Is randomInts suffering from ping-pong effect? - haskell

The below two code are taken from the RWH book's concurrency chapter:
force :: [a] -> ()
force xs = go xs `pseq` ()
where go (_:xs) = go xs
go [] = 1
randomInts :: Int -> StdGen -> [Int]
randomInts k g = let result = take k (randoms g)
in force result `seq` result
randomInts is a function for generating list of random number for testing the performance of parallel sorting algorithm. It has been mentioned in the book that they have avoided some potential problem in the above code. This is what has been said in the book:
Invisible data dependencies.
When we generate the list of random numbers, simply printing the
length of the list would not perform enough evaluation. This wouls
evaluate the spine of the list, but not its elements. The actual
random numbers would not be evaluated until the sort compares them.
This can have serious consequences for performance. The value of a
random number depends on the value of the preceding random number in
the list, but we have scattered the list elements randomly among our
processor cores. If we did not evaluate the list elements prior to
sorting, we would suffer a terrible “ping pong” effect: not only would
evaluation bounce from one core to another, performance would suffer.
Try snipping out the application of force from the body of main above:
you should find that the parallel code can easily end up three times
slower than the non-parallel code.
So basically they are saying that by using the force function they have avoided the ping-pong problem. But again during the explanation of the force function, they describe it like this:
Notice that we don't care what's in the list; we walk down its spine
to the end, then use pseq once. There is clearly no magic involved
here: we are just using our usual understanding of Haskell's
evaluation model. And because we will be using force on the left hand
side of par or pseq, we don't need to return a meaningful value.
As seen from the definition of the force function and the explanation above, the elements in the individual list elements are not evaluated. So how does the randomInts function is actually avoiding the ping-pong effect. Is this an error in the book or am I understanding something wrong ?

randomInts actually doesn't seem to suffer from ping-pong effect. The function force is actually not only traversing the entire spline of the list, but also evaluating the elements of the list.
import Control.Parallel (par, pseq)
force :: [a] -> ()
force xs = go xs `pseq` ()
where go (_:xs) = go xs
go [] = 1
In ghci:
ghci > let a = [1..10]
ghci > :sprint a
a = _
ghci > force a
ghci > :sprint a
a = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
So the force function fully evaluates the list, saving it from the ping-pong effect.


Can any partial function be converted to a total version in Haskell?

So far I have seen numerous "Maybe" versions of certain partial functions that would potentially result in ⊥, like readMaybe for read and listToMaybe for head; sometimes I wonder if we can generalise the idea and work out such a function safe :: (a -> b) -> (a -> Maybe b) to convert any partial function into their safer total alternative that returns Nothing on any instances where error stack would have been called in the original function. As till now I have not found a way to implement such safe function or existing implementations of a similar kind, and I come to doubt if this idea is truly viable.
There are two kinds of bottom actually, non-termination and error. You cannot catch non-termination, for obvious reasons, but you can catch errors. Here is a quickly thrown-together version (I am not an expert so there are probably better ways)
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Control.Exception
import System.IO.Unsafe
safe f = unsafePerformIO $ do
z <- try (evaluate f)
let r = case z of
Left (e::SomeException) -> Nothing
Right k -> Just k
return r
Here are some examples
*Main > safe (head [42])
Just 42
*Main > safe (head [])
*Main λ safe (1 `div` 0)
*Main λ safe (1 `div` 2)
Just 0
No, it's not possible. It violates a property called "monotonicity", which says that a value cannot become more defined as you process it. You can't branch on bottoms - attempting to process one always results in bottom.
Or at least, that's all true of the domain theory Haskell evaluation is based on. But Haskell has a few extra features domain theory doesn't... Like executing IO actions being a different thing than evaluation, and unsafePerformIO letting you hide execution inside evaluation. The spoon library packages all of these ideas together as well as can be done. It's not perfect. It has holes, because this isn't something you're supposed to be able to do. But it does the job in a bunch of common cases.
Consider the function
collatz :: Integer -> ()
collatz 1 = ()
collatz n
| even n = collatz $ n`div`2
| otherwise = collatz $ 3*n + 1
(Let's pretend Integer is the type of positive whole numbers for simplicity)
Is this a total function? Nobody knows! For all we know, it could be total, so your proposed safe-guard can't ever yield Nothing. But neither has anybody found a proof that it is total, so if safe just always gives back Just (collatz n) then this may still be only partial.

