Any articles on how to get started building your own browser? - browser

Hello recently I've been a bit curious and wanted to make a browser. I'd like to use an existing engine though such as Gecko or Webkit. Are there any resources on the web for how to get started and any examples? Language choice doesn't really matter(but no VB please. That was the only example code I found)

Chromium is an open-source browser project that aims to build a safer, faster, and more stable way for all Internet users to experience the web. This site contains design documents, architecture overviews, testing information, and more to help you learn to build and work with the Chromium source code.
Or study some applications using Webkit for example. Chances are, these projects are not as complex as chromium.

I'd recommend you build a browser in Java with Swing or SWT. They have all the components you'll need, so you need to put them together and start figuring out the tougher problems. The documentation is good, and you may even find tutorials that get you most of the way there.
I recently downloaded the code for Firefox or Chrome, and this seems like a much more difficult place to start. There's lots of setup and overhead to get a build working on your machine compared with a Java app.


PProPanel JSX - Basic guide to get started?

I know you can extend Adobe Premiere Pro with some simple JavaScript. The problem with that link (which I got to through the official Adobe website), is that all of sample code links are outdated (they point to the wrong location of the file, to lines that aren't correct anymore).
The second paragraph instructs you to install a bunch of things, none of which seem like things you "install", and they mention ExtendScript, which I don't understand whether is already installed with my Premiere or not (it's not available on Creative Cloud, and also the links I found on Adobe's website for it are, again, dead). I keep searching online and finding dead links to tutorials that no longer exist. Really, dead links everywhere.
I'm an experienced developer with good JS background, I just want know what I need, some simple examples of basic usage to get me started and maybe working links to some cheat-sheet I can use when I'm looking for available functions.
Extendscript is the name of the old API for automating Premiere and other Adobe apps. It's built-in and can basically do anything that you can do with the GUI, and it's javascript-based.
There is an IDE for Extendscript, the Extendscript Toolkit (ESTK) which has a debugger and allows you to inspect data etc. It's perplexingly hard to find on the Adobe website; I found it by a duckduckgo search here, I installed it through the creative cloud desktop manager, though I'm not sure how you do that with the current version.
As far as documentation goes, you're right, it's dead link city. There is a Javascript Tools Guide included with the Extendscript Toolkit, on windows it's in C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit CC\SDK\. That covers creating UI elements, but doesn't explain Premiere's object model. AFAIK there is no official documentation for this, you have to use the ESTK data browser to look for yourself.
The CEP extensions are a new development and allow for easier integration with the host. I think you already have all the documentation there is for it. I'd advise that you pester Adobe to make it easier for developers like yourself to create tools for their users.
Here is for anyone else who gets here from a Google search: You can also go to this link to download the ESTK:

How Can I use Chromium or Webkit source code in our custom browser?

I am trying to develop my own browser by using chromium source code but am not familiar with browser part.please give some valuable suggestions how to start from scratch using "Chromium Source code"....
There are two very high quality Chromium wrapper projects for Delphi.
Note that both projects seem not to be very active since 2014.
If you think the answer is helpful to you, please accept the answer.

Where to start in building a chrome extension

Im looking to get more into programming, and I've decided to look into creating a browser extension. This is exactly the kind of project I've been looking for to get stuck into programming web stuff but I'm new to it so I don't know where to start.
Could anyone suggest the different things I should look into?
The only programming experience I have so far is in Matlab. I've looked into C on and off in the past I but I have no practical experience with it.
I've started to have a look at Twando, an open source program which schedules tweets on Twitter where I'm going through and understanding all the code for that program (mostly php).
Afterwards I'll look more carefully at how to write Chrome browser extensions and then probably look into how to make 3rd party programs work with Twitter, Pinterest etc.
Am I looking along the right lines? Any constructive criticism will be appreciated.
I think you could do this using Javascript (and maybe JQuery, which is a library for Javascript that makes it easier/adds alot of easy to use functions).
For the basics:
This is great for learing to work with JSON and chrome extensions:
What you could also do is download a simple extension from the "store" and open it to check what's inside. This helped me the most with learning Javascript and JQuery.

