Why does GC(Garbage collector) freezes current execution threads - c#-4.0

I was reading Chapter 12: Garbage collection of C# in a Nutshell where in the section about Concurrent and background collection it says that
The GC must freeze (block) your execution threads for periods during a
collection. This includes the entire period during which a Gen0 or
Gen1 collection takes place.
One thing I understand is that; probably it's trying to avoid any new memory allocation at that point of time.
Is there any other specific reason behind this - as why GC need to block currently executing thread?

The MSDN documentation claims that generations 0 and 1 are always performed non-concurrently because they happen very fast.
Performing a concurrent garbage collection pass will take longer than a non-concurrent one since access to data that is being processed must be synchronized between the GC thread and other threads. This adds overhead which probably outweighs the benefits of concurrency in gen 0 and 1 collections since they typically run very fast.
Beyond removing objects that are marked from memory, the GC also tries to compact the heap after performing a pass. This means that objects may move in memory as a result of a GC pass. For this reason a concurrent pass requires the extra overhead to synchronize data access between the GC thread and other threads of the process.


Is synchronization for variable change cheaper then for something else?

In a multi-threading environment, isn’t it that every operation on the RAM must be synchronized?
Let’s say, I have a variable, which is a pointer to another memory address:
foo 12345678
Now, if one thread sets that variable to another memory address (let’s say 89ABCDEF), meanwhile the first thread reads the variable, couldn’t it be that the first thread reads totally trash from the variable if access wouldn’t be synchronized (on some system level)?
foo 12345678 (before)
89ABCDEF (new data)
••••• (writing thread progress)
89ABC678 (memory content)
Since I never saw those things happen I assume that there is some system level synchronization when writing variables. I assume, that this is why it is called an ‘atomic’ operation. As I found here, this problem is actually a topic and not totally fictious from me.
On the other hand, I read everywhere that synchronizing has a significant impact on performance. (Aside from threads that must wait bc. they cannot enter the lock; I mean just the action of locking and unlocking.) Like here:
synchronized adds a significant overhead to the methods […]. These operations are quite expensive […] it has an extreme impact on the program performance. […] the expensive synchronized operations that cause the code to be so terribly slow.
How does this go together? Why is locking for changing a variable unnoticeable fast, but locking for anything else so expensive? Or, is it equally expensive, and there should be a big warning sign when using—let’s say—long and double because they always implicitly require synchronization?
Concerning your first point, when a processor writes some data to memory, this data is always properly written and cannot be "trashed" by other writes by threads processes, OS, etc. It is not a matter of synchronization, just required to insure proper hardware behaviour.
Synchronization is a software concept that requires hardware support. Assume that you just want to acquire a lock. It is supposed to be free when at 0 et locked when at 1.
The basic method to do that is
fetch lock value from memory
set lock value in memory to 1
got_the_lock = (fetched value from memory == 0)
print "I got the lock!!"
The problem is that if other threads do the same thing at the same time and read lock value before it has been set to 1, several threads may think they got the lock.
To avoid that, one need atomic memory access. An atomic access is typically a read-modify-write cycle to a data in memory that cannot interrupted and that forbids access to this information until completion. So not all accesses are atomic, only specific read-modify-write operation and it is realized thanks tp specific processor support (see test-and-set or fetch-and-add instructions, for instance). Most accesses do not need it and can be a regular access. Atomic access is mostly use to synchronize threads to insure that only one thread is in a critical section.
So why are atomic access expensive ? There are several reasons.
The first one is that one must ensure a proper ordering of instructions. You probably know that instruction order may be different from instruction program order, provided the semantic of the program is respected. This is heavily exploited to improve performances : compiler reorder instructions, processor execute them out-of-order, write-back caches write data in memory in any order, and memory write buffer do the same thing. This reordering can lead to improper behavior.
1 while (x--) ; // random and silly loop
2 f(y);
3 while(test_and_set(important_lock)) ; //spinlock to get a lock
4 g(z);
Obviously instruction 1 is not constraining and 2 can be executed before (and probably 1 will be removed by an optimizing compiler). But if 4 is executed before 3, the behavior will not be as expected.
To avoid that, an atomic access flushes the instruction and memory buffer that requires tens of cycles (see memory barrier).
Without pipeline, you pay the full latency of the operation: read data from memory, modify it and write it back. This latency always happens, but for regular memory accesses you can do other work during that time that largely hides the latency.
An atomic access requires at least 100-200 cycles on modern processors and is accordingly extremely expensive.
How does this go together? Why is locking for changing a variable unnoticeable fast, but locking for anything else so expensive? Or, is it equally expensive, and there should be a big warning sign when using—let’s say—long and double because they always implicitly require synchronization?
Regular memory access are not atomic. Only specific synchronization instructions are expensive.
Synchronization always has a cost involved. And the cost increases with contention due to threads waking up, fighting for lock and only one gets it, and the rest go to sleep resulting in lot of context switches.
However, such contention can be kept at a minimum by using synchronization at a much granular level as in a CAS (compare and swap) operation by CPU, or a memory barrier to read a volatile variable. A far better option is to avoid synchronization altogether without compromising safety.
Consider the following code:
synchronized(this) {
// a DB call
This block of code will take several seconds to execute as it is doing a IO and therefore run high chance of creating a contention among other threads wanting to execute the same block. The time duration is enough to build up a massive queue of waiting threads in a busy system.
This is the reason the non-blocking algorithms like Treiber Stack Michael Scott exist. They do a their tasks (which we'd otherwise do using a much larger synchronized block) with the minimum amount of synchronization.
isn’t it that every operation on the RAM must be synchronized?
No. Most of the "operations on RAM" will target memory locations that are only used by one thread. For example, in most programming languages, None of a thread's function arguments or local variables will be shared with other threads; and often, a thread will use heap objects that it does not share with any other thread.
You need synchronization when two or more threads communicate with one another through shared variables. There are two parts to it:
mutual exclusion
You may need to prevent "race conditions." If some thread T updates a data structure, it may have to put the structure into a temporary, invalid state before the update is complete. You can use mutual exclusion (i.e., mutexes/semaphores/locks/critical sections) to ensure that no other thread U can see the data structure when it is in that temporary, invalid state.
cache consistency
On a computer with more than one CPU, each processor typically has its own memory cache. So, when two different threads running on two different processors both access the same data, they may each be looking at their own, separately cached copy. Thus, when thread T updates that shared data structure, it is important to ensure that all of the variables it updated make it into thread U's cache before thread U is allowed to see any of them.
It would totally defeat the purpose of the separate caches if every write by one processor invalidated every other processor's cache, so there typically are special hardware instructions to do that only when it's needed, and typical mutex/lock implementations execute those instructions on entering or leaving a protected block of code.

