Conditional heat mapping - excel

I am looking to make a heat map (bubble graph) which allows you to filter what plots on the graph based on a few descriptive criteria.
In the bubble graph, there are three "scoring" variables (x-axis, y-axis and bubble size), but each item in my graph also has two associated descriptive data points. The first data point can be three possible options (x,y,z), and the second data point is a yes, no question. I am looking to be able to filter what shows in the heat map based on the two descriptive criteria.
For example: Only show things in the bubble chart where descriptive criteria #1 = X and descriptive criteria #2 = Yes
I have attached a sample worksheet which might be more helpful to understand what I am looking for.

I'd you can do this with most of the charting libraries, but you'll have to write a data filter yourself. Take a look at this example:
It is based on a famous Gapminder widget. If you click on a continent on the top-right, the bubbles of other continents will become barely visible. This is done by simply looping through the data and setting opacity of all bubbles except the selected continents to some close to 0 value.
Disclaimer: I am the author of amCharts.


Excel data - cleaning data with multiple values for numerous instances

I have a data set which is related to force applied vs distance traveled.
When the data was created the measurement software has provided multiple values for distance traveled as the force increases, then in some cases the data has no values for distance at the force values.
I have several data sets which look like this.
The data looks like this
I want to 'clean the data so I can create a graph with all 3 samples in columns the same height so it is easy to edit and make scatter graphs from.
I tried to clean the data by using VLOOKUP to create a column of force values at each 0.5N, but when I do this I end up with a large table that has lots of missing data points, when I make the graph from this there are lots of blank areas which don't seem to plot correctly.
The VLOOKUP data looks like this
The graph looks like this
Is there a better way to do this which will give me a better looking data set which is better for creating a graph from?
I have about 30 sets of data, so any info that you have would be greatly appreciated.
Why make the columns equal length.
If you plot the three samples with the data as given, an XY graph should look OK:
If there's some other reason to make the columns equal length, I'd "fill in the blanks" using the FORECAST or GROWTH functions, or use a trendline.
You can use IFERROR to insert something in place of the #N/As. For example, you could use =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A1,D:D,1,FALSE),0) to add a zero in place of the #N/As

How to highlight specific data points in a scatterplot (Excel) based on certain conditions?

Suppose I have a data with two sets of xy coordinates, one pair for the customer side and one pair for the vendor side (so in total, there should be four columns, two x's and two y's). We can call Xc for customer and Xv for vendor and vice versa for Y. I know how to make a plot in excel and overlay the two pairs of coordinates, but I am stuck on how to present such plot with specific data points highlighted with a different symbol/color based on conditional statements. For example, if any data points in Xc or Yv have coordinates outside of a specific range (think of them as outliers), I would like to flag such points on the scatterplot. I know one way is to filter out the points first and create it as a separate series then plot, but wonder if there is a more streamlined procedure in doing so as I need to make a template for future references. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Filter and plot values that satisfy a certain condition

The data comes from several sensors that arranged in columns, and each row represents a measurement instance (say, a 10-minute average).
I perform some filtering and get a 'Global criteria' column of TRUE and FALSE depending on whether the data met the criteria.
Now, I want to create an x-y plot that only portrays the data that fullfils the criteria; perhaps I am missing something blatantly obvious but I have not been able to produce this graph.
I have tried to create a 'Filtered' vector in the Name manager:
X is
Y is
to no avail...
I have found a non-optimal solution, in that I multiply the boolean vector with the vector(s) I want to plot, and then plot that multiplication. I get of course a lot of values at (0,0) but I can live with that.
I am of course looking for a more elegant solution, perhaps with dynamic names.

chart in excel to represent correlation of 3 parameters

Please dont eat me because of this question :)
I have some data in excel and I would like to make a graphical representation of those data. Structure of my data:
persons ID : from 1 to 485 to every person, there is one parameter like average jumping distance and another parameter (like height) and finally there is a class to which every person belongs to (1, 2 or 3).
To assign persons to classes I have used k-means algorithm.
Now I would like to make a graph of this result. How can I do it please in excel (or by using another tool)?
Thank you
I would use a scatter (XY chart with markers and no lines). Plot average jumping distance on one axis, height on the second axis. Then for the classes I would separate all the data into 3 series and use different colors for each series. I would adjust the marker size to see which one works best with the data.
Here is a fast example to give you an idea how to it would look like. Its not as easy as just clicking once to insert the chart from the data though:

Excel Chart doesn't keep format

I have a table (came from a pivot table) where I have formatted the column 4 cells to show 1 billion as 1. But when I select the table and insert a chart, I am getting my units in millions. So the 14.8 billion number for Mexico is showing up as 14,800 on the chart. Why might this be happening and how can I fix this? This is also making all my other bars negligibly small. Note that the first three columns are not in billions and are totally different things. Some are percentages, some are other small numbers.
You need a secondary horizontal axis and some formatting on the Axes.
In Excel 2013
First change the Chart Type to Combo and select Clustered Bar for both sets of data, then Check
Secondary Axis for the Percentage Series.
Then set up the axis limits so they match, e.g.
Percentage: min -.5 max 2
Billions: min -5e9 max 20e9
Then set the percentage format on the source data to a custom Number format of "";(0)%;0%
Then set the Billions format as 0,,,;"";0
You will get something like this:
Now that we have the general principles, we can apply them to your specific data.
I will also switch to Excel 2010 do show the different menus.
The data selection looks like this
Select the non-Billion series (plural!) and check the secondary axis
If the larger data is always positive then you can use custom formatting to clean up the axis
Align the primary and secondary axes so that the grid lines match on both
The end result is clean and readable.
Mixing percentages and numbers for the smaller numbers is not handled by this but I would suggest that that would be confusing anyway?
The simplest way to fix this might be to plot cells containing the billions values divided by 10^9 rather than to plot the billions themselves, though via a secondary axis may be possible.
Using Excel 2007. For the purple bars, the example on the left uses ColumnE values, on the right ColumnF values. E1 contains =F1/10^9 and F1 contains =14800000000:
It appears that there are 3 questions here: 1) "Why might this be happening", 2) "how can I fix this", and 3) something like "how can I plot data which lie on two widely differing ranges, and make them all reasonably visible anyway", even if there was no explicit question on this.
There are several ways to solve issue #2 about the units (e.g., billions) and numbers (e.g., 14.8 vs. 14,800.0) shown in the axis, each one with its own pros and cons:
Use Format Axis -> Axis Options -> Display units.
This might be the answer to your issue #1 as well, you might have the following selection: Display units -> Millions, and unchecked Show display units... Otherwise, I wouldn't know why you chart shows what it shows.
Use faked tick marks, as indicated in the (excellent) site of Jon Peltier
It gives detailed instructions on how to create tick marks on an axis with arbitrary labels (which may be text, numbers, etc.), which is more generic than what the OP wants here. In this particular case, the labels will be the desired numbers.
Create new cells containing data that would be plotted exactly the way you want.
As for your issue #3, I guess the only option is to have a Secondary Axis (see the answer by pnuts).
Thus, to come up with the best final chart for you might use a combination of one of the options I gave here and a secondary axis.