Most efficient way of building a list in a left fold?

When building lists, I usually use a right fold, as that lets me use the right-associative : operator without affecting the order of the resulting list. In a left fold, I could use ++, but I understand that this will entail repeatedly copying the list while it is being produced, giving O(N^2) operations for an N-element list, which is generally unacceptable.
So, when I have to use a left fold (in my specific case this is because I'm using foldlM and the monadic actions produced must be performed in left-to-right order), is there any better way of reconciling this other than building the list in the fold using : and reversing the result?
when I have to use a left fold (... because ... the monadic actions produced must be performed in left-to-right order)
Right fold can lean so far right that it comes back left again. For example, you can print (i.e. monadic action) each number and calculate partial sums of a list from left to right using a right fold:
fun :: [Int] -> IO [Int]
fun xs = foldr go (const $ return []) xs 0
where go x f a = let a' = a + x in print x >> (a' :) <$> f a'
\> fun [1..5]
note that the output list is built using (a' :) and the monadic action is performed left to right, even though it is a right fold.
Since you mention foldlM, likely this blog post of mine answers your question in depth:
Constructing a list in a Monad
The bottom line is: Use difference lists; i.e. in your left-fold, you accumulate a value of type [a] -> [a], where you can append a value using . (x:) efficiently, and at the end you apply this function to [] to obtain your list.

linear congruent generator in haskell

This is a very simple linear-congruent pseudo-random number generator. It works fine when I seed it, but I want to make it so that it self-seeds with every produced number. Problem is that I don't know how to do that in Haskell where the notion of variables does not exist. I can feed the produced number recursively, but then my result would be a list of integers instead of a single number.
linCongGen :: Int -> Int
linCongGen seed = ((2*seed) + 3) `mod` 100
I'll summarize the comments a bit more meaningfully. The simplest solution is, like you observed, an infinite list of the sequence of generated elements. Then, every time you want to get a new number, pop off the head of that list.
linCongGen :: Integral a => a -> [a]
linCongGen = iterate $ \x -> ((2*x) + 3) `mod` 100
That said, here is a solution (which I do not agree with), but which does what I think you want. For mutable state, we usually use IORef, which is sort of like a reference or pointer. Here is the code. Please read the disclaimer afterwards though.
import Data.IORef
import System.IO.Unsafe
seed :: IORef Int
seed = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef 71
linCongGen :: IO Int
linCongGen = do previous <- readIORef seed
modifyIORef' seed $ \x -> ((2*x) + 3) `mod` 100
return previous
And here is a sample usage printing out the first hundred numbers generated: main = replicateM_ 100 $ getRandom >>= print (you'll need to have Control.Monad imported too for replicateM_).
This is a bit of a hacky approach described here. As the link says "Maybe the need for global mutable state is a symptom of bad design." The link also has a good description of a more intelligent workaround. Making an IORef is an inherently IO operation, and we really shouldn't be using unsafePerformIO on it. If you find yourself fighting Haskell in this way, it's because Haskell was designed to get in your way when you are doing things you shouldn't.
That said, I find comfort in knowing that this approach is also the one using in System.Random (the standard random number module) to define the initial seed (check out the source).

