SVG line in y=mx+c format - svg

I want to draw an SVG line given the slope and the constant term or the y = mx + c format.
Is there a direct way to do this in SVG or an indirect way?
Thanks in advance.

The <line> tag only supports start and end attributes (x1, y1, x2, y2). As such, you'll need to pick x coordinates outside your canvas manually and use y2 = y1 + m(x2 - x1).
Looking through the spec, it's possible to transform individual elements as required:
<line ... transform="translate(x, y) rotate(theta)" />
Where theta is the angle of clockwise rotation in degrees.
So you could draw a long horizontal line from (-10000, 0) to (10000, 0), say, and then apply the appropriate rotation and translation to position it:
<line x1="-10000" y1="0" x2="10000" y2="0" transform="translate(150, 200) rotate(-30)" />
Will draw a (seemingly endless) line through (150, 200) of slope π/6 radians.

SVG is a good means of showing geometry. However, you must know some Javascript to build the dynamic display.
Below is an example that you can copy into your HTML file and view it in the browser.
It shows drawing a line from two points, then extending it to the end of the viewable svg viewing area (400x400), using the equation y=mx+c. Note, that the y-axis in svg begins at the upper-left, where y coordinates extends downward as the positive direction.
Drawing the line and extending it uses a bit of javascript.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
<title>Draw Line y=mx+b</title>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<body style='padding:10px;font-family:arial'>
<h4>Draw Line y=mx+b</h4>
Red line is original points. Dashed extends to start(0)/end(400) of x axis
<div id="svgDiv" style='background-color:lightgreen;width:400px;height:400px;'>
<svg id="mySVG" width="400" height="400">
<line id="myLine2" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" stroke-dasharray="10 10" />
<line id="myLine1" stroke="red" stroke-width="5" />
<br />SVG Source:<br />
<textarea id=svgSourceValue style='font-size:110%;font-family:lucida console;width:90%;height:200px'></textarea>
<br />Javascript:<br />
<textarea id=jsValue style='border-radius:26px;font-size:110%;font-weight:bold;color:midnightblue;padding:16px;background-color:beige;border-width:0px;font-size:100%;font-family:lucida console;width:90%;height:400px'></textarea>
<div id='browserDiv' style='padding:5px;position:absolute;top:5px;left:5px;background-color:gainsboro;'>OK in:IE11/CH32/FF23<br /></div>
<script id=myScript>
function DrawLineToAxis()
var x1=120
var y1=150
var x2=360
var y2=290
var m=(y2-y1)/(x2-x1)
//---extend to x=0 x=400
function init()

The Following is my code :
function linemc(m,c){
var x,y,xm=[],ym=[];
x=-1;y=m*x+c;if(y>=0&&y<ysize) {xm.push(x);ym.push(y);}
x=xsize+1;y=m*x+c;if(y>=0&&y<ysize) {xm.push(x);ym.push(y);}
y=-1;x=(y-c)/m;if(x>=0&&x<xsize+1) {xm.push(x);ym.push(y);}
y=ysize+1;x=(y-c)/m;if(x>=0&&x<xsize+1) {xm.push(x);ym.push(y);}
return new line(xm[0],ym[0],xm[1],ym[1]);
where new line just creates a DOM node for line by accepting four arguments
and xsize and ysize is size of canvas


How to only present output in Google Colaboratory?

