SharePoint - Custom Dataview - Link Rendering Issues - sharepoint

I have a custom SharePoint page with several dataviews. The dataviews essentially filter documents matching a certain criteria from a document library and display a link to the document along with some other meta data.
The problem I have is that when a document has a single quote in it's title, the character is being rendered as ' and invalidating the link. This is the code within my custom page that is displaying the invalid link.
<A onfocus="OnLink(this)" HREF="{#FileRef}" onclick="return DispEx(this,event,'','','','','{ddwrt:ListProperty("DefaultItemOpen")}','{ddwrt:MapToControl("", string())}','{#HTML_x0020_File_x0020_Type}','','{ddwrt:GetUserID('CheckoutUser')}','{$Userid}','{ddwrt:ListProperty("ForceCheckout")}','{$FieldIDA5KNTB}','{ddwrt:CurrentRights()}')"><xsl:value-of select="ddwrt:UrlBaseName(string(#LinkFilename))" /></A>
Does anyone have any thoughts on how I can ensure the #FileRef variable is encoded correctly before being rendered?
Many thanks in advance :)

you need to use the ServerURL or EncodedAbsUrl properties, this guys written it out already:
Itay Shakury's blog


Bolt-CMS Using extensions in page?

I read this from a recent answer to a question:
After enabling the extension, just use {{ twitterfeed() }} in your templates.
But, what if I only want say a contact form on one page? Putting the tag in the page's text field doesn't work. And putting it in the template would have it available on all the pages using that template. Do I have to duplicate a template to use only for the contact page? If not where do I put the contact form tag?
I went to Bolt's extension page, selected "how to use extensions" from the menu, and got this message:
No proper name for a page in the docs. Bye!
Perhaps someone at Bolt could fix the URL?
I would like to know why none of the extensions I want to use are not working. I am clearly missing a vital piece of info.
Thank you.
After enabling the extension, just use {{ twitterfeed() }} in your templates.
The Twig function {{ twitterfeed() }} belongs (generally speaking) in a Twig template file. You can use Twig in record fields, but that requires setting allowtwig: true for that Contenttype field.
But, what if I only want say a contact form on one page?
There are a few ways to do this, but the easiest way is to make a copy of your sites template file for the page's Contenttype and select that template for the 'Contact' record. The default 'pages' Contenttype that comes with Bolt has a templateselect field type that enables this.
No proper name for a page in the docs. Bye!
Fixed! Thanks for pointing it out.

Wordpress: Display content from a Custom Post Type within a regular Post

I feel like there is a really simple solution to this problem. However, after trying to solve it for about 3 hours unsuccessfully, I humbly come to you.
The Basics:
A custom post type, " band ", has been created, and has several
custom fields (which were created through the Advanced Custom
The Question:
How would I get and display the contents (specifically custom field data) of a specific band entry (using its ID or title or slug) inside of a regular post? (see diagram below)
Methods to Trigger the Display of the Custom Post Type:
We have to provide the ID/title/slug so that it knows what band post's content to display
Shortcode (such as [band id="21"] ) (added inside post content)
Custom Field (custom field name band-id where you can input the ID of the band)
What I've Tried and Why It Didn't Work:
`[band id="21"] inserted in post editor field
Used WP_Query to query post with type=band and ID="21".
Code located in functions.php
Result: It would echo static text but would not display any post-specific content (Band Name, etc.). Also would not pull post-specific custom field data.
(also tried query_post with no luck)
Custom Field
Entered ID (21) into custom field on post editor page.
Coded it directly into the post template:
Used WP_Query and had the ID in the array pull from the custom field.
Result: Nothing good happened.
Where I Keep Running Into Trouble:
It's hard to pull the custom field data from the custom post type while inside an actual post
The Optimal Solution:
Whether it's by using a shortcode, custom field, or even a new widget, it would be easiest if one could:
Create a PHP template with the code for just how the single Band content is supposed to display. (Including the loop). Example name: band-block.php
Use get_template_part('band-block'); to echo this code (either in Post Template or Shortcode via functions.php)
Thanks for your help! Let me know if you'd like to see any of my code.
I knew you have found a solution for your problem, but for others i will give them an other solution:
You can query by ID, no problem. Look at these:
But you have to check in the custom field "return format" the box "Post IDs". Then it works perfectly well.
Sorry for my bad english ;)
With some amazing help from Hobo, I was able to come up with a solution!
The main problem was with trying to query by 'ID'. No matter what we tried, it just never worked well. (It could be the way that the Advanced Custom Fields stored the ID field contents.)
What did work:
Created a custom field for the post page in which to put the Band (custom post type) post name/slug into. (Custom field was named post-band-name and created with the Advanced Custom Fields plugin.)
Placed the query code in the Post Template. (See code below)
The Solution Code
Add this loop after the normal loop...
<?php /* Display all the author's posts from the custom post type ('band') */ ?>
$authorid = get_the_author_meta( ID, $userID );
$args4=array('author'=>$authorid,'post_type'=>'band', 'numberposts'=> -1);
$cquery4=new WP_Query($args4);
<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title_attribute(); ?>">
<p><?php the_title();?></p>