Counting number of elements in a list that satisfy the given predicate

Does Haskell standard library have a function that given a list and a predicate, returns the number of elements satisfying that predicate? Something like with type (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Int. My hoogle search didn't return anything interesting. Currently I am using length . filter pred, which I don't find to be a particularly elegant solution. My use case seems to be common enough to have a better library solution that that. Is that the case or is my premonition wrong?
The length . filter p implementation isn't nearly as bad as you suggest. In particular, it has only constant overhead in memory and speed, so yeah.
For things that use stream fusion, like the vector package, length . filter p will actually be optimized so as to avoid creating an intermediate vector. Lists, however, use what's called foldr/build fusion at the moment, which is not quite smart enough to optimize length . filter p without creating linearly large thunks that risk stack overflows.
For details on stream fusion, see this paper. As I understand it, the reason that stream fusion is not currently used in the main Haskell libraries is that (as described in the paper) about 5% of programs perform dramatically worse when implemented on top of stream-based libraries, while foldr/build optimizations can never (AFAIK) make performance actively worse.
No, there is no predefined function that does this, but I would say that length . filter pred is, in fact, an elegant implementation; it's as close as you can get to expressing what you mean without just invoking the concept directly, which you can't do if you're defining it.
The only alternatives would be a recursive function or a fold, which IMO would be less elegant, but if you really want to:
foo :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Int
foo p = foldl' (\n x -> if p x then n+1 else n) 0
This is basically just inlining length into the definition. As for naming, I would suggest count (or perhaps countBy, since count is a reasonable variable name).
Haskell is a high-level language. Rather than provide one function for every possible combination of circumstances you might ever encounter, it provides you with a smallish set of functions that cover all of the basics, and you then glue these together as required to solve whatever problem is currently at hand.
In terms of simplicity and conciseness, this is as elegant as it gets. So yes, length . filter pred is absolutely the standard solution. As another example, consider elem, which (as you may know) tells you whether a given item is present in a list. The standard reference implementation for this is actually
elem :: Eq x => x -> [x] -> Bool
elem x = foldr (||) False . map (x ==)
In order words, compare every element in the list to the target element, creating a new list of Bools. Then fold the logical-OR function over this new list.
If this seems inefficient, try not to worry about it. In particular,
The compiler can often optimise away temporary data structures created by code like this. (Remember, this is the standard way to write code in Haskell, so the compiler is tuned to deal with it.)
Even if it can't be optimised away, laziness often makes such code fairly efficient anyway.
(In this specific example, the OR function will terminate the loop as soon as a match is seen - just like what would happen if you hand-coded it yourself.)
As a general rule, write code by gluing together pre-existing functions. Change this only if performance isn't good enough.
This is my amateurish solution to a similar problem. Count the number of negative integers in a list l
nOfNeg l = length(filter (<0) l)
main = print(nOfNeg [0,-1,-2,1,2,3,4] ) --2
No, there isn't!
As of 2020, there is indeed no such idiom in the Haskell standard library yet! One could (and should) however insert an idiom howMany (resembling good old any)
howMany p xs = sum [ 1 | x <- xs, p x ]
-- howMany=(length.).filter
main = print $ howMany (/=0) [0..9]
Try howMany=(length.).filter
I'd do manually
howmany :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Int
howmany _ [ ] = 0
howmany pred (x:xs) = if pred x then 1 + howmany pred xs
else howmany pred xs