I have the following svg that presents a logo but I want to generate a .pdf where it's only present the logo and not the code of this specific cell, how can I do that?
The svg:
<svg width="529" height="265" xmlns="" xmlns:undefined="">
<title>Layer 1</title>
<metadata id="svg_14">image/svg+xml</metadata>
<metadata id="svg_9">image/svg+xml</metadata>
<g transform="matrix(1.33333 0 0 -1.33333 0 468.32)" id="svg_2">
<g transform="translate(0 -76.2875) scale(0.1 0.1)" id="svg_3">
<!-- uminho symbol + red background -->
<path fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#a42a3c" id="svg_7" d="m0,2291.02528l1984.25,0l0,1984.25l-1984.25,0l0,-1984.25"/>
<!-- uminho symbol -->
<path fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#ffffff" id="svg_6" d="m1502.43,3514.55528l-378.95,-220.62c-68.8,-39.71 -129.285,64.76 -60.48,104.49l379,220.52c68.88,39.76 129.16,-64.71 60.43,-104.39m-1039.617,-1.46l383.14,-217.25c68.711,-39.66 129.059,64.89 60.172,104.67l-383.203,217.16c-68.77,39.7 -128.938,-64.84 -60.109,-104.58m459.449,-797.92l-0.047,440.75c0,33.37 27.109,60.33 60.379,60.33c33.336,0 60.336,-27.01 60.336,-60.34l-0.05,-440.74c0,-33.28 -26.92,-60.34 -60.286,-60.33c-33.321,0 -60.332,27.01 -60.332,60.33m-379.258,235.44l184.039,104.36c68.863,39.77 8.461,144.3 -60.289,104.6l-183.996,-104.46c-68.774,-39.72 -8.574,-144.24 60.246,-104.5m918.046,-3.45l-179.19,108.08c-68.78,39.7 -8.28,144.18 60.55,104.43l179.14,-108.16c68.72,-39.67 8.4,-144.12 -60.5,-104.35m-478.495,964.28c-33.371,0 -60.293,-27.05 -60.293,-60.33l-0.047,-211.59c0,-33.32 27.012,-60.34 60.34,-60.34c33.265,0 60.375,26.98 60.375,60.34l-0.05,211.59c0,33.32 -27,60.33 -60.325,60.33"/>
<!-- ec symbol + blue background -->
<path fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#8cbce8" id="svg_5" d="m1984.25,2291.02528l1984.26,0l0,1984.25l-1984.26,0l0,-1984.25"/>
<!-- ec symbol -->
<path fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#ffffff" id="svg_4" d="m3540.85,3037.67528l-100.97,183.1c-39.72,68.79 -144.26,8.6 -104.58,-60.12l101.07,-183.06c39.74,-68.84 144.12,-8.57 104.48,60.08m-17.75,558.93c0,33.34 -27.02,60.24 -60.29,60.24l-211.41,0.05c-33.3,0 -60.28,-27 -60.28,-60.29c0,-33.25 26.94,-60.34 60.28,-60.34l211.41,0.05c33.31,0 60.29,26.99 60.29,60.29m-362.52,-738.96c16.65,28.85 6.78,65.71 -22.07,82.36c-28.87,16.67 -65.68,6.72 -82.31,-22.09l-105.75,-183.06c-16.65,-28.84 -6.77,-65.71 22.07,-82.36c28.79,-16.62 65.73,-6.83 82.4,22.04l105.66,183.11zm-150.24,974.55c16.66,28.85 6.77,65.71 -22.06,82.36c-28.88,16.67 -65.69,6.72 -82.32,-22.09l-105.75,-183.06c-16.65,-28.84 -6.76,-65.71 22.07,-82.36c28.8,-16.62 65.73,-6.83 82.4,22.05l105.66,183.1zm-241.49,-862.5c0,33.25 -26.96,60.34 -60.29,60.34l-211.42,-0.05c-33.29,0 -60.29,-27 -60.29,-60.29c-0.01,-33.35 27.04,-60.24 60.29,-60.24l211.4,-0.05c33.31,0 60.31,26.99 60.31,60.29m-146.85,428.75l-105.75,183.06c-16.63,28.81 -53.44,38.76 -82.31,22.09c-28.84,-16.65 -38.72,-53.51 -22.07,-82.36l105.66,-183.1c16.67,-28.88 53.61,-38.67 82.4,-22.05c28.83,16.65 38.72,53.52 22.07,82.36"/>
The Output is this one:
Thanks in advance.
R.: One of the options I have is convert the svg to a png and put it there but I would like to not do that extra step.
By far the simplest way to convert SVG to PDF is via HTML, so I suggest you add enough HTML wrapping to control the output. Here we can see the normal HTML placement would include lots of other page data which of course you may add as you wish. One gotcha is of course units so you may need to introduce scaling factors but that is way beyond this simple demonstration of how to show and convert SVG-to-PDF
The first step is wrapping the SVG with the HTML (and this is overkill) but I simply used your Minimal !! SVG for cut and paste in a template as proof of concept.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<!-- saved from url= -->
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<meta name="GENERATOR" content="KJs Template Builder V 2022-01">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css"><style>
#media print {
#page {
