Name parametrized Data type - haskell

I am learning (once again) haskell and I have the following code:
import qualified Data.Map as Map
data Union = Union
father :: Int,
mother :: Int,
offspring :: [Int]
deriving Show
data Person = Person
uid :: Int,
name :: String,
parentUnion :: Maybe Union,
unions :: [Union]
deriving Show
family :: Map.Map Int Person
family = Map.fromList []
addPerson :: (Map.Map Int Person) -> Person -> (Map.Map Int Person)
addPerson family person
| Map.member puid family = error "Repeated id"
| otherwise = Map.insert puid person family
where puid = uid person
Now with more functions, I will have quite a lot of Map.Map Int Person types. Is there a way to define a type Family which is the same as Map.Map Int Person, so I could spell:
addPerson :: Family -> Person -> Family
My naive approach:
data Family = Map.Map Int Person
gives me a nice error:
Qualified constructor in data type declaration

Yes. To create "type synonyms" like that, just use type instead of data:
type Family = Map.Map Int Person
This makes Family exactly the same as writing out Map.Map Int Person. In fact, error messages will sometimes write out the full version instead of the synonym, so be ready for that.
Another option is to use a newtype:
newtype Family = Family (Map.Map Int Person)
The difference is that the newtype version is, like the name says, a new type: it is not directly compatible with Map.Map Int Person. If you try to use one where the other is expected, you will get an error. This is probably less useful for your example, but can be used to encode additional invariants in your types.
The newtype version is almost identical to a data construction:
data Family = Family (Map.Map Int Person)
It also introduces a new constructor Family which takes a single argument. However, unlike a normal data type, this only exists at compile time; the runtime representations of Family and Map.Map Int Person would still be exactly the same.


differences: GADT, data family, data family that is a GADT

What/why are the differences between those three? Is a GADT (and regular data types) just a shorthand for a data family? Specifically what's the difference between:
data GADT a where
MkGADT :: Int -> GADT Int
data family FGADT a
data instance FGADT a where -- note not FGADT Int
MkFGADT :: Int -> FGADT Int
data family DF a
data instance DF Int where -- using GADT syntax, but not a GADT
MkDF :: Int -> DF Int
(Are those examples over-simplified, so I'm not seeing the subtleties of the differences?)
Data families are extensible, but GADTs are not. OTOH data family instances must not overlap. So I couldn't declare another instance/any other constructors for FGADT; just like I can't declare any other constructors for GADT. I can declare other instances for DF.
With pattern matching on those constructors, the rhs of the equation does 'know' that the payload is Int.
For class instances (I was surprised to find) I can write overlapping instances to consume GADTs:
instance C (GADT a) ...
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} C (GADT Int) ...
and similarly for (FGADT a), (FGADT Int). But not for (DF a): it must be for (DF Int) -- that makes sense; there's no data instance DF a, and if there were it would overlap.
ADDIT: to clarify #kabuhr's answer (thank you)
contrary to what I think you're claiming in part of your question, for a plain data family, matching on a constructor does not perform any inference
These types are tricky, so I expect I'd need explicit signatures to work with them. In that case the plain data family is easiest
inferDF (MkDF x) = x -- works without a signature
The inferred type inferDF :: DF Int -> Int makes sense. Giving it a signature inferDF :: DF a -> a doesn't make sense: there is no declaration for a data instance DF a .... Similarly with foodouble :: Foo Char a -> a there is no data instance Foo Char a ....
GADTs are awkward, I already know. So neither of these work without an explicit signature
inferGADT (MkGADT x) = x
inferFGADT (MkFGADT x) = x
Mysterious "untouchable" message, as you say. What I meant in my "matching on those constructors" comment was: the compiler 'knows' on rhs of an equation that the payload is Int (for all three constructors), so you'd better get any signatures consistent with that.
