Ubuntu 12.04 and MPICH performance - linux

I am trying to install mpich-3.1 in a linux cluster (Ubuntu 12.04 running on all machines). Previously I installed mpich2 by sudo apt-get install mpich2 but couldn't find how to run tests. Then I removed with sudo apt-get remove mpich2.
So I decided to upgrade to 3.1. I downloaded and installed mpich following instructions at https://www.mpich.org/static/downloads/3.1/mpich-3.1-installguide.pdf by running:
sudo ./configure -prefix=/usr/local/mpich/
sudo make
sudo make install
and apparently is properly installed. If I run
meteo#ventus:~/RAMS/RUN$ /usr/local/mpich/bin/mpiexec -f machinefile -n 20 hostname
Although I find it is responding "slowly". Where machinefile is
The directory is exported to all nodes in the cluster, /etc/exports
In /etc/mtab ant /etc/fstab in node ventus4
ventus:/usr/local/mpich /usr/local/mpich nfs rw,vers=4,addr=,clientaddr= 0 0
ventus:/usr/local/mpich /usr/local/mpich nfs
Maybe the problem comes from a prior install not completely removed
meteo#ventus:~$ which mpiexec
meteo#ventus:~$ which mpirun
meteo#ventus:~$ which mpicc
Following installation instructions which mpiexec should point to mpich installation bin directory /usr/local/mpich/bin/mpiexec
But if I move /usr/local/bin/mpiexec to /usr/local/bin/mpiexec.old
meteo#ventus:~$ which mpiexec
points to my new mpich3 install directory. Could this be the reason of that slow performance? Which test should I run for benchmarking? How do I completely remove mpich2.

If you do in fact have root access to your entire machine, then you can always just delete all of the binaries, libraries, headers, etc. I'm not sure where everything is installed on your system (it's different everywhere), but the usual locations are /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/include, /usr/local/lib, etc. You should look for these files (or things that look similar:
Anything that starts with mpi
Anything that starts with mpi
Anything that starts with opa
Anything that includes mpich
Anything that includes mpl
Anything that includes opa
Beyond that, there's not much that would interfere (there's man pages somewhere too, but that's fine). If you delete all of those files, you should have gotten rid of your MPICH2 installation. This really should have been cleaned up with you did your apt-get uninstall, but that's neither here nor there...
Now, to test your new MPICH installation (the project is called MPICH now, not MPICH3), there are lots of MPI benchmarks. I'd suggest typing mpi benchmarks into your favorite search engine any trying out a few of the ones that you find. If you want to compare, you can install a few different versions of MPI. When you do this, make sure you are correctly setting up your PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables so your installations can sit side by side.


How can I solve stdarg.h No such file or directory while compiling out-of-tree Linux kernel module?

