How to fix "Illegal datatype context" (use -XDatatypeContexts)? - haskell

I am a new learner of Haskell, my code is as follows:
data Num a=>Units a = Units a (SymbolicManip a )
deriving (Eq)
I am not sure how to fix it?
Anyone can help me?

Typeclass contexts in datatypes are now regarded as a not so useful feature. The problem is that the following does not compile:
foo :: Units a -> a
foo (Units x _) = x+x
This intuitively should compile, since the Units a argument can only be constructed for a type a satisfying Num a. So, on destruction (pattern matching) one should be able to access the Num a instance. However this is not the case, and a Num a must be counterintuitively provided on destruction as well:
foo :: Num a => Units a -> a
foo (Units x _) = x+x
The standard suggestion is therefore to remove the constraint Num a from the Units a datatype declaration, and add it instead to every function involving Units a.
Another option is to enable GADTs and change the datatype to:
data Units a where
Units :: Num a => a -> SymbolicManip a -> Units a
This does the "right" thing: a Num a instance is required to construct a value, and is instead provided on destruction. In this way, the first foo declaration above will be well-typed.
I almost forgot the "quick & dirty" option, which is to enable the obsolescent datatype context feature: this is done by adding at the beginning of your file the line
{-# LANGUAGE DatatypeContexts #-}
Still, I would rather modify the code than to enable this language extension.


When should TypeApplications be preferred over simple :: signatures or ScopedTypeVariables?

Considering this simple example of ambiguous type inference:
#! /usr/bin/env stack
{- stack runghc -}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- This will fail to compile without additional type info
-- let w = read "22"
-- print w
-- My go-to for this is type signatures in the expressions
let x = read "33" :: Integer
print x
-- Another possibility is ScopedtypeVariables
let y :: Integer = read "44"
print y
-- How does TypeApplications differ from the code above? When should this be chosen instead?
let z = read #Integer "55"
print z
My question is, in cases like this, is there an advantage to using TypeApplications?
In almost all cases, it is an aesthetic choice only. I make the following additional comments for your consideration:
In all cases, if a thing typechecks with some collection of type signatures, there is a corresponding collection of type applications that also causes that term to typecheck (and with the same choices of instance dictionaries, etc.).
In cases where either a signature or an application can be used, the code produced by GHC will be identical.
Some ambiguous types cannot be resolved via signatures, and type applications must be used. For example, foo :: (Monoid a, Monoid b) => b cannot be given a type signature that determines a. (This bullet motivates the "almost" in the first sentence of this answer. No other bullet motivates the "almost".)
Type applications are frequently syntactically lighter than type signatures. For example, when the type is long, or a type variable is mentioned several times. Some comparisons:
showsPrec :: Int -> Bool -> String -> String
showsPrec #Bool
sortOn :: Ord b => (Int -> b) -> [Int] -> [Int]
sortOn #Int
Sometimes it is possible to shuffle the type signature around to a different subterm so that you need only give a short signature with little repetition. But then again... sometimes not.
Sometimes, the signature or application is intended to convey some information to the reader or encourage a certain way of thinking about a piece of code (i.e. is not strictly for compiler consumption). If part of that information involves attaching the annotation in a specific code location, your options may be somewhat constrained.

How to create a generic Complex type in haskell?

