Convert chm file to Dash Docset - decompiling

Dash can provide Docset for offline use and docsets can be generated from HTML, Doxygen, etc.
Does anybody knows a way to generate a docset from a chm file?

A chm file can be decompiled to HTML, either with the help viewer (hh.exe -decompile folder file.chm) or using 7-Zip. So you could generate a docset from the extracted HTML.


How can I display xlsx file in an iframe

I need to display excel files(xls, xlsx) in an iframe.
Is this possible? If so, how would I do this?
Can't really be done. Excel files do not display natively in a browser. iframes, in this context, are just like regular pages. You would have to solve the showing Excel files in a browser problem first.
The closest you could get is to have a program that reads the Excel file and then generates HTML based on its content.
Adobe ColdFusion can do this natively; other languages and platforms may require 3rd party libraries.
Other solution would be to convert the file to pdf and display it in the iframe.

Compress Decompressed Exe File

So, I decompressed an exe file and modified it, and I want to recompress it back to exe form, not an SFX archive.
I can't find an internet solution for my problem, all of the posts I look at talk about recompressing to an SFX file, which I do not want to do, I want to convert it to a fully working exe.
I think you are looking for IExpress.exe:
Modifying a binary file without breaking it requires a knowledge of hex or assembly. You can't just decompress and compress it back.
How ever there are tools that has ability to make some minor changes to an exe file. This one is an example. Those tools can only alter exe file's resources like icons, some of the texts, images etc.
Hope this helped.

doxygen: How to create ".uml" file from source code of c++ using doxygen?

I have used doxygen, no dobt very good tool.
I used Doxygen + Graphviz, to generate uml like diagrams from it, but those are image files shown on webpage.
And my requirement is specific to .uml files.
So Is there any way to generate .uml files from c++ source code.

Self Contained Linux Command line tool for converting text to doc, rtf, pdf

I'm looking for a command line tool for Linux that will allow me to convert UTF-8 plain text files to various formats. My problem is that I'm working on a secure company-specific flavour of Linux, so the tool can't rely on other packages, such as Open Office, being present. Does anyone know of such a tool?
Gnu a2ps allows you convert from anything to postscript (designed for printing). Not exactly what you want but if you have utilites to display postscript files, you can convert them into pdf.
Another option is Gnu enscript which "converts text to Postscript, HTML or RTF with syntax highlighting". I'm not sure if it supports UTF-8.
Conversion into doc will be harder since it's a closed format. But I have in the past cheated by creating an HTML file with inline css and then renaming it to .doc. Worked back in the early 2000s. DOn't know about now.

Converting HTML to odt, doc, docx

Is there an easy way to convert HTML(with CSS styles and embedded images) to ODT, DOCX, DOC from the command line on linux server. I searched a lot but have not found a good option.
There was a problem the same way to convert to PDF, decided by wkhtmltopdf. Perhaps there are ways to convert the resulting PDF documents to other formats?
To convert to odt it's pretty easy after installing pandoc.
After the relatively hard part: from odt (or even html) you can script (Open|Libre)Office via e.g. unoconv
Or you can like:
abiword --to=doc filename.odt
Also see this thread, and this blog post.
If you want to convert HTML into docx you may use a solution like PHPDocX. You need to get the PRO version though because the free one does not include the conversion functionality.
If you're on ruby there is a gem based on libreoffice headless (with pyod/jod converter) and pdf tools.
Post with your issues to the pandoc GoogleGroup, John is very responsive in every way.
You may even find the latest release v1.9 may fix your problem, or maybe you just need to get to know the toolset in more detail.
I found soultion - is abiword in console variant.
