Datetime from number or text in Excel - excel

Id appreciate if someone can help.
I have a column with the following values:
The cell is a number (or can be displayed as text). It shows the datetime. Example:
year: 14
hours: 20
minutes: 11
How can I split the value and concatenate into datetime? Notice i have only two last digits of the year - 14, so the full datetime should have the format like this "2014-01-03 20:11"
Thanks a lot in advance.

If you only want the formula to return text use:
="20"&LEFT(A1;2)&"-"&MID(A1;3;2)&"-"&MID(A1;5;2) & " " & MID(A1;7;2) &":"&MID(A1;9;2)
If you want the formula to return a datetime value use:
And then (for the last one) format the datetime value at will.
I always prefer, when possible, to use date instead of datevalue because datevalue interprets date_text argument based on regional settings and will return an error with different Regional Settings.


Trouble converting a text string to date in Notion

I'm trying to convert a text string into a date in Notion to build a birthday reminder system in my database.
Bigger picture, I want a database view with the birthdays that are coming up in the next month. Some people I know their actual date of birth, and for others I only know their birthday. I enter the birthdate for the people whose birth year I don't know as the current year.
The filters allow you to select a date relative to the present, but not a date whose anniversary is coming up. So to fix this, I am creating a field that reformats the birthdate as a date in the current year, and filtering based on that.
I successfully built the new date, but it is a text string. In order for the filters to work, it needs to be formatted as a date.
I tried formatDate but that gives me an error.
For example:
formatDate(concat(prop("Birthday"), ", ", prop("thisYear")), "MMMM D YYYY")
Gives error:
Type mismatch concat(prop("Birthday"), ", ", prop("thisYear")) is not a Date.
It appears formatDate only reformats an existing date, it doesn't convert a string into a date. I can't find a function that converts a string into a date. How would one do that?
to convert the date you have in text format into a prop date, you have to start from 01 Jan 1970, this is the date Notion use to refer every single date into ms.
With this formula you will have 01 Jan 1970 from now:
year(now()) - 1970, "years"), month(now()), "months"), date(now()),
"days"), hour(now()), "hours"), minute(now()), "minutes"), 1, "days")
Now you have to add to this date months, year and days you have into your birthday prop.
To do this you simply have to use he dateAdd formula, so you will have:
year(now()) - 1970, "years"), month(now()), "months"), date(now()),
"days"), hour(now()), "hours"), minute(now()), "minutes"),
prop("Giorni"), "days"), prop("Mese") - 1, "months"), prop("Anno") -
1970, "years")
You have to consider that in my example, prop("Giorni"), prop("Mese") and prop("Anno") are already numbers.
If you have them into a text field you first have to extract them with the slice formula and convert them into number with toNumber formula.
I hope I helped you, sorry for my English but I'm not native English speaker.

How can I format a string into a date: time format?

For example:
I want to print this to a more readable format like: 8/18/21 10:24pm
I have tried using the built in DateTime function but it returns an error. Can someone point me in the right direction? I have checked other answers but they all relate to using the aforementioned funciton.
Looking at how your data is formatted and it seems your data is formatted "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss";so, here is my attempt:
Formula in C1:
=--SUBSTITUTE(LEFT(A1,16),"T"," ")
Then I just formatted the resulting datetime-stamp with:
m/d/yy hh:mm AM/PM
So it remains a numeric value to do your calculations with if needed.
Give a try to below formula-
=TEXT(FILTERXML("<t><s>"&SUBSTITUTE(A1,"T","</s><s>")&"</s></t>","//s[1]")+FILTERXML("<t><s>"&SUBSTITUTE(FILTERXML("<t><s>"&SUBSTITUTE(A1,"T","</s><s>")&"</s></t>","//s[2]"),"-","</s><s>")&"</s></t>","//s[1]"),"M/dd/yyyy hh:mm AM/PM")
The date is in ISO 8601 format. This will parse out the different parts of the date string and convert to a date, assuming that your string is in A1:
*INT(MID(A1, 20, 1) & 1)
The first part grabs the date, the second part grabs the time, the third part captures the date offset, and the last part captures the sign. If you want to format that, you can do it with the cell formatting or wrap it in TEXT:
*INT(MID(A1, 20, 1) & 1),
"yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"
Note that if you need to support UTC, that is indicated by Z instead of a time offset, and you would need to modify the formula slightly. If your data always has the same time offset, you could just hardcode it, instead of parsing it out.