I want to create a Complex type to represent complex numbers.
Following works:
Prelude> data Complex = Complex Int Int
Prelude> :t Complex
Complex :: Int -> Int -> Complex
How can I change this to accept any Num type, instead of just Int.
I tried following:
Prelude> data Complex a = Num a => Complex a a
but got this:
* Data constructor `Complex' has existential type variables, a context, or a specialised result type
Complex :: forall a. Num a => a -> a -> Complex a
(Use ExistentialQuantification or GADTs to allow this)
* In the definition of data constructor `Complex'
In the data type declaration for `Complex'
I'm not really sure what to make of this error. Any help is appreciated.
Traditional data in Haskell is just that: data. It doesn't need to know anything about the properties of its fields, it just needs to be able to store them. Hence there's no real need to constrain the fields at that point; just make it
data Complex a = Complex !a !a
(! because strict fields are better for performance).
Of course when you then implement the Num instance, you will need a constraint:
instance (Num a) => Num (Complex a) where
fromInteger = (`Complex`0) . fromInteger
Complex r i + Complex ρ ι = Complex (r+ρ) (i+ι)
... fact, you need the much stronger constraint RealFloat a to implement abs, at least that's how the standard version does it. (Which means, Complex Int is actually not usable, not with the standard Num hierarchy; you need e.g. Complex Double.)
That said, it is also possible to bake the constraint in to the data type itself. The ExistentialTypes syntax you tried is highly limiting though and not suitable for this; what you want instead is the GADT
data Complex a where
Complex :: Num a => a -> a -> Complex a
With that in place, you could then implement e.g. addition without mentioning any constraint in the signature
cplxAdd :: Complex a -> Complex a -> Complex a
cplxAdd (Complex r i) (Complex ρ ι) = Complex (r+ρ) (i+ι)
You would now need to fulfill Num whenever you try to construct a Complex value though. That means, you'd still need an explicit constraint in the Num instance.
Also, this version is potentially much slower, because the Num dictionary actually needs to be stored in the runtime representation.
Type constructors cannot be constrained in pure Haskell, only functions can. So it is supposed that you declare
data Complex a = Complex a a
and then constrain functions, like
conjugate :: (Num a) => Complex a -> Complex a
conjugate (Complex x y) = Complex x (-y)
In fact, the type and constraint for conjugate can be derived by the compiler, so you can just define the implementation:
conjugate (Complex x y) = Complex x (-y)
However, if you really wish to constrain the type constructor Complex, you can turn on some extensions that enable it, namely ExistentialQuantification or GADTs, as the compiler suggests. To do this, add this line to the very beginning of your file:
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
Those are called pragmas.
While you could, as the compiler message instructs, use ExistentialQuantification, you could also define the type like this:
data Complex a = Complex a a deriving (Show, Eq)
It's a completely unconstrained type, so perhaps another name would be more appropriate... This type seems to often be called Pair...
When you write functions, however, you can constrain the values contained in the type:
myFunction :: Num a => Complex a -> a
myFunction (Complex x y) = x + y

Creating custom data types with constraints

I'm trying to create a custom data type. As an example
data Time = Second Int deriving (Show)
However, this is too limiting (we could say later need milliseconds). I would like to instead define something like this:
data Time = Second Num deriving (Show)
This doesn't compile because Num has kind * -> ghc-prim-
How do I setup Time such that Second may contain any Num?
One of the best examples of why this might not be so desirable is found here at the Wikibooks section on Classes and Types. They say:
Type constraints in data declarations are less useful than it might seem at first. Consider:
data (Num a) => Foo a = F1 a | F2 a String
Here, Foo is a type with two constructors, both taking an argument of a type a which must be in Num. However, the (Num a) => constraint is only effective for the F1 and F2 constructors, and not for other functions involving Foo. Therefore, in the following example...
fooSquared :: (Num a) => Foo a -> Foo a
fooSquared (F1 x) = F1 (x * x)
fooSquared (F2 x s) = F2 (x * x) s
... even though the constructors ensure a will be some type in Num we can't avoid duplicating the constraint in the signature of fooSquared
This suggests that a reasonable option for you is to just create Time with a generic parameter, and then later ensure that the module functions that operate on Time data always have the necessary constraint for Num.
It won't be so much of a worry that someone goes off and foolishly makes Time String or something -- if they do, then none of the provided module functions are going to be helpful for them, so it doesn't matter so much.
There are also options to look up with GADTs, the {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} pragma, and the {-# LANGUAGE DatatypeContexts #-} pragma. But usually these start to rope in unnecessary degrees of extra complexity, especially if you're a Haskell novice like me.
There is a deprecated feature called Datatype Contexts that allows you to do that:
{-# LANGUAGE DatatypeContexts #-}
data Num a => Time a = Second a deriving (Show)
t = Second (5 :: Int)
main = print t
This executes on GHC 7.8.3 (sorry, don't have 7.10 to check), but warns you about the deprecation:
t.hs:1:14: Warning:
-XDatatypeContexts is deprecated: It was widely considered a
misfeature, and has been removed from the Haskell language.
Second 5
A non-deprecated way to do it is to use Generalized Algebraic Datatypes (GADTs) (and you'll need standalone deriving as well):
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, StandaloneDeriving #-}
data Time a where
Second :: Num a => a -> Time a
deriving instance Show a => Show (Time a)
t = Second (5 :: Int)
main = print t
If you try to create a variable with something non-Num, you'll get a compilation error:
t = Second "a"
No instance for (Num [Char]) arising from a use of ‘Second’
In the expression: Second "a"
In an equation for ‘t’: t = Second "a"

How to handle functions of a multi-parameter typeclass, who not need every type of the typeclass?

