Wordpress: Display content from a Custom Post Type within a regular Post - custom-post-type

I feel like there is a really simple solution to this problem. However, after trying to solve it for about 3 hours unsuccessfully, I humbly come to you.
The Basics:
A custom post type, " band ", has been created, and has several
custom fields (which were created through the Advanced Custom
The Question:
How would I get and display the contents (specifically custom field data) of a specific band entry (using its ID or title or slug) inside of a regular post? (see diagram below)
(source: thisnewband.com)
Methods to Trigger the Display of the Custom Post Type:
We have to provide the ID/title/slug so that it knows what band post's content to display
Shortcode (such as [band id="21"] ) (added inside post content)
Custom Field (custom field name band-id where you can input the ID of the band)
What I've Tried and Why It Didn't Work:
`[band id="21"] inserted in post editor field
Used WP_Query to query post with type=band and ID="21".
Code located in functions.php
Result: It would echo static text but would not display any post-specific content (Band Name, etc.). Also would not pull post-specific custom field data.
(also tried query_post with no luck)
Custom Field
Entered ID (21) into custom field on post editor page.
Coded it directly into the post template:
Used WP_Query and had the ID in the array pull from the custom field.
Result: Nothing good happened.
Where I Keep Running Into Trouble:
It's hard to pull the custom field data from the custom post type while inside an actual post
The Optimal Solution:
Whether it's by using a shortcode, custom field, or even a new widget, it would be easiest if one could:
Create a PHP template with the code for just how the single Band content is supposed to display. (Including the loop). Example name: band-block.php
Use get_template_part('band-block'); to echo this code (either in Post Template or Shortcode via functions.php)
Thanks for your help! Let me know if you'd like to see any of my code.

I knew you have found a solution for your problem, but for others i will give them an other solution:
You can query by ID, no problem. Look at these: http://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/field-types/relationship/
But you have to check in the custom field "return format" the box "Post IDs". Then it works perfectly well.
Sorry for my bad english ;)

With some amazing help from Hobo, I was able to come up with a solution!
The main problem was with trying to query by 'ID'. No matter what we tried, it just never worked well. (It could be the way that the Advanced Custom Fields stored the ID field contents.)
What did work:
Created a custom field for the post page in which to put the Band (custom post type) post name/slug into. (Custom field was named post-band-name and created with the Advanced Custom Fields plugin.)
Placed the query code in the Post Template. (See code below)
The Solution Code

Add this loop after the normal loop...
<?php /* Display all the author's posts from the custom post type ('band') */ ?>
$authorid = get_the_author_meta( ID, $userID );
$args4=array('author'=>$authorid,'post_type'=>'band', 'numberposts'=> -1);
$cquery4=new WP_Query($args4);
<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title_attribute(); ?>">
<p><?php the_title();?></p>


Building a list of downloadable items in Orchard 1.6

I'm fairly new to Orchard and I'm wondering about the "best" way of building a basic list of documents with a download link?
Say the scenario is this, I want to make a list of newsletters, the news letter are in PDF format and the users should be able to download then straight from the list view.
An admin, should easily be able to add a new newsletter and it should turn up in the list.
My current train of thought is to, all through the dashboard,
create a content type "Newsletter" with a title field and a Media picker field, using the media picker field to upload the PDF file.
Then create a query, with the filter on Content type "Newsletter"
Create a projection pointing to the query
However, this only gives me a list of content items, showing their title as links back to the actual content item.
I've tried adding a layout to the query and set it to display properties instead of content. By doing that I can get a list where I can control the "output" a bit more. And I've gotten it to list the title and by doing a Rewrite and putting in the MediaPicker.Url, it also displays the URL in the list. This is all good but here I get stuck..
As the MediaPicker.URL outputs the url in the format like ~/media/default/xyz/filename.pdf, I cant just put it into a a href, it doesn't give a correct download link to the file.
Soo, question is, am I thinking and doing this totally the wrong way or am I missing something obvious? All ideas and suggestions and more then welcome.
Use or adapt the following template override in your theme:
var url = Model.ContentField.Url;
#if(Model.ContentField.Url != null) {
if (url.StartsWith("~/")) {
url = Href(url);
<div class="media-picker-field attachment-pdf">
Modify the text as needed. This template was a Fields.MediaPicker-PDF.cshtml that was used for a media picker field named PDF.

