Where to start in building a chrome extension - browser

Im looking to get more into programming, and I've decided to look into creating a browser extension. This is exactly the kind of project I've been looking for to get stuck into programming web stuff but I'm new to it so I don't know where to start.
Could anyone suggest the different things I should look into?
The only programming experience I have so far is in Matlab. I've looked into C on and off in the past I but I have no practical experience with it.
I've started to have a look at Twando, an open source program which schedules tweets on Twitter where I'm going through and understanding all the code for that program (mostly php).
Afterwards I'll look more carefully at how to write Chrome browser extensions and then probably look into how to make 3rd party programs work with Twitter, Pinterest etc.
Am I looking along the right lines? Any constructive criticism will be appreciated.

I think you could do this using Javascript (and maybe JQuery, which is a library for Javascript that makes it easier/adds alot of easy to use functions).
For the basics:
This is great for learing to work with JSON and chrome extensions:
What you could also do is download a simple extension from the "store" and open it to check what's inside. This helped me the most with learning Javascript and JQuery.


Which technology was used for?

Sorry for stupid question. I'm learning frontend and backend technology. I'd like to do apps like this easy, but i don't undertand how that was made.
It's look very simple only few blocks, but index.css have more then 10 000 lines of code. It has a lot selectors name wb_layoutgrid54, wb_layoutgrid16 etc.
I know react a little and django.
My question is how can i do apps like this without headache? How that app was made?
Having a look at the site, I would be fairly certain this can be achieved using plain HTML, CSS and some Javascript/jQuery to help with the animations.
When it comes to development, my personal opinion is take for example a site, it can be developed many ways using different tools to achieve the same outcome. To make this less of a headache I would develop a wireframe and break things down step by step what you need to do without thinking what tool(s) was used and once you get an outline start to slowly build and research how to do certain sections using your skillset.
Overall I will still state that it can be done using basic tools such as HTML, CSS and some Javascript.
I hope this helps :)

Automation of user's actions on web pages(sites)

I have a question about working with web on user's side. I need to automatize some user's actions on web pages(sites), but i don't know how to do it. I would have learned this myself, but i don't know what to start with, how to find information that i need. I mean i have no idea what programming language to choose to do this, or how this kind of applications or programs is called. Do i need to learn JavaScript or idk python or c++, or something else? Please, tell me anything you know about this, any information will be useful.
The easiest way to automate inputs to a website is using Selenium.
The Selenium website has plenty of information and demonstrations on how to use their software.

Create website which has usefull information like videos, third party API for live information on education

I want to create a website which consists of videos which will be uploaded by the admin and many useful information which all will be uploaded by an admin.
I have got the domain name, remote LAMP server.
I have gone through many tutorials and I tired creating using Drupal 8. Website was fine but while creating a new existing module the whole thing got crashed and I don't want to goback and recover it since it is a big mess.
So I want to try from first keeping it very simple.
Kindly guide me to achieve this. I will put all my effort to learn it.
Any help any documents which will help me to create will be greatly accepted.
I am beginner in C++, html. Can you guys let me know how can I achieve in creating a website.
You can find your answer here on your own:
So there are various languages that are being used in the web that perform various purposed and hence you can choose what functionality do you need in your website and according to that you can write the code in that language.
Lets take a quick look at some of the most widely used languages of the web:
This is a Markup Language which can be used basically just for writing the content and displaying on your webpage. You can create too many pages and link them to form a website.
2: CSS
This language helps you design your webpage and thus makes your webpage look way too better. A site only written in html in not preferrable.
3: JavaScript
This language is a scripting language that helps you do various cool stuff like handling input events (like click, hover,etc), change the content of your webpage dynamically, bring popups , etc.
4: PHP
This scripting language is also being widely used as this lets you work with the forms and submit to a database. In fact, if you learn this language you can write the logic behind your own facebook and you can give it a face using HTML, CSS.
Once you are done learning all these languages, you can now learn some of the cool libraries like:
Bootstrap (for css, js)
Jquery (Javascript)

2 people working on 1 HTML file simultaneously

My freind and I want to setup a collaborative project where we both work on a HTML file (and do PHP) at the same time (bit like Google Docs share feature). I want to be able to work with him to teach him certain things in PHP and HTML while I also code at the same time. Any suggestions? I have a VPS I thought we could use for it so nothings really going to get in our way. Maybe something like GIT or something?
Sounds like what you need is a real-time collaborative text editor. Here's an extensive list from wikipedia.
I use Google Docs personally but Microsoft has added this type of functionality into Office and there are a slew of desktop and online tools on that link. I had looked into Etherpad before but i don't remember enough to suggest one or the other. All of the links are on the wikipedia article so I won't repeat here.

Any articles on how to get started building your own browser?

Hello recently I've been a bit curious and wanted to make a browser. I'd like to use an existing engine though such as Gecko or Webkit. Are there any resources on the web for how to get started and any examples? Language choice doesn't really matter(but no VB please. That was the only example code I found)
Chromium is an open-source browser project that aims to build a safer, faster, and more stable way for all Internet users to experience the web. This site contains design documents, architecture overviews, testing information, and more to help you learn to build and work with the Chromium source code.
Or study some applications using Webkit for example. Chances are, these projects are not as complex as chromium.
I'd recommend you build a browser in Java with Swing or SWT. They have all the components you'll need, so you need to put them together and start figuring out the tougher problems. The documentation is good, and you may even find tutorials that get you most of the way there.
I recently downloaded the code for Firefox or Chrome, and this seems like a much more difficult place to start. There's lots of setup and overhead to get a build working on your machine compared with a Java app.