Then I'm thinking data GADT a where ... is as if data instance GADT a where .... I can give a signature inferGADT :: GADT a -> a or inferGADT :: GADT Int -> Int (likewise for inferFGADT). That makes sense: there is a data instance GADT a ... or I can give a signature at a more specific type.
So in some ways data families are generalisations of GADTs. I also see as you say
So, in some ways, GADTs are generalizations of data families.
Hmm. (The reason behind the question is that GHC Haskell has got to the stage of feature bloat: there's too many similar-but-different extensions. I was trying to prune it down to a smaller number of underlying abstractions. Then #HTNW's approach of explaining in terms of yet further extensions is opposite to what would help a learner. IMO existentials in data types should be chucked out: use GADTs instead. PatternSynonyms should be explained in terms of data types and mapping functions between them, not the other way round. Oh, and there's some DataKinds stuff, which I skipped over on first reading.)
As a start, you should think of a data family as a collection of independent ADTs that happen to be indexed by a type, while a GADT is a single data type with an inferrable type parameter where constraints on that parameter (typically, equality constraints like a ~ Int) can be brought into scope by pattern matching.
This means that the biggest difference is that, contrary to what I think you're claiming in part of your question, for a plain data family, matching on a constructor does not perform any inference on the type parameter. In particular, this typechecks:
inferGADT :: GADT a -> a
inferGADT (MkGADT n) = n
but this does not:
inferDF :: DF a -> a
inferDF (MkDF n) = n
and without type signatures, the first would fail to type check (with a mysterious "untouchable" message) while the second would be inferred as DF Int -> Int.
The situation becomes quite a bit more confusing for something like your FGADT type that combines data families with GADTs, and I confess I haven't really thought about how this works in detail. But, as an interesting example, consider:
data family Foo a b
data instance Foo Int a where
Bar :: Double -> Foo Int Double
Baz :: String -> Foo Int String
data instance Foo Char Double where
Quux :: Double -> Foo Char Double
data instance Foo Char String where
Zlorf :: String -> Foo Char String
In this case, Foo Int a is a GADT with an inferrable a parameter:
fooint :: Foo Int a -> a
fooint (Bar x) = x + 1.0
fooint (Baz x) = x ++ "ish"
but Foo Char a is just a collection of separate ADTs, so this won't typecheck:
foodouble :: Foo Char a -> a
foodouble (Quux x) = x
for the same reason inferDF won't typecheck above.
Now, getting back to your plain DF and GADT types, you can largely emulate DFs just using GADTs. For example, if you have a DF:
data family MyDF a
data instance MyDF Int where
IntLit :: Int -> MyDF Int
IntAdd :: MyDF Int -> MyDF Int -> MyDF Int
data instance MyDF Bool where
Positive :: MyDF Int -> MyDF Bool
you can write it as a GADT just by writing separate blocks of constructors:
data MyGADT a where
-- MyGADT Int
IntLit' :: Int -> MyGADT Int
IntAdd' :: MyGADT Int -> MyGADT Int -> MyGADT Int
-- MyGADT Bool
Positive' :: MyGADT Int -> MyGADT Bool
So, in some ways, GADTs are generalizations of data families. However, a major use case for data families is defining associated data types for classes:
class MyClass a where
data family MyRep a
instance MyClass Int where
data instance MyRep Int = ...
instance MyClass String where
data instance MyRep String = ...
where the "open" nature of data families is needed (and where the pattern-based inference methods of GADTs aren't helpful).
I think the difference becomes clear if we use PatternSynonyms-style type signatures for data constructors. Lets start with Haskell 98
data D a = D a a
You get a pattern type:
pattern D :: forall a. a -> a -> D a
it can be read in two directions. D, in "forward" or expression contexts, says, "forall a, you can give me 2 as and I'll give you a D a". "Backwards", as a pattern, it says, "forall a, you can give me a D a and I'll give you 2 as".