Theming node body in Drupal 6

I'm trying to make Drupal output the body of a particular content type in div tag with certain class name.
First, I tried to override node.tpl.php, but I discovered $content variable here already contains body along with additional custom cck fields. And what I'm trying to do is precisely to separate body from another fields.
After that I looked at content-field.tpl.php and found it's executed only for custom cck fields. So doesn't suit me too.
So.. how to theme a node body field?
Start by calling
This is what you node object contains - and you can use any of its members directly instead of just printing the content. Analyse this and you'll know what to call exactly ;)
In case of the body, the unstyled content can be accessed with:
For other fields, you do:
(where [0] is the index of the item in the array - useful for ImageField when you can upload many pictures).
For example, here's the content of my node-event.tpl.php, displaying details about an event:
<div class="event clear-block">
$class = (convert_datetime($node->field_event_date[0]['value']) < time()) ? 'past' : 'future';
echo "<h3 class='header'>When?</h3><p class='$class'>".$node->field_event_date[0]['view']."</p>";
echo "<h3 class='header'>Where?</h3><p>".$node->field_event_place[0]['view']."</p>";
echo "<h3 class='header'>What?</h3>".$node->content['body']['#value'];
echo "<h3 class='header'>How much?</h3><p>".$node->field_event_price[0]['view']."</p>";
echo "<h3 class='header'>How to participate?</h3>".$node->field_event_subscribe[0]['view'];
Take a look at this: http://capellic.com/blog/theming-the-node-body-field
If you need to be very flexible, the best way for me is to go to this page :
And set all your additional fields to "hidden".
Then, the $content variable will contain only the body field.
The drawback is that you need to display all the additional fields one by one. CCK provide an easy way to do that by providing a fully rendered variable for each field
print $field_FIELDNAME_rendered;
Using that, you can really customize easily the output for a content type.

How to show profile field Values to one simple page in drupal 6?

i want to get the custom profile fields which i have made in user profile part,
i want to get that values and show on one simple page i have tried this one....
<?php print $profile['Personal Information']['profile_fname']['#value']; ?>
but its not working....
i want to show all the fields on that page....
thanks in advance,
i got the answer....
// load profile fields
//print values -
//note the variable names after $account-> are the names given when you created the custom fields for the user profiles
<?php echo $account->profile_first_name;?>
<?php echo $account->profile_last_name;?>

Change Edit Control Block (ECB) Link URL in SharePoint

Is there a way to dynamically change the hyperlink associated with an ECB menu in WSS 3.0? For instance, I have a list with 2 fields. One field is hidden and is a link, the other is the title field which has the ECB menu. The title field currently links to the item's view page - but we want it to link to the link-field's url. Is that possible?
UPDATE - 5/29/09 9AM
I have this so far. See this TechNet post.
<script type="text/javascript">
var url = 'GoTo.aspx?ListTitle='+ctx.ListTitle;
url += '&ListName='+ctx.listName;
url += '&ListTemplate='+ctx.listTemplate;
url += '&listBaseType='+ctx.listBaseType;
url += '&view='+ctx.view;
url += '&';
var a = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
for(i=0;i<=a.length -1;i++)
This gives me a link like so (formatted so it's easier to see):
My issue now is that the row in the grid gives each item the ID property above but if I change the view or do any filtering you can see that the ID is really just the row number. Can I get the actual item's GUID here?
If I can get the item's ID I can send it with the list ID to an application page that will get the right URL from field in the list and forward the user on to the right site.
I think the easiest solution and one I use regularly to modify default sharepoint functionality without having to install server side code is to inject some javascript onto the page to make the necessary modifications.
The Content Editor webpart is ideal for this if you don't want to edit the page source itself. Together with the IE Developer Toolbar or Firebug to inspect the elements you want to edit you should be able to achieve what you need with just a couple of lines of javascript.
Let me know if you need any further detail on getting this work.
The title/link to edit menu is a computed field - basically a combination of the title and item id. If you look at the definition of the field (off the top of my head I think it's in fields.xml) you should be able to create a modified version in your schema.xml that uses the url field in its RenderPattern.
Following up on Tom's answer, you can use the SharePoint Solution Generator in VseWss 1.3 to generate a Visual Studio solution that can re-create your list. You will faint when you see the huge amount of XML that the views use in the schema.xml file but you will see the render pattern that Tom referred to and you should be able to get a general idea of how to modify it to suit your needs.
Gotta love SharePoint. Where small customizations means "take what I give you or rewrite it from scratch"

SharePoint - Custom Dataview - Link Rendering Issues

I have a custom SharePoint page with several dataviews. The dataviews essentially filter documents matching a certain criteria from a document library and display a link to the document along with some other meta data.
The problem I have is that when a document has a single quote in it's title, the character is being rendered as ' and invalidating the link. This is the code within my custom page that is displaying the invalid link.
<A onfocus="OnLink(this)" HREF="{#FileRef}" onclick="return DispEx(this,event,'','','','','{ddwrt:ListProperty("DefaultItemOpen")}','{ddwrt:MapToControl("", string())}','{#HTML_x0020_File_x0020_Type}','','{ddwrt:GetUserID('CheckoutUser')}','{$Userid}','{ddwrt:ListProperty("ForceCheckout")}','{$FieldIDA5KNTB}','{ddwrt:CurrentRights()}')"><xsl:value-of select="ddwrt:UrlBaseName(string(#LinkFilename))" /></A>
Does anyone have any thoughts on how I can ensure the #FileRef variable is encoded correctly before being rendered?
Many thanks in advance :)
you need to use the ServerURL or EncodedAbsUrl properties, this guys written it out already:
Itay Shakury's blog
