result (4,7) (as opposed to (1,8) if lexicographic ordering were used).
This answer is for a more general problem for a unknown predicate. If the predicate is known, more efficient solutions are possible, like others have listed solutions based on knowledge that you don't need to iterate for all Ints for a given c.
When dealing with infinite lists, you need to perform breadth-first search for solution. The list comprehension only affords depth-first search, that is why you never arrive at a solution in your original code.
counters 0 xs = [[]]
counters n xs = concat $ foldr f [] gens where
gens = [[x:t | t <- counters (n-1) xs] | x <- xs]
f ys n = cat ys ([]:n)
cat (y:ys) (x:xs) = (y:x): cat ys xs
cat [] xs = xs
cat xs [] = [xs]
main = print $ take 10 $ filter p $ counters 3 [1..] where
p [a,b,c] = a*a + b*b == c*c
counters generates all possible counters for values from the specified range of digits, including a infinite range.
First, we obtain a list of generators of valid combinations of counters - for each permitted digit, combine it with all permitted combinations for counters of smaller size. This may result in a generator that produces a infinite number of combinations. So, we need to borrow from each generator evenly.
So gens is a list of generators. Think of this as a list of all counters starting with one digit: gens !! 0 is a list of all counters starting with 1, gens !! 1 is a list of all counters starting with 2, etc.
In order to borrow from each generator evenly, we could transpose the list of generators - that way we would get a list of first elements of the generators, followed by a list of second elements of the generators, etc.
Since the list of generators may be infinite, we cannot afford to transpose the list of generators, because we may never get to look at the second element of any generator (for a infinite number of digits we'd have a infinite number of generators). So, we enumerate the elements from the generators "diagonally" - take first element from the first generator; then take the second element from the first generator and the first from the second generator; then take the third element from the first generator, the second from the second, and the first element from the third generator, etc. This can be done by folding the list of generators with a function f, which zips together two lists - one list is the generator, the other is the already-zipped generators -, the beginning of one of them being offset by one step by adding []: to the head. This is almost zipWith (:) ys ([]:n) - the difference is that if n or ys is shorter than the other one, we don't drop the remainder of the other list. Note that folding with zipWith (:) ys n would be a transpose.
For this answer I will take "smallest" to refer to the sum of the numbers in the tuple.
To list all possible pairs in order, you can first list all of the pairs with a sum of 2, then all pairs with a sum of 3 and so on. In code
pairsWithSum n = [(i, n-i) | i <- [1..n-1]]
xs = concatMap pairsWithSum [2..]
Haskell doesn't have facilities for dealing with n-tuples without using Template Haskell, so to generalize this you will have to switch to lists.
ntuplesWithSum 1 s = [[s]]
ntuplesWithSum n s = concatMap (\i -> map (i:) (ntuplesWithSum (n-1) (s-i))) [1..s-n+1]
nums n = concatMap (ntuplesWithSum n) [n..]
Here's another solution, with probably another slightly different idea of "smallest". My order is just "all tuples with max element N come before all tuples with max element N+1". I wrote the versions for pairs and triples:
gen2_step :: Int -> [(Int, Int)]
gen2_step s = [(x, y) | x <- [1..s], y <- [1..s], (x == s || y == s)]
gen2 :: Int -> [(Int, Int)]
gen2 n = concatMap gen2_step [1..n]
gen2inf :: [(Int, Int)]
gen2inf = concatMap gen2_step [1..]
gen3_step :: Int -> [(Int, Int, Int)]
gen3_step s = [(x, y, z) | x <- [1..s], y <- [1..s], z <- [1..s], (x == s || y == s || z == s)]
gen3 :: Int -> [(Int, Int, Int)]
gen3 n = concatMap gen3_step [1..n]
gen3inf :: [(Int, Int, Int)]
gen3inf = concatMap gen3_step [1..]