Now, the things you write in a GADT definition are not pattern types. What are they? Lies. Lies lies lies. Give them attention only insofar as the alternative is writing them out manually with ExistentialQuantification. Let's use this one
data GD a where
GD :: Int -> GD Int
You get
-- vv ignore
pattern GD :: forall a. () => (a ~ Int) => Int -> GD a
This says: forall a, you can give me a GD a, and I can give you a proof that a ~ Int, plus an Int.
Important observation: The return/match type of a GADT constructor is always the "data type head". I defined data GD a where ...; I got GD :: forall a. ... GD a. This is also true for Haskell 98 constructors, and also data family constructors, though it's a bit more subtle.
If I have a GD a, and I don't know what a is, I can pass into GD anyway, even though I wrote GD :: Int -> GD Int, which seems to say I can only match it with GD Ints. This is why I say GADT constructors lie. The pattern type never lies. It clearly states that, forall a, I can match a GD a with the GD constructor and get evidence for a ~ Int and a value of Int.
Ok, data familys. Lets not mix them with GADTs yet.
data Nat = Z | S Nat
data Vect (n :: Nat) (a :: Type) :: Type where
VNil :: Vect Z a
VCons :: a -> Vect n a -> Vect (S n) a -- try finding the pattern types for these btw
data family Rect (ns :: [Nat]) (a :: Type) :: Type
newtype instance Rect '[] a = RectNil a
newtype instance Rect (n : ns) a = RectCons (Vect n (Rect ns a))
There are actually two data type heads now. As #K.A.Buhr says, the different data instances act like different data types that just happen to share a name. The pattern types are
pattern RectNil :: forall a. a -> Rect '[] a
pattern RectCons :: forall n ns a. Vect n (Rect ns a) -> Rect (n : ns) a
If I have a Rect ns a, and I don't know what ns is, I cannot match on it. RectNil only takes Rect '[] as, RectCons only takes Rect (n : ns) as. You might ask: "why would I want a reduction in power?" #KABuhr has given one: GADTs are closed (and for good reason; stay tuned), families are open. This doesn't hold in Rect's case, as these instances already fill up the entire [Nat] * Type space. The reason is actually newtype.
Here's a GADT RectG:
data RectG :: [Nat] -> Type -> Type where
RectGN :: a -> RectG '[] a
RectGC :: Vect n (RectG ns a) -> RectG (n : ns) a
I get
-- it's fine if you don't get these
pattern RectGN :: forall ns a. () => (ns ~ '[]) => a -> RectG ns a
pattern RectGC :: forall ns' a. forall n ns. (ns' ~ (n : ns)) =>
Vect n (RectG ns a) -> RectG ns' a
-- just note that they both have the same matched type
-- which means there needs to be a runtime distinguishment
If I have a RectG ns a and don't know what ns is, I can still match on it just fine. The compiler has to preserve this information with a data constructor. So, if I had a RectG [1000, 1000] Int, I would incur an overhead of one million RectGN constructors that all "preserve" the same "information". Rect [1000, 1000] Int is fine, though, as I do not have the ability to match and tell whether a Rect is RectNil or RectCons. This allows the constructor to be newtype, as it holds no information. I would instead use a different GADT, somewhat like
data SingListNat :: [Nat] -> Type where
SLNN :: SingListNat '[]
SLNCZ :: SingListNat ns -> SingListNat (Z : ns)
SLNCS :: SingListNat (n : ns) -> SingListNat (S n : ns)
that stores the dimensions of a Rect in O(sum ns) space instead of O(product ns) space (I think those are right). This is also why GADTs are closed and families are open. A GADT is just like a normal data type except it has equality evidence and existentials. It doesn't make sense to add constructors to a GADT any more than it makes sense to add constructors to a Haskell 98 type, because any code that doesn't know about one of the constructors is in for a very bad time. It's fine for families though, because, as you noticed, once you define a branch of a family, you cannot add more constructors in that branch. Once you know what branch you're in, you know the constructors, and no one can break that. You're not allowed to use any constructors if you don't know which branch to use.
