Is there a method in recent Math.Net to return the SquaredNorm of a vector? -

In the old version (Iridium) there was a method Vector.SquaredNorm() but in the most recent stable version of Math.Net there is none available.
What method should I use?

If you want the squared L2-norm (which is what Iridium did if I remember correctly) you can simply square it yourself:
var squaredNorm1 = Math.Pow(v.L2Norm(),2);
Alternatively you can also use dot product which is a bit shorter (and also faster in case you use native providers and the vectors are very large):
var squaredNorm2 = v*v;


Why is there no `_heappush_max()` in python?

I am looking through the official python repo and I am noticing there is no max variant for heappush,but they have the other max implementations for pop and _siftup.
Is there a reason for this?
These functions are intended for internal use only (see also PEP 8 on leading underscore): they serve here for the implementation of the public heapq.merge and heapq.nsmallest functions, which may need a max-heap to produce the result, but never need to push an element on that max-heap.
As these functions do not belong to the public interface, you should not rely on them. In future versions, they may be removed, be renamed, or behave differently.
We can wonder why Python does not include an interface for supporting maxheaps. Some considerations:
This is just a decision of the designers, and this might change in the future
The equivalent of a max heap with numbers, is a min heap with these numbers negated.
There are packages that support maxheaps just like heapq supports minheaps, like for instance this heapq_max.

the way of efficiently generating two random samples with dependency

I would like to generate two set of variables, h_min and h_max,
h_max = [h_max_1, h_max_2, …h_max_2000]
h_min = [h_min_1, h_min_2,… h_min_2000]
Each element of h_max is generated based on uniform distribution, i.e.,
h_max = np.random.uniform(0, 20, 2000).
For each element, h_min_i, it should be generated based on the uniform distribution with range of 0, and corresponding h_max_i In other words, h_min_i = np.random.uniform(0, h_max_i)
In stead of using iteration, how to efficiently generate h_min
The numpy.random.uniform function allows the first and/or second parameters to be an array, not just a number. They work exactly as you were expecting:
However, numpy.random.* functions, such as numpy.random.uniform, have become legacy functions as of NumPy 1.17, and their algorithms are expected to remain as they are for backward compatibility reasons. That version didn't deprecate any numpy.random.* functions, however, so they are still available for the time being. See also this question.
In newer applications you should make use of the new system introduced in version 1.17, including numpy.random.Generator, if you have that version or later. One advantage of the new system is that the application relies less on global state. Generator also has a uniform method that works in much the same way as the legacy function numpy.random.uniform. The following example uses Generator and works in your case:
gen=np.random.default_rng() # Creates a default Generator

How PyTorch implements Convolution Backward?

I read about the Pytorch's source code, and I find it's weird that it doesn't implement the convolution_backward function, The only convolution_backward_overrideable function is directly raises an error and supposed not to fall here.
So I referred to CuDNN / MKLDNN implementation, they both implements functions like cudnn_convolution_backward.
I got the following question:
What are the native implementation of CUDA/ CPU? I can find something like thnn_conv2d_backward_out, but I could not find where are this is called.
Why PyTorch didn't put the convolution_backward function in Convolution.cpp? It offers an _convolution_double_backward() function. But this is the double backward, it's the gradient of gradient. Why don't they offer a single backward function?
If I want to call the native convolution/ convolution_backward function for my pure cpu/cuda tensor, how should I write code? Or where could I refer to? I couldn't find example for this.
Thanks !
1- Implementation may differ depending on which backend you use, it may use CUDA convolution implementation from some library, CPU convolution implementation from some other library, or custom implementation, see here: pytorch - Where is “conv1d” implemented?.
2- I am not sure about the current version, but single backward was calculated via autograd, that is why there was not an explicit different function for it. I don't know the underlying details of autograd but you can check That double_backward function is only there if you need higher order derivatives.
3- If you want to do this in C, the file you linked (convolution.cpp) shows you how to do this (function at::Tensor _convolution...). If you inspect the function you see it just checks which implementation to use (params.use_something...) and use it. If you want to do this in python you should start tracing from conv until where this file convolution.cpp is called.
I have figured something addition to #unlut's post.
The convolution method are in separate files for different implementations. You may find cudnn_convoluton_backward or mkldnn_convolution_backward easily. One tricky thing is that the final native fall function is hard to find. It is because currently Pytorch Teams are porting Thnn function to ATen, you could refer to PR24507.
The native function could be find as thnn_con2d_backward.
The convolution backward is not calculated via autograd, rather, there must a conv_backward function and this must be recorded in derivatives.yaml. If you want to find specific backward function, refer to that file is a good start.
About this code, if you want to directly call thnn_backward function, you need to explicitly construct finput and fgrad_input. These are two empty tensor offering as a buffer.
at::Tensor finput = at::empty({0},input.options());
at::Tensor fgrad_input = at::empty({0}, input.options());
auto kernel_size = weight.sizes().slice(2);
auto &&result = at::thnn_conv2d_backward(grad_output, input, weight,kernel_size , stride, padding,
finput, fgrad_input, output_mask);