Garbage collector in Node.js

According to google, V8 uses an efficient garbage collection by employing a "stop-the-world, generational, accurate, garbage collector". Part of the claim is that the V8 stops program execution when performing a garbage collection cycle.
An obvious question is how can you have an efficient GC when you pause program execution?
I was trying to find more about this topic as I would be interested to know how does the GC impacts the response time when you have possibly tens of thounsands requests per second firing your node.js server.
Any expert help, personal experience or links would be greatly appreciated
Thank you
"Efficient" can mean several things. Here it probably refers to high throughput. When looking at response time, you're more interested in latency, which could indeed be worse than with alternative GC strategies.
The main alternatives to stop-the-world GCs are
incremental GCs, which need not finish a collection cycle before handing back control to the mutator1 temporarily, and
concurrent GCs which (virtually) operate at the same time as the mutator, interrupting it only very briefly (e.g. to scan the stack).
Both need to perform extra work to be correct in the face of concurrent modification of the heap (e.g. if a new object is created and attached to an already-scanned object, this new reference must be noticed). This impacts total throughput, i.e., it takes longer to actually clean the entire heap. The upside is that they do not (usually) interrupt the program for very long, if at all, so latency is low(er).
Although the V8 documentation still mentions a stop-the-world collector, it seems that an the V8 GC is incremental since 2011. So while it does stop program execution once in a while, it does not 2 stop the program for however long it takes to scan the entire heap. Instead it can scan for, say, a couple milliseconds, and let the program resume.
1 "Mutator" is GC terminology for the program whose heap is garbage collected.
2 At least in principle, this is probably configurable.

What's the Gambit-C's GC mechanism?

