How to get the ASCII value of a string - c#-4.0

Suppose there is a string:
String str="Hello";
HOw can i get the ASCII value of that above mentioned string?

Given your comment, it sounds like all you need is:
char[] chars = str.ToCharArray();
A char value in .NET is actually a UTF-16 code unit, but for all ASCII characters, the UTF-16 code unit value is the same as the ASCII value anyway.
You can create a new string from the array like this:
string sortedText = new string(chars);
As it happens, "Hello" is already in ascending ASCII order...

byte[] asciiBytes =Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(str);
You now have an array of the ASCII value of the bytes


Use python string as byte

I have the byte representation of a character in a string, let's say the character is 'H', which has the byte value of 72. My string is therefore "72".
How do I go about converting this string ("72") into its corresponding character value ('H') based on the byte value (72) represented in my string using python 3.6?
Psuedo code:
str = 72
Expected result:
Its as simple as that. Remember that chr() only takes int and ord() only takes str
Please do not use this community for such Syntex based questions.
Still your ans is:
# Get the ASCII number of a character
number = ord(char)
# Get the character given by an ASCII number
char = chr(number)
If this is your answer tick mark this response.

Padding a hexadecimal string with zeros to a 6 character length

I have this:
function dec2hex(IN)
local OUT
OUT = string.format("%x",IN)
return OUT
and need IN to have padded zeros to string length of 6.
I can't use String.Utils or PadLeft. It's within an app called Watchmaker which uses a cut down version of Lua.
String formats in Lua work mostly just like in C. So to pad a number with zeros, just use %0n where n is the number of places. For example
print(string.format("%06x", 16^4-1))
will print 00ffff.
See chapter 20 The String Library of “Programming in Lua”, the reference of string.format, and the C reference for the printf family of functions for details.
If you store your format string locally you can call the format method on to the format string and the example of #Henri results in ("%06x"):format(0xffff)
print(("%06x"):format(0xffff)) -- Prints `00ffff`
You can write numbers in hex format. It is the same as C.

Why is Go adding bytes to my string?

When I add a single byte to my string at 0x80 or above, golang will add 0xc2 before my byte.
I think this has something to do with utf8 runes. Either way, how do I just add 0x80 to the end of my string?
var s string = ""
len(s) // this will be 0
s += string(0x80)
len(s) // this will be 2, string is now bytes 0xc2 0x80
The From the specification:
Converting a signed or unsigned integer value to a string type yields a string containing the UTF-8 representation of the integer.
The expression string(0x80) evaluates to a string with the UTF-8 representation of 0x80, not a string containing the single byte 0x80. The UTF-8 representation of 0x80 is 0xc2 0x80.
Use the \x hex escape to specify the byte 0x80 in a string:
s += "\x80"
You can create a string from an arbitrary sequence of bytes using the string([]byte) conversion.
s += string([]byte{0x80})
I haven't found a way to avoid adding that character, if I use string(0x80) to convert the byte. However, I did find that if I change the whole string to a slice of bytes, then add the byte, then switch back to a string, I can get the correct byte order in the string.
bytearray := []byte(some_string)
bytearray = append(bytearray, 0x80)
some_string = string(bytearray)
Kind of a silly work around, if anyone finds a better method, please post it.

How to check if there's only numbers in string

how to check if there is only numbers in the string?
I want to skip some code with goto if there's only numbers in the string.
i := StrToInt( str );
{ str is NOT an integer }
A simple google: Pascal Help
Convert a string to an integer value.
Source position: line 113
function StrToInt( const s: string ):Integer; Description
StrToInt will convert the string Sto an integer. If the string
contains invalid characters or has an invalid format, then an
EConvertError is raised.
To be successfully converted, a string can contain a combination of
numerical characters, possibly preceded by a minus sign (-). Spaces
are not allowed.
The string S can contain a number in decimal, hexadecimal, binary or
octal format, as described in the language reference. For enumerated
values, the string must be the name of the enumerated value. The name
is searched case insensitively.
For hexadecimal values, the prefix '0x' or 'x' (case insensitive) may
be used as

Converting Character and CodePoint in Swift

Can I convert directly between a Swift Character and its Unicode numeric value? That is:
var i:Int = ... // A plain integer index.
var myCodeUnit:UInt16 = myString.utf16[i]
// Would like to say myChar = myCodeUnit as Character, or equivalent.
var j:String.Index = ... // NOT an integer!
var myChar:Character = myString[j]
// Would like to say myCodeUnit = myChar as UInt16
I can say:
myCodeUnit = String(myChar).utf16[0]
but this means creating a new String for each character. And I am doing this thousands of times (parsing text) so that is a lot of new Strings that are immediately being discarded.
The type Character represents a "Unicode grapheme cluster", which can be multiple Unicode codepoints. If you want one Unicode codepoint, you should use the type UnicodeScalar instead.
As per the swift book:
String to Code Unit
To get codeunit/ordinals for each character of the String, you can do the following:
var yourSwiftString = "甲乙丙丁"
for scalar in yourSwiftString.unicodeScalars {
print("\(scalar.value) ")
Code Unit to String
Because swift current does not have a way to convert ordinals/code units back to UTF, the best way I found is to still NSString. i.e. if you have int ordinals (32bit but representing the 21bit codepoints) you can use the following to convert to Unicode:
var i = 22247
var unicode_str = NSString(bytes: &i, length: 4, encoding: NSUTF32LittleEndianStringEncoding)
Obviously if you want to convert a array of ints, you'll need to pack them into a array first.
I spoke to an Apple engineer who is working on Unicode and he says they have not completed the implementation of unicode characters in strings. Are you looking at getting a code unit or a full character? Because the only and proper way to get at a full unicode character is by using a for each loop on a string. ie
for c in "hello" {
// c is a unicode character of type Character
But, this is not implemented as of yet.