Extent of GHC's optimization

I am not very familiar with the degree that Haskell/GHC can optimize code. Below I have a pretty "brute-force" (in the declarative sense) implementation of the n queens problem. I know it can be written more efficiently, but thats not my question. Its that this got me thinking about the GHC optimizations capabilities and limits.
I have expressed it in what I consider a pretty straightforward declarative sense. Filter permutations of [1..n] that fulfill the predicate For all indices i,j s.t j<i, abs(vi - vj) != j-i I would hope this is the kind of thing that can be optimized, but it also kind of feels like asking a lot of compiler.
validQueens x = and [abs (x!!i - x!!j) /= j-i | i<-[0..length x - 2], j<-[i+1..length x - 1]]
queens n = filter validQueens (permutations [1..n])
oneThru x = [1..x]
pointlessQueens = filter validQueens . permutations . oneThru
main = do
n <- getLine
print $ pointlessQueens $ (read :: String -> Int) n
This runs fairly slow and grows quickly. n=10 takes about a second and n=12 takes forever. Without optimization I can tell the growth is factorial (# of permutations) multiplied by quadratic (# of differences in the predicate to check). Is there any way this code can perform better thru intelligent compilation? I tried the basic ghc options such has -O2 and didn't notice a significant difference, but I don't know the finer points (just added the flagS)
My impression is that the function i call queens can not be optimized and must generate all permutations before filter. Does the point-free version have a better chance? On the one hand I feel like a smart function comprehension between a filter and a predicate might be able to knock off some obviously undesired elements before they are even fully generated, but on the other hand it kind of feels like a lot to ask.
Sorry if this seems rambling, i guess my question is
Is the pointfree version of above function more capable of being optimized?
What steps could I take at make/compile/link time to encourage optimization?
Can you briefly describe some possible (and contrast with the impossible!) means of optimization for the above code? At what point in the process do these occur?
Is there any particular part of ghc --make queensN -O2 -v output I should be paying attention to? Nothing stands out to me. Don't even see much difference in output due to optimization flags
I am not overly concerned with this code example, but I thought writing it got me thinking and it seems to me like a decent vehicle for discussing optimization.
PS - permutations is from Data.List and looks like this:
permutations :: [a] -> [[a]]
permutations xs0 = xs0 : perms xs0 []
perms [] _ = []
perms (t:ts) is = foldr interleave (perms ts (t:is)) (permutations is)
where interleave xs r = let (_,zs) = interleave' id xs r in zs
interleave' _ [] r = (ts, r)
interleave' f (y:ys) r = let (us,zs) = interleave' (f . (y:)) ys r
in (y:us, f (t:y:us) : zs)
At a more general level regarding "what kind of optimizations can GHC do", it may help to break the idea of an "optimization" apart a little bit. There are conceptual distinctions that can be drawn between aspects of a program that can be optimized. For instance, consider:
The intrinsic logical structure of the algorithm: You can safely assume in almost every case that this will never be optimized. Outside of experimental research, you're not likely to find a compiler that will replace a bubble sort with a merge sort, or even an insertion sort, and extremely unlikely to find one that would replace a bogosort with something sensible.
Non-essential logical structure of the algorithm: For instance, in the expression g (f x) (f x), how many times will f x be computed? What about an expression like g (f x 2) (f x 5)? These aren't intrinsic to the algorithm, and different variations can be interchanged without impacting anything other than performance. The difficulties in performing optimization here are essentially recognizing when a substitution can in fact be done without changing the meaning, and predicting which version will have the best results. A lot of manual optimizations fall into this category, along with a great deal of GHC's cleverness.
This is also the part that trips a lot of people up, because they see how clever GHC is and expect it to do even more. And because of the reasonable expectation that GHC should never make things worse, it's not uncommon to have potential optimizations that seem obvious (and are, to the programmer) that GHC can't apply because it's nontrivial to distinguish cases where the same transformation would significantly degrade performance. This is, for instance, why memoization and common subexpression elimination aren't always automatic.
This is also the part where GHC has a huge advantage, because laziness and purity make a lot of things much easier, and is I suspect what leads to people making tongue-in-cheek remarks like "Optimizing compilers are a myth (except perhaps in Haskell).", but also to unrealistic optimism about what even GHC can do.