I've defined a typeclass similar to an interface with a bunch of functions required for my program. Sadly, it needs multiple polymorphic types, but not every function of this multi-parameter typeclass needs every type. GHC haunts me with undeduceable types and i can't get the code running.
A reduced example:
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
class Foo a b where
-- ...
bar :: a -> ()
baz :: Foo a b => a -> ()
baz = bar
GHC says
Possible fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
How can I do this for b? Especially when I want to keep b polymorphic. Only an instance of Foo should define what this type is.
This is impossible.
The underlying problem is that a multiparameter type class depends on every type parameter. If a particular definition in the class doesn't use every type parameter, the compiler will never be able to know what instance you mean, and you'll never even be able to specify it. Consider the following example:
class Foo a b where
bar :: String -> IO a
instance Foo Int Char where
bar x = return $ read x
instance Foo Int () where
bar x = read <$> readFile x
Those two instances do entirely different things with their parameter. The only way the compiler has to select one of those instances is matching both type parameters. But there's no way to specify what the type parameter is. The class is just plain broken. There's no way to ever call the bar function, because you can never provide enough information for the compiler to resolve the class instance to use.
So why is the class definition not rejected by the compiler? Because you can sometimes make it work, with the FunctionalDependencies extension.
If a class has multiple parameters, but they're related, that information can sometimes be added to the definition of the class in a way that allows a class member to not use every type variable in the class's definition.
class Foo a b | a -> b where
bar :: String -> IO a
With that definition (which requires the FunctionalDependencies extension), you are telling the compiler that for any particular choice of a, there is only one valid choice of b. Attempting to even define both of the above instances would be a compile error.
Given that, the compiler knows that it can select the instance of Foo to use based only on the type a. In that case, bar can be called.
Splitting it in smaller typeclasses might be sufficient.
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
class Fo a => Foo a b where
-- ...
foo :: a -> b -> ()
class Fo a where
bar :: a -> ()
baz :: Foo a b => a -> ()
baz = bar
Assuming you really want to use more than one instance for a given a (and so cannot use functional dependencies as others mentioned), one possibility which may or may not be right for you is to use a newtype tagged with a "phantom" type used only to guide type selection. This compiles:
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
newtype Tagged t a = Tagged { unTagged :: a } -- Also defined in the tagged package
-- on Hackage
class Foo a b where
bar :: Tagged b a -> ()
baz :: Foo a b => Tagged b a -> ()
baz = bar
Then you will be able to wrap your values in such a way that you can give an explicit type annotation to select the right instance.
Another way of refactoring multi-parameter type classes when they get awkward is to use the TypeFamilies extension. Like FunctionalDependencies, this works well when you can reframe your class as having only a single parameter (or at least, fewer parameter), with the other types that are different from instance to instance being computed from the actual class parameters.
Generally I've found whenever I thought I needed a multi-parameter type class, the parameters almost always varied together rather than varying independently. In this situation it's much easier to pick one as "primary" and use some system for determining the others from it. Functional dependencies can do this as well as type families, but many find type families a lot easier to understand.
Here's an example:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, FlexibleInstances #-}
class Glue a where
type Glued a
glue :: a -> a -> Glued a
instance Glue Char where
type Glued Char = String
glue x y = [x, y]
instance Glue String where
type Glued String = String
glue x y = x ++ y
glueBothWays :: Glue a => a -> a -> (Glued a, Glued a)
glueBothWays x y = (glue x y, glue y x)
The above declares a class Glue of types that can be glued together with the glue operation, and that have a corresponding type which is the result of the "gluing".
I then declared a couple of instances; Glued Char is String, Glued String is also just String.
Finally I wrote a function to show how you use Glued when you're being polymorphic over the instance of Glue you're using; basically you "call" Glued as a function in your type signatures; this means glueBothWays doesn't "know" what type Glued a is, but it knows how it corresponds to a. You can even use Glued Char as a type, if you know you're gluing Chars but don't want to hard-code the assumption that Glued Char = String.