Your examples don't really mix GADTs and data families. Pattern types are nifty in that they normalize away superficial differences in data definitions, so let's take a look.
data family FGADT a
data instance FGADT a where
MkFGADT :: Int -> FGADT Int
Gives you
pattern MkFGADT :: forall a. () => (a ~ Int) => Int -> FGADT a
-- no different from a GADT; data family does nothing
data family DF a
data instance DF Int where
MkDF :: Int -> DF Int
pattern MkDF :: Int -> DF Int
-- GADT syntax did nothing
Here's a proper mixing
data family Map k :: Type -> Type
data instance Map Word8 :: Type -> Type where
MW8BitSet :: BitSet8 -> Map Word8 Bool
MW8General :: GeneralMap Word8 a -> Map Word8 a
Which gives patterns
pattern MW8BitSet :: forall a. () => (a ~ Bool) => BitSet8 -> Map Word8 a
pattern MW8General :: forall a. GeneralMap Word8 a -> Map Word8 a
If I have a Map k v and I don't know what k is, I can't match it against MW8General or MW8BitSet, because those only want Map Word8s. This is the data family's influence. If I have a Map Word8 v and I don't know what v is, matching on the constructors can reveal to me whether it's known to be Bool or is something else.

Add element to a list which is part of a type in Haskell

I am trying to add a new element of type Transaction as defined:
--Build type Transaction--
data Transaction = Transaction {
start_state :: Int,
symbol :: Char,
end_state :: Int
} deriving Show
to the list of transactions which is part of the following type:
--Build type Automaton--
data Automaton = Automaton {
initial_state :: Int,
states :: Set.Set Int,
transactions :: [Transaction],
final_states :: Set.Set Int
} deriving Show
I have tried to implement the following function:
--Add to the automaton a transaction
insert_transaction :: Transaction -> Automaton -> Automaton
insert_transaction t a = a{transactions = t : transactions }
but it returns the following error:
automaton.hs:25:48: error:
• Couldn't match expected type ‘[Transaction]’
with actual type ‘Automaton -> [Transaction]’
• Probable cause: ‘transactions’ is applied to too few arguments
In the second argument of ‘(:)’, namely ‘transactions’
In the ‘transactions’ field of a record
In the expression: a {transactions = t : transactions}
25 | insert_transaction t a = a{transactions = t : transactions }
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
How can I implement this?
Thank you!
transactions is not really a value of type [Transaction], it's by itself† only a record field accessor to a field of type [Transaction]. I.e., it's a function. GHCi could have told you:
Main*> :t transactions
transactions :: Automaton -> Transactions
So, to access those transactions, you need to be explicit what automaton from, by just giving it as an argument:
insertTransaction :: Transaction -> Automaton -> Automaton
insertTransaction t a = a{ transactions = t : transactions a }
†“By itself” meaning: when you use it in a normal Haskell expression without special record syntax like a{transactions = ...}. There, the transactions isn't really an independent entity at all.
There are a couple of alternatives you could consider:
You can “partially pattern match” on the fields of a record you pass as a function argument.
insertTransaction t a{transactions = oldTransactions}
= a{ transactions = t : oldTransactions }
The RecordWildCards extension can bring an entire record's fields in scope as overloaded variables, somewhat like as if you're in an OO method of the class containing those fields. This allows you to write essentially what you had originally:
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
insertTransaction t a{..} = a{ transactions = t : transactions }
I would not recommend this: RecordWildCards is an unidiomatic hack around the limitations of Haskell98' record types.
