xpages Tabbed Panel printing - xpages

I'm sure I am missing something straightforward and simple, but in xpages, using a tabbed panel, who do I get all the tabs to print when the users prints the page?

You can use a Dojo tab container (part of the extension library) instead of the standard tabbed panel. With the Dojo tab container the content of all tabs is loaded at once (in opposite to the standard tabbed panel, as Tim said), so you could do some CSS magic to make all tabs visible when printing.
Tim recommends building a separate XPage for printing, and I second that. Organize the content of the tabs in custom controls, create a new XPage for example with the suffix "_print" and include the custom controls in it without the tabbed panel. Then create a button, link or whatever in the first XPage which simple opens an XPage with the same name plus "_print" in a new window.
In the "_print" Xpage you can use a "window.print" after the page loads to open the print dialog automatically.
This technique has the advantage that you can style the printing exactly as needed. You can even control which content to include when printing by using the visible/rendered property and compute to render controls only when the current page name does not include "_print".


Google Chrome Extension Development

I am developing a chrome extension that would like to add a tab at the bottom of the page to manipulate DOM elements. Chrome 'manifest.json' file doesn't provide such feature. So how to do it or rather how does Firebug add a tab at the bottom of the Chrome?
I would suggest inserting a panel in every page through a content script. You can style it in order to appear at the bottom of the page and be always visible.
In order for it to retain its state between navigation from one page to another, you need to persist it some how (example use chrome.storage or a similar mechanism through the background page to persist the content (or whatever you need).
See this answer on how to insert (and style) a toolbar-like div or iframe in a page through a content script. (It is fixed to the top of the page, but you can easily modify the code to fix its position at the bottom.)

How to do multiple lines on Tabbed Panel tabs?

Is there a way to show multiple lines on the default Tabbed Panel tabs? It has to be the stock, not Extlib, Tabbed Panel as this is for an 8.53 XPiNC application and having ExtLib installed cannot be guaranteed.
I need a way to show a title and below that some additional text also on the same tab. Putting on the same lines makes the tabs to wide, especially when I have four or five of them.
I would still go for the Dojo tabbed panel. The code is there even without Extlib. It is just a little more work si ce you have to sprinkle the html needed into your forms. There you have ultimate flexibility.

Custom Backstage View Tab like standard tab FileNew

I want to design own custom backstage view tab that has desing like standard tab FileNew.
How can I (and can I at all) use such tab elements like scrollable button set or large borderless button with text at bottom of one.
There are elements in the BackStage Tabs which are built-in and not available form the programming side. For example, all the individual controls on the Print Backstage Tab cannot be re-used by a developer. I'm afraid that we have the same problem with the File New Backstage. The previews are built-in. You can verify this if you look into the WordControls.xlsx file delivered with the Office 2010 Control-IDs download: There are no controls for the TabNew except for "GroupNewFormTemplates", "GroupNew2003Dialog" and "GroupNewFormPreview".
You can only re-use controls which are defined in the Ribbon Scheme, as Combobox, Edit Control, Button, and so on.
So to display your templates, you must use these default controls, or built something completely different.

SharePoint 2010 Publishing Page live preview... any thoughts?

I would like to collect your ideas on the following:
SharePoint 2010 (and 2007) does have a preview button... while you are editing a publishing page you can switch to the "Page" tab and hit the Preview button:
Clicking this button does some magic to save your data, and opens a new window where the preview page is displayed. Nice, but could be better. What I would like is live update on editing of field controls from the edit page on the preview page.
My thoughts on this is are as follows:
Field types have an ID. For rendering the field values on your preview page, subclass from the standard FieldValue control, and render a span with the same ID around the field value html. So if we have the text ABC in the content editable div of a RichTextFiled X, render the field value as ABC in the display output (for example using EditModePanels for Display and Edit)
Add key-stroke event handler on all fields for the edit mode page (using for example jQuery), on key press copy contents from edit browser window to preview browser window
Transfer can be done using http://www.sfpeter.com/2008/03/13/communication-between-browser-windows-with-jquery-my-new-plugin/.
Does this sound doable? Would be great to work dual monitor, edit on one monitor, preview page in its real rendering on the other monitor. Especially if the edit mode differs from the display mode.
Looking forward to your input!
I will answer my own question. It is not as easy as its sounds. Fields can use things like reusable content and render patterns. These features render at server side, and change the output. This would require postbacks, which renders the whole thing useless. Lets stay with the already available preview button.

Drupal Panels, Tabs - How do I create a link to a tab within a panel node?

How do I create a link to a tab within a panel node?
I'm working on a Drupal website and have tabs within panel nodes (Modules: Tabs, Panels, Tabs Panel Style). When I click on the tabs it takes me to the correct tab. When I click on the 'next' and 'previous' links they take to the correct page. When I hover over those links they show me the link URL (ex: http://examplesite.com/content/Project-Template#build-it).
When I type in a URL like that in the address bar it doesn't take me to the tab, but it does take me to the main page with the tabs on it.
How do I create a link to a tab within a panel node?
This is very important b/c I want to be able to direct people to a certain tab from other pages. This will also be useful if I need to call one of the tabs but pass some parameters in this time (example: editing or deleting data, which passes parameters of what to edit or delete). I want the user to be brought back to the tab they made the request from and not the first tab b/c that is not user-friendly.
I made this for you, it's for the 7.x-1.x branch.