separating date and time from datetime column in excel

how to separate date and time from datetime column if you have the format as below :
click here to view image
I am trying int(datetime column) for fetching date ; Datetime column - int(datetime column) for fetching time column
Your formula cannot work because your data is a text string (note that it has a letter included) and not a number.
So first convert the string into a "real" time with:
=substitute(a2,"T"," ")
You can then use:
Date: =INT(SUBSTITUTE(A2,"T"," "))
Time: =MOD(SUBSTITUTE(A2,"T"," "),1)
and be sure to format the results as desired:
If your column is formatted true date then use to separate date
For time
If data is in text string or output by TEXT() function then try below functions.
for date =TEXT(FILTERXML("<t><s>"&SUBSTITUTE(A1,"T","</s><s>")&"</s></t>","//s[1]"),"yyyy-mm-dd")
for time =TEXT(FILTERXML("<t><s>"&SUBSTITUTE(A1,"T","</s><s>")&"</s></t>","//s[last()]"),"hh:mm:ss")
For date
For time

converting a twitter date string into a datetime field in excel

I have a number of excel strings in the format "Mon Nov 25 17:20:47 +0000 2019"
I found an earlier post that recommended using =DATE(RIGHT(O2,4),MONTH(DATEVALUE(1 & MID(O2,5,3))),MID(O2,9,2)) to create a usable date field. However, this drops the time which is an important piece of information.
How can I include the time with the date in order for excel to recognize and sort all the information included in the field?
Thank you in advance!
You can just use the same logic with the date formula, but use TIME instead of DATE and of course extract the correct time into the formula =TIME(MID(O2,12,2),MID(O2,15,2),MID(O2,18,2))
to combine them both in one field, you will need to add them =DATE(RIGHT(O2,4),MONTH(DATEVALUE(1 & MID(O2,5,3))),MID(O2,9,2)) + TIME(MID(O2,12,2),MID(O2,15,2),MID(O2,18,2))
The rationale of this is because:
Date is expressed in whole numbers i.e. 1 = 01/01/1900, 2 = 02/01/1900, 3 = 03/01/1900... 43794 = 25/11/2019, etc.
Time is expressed as a fraction of the day i.e. 0.5 = 12 hrs/12PM, 0.66666 = 16 hrs/4PM, etc.
so lets say you have 1/1/2019 12.00 PM, the date part that gives 1/1/2019 will be 43466 and the time part will be 0.5. Adding them together will give you 43466.5, and when converted to a date time format it will show as 1/1/2019 12:00 PM.
You can use string functions to create an unambiguous date string, then turn it into a date/time value with a mathematical operation (adding the time value in a string form).
You'll need to format the result as something appropriate: eg: dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm

Changing format of TODAY() in excel

I'm using today to aquire todays date and then adding a static value to the end of it using the following:
Which Returns 43202T23:00:00
I really need it in the format 2018-04-12T23:00:00
Any help on this would be great!
There are a couple ways to accomplish this, depending on whether your goal is a formatted String (to display) or a numeric value (such as data type Date) for storing or using with calculations.
If you want a formatted date/time result (to display to the user)...
Use the TEXT worksheet function:
...the reason this works is because TODAY() returns a Date data type, which is basically just a number representing the date/time, (where 1 = midnight on January 1, 1900, 2 = midnight on January 2, 1900, 2.5 = noon on January 2, 1900,etc).
You can convert the date type to a String (text) with the TEXT function, in whatever format you like. The example above will display today's date as 2018-04-12.
If, for example, you wanted the date portion of the string displayed asApril 12, 2018 then you would instead use:
TEXT(TODAY(),"mmmm d, yyyy")
Note that the TEXT worksheet function (and VBA's Format function) always return Strings, ready to be concatenated with the rest of the String that you're trying to add ("T23:00:00").
If you want to use the result in calculations...
If you instead want the result to be in a Date type, then instead of concatenating a string (produced by the TEXT function) to a string (from "T23:00:00"), you could instead add a date to a date:
..and then you can format it as you like to show or hide Y/M/D/H/M/S as necessary with Number Formats (shortcut: Ctrl+1).
More Information:
MSDN : TEXT Function (Excel)
MSDN : TIMEVALUE Function (Excel)
MSDN : TIME Function (Excel)