Low-level details: Things like memory layout and other aspects of the final code. These tend to be somewhat arcane and highly dependent on implementation details of the runtime, the OS, and the processor. Optimizations of this sort are essentially why we have compilers, and usually not something you need to worry about unless you're writing code that is very computationally demanding (or are writing a compiler yourself).
As far as your specific example here goes: GHC isn't going to significantly alter the intrinsic time complexity of your algorithm. It might be able to remove some constant factors. What it can't do is apply constant-factor improvements that it can't be sure are correct, particularly ones that technically change the meaning of the program in ways that you don't care about. Case in point here is #sclv's answer, which explains how your use of print creates unnecessary overhead; there's nothing GHC could do about that, and in fact the current form would possibly inhibit other optimizations.
There's a conceptual problem here. Permutations is generating streaming permutations, and filter is streaming too. What's forcing everything prematurely is the "show" implicit in "print". Change your last line to:
mapM print $ pointlessQueens $ (read :: String -> Int) n
and you'll see that results are generated in a streaming fashion much more rapidly. That fixes, for large result sets, a potential space leak, and other than that just lets things be printed as computed rather than all at once at the end.
However, you shouldn't expect any order of magnitude improvements from ghc optimizations (there are a few, obvious ones that you do get, mostly having to do with strictness and folds, but its irritating to rely on them). What you'll get are constant factors, generally.
Edit: As luqui points out below, show is also streaming (or at least show of [Int] is), but the line buffering nonetheless makes it harder to see the genuine speed of computation...
It should be noted, although you do express that it is not part of your question, that the big problem with your code is that you do not do any pruning.
In the case of your question, it feels foolish to talk about possible/impossible optimization, compiler flags, and how to best formulate it etc. when an improvement of the algorithm is staring us so blatantly in the face.
One of the first things that will be tried is the permutations starting with the first queen in position 1 and the second queen in position 2 ([1,2...]). This is of course not a solution and we will have to move one of the queens. However, in your implementation, all permutations involving this combination of the two first queens will be tested! The search should stop there and instantly move to the permutations involving [1,3,...].
Here is a version that does this sort of pruning:
import Data.List
import Control.Monad
main = getLine >>= mapM print . queens . read
queens :: Int -> [[Int]]
queens n = queens' [] n
queens' xs n
| length xs == n = return xs
| otherwise = do
x <- [1..n] \\ xs
guard (validQueens (x:xs))
queens' (x:xs) n
validQueens x =
and [abs (x!!i - x!!j) /= j-i | i<-[0..length x - 2], j<-[i+1..length x - 1]]
I understand that your question was about compiler optimization but as the discussion has shown pruning is necessary.
The first paper that I know of about how to do this for the n queens problem in a lazy functional language is Turner's paper "Recursion Equations as a Programming Language" You can read it in Google Books here.
In terms of your comment about a pattern worth remembering, this problem introduces a very powerful pattern. A great paper on this idea is Philip Wadler's paper, "How to Replace Failure by a List of Successes", which can be read in Google Books here
Here is a pure, non-monadic, implementation based on Turner's Miranda implementation. In the case of n = 12 (queens 12 12) it returns the first solution in .01 secs and will compute all 14,200 solutions in under 6 seconds. Of course printing those takes much longer.
queens :: Int -> Int -> [[Int]]
queens n boardsize =
queensi n
-- given a safe arrangement of queens in the first n - 1 rows,
-- "queensi n" returns a list of all the safe arrangements of queens
-- in the first n rows
queensi :: Int -> [[Int]]
queensi 0 = [[]]
queensi n = [ x : y | y <- queensi (n-1) , x <- [1..boardsize], safe x y 1]
-- "safe x y n" tests whether a queen at column x would be safe from previous
-- queens in y where the first element of y is n rows away from x, the second
-- element is (n+1) rows away from x, etc.
safe :: Int -> [Int] -> Int -> Bool
safe _ [] _ = True
safe x (c:y) n = and [ x /= c , x /= c + n , x /= c - n , safe x y (n+1)]
-- we only need to check for queens in the same column, and the same diagonals;
-- queens in the same row are not possible by the fact that we only pick one
-- queen per row