I have an out-of-tree Linux kernel module that I need to compile. When I execute "make" in the kernel module directory I am getting:
"fatal error: stdarg.h: No such file or directory"
Before starting the build I installed the header file based on my Linux distribution.
$sudo apt-get install kernel-headers-$(uname -r)
How can I solve this compilation error? (my distribution is Ubuntu 16.04 with linux-headers-4.15.0-42-generic)
I ran a search of stdarg.h with the "locate" command to see if I can sport the file on the system.
I got:
It tells me there is at least one stdarg.h provided by the compiler.
I tried to include the path "/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/5/include" in the kernel module Makefile so stdarg.h can be picked up. It did not work (while building, another reference to stdarg.h in the official kernel header was not being resolved).
I finally created a symlink directly under:
$sudo ln -s /usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/5/include/stdarg.h stdarg.h
This was just enough to solve the compilation issue.
I am wondering if the kernel headers should come with an implementation of stdarg.h by default (that is the first time I encounter this issue). I have also read that the compiler provide one implementation and most of the time it is better to use the compiler version.
Updated note: if the above solution still does not solve the problem:
Before running make again, do a make clean. Do a ls -la in the folder and look for a ".cache.mk" file. If this is still there, remove it and run "make" again. It should solve the problem.
I had the same issue with CentOS 9, and the other answers didn't work for me. Apparently the problem is that in more recent kernels, it shouldn't be <stdarg.h> but <linux/stdarg.h>. With virtualbox guest additions 6.1.34, it correctly checks for kernel with a version of 5.15.0 or more. But my kernel is the 5.14.xx, meaning the include for stdarg.h is wrong.
Solving the issue
Install all the dependencies for the guest edition
gcc make perl kernel-devel kernel-headers bzip2 dkms
Run the Guest Addition installation like you would normally. It will fail by saying it is unable to compile the kernel modules. That's expected. It will copy all the file we need to the VM disk.
We now need to edit the erroneous files.
On line 48 (may change for different versions), it check for a version of Linux and select the correct header depending on the version. We need to replace if RTLNX_VER_MIN(5,15,0) with if RTLNX_VER_MIN(5,14,0) in both files.
Compile the kernel modules
We can now compile the kernel modules, and the error should be gone.
sudo rcvboxadd quicksetup all
I personally got an error the first time, but then I recompiled without changing anything and it worked.
Remember that it's just a workaround, it may not work with different versions.
If you using Arch Linux with zen-kernel:
sudo CPATH=/usr/src/linux-zen/include/linux vmware-modconfig --console --install-all
I had the same problem with VirtualBox 6.1.0 running archlinux with kernel 6.1.9.
I downloaded VirtualBoxGuestAdditions_7.2.0.iso file from https://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/7.0.2/ link(you may select more appropriate to your VirtualBox version) and assigned as an optical drive to virtualbox machine. After start of the system running blkid command on terminal showed the name of CD rom device which was /dev/sr0. then I created iso folder on
/mnt folder
mkdir /mnt/iso
and mounted cd drive to that folder
mount -o loop /dev/sr0 /mnt/iso
after I cd'ed to /mnt/iso
cd /mnt/iso
and manually run VirtualBoxGuestAdditions.run script
sh ./VirtualBoxGuestAdditions.run
which successfully compiled and istalled required virtualbox guest modules.
Now everytime I update kernel version I redo the same procedure. And it work fine.
It also remove old 6.1.0 guest additons folder.

Cassandra installation issues

I am trying to install datastax's cassandra in ubuntu, I can't understand the installation process. Help me.
steps followed :
jdk installation
cassandra download by command
curl -L http://downloads.datastax.com/datastax-ddc/datastax-ddc-3.5.0-bin.tar.gz | tar xz
That is all, I can't understand what or any of the installation steps, provided here.
BTW What is it meant by "install_location" and "path_to_install"
install_location is the directory you want to untar the files you have downloaded in. I think path_to_install is the same thing (but I cant find it on your link)
These are very basic things your having problems with. You might find its easier to install the packaged install via apt (http://docs.datastax.com/en/cassandra/3.x/cassandra/install/installDeb.html). It will install everything in standard locations (http://docs.datastax.com/en/cassandra/3.x/cassandra/install/referenceInstallLocatePkg.html), set up paths, users, env variables etc..

Build MPICH2 from source

As a follow-up of this question, I started building MPICH2 from source. I found this tutorial: Installing MPICH2 on a Single Machine and so far what I did is this:
./configure --disable-f77 --disable-fc --disable-fortran
[seems to be OK]
make; sudo make install
[long output with one warning]
libtool: warning: relinking 'lib/libmpicxx.la'
root#pythagoras:/home/gsamaras/mpich-3.1.4# mpich2version
bash: mpich2version: command not found
What am I doing wrong? Notice that I had first installed MPICH2 with apt-get and in order to remove it, I did:
apt-get remove --purge mpich2
apt-get autoremove // which might removed something that I need now
Tomorrow, I am going to try this: Getting And Building MPICH (which with first attempt failed to work in the autogen.sh part).
I couldn't get it to work, will try a combination of the two tutorials and report back. I did a configure and then the make from the other tutorial, failed too.
This may shade some light about where it got installed (by following the first tutorial):
root#pythagoras:/home/gsamaras/mpich-3.1.4# which mpiexec
root#pythagoras:/home/gsamaras/mpich-3.1.4# which mpirun
You installed into /usr/local, which is an OK way to do things. The README instructions you followed suggests another way which will not require administrative privileges.
I like to install into /home/robl/soft/mpich-whatever , so I can have different compilers, versions, configurations, etc. such flexibility is probably overkill for you, but it's one strategy.
To your question:
root#pythagoras:/home/gsamaras/mpich-3.1.4# mpich2version
bash: mpich2version: command not found
First, the command is now mpichversion, not mpich2version -- it's possible you were following an old tutorial.
Second, your shell might not know about the newly installed binaries. hash -r (at least on bash and tcsh) will tell the shell "forget about what you think you know about my file system and look harder".
I found this mpich-3.0.4-README, who seems to provided the solution.
Long story short, it says (it assumes you want to build 3.0.4 version, I did it with 3.1.4 (available here)):
tar xzf mpich-3.0.4.tar.gz
cd mpich-3.0.4
// you might want to disable fortran compiler (see the README I linked above)
./configure --prefix=/home/<USERNAME>/mpich-install 2>&1 | tee c.txt
make 2>&1 | tee m.txt
make install 2>&1 | tee mi.txt
PATH=/home/<USERNAME>/mpich-install/bin:$PATH ; export PATH
which mpicc
// should return something reasonable (with your directory)
mpiexec -n 2 ./examples/cpi
Now, the option with the machinefile does not work, because ssh needs a password, but that's another question.