What's the Gambit-C's GC mechanism? I'm curious about this for making interactive app. I want to know whether it can avoid burst GC operation or not.
According to these threads:
Gambit has traditional stop-the-world GC at least until September 2008. People in thread recommended using pre-allocated object pooling to avoid GC operation itself. I couldn't find out about current implementation.
*It's hard to agree with the conversation. Because I can't pool object not written by myself and finally full-GC will happen at sometime by accumulated small/non-pooled temporary objects. But the method mentioned by #Gregory may help to avoid this problem. However, I wish incremental GC added to Gambit :)
According to http://dynamo.iro.umontreal.ca/~gambit/wiki/index.php/Debugging#Garbage_collection_threshold gambit has some controls:
Garbage collection threshold
Pay attention to the runtime options h (maximum heapsize in kilobytes) and l (livepercent). See the reference manual for more information. Setting livepercent to five means that garbage collection will take place at the time that there are nineteen times more memory allocated for objects that should be garbage collected, than there is memory allocated for objects that should not. The reason the livepercent option is there, is to give a way to control how sparing/generous the garbage collector should be about memory consumption, vs. how heavy/light it should be in CPU load.
You can always force garbage collection by (##gc).
If you force garbage collection after some small number of operations, or schedule it near continuously, or set the livepercent to like 90 then presumably the gc will run frequently and not do very much on each run. This is likely to be more expensive overall, but avoid bursts of expense. You can then fairly easily budget for that expense to make the service fast despite.

Difference between background and concurrent garbage collection?

I read that with .NET Framework 4 the current garbage collection implementation is replaced:
The .NET Framework 4 provides
background garbage collection. This
feature replaces concurrent garbage
collection in previous versions and
provides better performance.
At this page there is an explanation how it works but I am not sure I understood it.
In practical world application what is the benefit of this new GC implementation? Is it a feature that could be use to push for a transition from 3.5 or previous to 4.0?
Here, Microsoft uses the names "concurrent" and "background" to describe two versions of the GC it uses in .NET. In the .NET world, the "background collector" is an enhancement over the "concurrent collector" in that it has less restrictions on what application threads can do while the collector is running.
A basic GC uses a "stop-the-world" strategy: applicative threads allocate memory blocks from a common heap. When the GC must run (e.g. too many blocks have been allocated, some cleanup is needed), all applicative (managed) threads stop. The last stopping thread runs the GC, and unblocks all the other threads when it has finished. A stop-the-world GC is simple to implement but induces pauses which can be perceptible at the user level.
Microsoft's "concurrent GC" is generational: it uses the stop-the-world strategy for only a limited part of the heap (what they call "generations 0 and 1"). Since that part remains small, pauses remain short (e.g. below 50ms), so that the user will not notice them. The rest of the heap is collected with a dedicated GC thread, which can run concurrently with the applicative threads (hence the name).
The concurrent GC has some limitations. Namely, there are moments when the GC thread must assume a somewhat exclusive control of the heap. During such times, applicative threads may allocate blocks only from small thread-specific areas. Threads which have bigger needs will soon stumble upon the main heap, which, at that time, is locked by the GC thread. The allocating thread must then block until the GC thread has finished its lock-the-heap phase. This again induces pauses. Less pauses than with a stop-the-world GC, and these pauses do not affect all threads. Yet pauses nonetheless.
The "background GC" is an enhanced GC in which the GC thread needs not lock the heap. This removes the extra pauses described in the previous paragraph; only remain the limited pauses when the young generations are collected (what Microsoft calls "a foreground collection").
Note: there are "hidden costs" with the concurrent GC and the background GC. For these GC to operate properly, memory accesses from applicative threads must be done in some very specific ways, which have a slight impact on performance. Also, the GC thread may have an adverse effect on cache memory, thus indirectly degrading performance. For a purely computational task with no need for user interaction, a stop-the-world collector may, on average, yield somewhat better performance (e.g. a twenty-hours-long computation will complete in nineteen hours). But this is an edge case, and in most situations the concurrent and background GC are better.
Here is the real world explanation without slur and overinflated feeling of self-importance:
In concurrent GC you were allowed to allocate while in a GC, but you are not allowed to start another GC while in a GC. This in turn means that the maximum you are allowed to allocate while in a GC is whatever space you have left on one segment (currently 16 MB in workstation mode) minus anything that is already allocated there).
The difference in Background mode is that you are allowed to start a new GC (gen 0+1) while in a full background GC, and this allows you to even create a new segment to allocate in if necessary. In short, the blocking that could occur before when you allocated all you could in one segment won’t happen anymore.
From Tess da Man! http://blogs.msdn.com/b/tess/archive/2009/05/29/background-garbage-collection-in-clr-4-0.aspx
The primary benefit will be fewer application freezes due to garbage collection, which in itself could be considered a significant improvement. For most apps this difference will not be noticeable unless you have a HUGE number of long-lived objects in memory.
This change also makes .NET slightly more viable for building timing-sensitive apps (where response times are important). The extreme example are car airbags - you don't want your software to be busy doing garbage collection when they need to be inflated. The changes in 4.0 reduce the number and length of freezes due to GCing but does not remove them entirely.