Lenses are the modern and consequent way to use records in Haskell. You can get them most easily by slightly changing your data definition:
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Control.Lens
data Automaton = Automaton {
_initialState :: Int
, _states :: Set.Set Int
, _transactions :: [Transaction]
, _finalStates :: Set.Set Int
} deriving (Show)
makeLenses ''Automaton -- Generates `transactions` etc. not as plain accessor
-- functions, but as “optics” which can both get
-- and set field values.
insertTransaction :: Transaction -> Automaton -> Automaton
insertTransaction t = transactions %~ (t:)

Haskells data types and constructors with functions?

I'm new to Haskell and I'm looking at basic data types and constructors with functions.
I've done the below code:
data Name = Name String deriving (Show)
data Age = Age Int deriving (Show)
data Iq = Iq Int deriving (Show)
data Language = Language String deriving (Show)
data DataSubject = DSInformation Name Age Iq Language | DSConstruct {name :: String, age :: Int, iq :: Int, language :: String} deriving (Show)
makeDataSubject :: DataSubject -> DataSubject --Take in info and output a record
makeDataSubject (DSInformation (Name n) (Age a) (Iq i) (Language l)) = (DSConstruct {name = n, age = a, iq = i, language = l})
main = do
let x = makeDataSubject $ (DSInformation (Name "Ron") (Age 34) (Iq 100) (Language "French"))
putStrLn $ show x
Runs fine, however it seems overly verbose -- how can I make to make it better?
Most of your data declarations can probably be simple type aliases.
type Name = String
type Age = Int
type Iq = Int
type Language = String
With these aliases, there is no significant difference (record syntax aside) between the two constructors for DataSubject. Get rid of one, and dispense with makeDataSubject. (Unless you want to encapsulate some logic or prevent pattern matching, you don't need a smart constructor to do what you are doing.)
data DataSubject = DS { name :: Name
, age :: Age
, iq :: Iq
, language :: Language
} deriving (Show)
main = do
let x = DS { name="Ron", age=34, iq=100, language="French"}
putStrLn $ show x
If you do want real types, not just aliases, use newtype instead of data.
newtype Name = Name String deriving Show
newtype Age = Age Int deriving Show
newtype Iq = Iq Int deriving Show
newtype Language = Language String deriving Show
data DataSubject = DS { name :: Name
, age :: Age
, iq :: Iq
, language :: Language
} deriving (Show)
main = do
let x = DS { name=Name "Ron", age=Age 34, iq=Iq 100, language=Language "French"}
putStrLn $ show x
You might want to add a smart constructor here, but have it take each piece of data as a separate argument (wrapped or unwrapped), not a single argument that is already the return value up to isomorphism. (That is, your constructor was essentially the identity function other than some repackaging of the input.)
makeDataSubject :: String -> Int -> Int -> String -> DataSubject
makeDataSubject name age iq lang = DS {name=Name name, age=Age age, iq=Iq iq, language=Language lang}
makeDataSubject' :: Name -> Age -> Iq -> Language -> DataSubject
makeDataSubject' name age iq lang = DS {name=name, age=age, iq=iq, language=lang}
Unfortunately you are running into one of Haskell's weaknesses: the record system. It would be nice if we had some sort notation to express and subject.age rather than destructuring explicitly but right now there is no good answer. Work coming down the pipeline in GHC 8 should address the problem soon, however, and there are are all sorts of libraries working in the problem space. But, for this question specifically, we can employ a simple trick: -XRecordWildcards.
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Main where
newtype Name = Name String deriving Show
newtype Age = Age Int deriving Show
newtype Iq = Iq Int deriving Show
newtype Language = Language String deriving Show
data DataSubject =
DSInformation Name Age Iq Language
| DSConstruct {name :: String, age :: Int, iq :: Int, language :: String}
deriving Show
-- | Take in info and output a record
makeDataSubject :: DataSubject -> DataSubject
makeDataSubject (DSInformation (Name name) (Age age) (Iq iq) (Language language)) =
DSConstruct {..}
main :: IO ()
main =
print . makeDataSubject $ DSInformation (Name "Ron") (Age 34) (Iq 100) (Language "French")
By destructuring into the names of the fields, {..} will pick up on those bindings in scope to automatically populate the fields. You will absolutely want to turn on -Wall -Werror during compilation because it will be now more than ever easier to misspell something and forget to populate a field and then you end up with a partial record (another wart of the records system) where some fields are left undefined.

