Is it possible to set numbered list format in etherpad-lite?
Default format is:
I would like to have formatting:
UPDATE: Tried to use
.list-number1 li:before {
content: "§" counter(first, decimal);
counter-increment: first;
but all elements at first level have §1 numbering (I think there is no pure css solution for that)
I wrote the Etherpad Ordered List implementation. it would be easy to do what you want with CSS.
Place the followin in your src/static/custom/pad.css
/* The behavior for incrementing and the prefix */
.list-number1 li:before {
content: "§" counter(first);
counter-increment: first;
.list-number2 li:before {
content: counter(first) ")";
counter-increment: second;
.list-number3 li:before {
content: counter(first) ".";
counter-increment: third 1;
Ensure when you refresh your page that it hasn't loaded the minified/cached version of custom/pad.css
I find it bizarre that this got down-voted.. OP can you please confirm this is the correct answer?
Again it's worth noting I wrote the implementation in Etherpad Core so I'm kinda familiar with this...
Got a device with some common code in DML 1.4 where I want to verify a parameter is properly set on all fields of all registers by using and in each statement:
dml 1.4;
//import "each-bank.dml";
template stop_template {
param stop default true;
template dont_stop is stop_template{
param stop = false;
in each bank {
in each register {
in each field {
is stop_template;
#if (this.stop)
error "Stop here";
For a device in dml 1.2 my error statements triggers on d.o even if I add the template or parameter myself:
dml 1.2;
device each_device;
import "each-import.dml"
bank a {
register x size 4 #0x0 {
field alpha #[2:0] {
is dont_stop;
bank d {
register o size 4 #0x0 is stop_template;
DML-DEP each-device.dmldep
DEP each-device-dml.d
DMLC each-device-dml.c
Using the Simics 5 API for test-device module
/modules/test-device/each-device.dml:15:5: In d.o
/modules/test-device/each-import.dml:18:17: error: Stop here
gmake: *** [test-device] Error 2
Running the same code with an 1.4 device works as intended. Does the in each statement does not work with mixed devices?
Your issue is that in dml 1.2 registers with no declared fields get one whole-register-covering field implicitly defined by the compilator. This is then picked up by your each-statement, correctly.
To work around this, you need your template to check if it is actually being applied to an explicit field (part of the unfortunate pain that comes with writing common-code for both 1.2 and 1.4).
To do this: use the 1.2 parameter 'explicit' which is set by the compiler, which is 'true' for declared fields only. This parameter is however not present in 1.4, so you need to additionally guard this check with a check on the 'dml_1_2' parameter.
Something along the lines of:
in each bank {
in each register {
in each field {
// We cannot put this inside the hashif, despite wanting to,
// because DML does not (yet) allow conditional templating on
// parameters
is stop_template;
// This _does_ mean we can check this.stop first, saving us
// a little bit of code
#if (this.stop) {
// It is generally considered good practice to keep
// dml_1_2 checks in their own #if branch, so that they
// can be removed wholesale once 1.2 is no longer supported
#if (dml_1_2) {
#if (explicit) {
error "Stop here";
} #else {
error "Stop here";
In your case, the problematic code is a consistency check that's not strictly necessary for the device to function, so one option is to just skip this check for DML 1.2, assuming that most remaining DML 1.2 devices are legacy things where not much development is happening. So you can just put the problematic definitions inside #if (!dml_1_2) { } and it will compile again. Note that the compiler has a special case for the dml_1_2 parameter, which allows a top-level #if to contain any kind of top-level statement, including template definitions and typedefs.
FYI: Products is my cms element name.
As shown in shopware 6 guides, I have created a file
which has an enrich method which helps to extend data. In there I try to access the configs of my custom cms element with:
$config = $slot->getFieldConfig();
$productListType = $config->get('products')->getValue();
That, however always returns the default value that was set during the registration of the element:
name: 'products',
label: 'das.elements.customProductsElement.label',
component: 'sw-cms-el-products',
configComponent: 'sw-cms-el-config-products',
previewComponent: 'sw-cms-el-preview-products',
defaultConfig: {
products: {
source: 'static',
value: ''
I did it exactly as it is shown in the following guides:
Could anyone share a sample of code where you get the value of config as a variable and not static value?