/* For different margins – use the standard CSS margin property: north, east, south, west, here it is one value */
margin: 0;
/* Browser default, customisable by the user if using the print dialogue. */
size: auto;
/* Default, In my instance of Edge, this is a vertical or horizontal A4 format, but you might find something different depending on your locale. */
size: portrait;
/* Different width and height. here using stated width="529" height="265" can be px or pt or cm. For square, just use one value or use name like A6 landscape; note this is over-riding both above size: */
size: 529px 265px;
body { margin: 0; }
</head><body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="blue" vlink="purple" alink="red">
<svg width="529" height="265" xmlns="" xmlns:undefined="">
<title>Layer 1</title>
<metadata id="svg_14">image/svg+xml</metadata>
<metadata id="svg_9">image/svg+xml</metadata>
<g transform="matrix(1.33333 0 0 -1.33333 0 468.32)" id="svg_2">
<g transform="translate(0 -76.2875) scale(0.1 0.1)" id="svg_3">
<!-- uminho symbol + red background -->
<path fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#a42a3c" id="svg_7" d="m0,2291.02528l1984.25,0l0,1984.25l-1984.25,0l0,-1984.25"/>
<!-- uminho symbol -->
<path fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#ffffff" id="svg_6" d="m1502.43,3514.55528l-378.95,-220.62c-68.8,-39.71 -129.285,64.76 -60.48,104.49l379,220.52c68.88,39.76 129.16,-64.71 60.43,-104.39m-1039.617,-1.46l383.14,-217.25c68.711,-39.66 129.059,64.89 60.172,104.67l-383.203,217.16c-68.77,39.7 -128.938,-64.84 -60.109,-104.58m459.449,-797.92l-0.047,440.75c0,33.37 27.109,60.33 60.379,60.33c33.336,0 60.336,-27.01 60.336,-60.34l-0.05,-440.74c0,-33.28 -26.92,-60.34 -60.286,-60.33c-33.321,0 -60.332,27.01 -60.332,60.33m-379.258,235.44l184.039,104.36c68.863,39.77 8.461,144.3 -60.289,104.6l-183.996,-104.46c-68.774,-39.72 -8.574,-144.24 60.246,-104.5m918.046,-3.45l-179.19,108.08c-68.78,39.7 -8.28,144.18 60.55,104.43l179.14,-108.16c68.72,-39.67 8.4,-144.12 -60.5,-104.35m-478.495,964.28c-33.371,0 -60.293,-27.05 -60.293,-60.33l-0.047,-211.59c0,-33.32 27.012,-60.34 60.34,-60.34c33.265,0 60.375,26.98 60.375,60.34l-0.05,211.59c0,33.32 -27,60.33 -60.325,60.33"/>
<!-- ec symbol + blue background -->
<path fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#8cbce8" id="svg_5" d="m1984.25,2291.02528l1984.26,0l0,1984.25l-1984.26,0l0,-1984.25"/>
<!-- ec symbol -->
<path fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#ffffff" id="svg_4" d="m3540.85,3037.67528l-100.97,183.1c-39.72,68.79 -144.26,8.6 -104.58,-60.12l101.07,-183.06c39.74,-68.84 144.12,-8.57 104.48,60.08m-17.75,558.93c0,33.34 -27.02,60.24 -60.29,60.24l-211.41,0.05c-33.3,0 -60.28,-27 -60.28,-60.29c0,-33.25 26.94,-60.34 60.28,-60.34l211.41,0.05c33.31,0 60.29,26.99 60.29,60.29m-362.52,-738.96c16.65,28.85 6.78,65.71 -22.07,82.36c-28.87,16.67 -65.68,6.72 -82.31,-22.09l-105.75,-183.06c-16.65,-28.84 -6.77,-65.71 22.07,-82.36c28.79,-16.62 65.73,-6.83 82.4,22.04l105.66,183.11zm-150.24,974.55c16.66,28.85 6.77,65.71 -22.06,82.36c-28.88,16.67 -65.69,6.72 -82.32,-22.09l-105.75,-183.06c-16.65,-28.84 -6.76,-65.71 22.07,-82.36c28.8,-16.62 65.73,-6.83 82.4,22.05l105.66,183.1zm-241.49,-862.5c0,33.25 -26.96,60.34 -60.29,60.34l-211.42,-0.05c-33.29,0 -60.29,-27 -60.29,-60.29c-0.01,-33.35 27.04,-60.24 60.29,-60.24l211.4,-0.05c33.31,0 60.31,26.99 60.31,60.29m-146.85,428.75l-105.75,183.06c-16.63,28.81 -53.44,38.76 -82.31,22.09c-28.84,-16.65 -38.72,-53.51 -22.07,-82.36l105.66,-183.1c16.67,-28.88 53.61,-38.67 82.4,-22.05c28.83,16.65 38.72,53.52 22.07,82.36"/>
Now we need a means to send the content to a PDF writer and here I use Edge but you can of course use Chrome. On Windows you may need to run that as Admin, it should only take a few seconds even on a slow 32bit win 7 device as I am currently on.
Note older windows may need --disable-gpu but should not now be needed since 7 is expired.
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --headless --run-all-compositor-stages-before-draw --print-to-pdf="%USERPROFILE%\desktop\OUTlogo.pdf" --print-to-pdf-no-header "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Logo.html"