Associated Parameter Restriction using Functional Dependency

The function f below, for a given type 'a', takes a parameter of type 'c'. For different types 'a', 'c' is restricted in different ways. Concretely, when 'a' is any Integral type, 'c' should be allowed to be any 'Real' type. When 'a' is Float, 'c' can ONLY be Float.
One attempt is:
UndecidableInstances #-}
class AllowedParamType a c | a -> c
class Foo a where
f :: (AllowedParamType a c) => c -> a
fIntegral :: (Integral a, Real c) => c -> a
fIntegral = error "implementation elided"
instance (Integral i, AllowedParamType i d, Real d) => Foo i where
f = fIntegral
For some reason, GHC 7.4.1 complains that it "could not deduce (Real c) arising from a use of fIntegral". It seems to me that the functional dependency should allow this deduction. In the instance, a is unified with i, so by the functional dependency, d should be unified with c, which in the instance is declared to be 'Real'. What am I missing here?
Functional dependencies aside, will this approach be expressive enough to enforce the restrictions above, or is there a better way? We are only working with a few different values for 'a', so there will be instances like:
instance (Integral i, Real c) => AllowedParamType i c
instance AllowedParamType Float Float
A possibly better way, is to use constraint kinds and type families (GHC extensions, requires GHC 7.4, I think). This allows you to specify the constraint as part of the class instance.
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds, TypeFamilies, FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances #-}
import GHC.Exts (Constraint)
class Foo a where
type ParamConstraint a b :: Constraint
f :: ParamConstraint a b => b -> a
instance Integral i => Foo i where
type ParamConstraint i b = Real b
f = fIntegral
EDIT: Upon further experimentation, there are some subtleties that mean that this doesn't work as expected, specifically, type ParamConstraint i b = Real b is too general. I don't know a solution (or if one exists) right now.
OK, this one's been nagging at me. given the wide variety of instances,
let's go the whole hog and get rid of any relationship between the
source and target type other than the presence of an instance:
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances, FlexibleInstances,TypeSynonymInstances,MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
class Foo a b where f :: a -> b
Now we can match up pairs of types with an f between them however we like, for example:
instance Foo Int Int where f = (+1)
instance Foo Int Integer where f = toInteger.((7::Int) -)
instance Foo Integer Int where f = fromInteger.(^ (2::Integer))
instance Foo Integer Integer where f = (*100)
instance Foo Char Char where f = id
instance Foo Char String where f = (:[]) -- requires TypeSynonymInstances
instance (Foo a b,Functor f) => Foo (f a) (f b) where f = fmap f -- requires FlexibleInstances
instance Foo Float Int where f = round
instance Foo Integer Char where f n = head $ show n
This does mean a lot of explicit type annotation to avoid No instance for... and Ambiguous type error messages.
For example, you can't do main = print (f 6), but you can do main = print (f (6::Int)::Int)
You could list all of the instances with the standard types that you want,
which could lead to an awful lot of repetition, our you could light the blue touchpaper and do:
instance Integral i => Foo Double i where f = round -- requires FlexibleInstances
instance Real r => Foo Integer r where f = fromInteger -- requires FlexibleInstances
Beware: this does not mean "Hey, if you've got an integral type i,
you can have an instance Foo Double i for free using this handy round function",
it means: "every time you have any type i, it's definitely an instance
Foo Double i. By the way, I'm using round for this, so unless your type i is Integral,
we're going to fall out." That's a big issue for the Foo Integer Char instance, for example.
This can easily break your other instances, so if you now type f (5::Integer) :: Integer you get
Overlapping instances for Foo Integer Integer
arising from a use of `f'
Matching instances:
instance Foo Integer Integer
instance Real r => Foo Integer r
You can change your pragmas to include OverlappingInstances:
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances, FlexibleInstances,TypeSynonymInstances,MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
So now f (5::Integer) :: Integer returns 500, so clearly it's using the more specific Foo Integer Integer instance.
I think this sort of approach might work for you, defining many instances by hand, carefully considering when to go completely wild
making instances out of standard type classes. (Alternatively, there aren't all that many standard types, and as we all know, notMany choose 2 = notIntractablyMany, so you could just list them all.)
Here's a suggestion to solve a more general problem, not yours specifically (I need more detail yet first - I promise to check later). I'm writing it in case other people are searching for a solution to a similar problem to you, I certainly was in the past, before I discovered SO. SO is especially great when it helps you try a radically new approach.
I used to have the work habit:
Introduce a multi-parameter type class (Types hanging out all over the place, so...)
Introduce functional dependencies (Should tidy it up but then I end up needing...)
Add FlexibleInstances (Alarm bells start ringing. There's a reason the compiler has this off by default...)
Add UndecidableInstances (GHC is telling you you're on your own, because it's not convinced it's up to the challenge you're setting it.)
Everything blows up. Refactor somehow.
Then I discovered the joys of type families (functional programming for types (hooray) - multi-parameter type classes are (a bit like) logic programming for types). My workflow changed to:
Introduce a type class including an associated type, i.e. replace
class MyProblematicClass a b | a -> b where
thing :: a -> b
thang :: b -> a -> b
class MyJustWorksClass a where
type Thing a :: * -- Thing a is a type (*), not a type constructor (* -> *)
thing :: a -> Thing a
thang :: Thing a -> a -> Thing a
Nervously add FlexibleInstances. Nothing goes wrong at all.
Sometimes fix things by using constraints like (MyJustWorksClass j,j~a)=> instead of (MyJustWorksClass a)=> or (Show t,t ~ Thing a,...)=> instead of (Show (Thing a),...) => to help ghc out. (~ essentially means 'is the same type as')
Nervously add FlexibleContexts. Nothing goes wrong at all.
Everything works.
The reason "Nothing goes wrong at all" is that ghc calculates the type Thing a using my type function Thang rather than trying to deduce it using a merely a bunch of assertions that there's a function there and it ought to be able to work it out.
Give it a go! Read Fun with Type Functions before reading the manual!