A mess with different Perl installs

I tried to upgrade Perl and put my computer into a complete mess
I am currently running RHEL6.5, 64bits, and this is the thing:
I had perl-5.10.1 installed, and working nice. this came installed,
and I could see it from yum
I wanted to install Padre, an Perl IDE, but that required at least v5.11 [I was so close! :( ]
There were no newer version for Perl in the repos that I have access to (and I have a limitation that I can't add new repos)
I got approval from my boss to download perl-5.20 .0 from www.perl.org and tried to install it
... and the mess begins!
First I installed the new perl with my own id, and that pushed perl to somewhere under my home dir
I tested with 'perl -v' and could see that my env was pointing to the newer install, however, yum never recognized it (not really a problem)
When I tried to install Padre, seems somehow it had the hardcoded the original perl (from /usr/bin) and still claiming for something as newer as 5.11.
Trying to fix it, I did installed the new perl again, now using root, to make it push perl under /usr tree ... it installed, but pushed perl to /usr/local/bin, instead of /usr/bin
So again, I had one more perl install but Padre still looking for the one on /usr/bin
I give up about Padre, and deleted the files related to it, as well as the perl installed on my home dir, however a couple of perl scripts that I had already coded now are throwing errors like:
perl -cw "xmltest.pl" (in directory: /home/myid/scripts/xmltest.pl)
perl: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/perl5/auto/Data/Dumper/Dumper.so: undefined symbol: Perl_Istack_sp_ptr
Compilation failed.
... and Data::Dumper in not the only one ... every time I disable one of the modules, another one hangs in the same, or similar way
From what I read about this, seems that this issue is related to modules that were originally installed for one perl version, and are being called by another, however, I already forced the modules that I use to be reinstalled directly from CPAN, and they still failing
Question: How can I, safely, get free from this current perl installs, and perform a new clean install be able to use it w/o these versions conflicts?
My major concern are about the numerous apps that I have that depends on Perl, and I my not broke then on a uninstall
Any help will be much appreciate.
You should:
clean (comment out) your ~/.profile from any unwanted paths, and so on
clean any new perl installation from your $HOME (move to safe place for sure)
in short, try return your environment into previous working state
relog, (logout, login)
repair your system perl. Thats mean,
read #Sam Varshavchik's answer
reinstall it from your distribution, using your package manager (5.10).
this step should overwrite the mess you caused.
test it !
don't continue until youre ensured, everything working right as before.
Lesson learned: never overwrite your system perl
read thru perlbrew.pl
repeat previous step once again, especially with the
the homepage
installing perlbrew
run the installation command \wget -O - http://install.perlbrew.pl | bash
should finished without errors
follow the instructions how to modify your startup file e.g. ~/.profile or such... (you need to add one line to the end)
check your ~/perl5/perlbrew/bin should contain prelbrew and patchperl
setup new perl, run
perlbrew init #init environment
perlbrew available #show what perl you can install
perlbrew install 5.20.0 #will take few minutes - depends on your system speed
perlbrew install-cpanm
perlbrew list #check
perlbrew switch perl-5.20.0 #activate newly installed perl 5.20
Check your installation
in the ~/perl5/perlbrew/bin you should have 3 scripts: prelbrew , patchperl , cpanm
perl -v should return 5.20
type cpanm - should return ~/perl5/perlbrew/bin/cpanm
You're done.
CPAN modules
You can install new modules with cpanm, like:
cpanm cpan-outdated
cpanm App::Ack
cpanm Unicode::Tussle
cpanm Perl::Tidy
cpanm Perl::Critic
cpanm Task::Moose
cpanm Task::Plack
cpanm Task::Unicode
cpanm Path::Tiny
cpanm Try::Tiny
cpanm JSON
cpanm YAML
Check the ~/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.20.0/bin/ for new commands
You will need update your own perl script's shebang line to
#!/usr/bin/env perl
I hope don't forget anything, maybe other more experienced perl-gurus will add/edit/correct more.
