ServiceStack JsonServiceClient missing - servicestack

I can't seem to access ServiceStack.ServiceClient.Web in the new ServiceStack version 4.0.12.
Particularly I'm looking for JsonServiceClient that was present in older version.
Has it been removed? I can't seem to find any documentation online for v4.

It's just ServiceStack.JsonServiceClient now. In the ServiceStack.Client assembly/NuGet package.


NestJS enableVersioning not defined?

I'm trying to follow the simple guide on adding versioning to my API in NestJS. But the app instance does not seem to have the enableVersioning(). There also doesn't seem to be any VersionType enum exported by any Nest package.
I'd love to be able to add versioning.
enableVersioning was added in #nestjs/common#8 and #nestjs/core#8. The docs are current for Nest v8, for v7 you can view the docs here. Make sure you're using the latest version to have access to all of the features in the docs.

ServiceStack - SAML2

Is there some out of the box plugin for SAML2 auth or I would have to build mine from scratch?
If there's none, which library would you suggest, earlier I tried Kentor and I like how it's done, too bad I couldn't find their version of ServiceStack auth plugin.
Have a look here.
There's a collection of plug-ins.
Don't roll your own!

Is Azure Storage REST API version "2015-07-08" used by storage client v7 documented anywhere?

I went to update the Azure storage client nuget here, and before pulling it read the changelog. In the changelog they say "support for 2015-07-08 REST version. Please see our REST API documentation and blogs for information...". I have looked all over and can't find any documentation for that API version (2015-07-08) of what was changed. Does anyone know what was changed and/or where the changes are documented?
Version 7.x of the client library is based on version 2015-07-08 (the latest version). However, the change to the service with this version, as compared to version 2015-04-05, is very minor. The only change is the addition of the GetPageRangesDiff/GetPageRangesDiffAsync methods on CloudPageBlob. These methods support incremental snapshots (see There is no other change to the service.
Also see for the change to Get Page Ranges.
We will provide information in the versioning section for 2015-07-08 soon.
Didn't find what was exactly changed, but I think the documentation refers to and blogs at

How to use kernal in ServiceStack version="4.0.36"

I want to use StandardKernel object in my IOC container for that I downloaded “ServiceStack.ContainerAdapter.Ninject”. this Ninject is dependency with ServiceStack.Common (≤ 3.9.59) but I AM using the latest version of ServiceStack version="4.0.36".
Can anyone suggest me how to use kernel in ServiceStack version="4.0.36".
IKernel kernel = new StandardKernel
According to the package's nuGet page , this package has a dependency on ServiceStack 3.9.59 and below. It doesn't appear to currently support the 4.x version of ServiceStack.
Looks like the code is hosted on github. You could contact the author and ask him about supporting 4.x or you could fork it, make it compatible with 4.x and then submit a pull request.

ServiceStack web service hosting on monotouch/monodroid?

I'm currently trying to host a REST webservice on ios/android using Xamarin and monotouch/monodroid. I already successfully have a basic webserver running using HttpListener, but now I would like to host a complete webservice using ServiceStack.
monotouch/monodroid have very limited web hosting capabilities (HttpListener is basically the only way), but ServiceStack can in theory accomodate with that.
It seems to be possible as I found someone who did it:
The problem is that project does not work anymore on the last monotouch version, and ServiceStack seems to have removed server hosting capabilites in the monotouch/monodroid latest builds...
Xamarin have a fork of ServiceStack ( which seems to have hosting capabilities, but the monotouch specific service hosting build does not compile, and the fork seems outdated.
Has anyone succeeded in making the ServiceStack hosting capabilities work on monotouch/monodroid? Or do you have an idea on how to make it work?
You might try this tutorial for self-hosting ServiceStack.
It looks like it will use HttpListener under the hood, but I don't know if the AppHostHttpListenerBase class will compile for MonoTouch/Mono for Android or not.
Ok so after some research, the project to allow ServiceStack self-hosting has been dropped. It had a better luck with the (old) Xamarin version ( and could compile it and make it work somehow.
Since I need to be in sync with the latest ServiceStack version, I guess that I have no other choice than to roll my own adaptation, using the old Xamarin branch as a starting point.