What is the right way to declare data that is an extension of another data

I am modelling a set of "things". For the most part all the things have the same characteristics.
data Thing = Thing { chOne :: Int, chTwo :: Int }
There is a small subset of things that can be considered to have an "extended" set of characteristics in addition to the base set shared by all members.
chThree :: String
I'd like to have functions that can operate on both kinds of things (these functions only care about properties chOne and chTwo):
foo :: Thing -> Int
I'd also like to have functions that operate on the kind of things with the chThree characteristic.
bar :: ThingLike -> String
I could do
data ThingBase = Thing { chOne :: Int, chTwo :: Int }
data ThingExt = Thing { chOne :: Int, chTwo :: Int, chThree :: Int }
fooBase :: ThingBase -> Int
fooExt :: ThingExt -> Int
bar :: ThingExt -> String
But this is hideous.
I guess I could use type classes, but all the boilerplate suggests this is wrong:
class ThingBaseClass a of
chOne' :: Int
chTwo' :: Int
instance ThingBaseClass ThingBase where
chOne' = chOne
chTwo' = chTwo
instance ThingBaseClass ThingExt where
chOne' = chOne
chTwo' = chTwo
class ThingExtClass a of
chThree' :: String
instance ThingExtClass ThingExt where
chThree' = chThree
foo :: ThingBaseClass a => a -> Int
bar :: ThingExtClass a => a -> String
What is the right way to do this?
One way to do so, is the equivalent of OO aggregation :
data ThingExt = ThingExt { thing :: Thing, chTree :: Int }
You can then create a class as in your post
instance ThingLike ThingExt where
chOne' = chOne . thing
chTwo' = chTwo . thing
If you are using the lens library you can use makeClassy which will generate all this boiler plate for you.
You can make a data type that is a type union of the two distinct types of things:
data ThingBase = ThingBase { chBaseOne :: Int, chBaseTwo :: Int }
data ThingExt = ThingExt { chExtOne :: Int, chExtTwo :: Int, chExtThree :: Int }
data ThingLike = CreatedWithBase ThingBase |
CreatedWithExt ThingExt
Then for any function which should take either a ThingBase or a ThingExt, and do different things depending, you can do pattern matching on the type constructor:
foo :: ThingLike -> Int
foo (CreatedWithBase (ThingBase c1 c2)) = c1 + c2
foo (CreatedWithExt (ThingExt c1 c2 c3)) = c3
-- Or another way:
bar :: ThingLike -> Int
bar (CreatedWithBase v) = (chBaseOne v) + (chBaseTwo v)
bar (CreatedWithExt v) = chExtThree v
This has the benefit that it forces you to pedantically specify exactly what happens to ThingBases or ThingExts wherever they appear to be processed as part of handling a ThingLike, by creating the extra wrapping layer of constructors (the CreatedWithBase and CreatedWithExt constructors I used, whose sole purpose is to indicate which type of thing you expect at a certain point of code).
But it has the disadvantage that it doesn't allow for overloaded names for the field accessor functions. Personally I don't see this as too big of a loss, since the extra verbosity required to reference attributes acts like a natural complexity penalty and helps motivate the programmer to keep the code sparse and use fewer bad accessor/getter/setter anti-patterns. However, if you want to go far with overloaded accessor names, you should look into lenses.
This is just one idea and it's not right for every problem. The example you already give with type classes is also perfectly fine and I don't see any good reason to call it hideous.
Just about the only "bad" thing would be wanting to somehow implicitly process ThingBases differently from ThingExts without needing anything in the type signature or the pattern matching sections of a function body to explicitly tell people reading your code precisely when and where the two different types are differentiated, which would be more like a duck typing approach which is not really what you should do in Haskell.