How to get intersection point(x,y) on SVG path

I have the SVG path, and I want to get point's y coordinate.
SVG line:
<svg xmlns="" width="1920" height="340" viewBox="0 0 1920 340">
<path clip-rule="evenodd" fill="none" stroke="#B3B3B3" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M-.5 60.3c88.8-42 232.2-89.1 355.2-34.4C549.3 112.5 640.3 163 720.3 192.4c80 29.4 278.9 116.9 451.3 61.4 172.3-55.4 328-112.5 568.3-23.2 100.1 43 151.4 65.8 179.6 79.3"/>
I try this answer code, but it doesn't fit my need. I think path.getTotalLength() is not great for my question.
How can I do?
What my project want to do: JSFiddle
I have no idea how red points can match the line for each device size.
I suggest that you try paperjs. It’s a JS graphics library that uses HTML <canvas> elements as its graphics context(s). Here’s an example using your curve and a vertical line at mouse.x, which intersections shown.
let wave_path
let bounds
window.onload = function() {
//paper is a library for working with canvases; it's like a graphics library that works with a canvas
//as its GUI window. Each canvas context is its own PaperScope, and the global paper variable is a reference
//to the currently active PaperScope.
//import wave svg. however, if you integrate paperjs into your page, you might as well draw the curve directly onto the
//canvas with paper, rather than creating an invisible svg element that you then import.
let wave_svg = paper.project.importSVG(document.getElementById('svg-wave'))
wave_svg.visible = true // Turn off the effect of display:none
//fit wave into paper canvas
bounds = paper.view.bounds
wave_path = wave_svg.children[0] //get contained path
wave_path.strokeColor = 'black'
wave_path.fillColor = null
//set event handlers on paper canvas
paper.view.onMouseMove = mouse_move
function mouse_move(event) {
let mouse_location = event.point
//clear canvas before redrawing
//when creating a graphical object with paper, it automatically gets drawn to the canvas at the end of an event handler
//draw vertical line to intersect with
let line = new paper.Path(new paper.Point(mouse_location.x, 0), new paper.Point(mouse_location.x, bounds.height))
line.strokeColor = 'black'
//redraw wave path
new paper.Layer(wave_path)
//draw intersections
let intersections = line.getIntersections(wave_path)
for (intersection of intersections) {
let circle = new paper.Path.Circle(intersection.point, 5)
circle.strokeColor = 'red'
circle.fillColor = 'white'
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>SVG Intersection Demo</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<svg id="svg-wave" style="display:none;" xmlns="" width="1920" height="340">
<path clip-rule="evenodd" fill="none" stroke="#B3B3B3" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M-.5 60.3c88.8-42 232.2-89.1 355.2-34.4C549.3 112.5 640.3 163 720.3 192.4c80 29.4 278.9 116.9 451.3 61.4 172.3-55.4 328-112.5 568.3-23.2 100.1 43 151.4 65.8 179.6 79.3"/>
<div style="text-align:center;">
<canvas id="paper-canvas" style="width:80%;"></canvas>