Where can I find discussion board newform.aspx page to modify?

I have to modify text in discussion board new post page. Now it is showing "Items on this list require content approval. Your submission will not appear in public views until approved by someone with proper rights. More information on content approval."
I have to append some text to this message. I am trying to find discussion board newform.aspx page to modify. Please let me know where can I get that?
Assuming your discussion list is called "Public Discussion" at a site called "http://yoursite"
Connect to the site (http://yoursite) with sharepoint designer
Go to All Files -> Lists -> Public Discussion -> NewForm.aspx
Edit file
Look for <asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderId="PlaceHolderMain" runat="server">
Add content as needed
Save file, it will warn you that you are about to save a customised layout.
The message you describe is injected by sharepoint's content approval framework. To custom the messsage, you will most likely need to use javascript to find the message box and change the text.
On my site the html xpath to the node is something like this:
On the file system it will be here:
$sphome / "Name of your discussion board" (this will be a folder) / Forms / newform.aspx
There is a similar question asked here. It describes custom template controls handle the display of this content.
There is also a link here that describes a solution to do this using css. This would allow you to hide the OOB text and then have your own content displayed instead. However, there is some question of it working on broswers other than IE so include this in your testing.

RenderPattern headache with WSS 3.0 Document Library

I'm trying to define the DisplayPattern of a custom field to do as follow. It's a simple text field used in document libraries, but i want the text entered to be displayed as a link to the document in the list view.
<URL Cmd="Display"> gives me the display form, but I want the link to actually download/open the document...
I can't for the life of me figure this one out...
Thanks for your help!
The answer lied in <LookupColumn Name="FileLeafRef" /> used along with <ListUrlDir />...

Creating tooltips for each field in Sharepoint form

I want to create tool tips for each part in a form which employees have to fill in a share point web page. When users move the mouse cursor on each field (Title, description, department etc.) the related tip will be automatically became visible as a simple pop-up (tool tip) and summarize what they should write there. and when the mouse cursor is not on one of these fields there is no tool tip.
How can I design such a system via share point designer? I am not able use any add ons. I can't upload any additional things to the server. I have to make page based design.
I would be glad if you kindly help me.
Have you considered using field description?
This is SharePoint's default way of adding additional information to fields.
I couldn't find the ToolTip control in my SharePoint Designer 2007 Toolbox, so I looked on for a standard HTML option and found that you can use the <ABBR> tag.
See for the reference, but here's an example of a tooltip implemented on a SharePoint field title in a display form:
<td valign="top" class="ms-formlabel" style="width: 50px">
<H3 class="ms-standardheader">
<nobr><abbr title="The actual number of man-days effort expended.">Man-days (Actual)</abbr></nobr>
Open up the aspx page for the form in SharePoint designer. Then you can use SharePoint designer just like Visual Studio to see the code. Try adding the "tooltip" attribute to the field controls within the form. There is a small possibility these controls will actually be written using XSLT instead of ASP, so be prepared to do some studying.
By default the display name of the site column becomes the tool tip for that field.