This seems to be what you're trying to get at by trying to force both ThingBase and ThingExt to have a value constructor with the same name of just Thing -- it seems artificially nice that the same word can construct values of either type, but my feeling is it's not actually nice. I might be misunderstanding though.
A very simple solution is to introduce a type parameter:
data ThingLike a = ThingLike { chOne, chTwo :: Int, chThree :: a }
deriving Show
Then, a ThingBase is just a ThingLike with no third element, so
type ThingBase = ThingLike ()
ThingExt contains an additional Int, so
type ThingExt = ThingLike Int
This has the advantage of using only a single constructor and only three record accessors. There is minimal duplication, and writing your desired functions is simple:
foo :: ThingLike a -> Int
foo (ThingLike x y _) = x+y
bar :: ThingExt -> String
bar (ThingLike x y z) = show $ x+y+z
One option is:
data Thing = Thing { chOne :: Int, chTwo :: Int }
| OtherThing { chOne :: Int, chTwo :: Int, chThree :: String }
Another is
data Thing = Thing { chOne :: Int, chTwo :: Int, chThree :: Maybe String }
If you want to distinguish the two Things at the type level and have overloaded accessors then you need to make use of a type class.
You could use a Maybe ThingExt field on ThingBase I guess, at least if you only have one extension type.
If you have several extensions like this, you can use a combination of embedding and matching on various constructors of the embedded data type, where each constructor represents one way to extend the base structure.
Once that becomes unmanageable, classes might become unevitable, but some kind of data type composition would still be useful to avoid duplication.

Haskell: Typeclass implies other typeclass

Is it possible to have a typeclass imply another typeclass in Haskell? For example let's say there is a bunch of "things" that can be ordered by an "attribute":
data Person = Person { name :: String, age :: Int }
Person p1 <= Person p1 = (age p1) <= (age p2)
To avoid repetition one could define a "orderable by key" type class
class OrdByKey o where
orderKey :: (Ord r) => o -> r
x <= y = (orderKey x) <= (orderKey y)
Then the instance declaration for Person could look like this
instance OrdByKey Person where
orderKey Person p = age p
Now this does obviously not work for multiple reasons. I wonder if it's possible at all?
As you have specified it, the OrdByKey class can only have one instance
per type, when it sounds like you would like to be able to declare an instance
for each field in your record type.
To accomplish that, you will have to put the field type into the class
definition as well. This lets you do something like the following:
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
data Person = Person { name :: String, age :: Int }
class (Ord r) => OrdByKey o r where
orderKey :: o -> r
instance OrdByKey Person Int where
orderKey p = age p
x <=? y = (orderKey x :: Int) <= (orderKey y :: Int)
However, you can only have one instance per field type, so if your
Person type looks like
data Person = Person { name :: String, age :: Int, ssn :: String}
you will not be able to have a version to compare on both the name and
the ssn fields. You could get around this by wrapping each field in a
newtype so each field has a unique type. So your Person type would look
data Person = Person { name :: Name, age :: Age, ssn :: SSN}
That would lead to a lot of newtypes floating around though.
The real downside of this is the need to specify the return type for the
orderKey function. I would recommend using the on function from
Data.Function to write the appropriate comparison functions. I think a
function like
compareByKey :: (Ord b) => (a -> b) -> a -> a -> Bool
compareByKey = on (<=)
generalizes your idea of "can be compared by some key". You just have to give
it the function that extracts that key, which would be exactly the accessor
functions for your Person type, in this case.
I can't think of an instance where the OrdByKey class would be useful and trying to overload the <= with multiple versions for the same type seems like it would be down right
confusing in practice.
You could do this:
instance Ord Person where
compare p1 p2 = compare (age p1) (age p2)
Now the standard <= operator will work on Persons and compare their ages.