Anyway, in the reality the steps 5,6,7 are much easier as sounds (by reading this) and could be done in few minutes.
On rpm-based Linux distributions, you should never install system software manually, like this, by trying to compile and build it yourself. RHEL's package management tool, rpm, performs an important function of keeping track of dependencies between packages, and prevent package conflicts.
The errors you showed are precisely the symptoms of a corrupted system Perl installation, and rpm exists precisely to avoid this sort of thing happening. Manually building and installing random tarballs completely bypasses the safety net that rpm provides.
There's no cookie-cutter recipe for recovering from a corrupted system install of a critical system rpm like perl, but in general:
1) run "rpm -q" perl, this will show you the exact version of the perl rpm package that rpm thinks should be installed.
2) go to the RHEL installation media/directory, verify that it contains the same perl-.x86_64.rpm package. If you previously installed RHEL updates, it's possible that you already updated perl, so look for the version that rpm tells you have installed in the RHEL update directory, and verify that you have the correct rpm package.
3) Execute:
rpm -ivh --force perl-<version>.x86_64.rpm
This will reinstall the original perl RPM package that was previously installed. Your problem is not only that you have extra versions of perl installed, but that it's likely that some of your custom perl builds have clobbered the system perl package, and uninstalling them won't help, you have to reinstall the system perl.
4) In RHEL, many perl modules are installed as separate packages. The above process should be used to reinstall every perl rpm package that you have installed. Execute:
rpm -q -a | grep '^perl'
This will give you a list of all Perl packages you have installed. You will need to repeat this procedure for every Perl rpm package.
It's not a 100% guarantee that this will fix everything, there could be other things wrong too, but this is a good first step towards recovery.
What I have done:
From #Sam-Varshavchik answer:
Found the previous perl rpm in my yum cache, and installed ...
rpm -ivh --force perl-<version>.x86_64.rpm
Checked for others "perl*" previously installed packages ... there were +260 so saved it in a file rpm -qa "perl*" > /tmp/perl.pkgs
With +260 packages to install, I realized that do it manually would take too much time, so it was time to put some ksh skills in practice ...
I checked at my yum cache and found ~130 of the +260 packages, so
took out from the list the base perl package (that I already have installed);
for those in the cache, I decided to install then with rpm, in the same way as the base package;
for those that I did not have handy, I used yum, which would download and do the same
of rpm, so ...
for perlpkg in $(cat /tmp/perl.pkgs)
FILE=$(find $CACHE -name "${perlpkg}.rpm")
if [[ ${FILE} != "" ]] ; then
rpm -ivh --force ${FILE}
yum -y reinstall ${perlpkg}
From #jm666:
Installed perlbrew (was able to got it from my auth repos, so got it using yum) and using perlbrew, installed 5.20.0 localy
TODO: Didn't got any additional modules and neither Padre yet ... need to learn more about the way perlbrew works and isolate the installed version away from the system perl
Once again, thanks #Sam-Varshavchik and #jm666 for your support ang guidance

installing gcc 4.2.4

I want to install gcc 4.2.4 on a linux x86_64, intel cpu with 2 cores, in a not default path.
I downloaded the code via svn and configured from a build directory with
../gcc_424/configure --prefix=/scratch/user/local/gcc-424 --with-local-prefix=/scratch/user/local/include
then in the build directory
when I run
make install
I get the error
/bin/sh: line 3: cd: ./fixincludes: No such file or directory
I am a little bit lost with what I should do now, any help?
Although untested (because it's fairly old), EasyBuild should be able to build GCC 4.2 without much trouble.
Just use one of the available example easyconfigs for GCC (the non ClooG-PPL ones), adjust the version number, and run the EasyBuild install command specifying that easyconfig file.
No root priveleges required, and EasyBuild takes care of all the nasty stuff.
