Add autorun on startup program in windows embedded ce 6.0 no persistent file system - windows-ce

I have a problem with a GPS device: it runs windows embedded ce 6.0 and I am trying to make the GPS software (iGO Primo) run by default (automatically run on startup).
I have tried copying the shortcut to \Windows\Startup folder, but on restart it was gone. I guess it does not have a persistent file system.
Is there a way to check if the registry is persistent? If yes, how can I manually somehow add the line "\ResidentFlash\Primo\Primo.exe" in there to run it on startup?
Running it manually works, so the program is ok, the only problem is I do not know how to automatically run it, I get the Windows interface (desktop & start & co.). Thanks a lot!

In the registry (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Init) you can set your application to launch at startup Here is the MSDN article related :
If you need a regedit tool on the device you could use this.

For anyone still working with old win ce devices, the one I worked on had a copy of the windows file system on the flash memory.
Just copy the executable to the Startup folder there and it will run with the next boot.
The path is flash\dramstore\Window\Startup\


Run Android Virtual Machine through Android Studio with edited hosts file or -writable-system flag

I develop an app that communicates to an external database. I have recently started working from home. For development purposes, both the database and Android Studio are on the same workstation, but the access has to be done via URL, so when the app goes into production the only change is the address being accessed.
Back in the office, my company had a DNS to resolve local addresses for us, so my experience with Android Virtual Devices (AVDs) was seamless. But now that I'm at home I need to set the /etc/hosts file on the virtual machine (and the machine in question uses Googles API, not Google Play, otherwise this would never work).
Following the steps on this awesome thread allowed me to set this up with no problem via command line using the steps below (Linux system):
start emulator on tools folder with writable permissios
tools/emulator -avd <avdname> -writable-system
use adb to remount the file system and push a prepared hosts file into place
platform-tools/adb root
platform-tools/adb remount
platform-tools/adb push <local>/hosts /etc/hosts
This gets the hosts file where it needs to be, and through Android Studio I can confirm that the file has been edited through File Explorer, and from this point on, development is seamless again.
However, when I close and restart the same virtual machine, now using Android Studio's Device Mananger Play button, the hosts file resets to what it was previously on the AVD. Also, the file system is no longer writable. As a result, I always have to start the AVD via command line.
I wonder if there's a solution to either:
save the new hosts file permanently on that particular machine so when Android Studio starts it his way the configuration is already there; or
set the -writable-system flag to Android Studio's own play button command somehow, so the changes I made in the hosts file appear again.
I appreciate in advance any thoughts.
You can set the studio.emu.params environment variable to -writable-system.
Something like set studio.emu.params=-writable-system on Windows, or launchctl setenv studio.emu.params -writable-system on MacOS.

Windows 10 deletes files without asking

I'm trying to install an application on windows 10: Verge Wallet
And every time I unzip the file and run the app called Verge-QT Windows unceremoniously deletes the file without asking.
I went into the McAfee control panel and restored the file from Quarantine. But the next time I run it it just disappears again! Very frustrating. How do I get windows and mcafee to NOT delete programs I'm actively trying to use?
Maybe stop Mcafee app before using it

How to access remote filesystem on Windows CE device via command line

I can view files on my embedded Windows CE device via Windows CE Remote File Viewer, but would prefer to do it through the command line. Is this possible?
Yes, since SO is for programmers the answer is following api's:
Somebody's done the hard work for you already. The xda project has a set of command line utilities that communicate over RAPI including:
pdir - list wince directory

Where are the scan settings stored on ce 5.0 MC9090? They are not in the registry that I can see

We are using MC9090's running CE 5.0. We are using a program called Wavelink Studio Client to access our scan application. Studio Client is different and not the same as Wavelink Telnet CE. Wavelink Studio is only a "Go Between" and does not hold any settings. The Wavelink Studio basically looks at the scanner .dll and pulls settings from that.
My problem is that I have an Interleaved 2 of 5 barcode with 16 length. The MC9090 comes with two demo programs ScanWedge and ScanSamp. I can modify the length for int 2 of 5 in either of these programs and my barcode will scan through Wavelink Studio Client. However, after a warm boot I lose all my settings since these are just demo programs.
So, I turned to DataWedge. Which uses its own config folder to store settings, but I assume loads the settings into the scanner .dll. My barcode scans perfectly in Studio Client when DataWedge is installed only after the DataWedge process has been "Stopped" then "Started". If perform a warm boot and DataWedge starts... my barcode will not scan through studio client until DataWedge has been Stopped, then my barcode will scan through Studio Client whether DataWedge is Started or Stopped.
My question is: Is there a script/command line/bat/etc. that I could use that would "Stop" DataWedge, then "Start" DataWedge after a warm boot? This is one way to solve my problem.
If anyone has any other suggestions, please let me know. I have repeatedly been told that the settings from ScanSamp and ScanWedge (demo apps) are not stored anywhere on the device. I believe they are stored somewhere though. Because, when I make a change on DataWedge, I can open ScanWedge and the settings happen there to. So there must be some central location where the hard scan settings are stored? I just need to be able to edit the settings in this location and have them stay there. I don't even need DataWedge if the scanner would hold the settings in the .dll that I specify from ScanWedge. With datawedge uninstalled, I tried changing my settings in ScanWedge then using RemCapture to capture all the settings from the device.. I then loaded those settings onto another device to see if it would load the scan settings, but it did not.
Set the options in ScanWedge. Then Use "Remote Registry Editor" that comes with Visual Studio 2008 and go to this path: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Symbol\ScanWedge]
There you will see the various settings for ScanWedge. To persist these settings over warm & cold boot do the following:
Open Notepad on the PC.
Type the following registry entry:
Save the file as scanwedge.reg
Place the file on your Terminal in the \Application Folder using ActiveSync.
Cold boot the terminal.
NOTE: A cold reboot will erase all files, except the application and platform folder. Save your files before cold booting.
Hope this helps.

how to run J2me emulator

When I run the program in j2me the emulator is not run and show that code what is mean? here the code.
C:\Documents and Settings\admintrator\My Documents\JavaMESDKProjects\MobileApplication4\nbproject\build-impl.xml:629: Execution failed with error code 1.
BUILD FAILED (total time: 2 minutes 1 second)
Seems that you do not have J2ME SDK installed on your computer.
Download it and install on your computer.
After that specify the location of installed J2ME SDK in your Netbeans project "Platform" settings.
Also make sure that Java/bin folder, where javac.exe located is specified in the system PATH environment variable.
I also experiencing this problem using sun wirless toolkit but my solution to this problem is somewhat irrational. When I'm going to run the application I disabling all my network adapter, LAN, WLAN even Bluetooth if you have but still I don't think that it will solve everything. You can try to do this if you wish but not suggesting the best way to do.