You can't really generalize it to N-tuples, though as long as you stay homogeneous, you may be able to generalize it if you use arrays. But I don't want to tie my brain into that knot.
I think this is the simplest solution if "smallest" is defined as x+y+z because after you find your first solution in the space of Integral valued pythagorean triangles, your next solutions from the infinite list are bigger.
take 1 [(x,y,z) | y <- [1..], x <- [1..y], z <- [1..x], z*z + x*x == y*y]
-> [(4,5,3)]
It has the nice property that it returns each symmetrically unique solution only once. x and z are also infinite, because y is infinite.
This does not work, because the sequence for x never finishes, and thus you never get a value for y, not to mention z. The rightmost generator is the innermost loop.
take 1 [(z,y,x)|z <- [1..],y <- [1..],x <- [1..],x*x + y*y == z*z]
Sry, it's quite a while since I did haskell, so I'm going to describe it with words.
As I pointed out in my comment. It is not possible to find the smallest anything in an infinite list, since there could always be a smaller one.
What you can do is, have a stream based approach that takes the lists and returns a list with only 'valid' elements, i. e. where the condition is met. Lets call this function triangle
You can then compute the triangle list to some extent with take n (triangle ...) and from this n elements you can find the minium.

Recursive state monad for accumulating a value while building a list?

I'm totally new to Haskell so apologies if the question is silly.
What I want to do is recursively build a list while at the same time building up an accumulated value based on the recursive calls. This is for a problem I'm doing for a Coursera course, so I won't post the exact problem but something analogous.
Say for example I wanted to take a list of ints and double each one (ignoring for the purpose of the example that I could just use map), but I also wanted to count up how many times the number '5' appears in the list.
So to do the doubling I could do this:
foo [] = []
foo (x:xs) = x * 2 : foo xs
So far so easy. But how can I also maintain a count of how many times x is a five? The best solution I've got is to use an explicit accumulator like this, which I don't like as it reverses the list, so you need to do a reverse at the end:
foo total acc [] = (total, reverse acc)
foo total acc (x:xs) = foo (if x == 5 then total + 1 else total) (x*2 : acc) xs
But I feel like this should be able to be handled nicer by the State monad, which I haven't used before, but when I try to construct a function that will fit the pattern I've seen I get stuck because of the recursive call to foo. Is there a nicer way to do this?
EDIT: I need this to work for very long lists, so any recursive calls need to be tail-recursive too. (The example I have here manages to be tail-recursive thanks to Haskell's 'tail recursion modulo cons').
Using State monad it can be something like:
foo :: [Int] -> State Int [Int]
foo [] = return []
foo (x:xs) = do
i <- get
put $ if x==5 then (i+1) else i
r <- foo xs
return $ (x*2):r
main = do
let (lst,count) = runState (foo [1,2,5,6,5,5]) 0 in
putStr $ show count
This is a simple fold
foo :: [Integer] -> ([Integer], Int)
foo [] = ([], 0)
foo (x : xs) = let (rs, n) = foo xs
in (2 * x : rs, if x == 5 then n + 1 else n)
or expressed using foldr
foo' :: [Integer] -> ([Integer], Int)
foo' = foldr f ([], 0)
f x (rs, n) = (2 * x : rs, if x == 5 then n + 1 else n)
The accumulated value is a pair of both the operations.
Have a look at Beautiful folding. It shows a nice way how to make such computations composable.
You can use State for the same thing as well, by viewing each element as a stateful computation. This is a bit overkill, but certainly possible. In fact, any fold can be expressed as a sequence of State computations:
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
-- I used a slightly non-standard signature for a left fold
-- for simplicity.
foldl' :: (b -> a -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a
foldl' f z xs = execState (mapM_ (modify . f) xs) z
Function mapM_ first maps each element of xs to a stateful computation by modify . f :: b -> State a (). Then it combines a list of such computations into one of type State a () (it discards the results of the monadic computations, just keeps the effects). Finally we run this stateful computation on z.