What I was doing wrong was that I forgot to write the .value in computed methods:
computed: {
products() {
return this.element.config.products.value;
However I also found such function call in shopware source codes which was not mentioned in the docs:
methods: {
createdComponent() {
this.initElementData('youtube-video'); // this line was not present in docs
I assume you haven't done any further handling of the product data in your config component, as you do not mention it.
I suggest having a look at the default cms components like for example shopware/administration/Resources/app/administration/src/module/sw-cms/elements/product-slider/config/index.js where you can see how product data is handled :)
All the examples I find online that talk about how to style a feature depending on one of its properties use a switch statement that evaluates whether that property corresponds to a specific value.
For example this is taken form one of Leaflet's official tutorials:
L.geoJSON(states, {
style: function(feature) {
switch ( {
case 'Republican': return {color: "#ff0000"};
case 'Democrat': return {color: "#0000ff"};
What if I wanted to determine the feature's color depending on a numeric treshold? Say all features that have propertyX (which is a number) bigger than a certain value get colored red, otherwise blue.
I found this post where one user explains that switch statements are not made for comparisons; how can I do one then?
If use an external function (see code below) the latter seems to not be able to access the feature's properties.
L.geoJSON(states, {
style: styling
function styling () {
if ( > 100) {
return {color: "red"}
} else {
return {color: "blue"}
The feature gets passed a parameter of your function, you forgot to add it:
function styling (feature) {
// feature is now available
I have a basic issue to solve, i am new to python and wish to use python3 to just grab input from a user and paste it into a specific location within a multi line string. I am not entirely sure on to achieve the specific location i am after.
What i have so far
new_domain = input("Ener domain you would like to block: ")
zone = """zone {} IN {{
type master;
file "zones/";
allow-transfer { none; };
allow-query { my-dmz; };
When i run the code
Error is "KeyError: ' none;'
Do i need to escape out of the multi line string to make the {} valid parameter to place the users input?
Once i get the output formatting correct i would like to paste in multiple domains for it to have this specific output per domain i enter.
So desired output would be
Enter domain you would like to block?
zone "" IN {{
type master;
file "zones/";
allow-transfer { none; };
allow-query { my-dmz; };
Thanks in advance to any help.
Ok so after some help from elsewhere i have found the below code works for anyone else interested
new_domain = input("Ener domain you would like to block: ")
print("""zone "%s" IN {
type master;
file "zones/";
allow-transfer { none; };
allow-query { my-dmz; };
};""" % new_domain)
I needed to avoid using format markers in this {} as i would have to have weird escape characters everywhere. So instead the traditional formatting option of % was used. Seems to do the trick.
Now will work on placing this in a while loop and write entries to a file as i have hundreds of domains to add :)
I have a multiselect bound to a store in which I implemented use of anyMatch: true to allow for True to allow any match - no regex start/end line anchors will be added (as per the comment in Filter.js). My problem is that I need to implement this as per the answer to multiselect-search-whole-string, in particular the solution provided in this fiddle
What I want to do is just set anyMatch: true, regardless, so I set it in Filter.js, but this has no effect on use of it. I searched the entire codebase for other instances of anyMatch: false and the only other one is in ext-all-debug.js. Why isn't setting these values having any effect? I don't see where else this default value could be set?
I tried a different override, and while it is not exhibiting the right behavior, it is actually doing something this time. I figured that since the chunk of code that does work when embedded in the search attribute within the MultiSelector control was pretty much what was found in the MultiSelectorSearch's search method, that this was what I needed to focus on for the override. Any suggestions on tweaking this would be most welcome:
Ext.define('Ext.overrides.view.MultiSelectorSearch', {
override: 'Ext.view.MultiSelectorSearch',
search: function (text, me) {
var filter = me.searchFilter,
filters = me.getSearchStore().getFilters();
if (text) {
if (filter) {
} else {
me.searchFilter = filter = new Ext.util.Filter({
id: 'search',
property: me.field,
value: text,
anyMatch: true
} else if (filter) {
Got it! The key was that originally, since this code was embedded in a singleton, I could reference the method by passing me from the calling form.panel. This did not work globally as an override, and required me to define the method as
search: function (text) {
var me = this,
I hope this helps someone out there!
Changing in ext-all-debug.js is not safe, when you do a production build this file will not get included.
Best way is to override the Filter class, here is how you can do it.
Ext.define('Ext.overrides.util.Filter', {
override: 'Ext.util.Filter',
anyMatch: true
And import this class in Application.js