D3 and SVG namespaces for custom svg elements or attributes to be valid?

I created some custom svg attributes yet want to pass the svg validator test.
I saw the D3 > Namespace page, the previous How can I specify a custom XML/SVG namespace with D3.js? and thus processed as follow:
// d3.ns.prefix.geo = "";
// d3.ns.prefix.inkscape = "";
// SVG injection:
var width = 600;
var svg ="#hook").append("svg")
.attr("name", "Country's_name_administrative_map_\(2015\)")
.attr("id", "Country_s_name")
.attr("width", width)
// Tags:
.attr(':geo:syntax', "WSEN bounding box in decimal degrees")
.attr(':geo:west', WEST)
.attr('geo:south', SOUTH)
.attr(':geo:east', EAST)
.attr(':geo:north', NORTH)
.attr(':geo:title', title);
Produce :
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">
<svg xmlns=""
<defs xmlns="">
<style type="text/css"><![CDATA[
svg { border: 1px solid rgb(100, 100, 100); }]]>
<geo:g xmlns:geo=""
geo:syntax="WSEN bounding box in decimal degrees"
geo:title="Country's name" />
<defs><pattern id="hash2_4" width="6" h…
I still get all the errors (larger image) :
The first type of error is related to the custom <geo:g … > element itself, visible above. The 2nd type of errors is related to custom attributes such geo:west="…" or inkscape:group="…", which I expected to be valid due to the earlier xmlns declarations.
Am I walking the wrong road ? How to make custom attribute valid via d3js ?
EDIT: a minimal jsfiddle provide a demo of the buggy output.
About d3js and namespaces. According to Selvin on D3 doesn't append xmlns:something namespace properly to svg element, it's a D3js know bug with known but not yet implemented solution. Also, current way to overcome it is via JQuery
I made some mildly successful tries.
1) Reading: To produce valid svg document which could be saved, #Selim pointed out that d3.ns.prefix is NOT suitable (see d3 doesn't append namespace attributes to svg element ).
2) Reading more: So I read Namespaces Crash Course. The key point is that
[...] namespace prefixes are used to prefix attribute names and tag [element] names [...]
From the official doc with declaration and usages, for the attributes (<script> changed into <a>) :
<svg xmlns=""
<a xlink:href="space-rocket.html">...</a>
and for elements:
<html xmlns=""
<h1>SVG embedded inline in XHTML</h1>
<svg:svg width="300px" height="200px">
<svg:circle cx="150" cy="100" r="50" fill="#ff0000"/>
2) Porting: So I went ahead, NOT d3.ns.prefix, but with the handmade custom namespace ("geo") declaration as an attribute to the svg element via :"svg").attr(":xmlns:geo","")
together with usages such
.attr('manual', "WSEN bounding box in decimal degrees")
.attr('WEST', "-4.05")
.attr('SOUTH', "40.5")
.attr('EAST', "10.0")
.attr('NORTH', "54.5")
.attr('Title', "Imaginary map of Kinglons ruling Europe");
.attr(':geo:manual', "WSEN bounding box in decimal degrees")
.attr(':geo:WEST', "-4.05")
.attr(':geo:SOUTH', "40.5")
.attr(':geo:EAST', "10.0")
.attr(':geo:NORTH', "54.5")
.attr(':geo:Title', "Imaginary map of Kinglons ruling Europe");
.attr(':geo:manual', "WSEN bounding box in decimal degrees")
.attr(':geo:WEST', "-4.05")
.attr(':geo:SOUTH', "40.5")
.attr(':geo:EAST', "10.0")
.attr(':geo:NORTH', "54.5")
.attr(':geo:Title', "Imaginary map of Kinglons ruling Europe");
and about 3 other variants, but none is valid, all fails the svg validator.
I have no more ideas how to get a valid svg.
Fiddle (downloadable) , svg validator

