Set Up Visual Studio 2012 for Enterprise Portal Development - visual-studio-2012

Is there any way to get VS2012 set up for Enterprise Portal developing?
I already installed the EP Dev Kit for VS2010 and am able to build and deploy EP UserControls, but how to achieve this in VS2012?
MSDN says you have to use VS2010
Have I overseen something? Anybody knows about a workaround or something?
The complete solution and all referenced projects are built in VS2012 so it would be nice if there wasn't any need to have VS2010 involved for a single UserControl for AX.

As you said yourself, MSDN says:
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 is required to create or modify User
Controls for Enterprise Portal
The visual studio components for AX don't work with VS2012 so you are stuck with VS2010. I don't know of any way to make it work but even if it was a workaround I would not recommend it since Microsoft says otherwise. You will not get support and you wouldn't be sure if any problems you face are due to using VS2012.
From that same page, these are the ones that are supported:
Visual Studio 2010 Professional, Visual Studio 2010 Premium, and
Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate.
It's not convenient but not a problem since you can run VS2010 and VS2012 side by side.


building codedui project with VS2010 professional

I have created my codedUI project using VS2010 Ultimate and build works fine when I am building from VS2010 Ultimate.
I am trying to build the same project using VS2010 Professional and when the build starts it complaints about missing assemblies one of the missing assemblies is "Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.CodedUITestFramework"
Is it possible to build CodedUI projects with VS2010 Professional?
The Visual Studio 2010 Professional version does not support the coded UI test, you might need to upgrade to the Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate or Microsoft Visual Studio Premium.
In new Versions of Visual Studio, Only Visual Studio Enterprise provide Coded UI Support and Visual Studio Professional & Visual Studio Community doesn't have support.
Please see for more details:

IPP and Visual Studio 2012

I've been trying to get the .NET Dev Kit and Azure SDK to work with Visual Studio 2012 and am not having much luck. What am I missing?
The Azure SDK installation instructions don't work on VS 2012. When I search for anything Intuit-related from the VS Extension Manager, nothing comes up.
I tried installing from the VS Gallery but then there's no Intuit Anywhere menu in VS as shown in the VS 2010 screen shot. (These instructions are highly suspect, since Intuit has moved away from the "Intuit Anywhere" name. But given that the developer site was overhauled recently I would expect the instructions to be up to date.)
Is there an easy way to get this to work with VS 2012, or am I wasting my time? Am I better off just building everything from scratch? (We have done that in another project, just not with Azure.)
The Plugin for Visual Studio has not been updated for Visual Studio 2012, the last supported version is 2010.
The code that the plugin generates is available as templates and sample code as well.
It includes the Oauth grant and handler pages, as well as the OpenId handlers.

Is it possible to develop extensions for visual studio 2012 using free tools?

I would like to make a template for F# lib + XNA 4.0 + Xbox360 for visual studio 2012.
All I have is Visual Studio 2012 Express Edition for Web.
When I try to install the Visual Studio 2012 SDK, it stops after reporting that it requires Visual Studio 2012. The log seems to indicate it's looking for the Professional edition.
I'm not interested in buying a professional license for hobby work, and I am a bit surprised Microsoft would want to prevent hobbyists from extending their product.
I do have a professional license for Visual Studio 2010, though. If there's a way to make extensions for 2012 using 2010, that would work for me.
You can use VS2010 to develop extension compatible with VS2012.
All you have to do is to manually change vsixmanifest to make it work with newer version:
<VisualStudio Version="11.0">
Note however that Visual Studio Express does not support extensions, so you won't be able to install it in VS2012 Express anyway.

Working with Microsoft Moles in Visual Studio 2012

I have a visual studio 2010 solution (.Net3.5) that used Microsoft Moles for testing, I opened it in Visual Studio 2012 and I was able to build it, however I cannot run the tests from Visual Studio. The reason for this is that the Moles host adapter is not registered in vs2012.
So all test methods with [HostType("Moles")] fail to run with the following exception:
Message: UTA034:
CreateSite_MockProperties_Passes has invalid HostType attribute. A valid, registered host type must be specified.
Has anyone figured out how to register the Host adapter in Visual Studio 2012?
Its looking more optimistic for fans of the Moles framework.
As we know, its successor "Fakes and Stubs" was only available in VS2012 Ultimate SKU.
However Microsoft just announced that as of VS2012 Update 2, Premium SKU users will be able to use Fakes and Stubs. I'm happy with that!!
We have to figure out how to install that Host adapter in Visual Studio 2012!

Is Visual Studio 11 beta missing the "Add Deployable Assemblies" menu option?

In Visual Studio 2010 SP1, there is an option on the right-click menu on a web project to Add Deployable Assemblies. Phil Haack blogged about it here.
In Visual Studio 11 beta and Visual Studio 2012, this option appears to be missing. Thankfully, you can easily round trip solutions between VS 2010 and VS 11 so I could just open the solution in VS 2010 to add the MVC assemblies to the _bin_deployableAssemblies folder.
Is it just my installation thats broken or do I need to install anything else to get this working?
The Add Deployable Assemblies dialog was a feature that enabled you to deploy MVC or Web Pages projects. It was necessary because in older versions all the assemblies were installed into the GAC on your dev machine but you wouldn't necessarily know if that was the case on the server. Thus this tooling gesture that made your project bin-deployable.
Starting with MVC 3 Tools Update we are now using Nuget package references, which means that your project is automatically bin-deployable. Since the tooling gesture is no longer necessary it was removed from VS 11.