Real World Examples of read-write in concurrent software

I'm looking for real world examples of needing read and write access to the same value in concurrent systems.
In my opinion, many semaphores or locks are present because there's no known alternative (to the implementer,) but do you know of any patterns where mutexes seem to be a requirement?
In a way I'm asking for candidates for the standard set of HARD problems for concurrent software in the real world.
What kind of locks are used depends on how the data is being accessed by multiple threads. If you can fine tune the use case, you can sometimes eliminate the need for exclusive locks completely.
An exclusive lock is needed only if your use case requires that the shared data must be 100% exact all the time. This is the default that most developers start with because that's how we think about data normally.
However, if what you are using the data for can tolerate some "looseness", there are several techniques to share data between threads without the use of exclusive locks on every access.
For example, if you have a linked list of data and if your use of that linked list would not be upset by seeing the same node multiple times in a list traversal and would not be upset if it did not see an insert immediately after the insert (or similar artifacts), you can perform list inserts and deletes using atomic pointer exchange without the need for a full-stop mutex lock around the insert or delete operation.
Another example: if you have an array or list object that is mostly read from by threads and only occasionally updated by a master thread, you could implement lock-free updates by maintaining two copies of the list: one that is "live" that other threads can read from and another that is "offline" that you can write to in the privacy of your own thread. To perform an update, you copy the contents of the "live" list into the "offline" list, perform the update to the offline list, and then swap the offline list pointer into the live list pointer using an atomic pointer exchange. You will then need some mechanism to let the readers "drain" from the now offline list. In a garbage collected system, you can just release the reference to the offline list - when the last consumer is finished with it, it will be GC'd. In a non-GC system, you could use reference counting to keep track of how many readers are still using the list. For this example, having only one thread designated as the list updater would be ideal. If multiple updaters are needed, you will need to put a lock around the update operation, but only to serialize updaters - no lock and no performance impact on readers of the list.
All the lock-free resource sharing techniques I'm aware of require the use of atomic swaps (aka InterlockedExchange). This usually translates into a specific instruction in the CPU and/or a hardware bus lock (lock prefix on a read or write opcode in x86 assembler) for a very brief period of time. On multiproc systems, atomic swaps may force a cache invalidation on the other processors (this was the case on dual proc Pentium II) but I don't think this is as much of a problem on current multicore chips. Even with these performance caveats, lock-free runs much faster than taking a full-stop kernel event object. Just making a call into a kernel API function takes several hundred clock cycles (to switch to kernel mode).
Examples of real-world scenarios:
producer/consumer workflows. Web service receives http requests for data, places the request into an internal queue, worker thread pulls the work item from the queue and performs the work. The queue is read/write and has to be thread safe.
Data shared between threads with change of ownership. Thread 1 allocates an object, tosses it to thread 2 for processing, and never wants to see it again. Thread 2 is responsible for disposing the object. The memory management system (malloc/free) must be thread safe.
File system. This is almost always an OS service and already fully thread safe, but it's worth including in the list.
Reference counting. Releases the resource when the number of references drops to zero. The increment/decrement/test operations must be thread safe. These can usually be implemented using atomic primitives instead of full-stop kernal mutex locks.
Most real world, concurrent software, has some form of requirement for synchronization at some level. Often, better written software will take great pains to reduce the amount of locking required, but it is still required at some point.
For example, I often do simulations where we have some form of aggregation operation occurring. Typically, there are ways to prevent locking during the simulation phase itself (ie: use of thread local state data, etc), but the actual aggregation portion typically requires some form of lock at the end.
Luckily, this becomes a lock per thread, not per unit of work. In my case, this is significant, since I'm typically doing operations on hundreds of thousands or millions of units of work, but most of the time, it's occuring on systems with 4-16 PEs, which means I'm usually restricting to a similar number of units of execution. By using this type of mechanism, you're still locking, but you're locking between tens of elements instead of potentially millions.