Half filled circle with d3.js

I am trying to create a half filled circle with d3.js to be like this.
I didn't find any example of how to do it.
How can this be done with d3.js?
Yes, you can do that with an SVG gradient. All you have to do is define it and then use it as fill for the circle.
var grad = svg.append("defs").append("linearGradient").attr("id", "grad")
.attr("x1", "0%").attr("x2", "0%").attr("y1", "100%").attr("y2", "0%");
grad.append("stop").attr("offset", "50%").style("stop-color", "lightblue");
grad.append("stop").attr("offset", "50%").style("stop-color", "white");
.attr("fill", "url(#grad)");
JSfiddle here.
You may not even require d3 for this simple task. You may use this simple technique, Using Clippath on a circle, I have written it in details in my blog
Use Two circles one above another in a tag.
Fill one with the color you wish and another with white or may be your background color just to make it look like its empty in there.
Then clip the later one using with rectangle in it, assign radius few pixel less than the earlier circle.
Place clip path at the top left .. assign width equal to the diameter of the circle and height will be defined by your data.
The data will act reversible to the filling so you may subtract the actual data from your max. EG: if data is 20/100 do 100-20 so u ll get 80 in this way the empty part will be 80 and filled will be 20.
You may switch between height or width to switch between vertical or horizontal filling axis.
The HTML should look like this.
<svg height="200"> <a transform="translate(100,100)">
<circle fill="#f60" r="50"></circle>
<clippath id="g-clip">
<rect height="50" id="g-clip-rect" width="100" x="-50" y="-50">
<circle clip-path="url(#g-clip)" fill="#fff" r="47"></circle>
I have created a jsfiddle to illustrate this at:
create a div having id name id_cirlce and paste this code inside script tag
<div id="id_circle"></div>
var svg ="#id_circle")
var grad = svg.append("defs")
.append("linearGradient").attr("id", "grad")
.attr("x1", "0%").attr("x2", "0%").attr("y1", "100%").attr("y2", "0%");
grad.append("stop").attr("offset", "50%").style("stop-color", "lightblue");
grad.append("stop").attr("offset", "50%").style("stop-color", "white");

How do I scale an SVG that has some complex path definitions?

I have an SVG whose code is like what follows:
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">
<svg width="150px" height="150px" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet" viewBox="0 0 150 155" version="1.1" xmlns="">
<g id="g11" transform="matrix(1.25,0,0,-1.25,-100.0791,954.14501)">
<g id="g3186" transform="translate(6.3490095,-13.703287)">
<path d="..."></path>
<path d="..."></path>
<path d="..."></path>
<path d="..."></path>
The "original" dimensions of the SVG generate an image is that is 300px by 310px. I want to scale the image as a whole, let's say by 50%. I've tried a variety of ways to scale the image, but the best I've accomplished is to simply clip or "crop" the original image to a region that is 50% of the original dimensions.
Using preserveAspectRatio, setting the viewbox, trying to use transform="scale(0.5"), etc. have not worked. All I want to do is scale the original dimensions by 50%.
transform="scale(0.5)" should definitely work. You're probably doing something else wrong.
Try wrapping g11 in another g with transform="scale(0.5)" and remove the preserveAspectRatio and viewBox
Here is an example of how I'm doing it
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src=""></script>
<!-- this came from Open Clip Art
I just took the bits inside the g tag and gave them an id -->
<svg xmlns:xlink="" >
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