what is the way to add max_solutions and max_seconds parameters to Python MIP Optimization model?

I am using python's MIP module for optimization. I have set up a model with few parameters. I would want to limit the number of solutions and add stop timer if I don't find any solution in given time. I have added these parameters as given below:
m = Model(name='opt', sense=MAXIMIZE, solver_name=CBC)
m.optimize(max_solutions=1, max_seconds= 300)
somehow none of them seem working to me. it does not even stop looking for a solution after given time and it returns 2 solution sometimes even if I want to limit it to 1. Is there something I am missing in syntax?
One more thing, Gurobi has an option to add multiple variable using add_Vars parameter. Is there anything similar available in MIP too?
Yeah I have been doing some tests myself (with the Python-MIP solver) and seen some similar issues. Apparently it's still quite new and many improvements have been implemented recently or are yet to be developed. I will post from what I've learned:
regarding max_seconds: There's been at least one (closed) issue on the official repo related to using max_seconds parameter and CBC.
regarding max_solutions: If you are using version 1.6.2 or before, here's an explanation for that: until 1.6.1, the m.optimize(max_solutions=1) wasn't setting the maximum solution parameter to CBC. In that case you should try with the following lines (or just update to current version):
m.max_solutions = 1
If the former don't help for the max_seconds and max_solutions parameters, I guess you'd better post your question as an issue at the library's repo to get answers and support from the project contributors.
Adding multiple variables, similar to gurobipy's Model.addVars() method: Yes, you can do it as follows
p = {(i, j): m.add_var(var_type=CONTINUOUS, lb=0, name="p[%d,%d]" % (i, j))
for i in Set_i for j in Set_j}
In this example, we are adding a variable p_ij and specifying it's continuous
(vs. binary or integer), has lower bound 0, and the sets where the indexes run. Set_i and Set_j are Python lists. See the documentation here for a more detailed explanation on how to use it. Similarly, you can create indexed constraints using the add_constr method, similar to Gurobi's Model.AddConstrs() method.

HashMap implementation - RPGLE

Is it feasible to implement a sort of hash map in RPGLE?
How would you begin thinking it?
Should I look at the Java source code and "copy" that style?
HashMap should ultimately be compatibile with every data type.
I'd start here:Implementing a HashMap
Should be able to use C code as a basis for an RPGLE version.
Or you could just build the procedures in C and call it from RPGLE.
Depending on your needs (if you don't need a specific order of your elements) you could also use a tree based map which already exists, . It uses the red-black-tree implementation from the libtree project on github (which is wonderfully compatible C code. congrats to the developer).
The project on RPG Next Gen provides wrappers for character and integer keys. You can store any value in it as you pass a pointer and a length for it.
And yes, there is a need for data structures like lists and maps and trees. I use them often for passing data between procedures where I don't know how many elements may be returned. And in most programming languages lists and maps and trees are part of the language or at least part of the runtime library. Sadly not so in RPG.
In the end I did my own implementation.
You can find it here:
It is based on the JDK implementation, but the hash code is calculated from a SHA1 hash, and a module operation is used instead of bit shifting.
