building codedui project with VS2010 professional - coded-ui-tests

I have created my codedUI project using VS2010 Ultimate and build works fine when I am building from VS2010 Ultimate.
I am trying to build the same project using VS2010 Professional and when the build starts it complaints about missing assemblies one of the missing assemblies is "Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.CodedUITestFramework"
Is it possible to build CodedUI projects with VS2010 Professional?

The Visual Studio 2010 Professional version does not support the coded UI test, you might need to upgrade to the Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate or Microsoft Visual Studio Premium.
In new Versions of Visual Studio, Only Visual Studio Enterprise provide Coded UI Support and Visual Studio Professional & Visual Studio Community doesn't have support.
Please see for more details:


Why am I not able to open a VS project

I have a Visual Studio project that I created in my previous PC (32-bit if that makes any difference). I recently got a new PC (64-bit) and I am trying to open the project and I am seeing the following error:
This version of Visual Studio does not have the following project types installed or does not support them. You can still open these projects in the version of Visual Studio in which they were originally created.
- ONew, "C:\temp\onb\ONewSln\ONew\ONew.csproj"
No changes required
These projects can be opened in this version of Visual Studio without changing them. They will continue to open in Visual Studio 2010 SP1 and in this version of Visual Studio.
- ONewWeb, "C:\temp\onb\ONewSln\ONewWeb\ONewWeb.csproj"
- ONewSln, "C:\temp\onb\ONewSln\ONewSln.sln"
Is there a add-on or visual studio component that I have to download to make it work?
Please help me resolve the issue.
After doing some research and spending hours banging my head against the wall, I figured out how to resolve the issue.
You have to install Microsoft Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2012.
Open up the Web Platform Installer and if you don’t have it installed, download and install it. Search for Office Developer Tools and install it.
This will enable you to open the project without any issue.
Usually you can open VS2010 SP1 files in VS2012. But after opening and on compiling you may get some errors of missing packages. Then you have to install the missing packages. Check this out: Visual Studio 2012 compatibilty.
Some solutions, projects, files, and other assets that you created in Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1) will run without modification in Visual Studio 2012, but others have to be upgraded. The above document describes how various kinds of assets behave in these two versions of Visual Studio.
If you use both Visual Studio 2012 and Visual Studio 2010 SP1, you can create and modify projects and files in either version as long as you don't add features that require Visual Studio 2012.
VS2012 may convert projects when you first open them, but the changes are (except noted in the document linked) backward compatible with VS2010.

Set Up Visual Studio 2012 for Enterprise Portal Development

Is there any way to get VS2012 set up for Enterprise Portal developing?
I already installed the EP Dev Kit for VS2010 and am able to build and deploy EP UserControls, but how to achieve this in VS2012?
MSDN says you have to use VS2010
Have I overseen something? Anybody knows about a workaround or something?
The complete solution and all referenced projects are built in VS2012 so it would be nice if there wasn't any need to have VS2010 involved for a single UserControl for AX.
As you said yourself, MSDN says:
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 is required to create or modify User
Controls for Enterprise Portal
The visual studio components for AX don't work with VS2012 so you are stuck with VS2010. I don't know of any way to make it work but even if it was a workaround I would not recommend it since Microsoft says otherwise. You will not get support and you wouldn't be sure if any problems you face are due to using VS2012.
From that same page, these are the ones that are supported:
Visual Studio 2010 Professional, Visual Studio 2010 Premium, and
Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate.
It's not convenient but not a problem since you can run VS2010 and VS2012 side by side.

Migration from VS 2008 to VS2012 or VS 2013

I recently migrated my VC++ 6.0 application code to Visual studio 2008 in Windows 7. Now, I would like to migrate my project again to Visual studio 2012/2013 in Windows 7. Which is prefered and why?
Visual studio 2008 to visual studio 2012
Visual studio 2008 to visual studio 2013
Please advise.
I would just migrate directly to VS2013. The changes between VS2012 and VS2013 are minor and none of them game-breaking.
I would also suggest looking at and maybe the official MSDN articles for VS2012 for VS2013
This may alert you to anything you might want to change\investigate before upgrade. At the end though if your goal is VS2013 then just do 1 upgrade, 1 set of tests etc.

Visual Studio 2012 fails to open Visual Studio 2010 projects

I tried to open in Visual Studio 2012 a VS 2010 solution and I get these error:
Unable to read the project file "Language.vcxproj".
D:...\Language\Language.vcxproj(2,33): The tools version "4.0" is unrecognized. Available tools versions are "2.0".
It has something to do with the ToolsVersion attribute:
I believe this may be something with target platform settings, or with the version of the .NET framework, or with the version of the C++ compiler.
BTW, this also happens with .csproj files contained on other solutions I have.
What annoys me more is that I have a colleague that can open those solutions in his computer without any problem and I can not.
In the Control Panel, I have this items for the .NET framework:
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 Multi-Targeting Pack
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 SDK
Help, please!

Is it possible to develop extensions for visual studio 2012 using free tools?

I would like to make a template for F# lib + XNA 4.0 + Xbox360 for visual studio 2012.
All I have is Visual Studio 2012 Express Edition for Web.
When I try to install the Visual Studio 2012 SDK, it stops after reporting that it requires Visual Studio 2012. The log seems to indicate it's looking for the Professional edition.
I'm not interested in buying a professional license for hobby work, and I am a bit surprised Microsoft would want to prevent hobbyists from extending their product.
I do have a professional license for Visual Studio 2010, though. If there's a way to make extensions for 2012 using 2010, that would work for me.
You can use VS2010 to develop extension compatible with VS2012.
All you have to do is to manually change vsixmanifest to make it work with newer version:
<VisualStudio Version="11.0">
Note however that Visual Studio Express does not support extensions, so you won't be able to install it in VS2012 Express anyway.