NodeJS Skinning

Is there a module or similar things that support skinning in NodeJS? I want to build a NodeJS website, and want to be able to re-skin the website as I like without much efforts, like in Wordpress.
Is skinning supported in NodeJS?
If you're interested in building a website in Node.js and don't need a wordpress-style cms behind it, there are few projects that can help you out.
Have you looked into Bootstrap? It's built with less which you can easily plug in to your Express setup (see the guide here, using the command line executable to set up a new project you can specify less like this: express --css less myapp and it will do all the work for you)
In the bootstrap less file are several variables you can use to change the colours, fonts, sizes, etc, and it's also got a lot of helpers for grid layouts and responsive designs.
It even includes a few useful javascript plugins too which make the ui nicer with less work.
There are also a lot of sites with themes and theme generators around which then work on top of bootstrap, and may achieve what you want.
Plugging in this sort of solution (whether bootstrap or other) is about as close as you can come to getting skinning for node; As otherwise suggested if you're looking for a CMS out of the box as well, probably best to look for another platform like Wordpress.
Node.js is not a content management system. It is a platform on top of which you could built a web server with a content management system. To answer your question you need to be looking for node.js based content management systems that support themes.
The only node.js CMS that I am aware of is Calipso. It's still pretty alpha-stage. It may have some theming support, but it is nowhere near as polished as Wordpress.
Also is there a reason why you want to use node.js? I mean there is nothing wrong in using Wordpress for creating a themeable website - it is just awesome for that.
If you just want another OnlineShop, or maybe a blog, i think nodejs is maybe not your right choose as Jed Watson told.
If your requirements are more complicated, and you want a quick and easy implementation of a nice web interface, and you have html, javascript, and css knowledge... I strongly recommend you just trying to work with MEAN.js
It puts together MongoDB Expressjs, AngularJs, and NodeJs.
Use this, for example with a yeoman fullstack constructor and you will have a powerful webapp, with user autentication, and much more in a few minutes.
After that, the use of jade, less, scss, and similar languages of modelling the front, and the easy way you can also model collections in the back, is for me the best combination you´ll find for creating a website today.
Hope it´ll help you
King Regards

Web Design Management programs/resources?

I originally got into programming by learning some javascript while trying to set up a website. I took to programming better than html and CSS and have since been learning more of it. Part of the problem was that I just wanted to do everything myself, all the javascript, CSS, HTML, everything. No external libraries or help. I wanted to understand and do all of it. The general hostility towards WYSIWYG programs from the development community didn't help either.
The amount of work required to do everything completely on my own is what deterred me, though I didn't want to have everything handed to me. A bit down the line from learning programming I decided I wanted to make some simple programs like I kept seeing everyone else make in Visual Studio. With programs, I knew it wouldn't only be difficult, but near impossible for me to do anything but use Visual Studio. As amateur as it feels dragging and dropping buttons and controls and having all the code generated, it's allowed me to work on the more personal aspects of the program and not the nitty gritty and has been a lot more fun.
I've decided that I want to give web development another shot, but this time with a little less ego. Is there any way I can have something like Visual C# for websites?
edit: As of yet, I can't fund my website experiments, so I'm using freehosting. The x10 hosting I use doesn't support, so I can't use VS for it :(.
You won't be using Visual C# for website design, but you'll use Visual Web Developer. You can download VWD here.
Edit: As per your edit, I would be a bit more concerned with using a technology that you find passion in and feel comfortable with (or at least the foresight to know it's something you want to pursue and dedicate yourself to learning and mastering). Just because you can't host a website application on the internet doesn't mean you should throw the towel in on ASP.NET. Some of the most fun applications are intranet applications. Just get IIS Express up and running and you'll have a blast.
You'd also be surprised at how cheap a webhosting "rental" can be that supports ASP.NET.
