How to create a macro with vim commands? - vim

I am trying to create a macro to use it globaly. I have inserted this command to my .vimrc file
let #c='<esc>:r c.c'
let #c=':r c.c'
but in both cases when I use "#c" on any file it only prints 'c>:r c.c' on the the file

Try adding a '^M' at the end of your macro, then "#c" should work. Else ':#c' should work as mentioned by ebenezer. You should use Ctrl+VEnter to insert '^M'.
let #c=':r c.c^M'
Best way would be to record the macro first and then save it to the .vimrc.
If these doesn't work, you can check the content of your register c using "cp and see if there is something missing.

This is described in another answer. Try something like this:
let #c = ':r c.c'
and then, in your file, use
to execute it.

If you want to include special characters in your macro (like Escape or Enter) then use a non-literal string (double quotes, not single quotes) and the correct syntax. See :help expr-string. You could use raw special characters, as #Amit suggests, but this will make your vimrc file hard to read.
Assuming that you are starting in Normal mode and want to type #c, there is no need to start off with an Escape.
For testing purposes, I tried
:let #c = ":echo 'foo'\<CR>"
and it worked as expected. I even added this line (without the leading :) to my vimrc file just to make sure, and tested it that way. This should work:
:let #c = ":r c.c\<CR>"


Easily edit formatlistpat?

I'd like to try out different regexes for the formatlistpat option. Any suggestions as to the easiest way to do this?
I know in Insert mode I can use <Ctrl+r> to paste in a register. And that I can use this do edit macros. Is there an equivalent for options? Or something even simpler?
The other idea I had was just sourcing a buffer with the set command in it. But I'm unsure of the way to put an option value into buffer so it can be edited.
Any thoughts? Tips? Suggestions?
When you are editing command-line you have two options here:
Use autocomplete:
set formatlistpat=<Tab>
(not really tab, but rather whatever 'wildchar'/'wildcharm' is set to). This will populate command-line with current option value, properly escaped. I cannot suggest this way for this particular option because double escaping looks ugly and there are lots of escapes in most patterns.
Use expression register (works both in command-line and in insert mode):
let &formatlistpat=<C-r>=string(&formatlistpat)<CR>
Note that in this case escaping is not done automatically. Using :let and string() is easier then do proper escaping for :set.
Based on ZyX's answer, the following is effective for a .vimrc file:
let &formatlistpat="^\s*\d\+[\]:.)}\t ]\s*\|^\s*[-*]\s+"
let &formatlistpat=string(&formatlistpat)

File name expansion in vim when using set option=value

I'm trying to add an autocmd to vim that will execute whenever I open a file in a certain subdirectory and that sets the search path. Unfortunately path name expansion doesn't seem to work inside a set command.
Specifically I'd like to have a line like this in my vimrc:
setlocal path+=**;%:p:h
But this will just give me the literal value. Just calling expand() doesn't work either. Is there a way to get variable expansion to work here?
What about:
execute 'setlocal path +=**;' . fnameescape(expand('%:p:h'))
There's no need for the expansion of the current file's directory; just adding . to path will do. From the help:
To search relative to the directory of the current file, use:
:set path=.
let &l:path.=(empty(&l:path)?(''):(',')).'**;'.escape(expand('%:p:h'), ',\*; ')
. This is much cleaner then using :execute 'setlocal path', especially knowing that fnameescape() was designed to escape paths for commands, not for options and I can say it is not really safe to use it here: it definitely is not going to escape comma and semicolon and add additional escape for space (one for escaping for :set, one for the option itself). (empty(&l:path)?(''):(',')) is here to imitate the behavior of set+=.

Custom vi command: How to insert current date with a variable's content?

I'm new to the vi editor and I would like to create a simple custom command in .vimrc that inserts something like 2012-03-13 22:21:17.0 +0100 / Daniel.
Actually, my command (in .vimrc) is as follows:
command! InsertTime :normal a<C-R>=strftime('%F %H:%M:%S.0 %z')<CR>
I also set a variable:
let myname="Daniel"
InsertTime inserts the date perfectly. But how can I concatenate it with the content of my variable?
To concatenate, vim scripts use . caracter. So try this one :
In vimrc:
let myname="Daniel"
command! InsertTime :normal a<C-R>=strftime('%F %H:%M:%S.0 %z') . "/" . myname<CR>
no tested there.
Since you said you're new to "vim" I am going to assume you don't know any of the things I'm about tell you. Mucho sorry if you already know them.
If you're going to do this a lot (insert the line "%F %H:%M:%S.0 %z / Daniel"), instead of defining a command, which you have to invoke with a :command_name, define a macro and/or an input macro that can be invoked with just two or three character.
To define an input macro, do the following at the ':' prompt, or add it to your $HOME/.exrc or $HOME/.vimrc file (without the preceding ':'):
:map <C-X><C-X> Go<ESC>!!date '+\%F \%H:\%M:\%S.0 \%z'<CR>A / Daniel<ESC>
Now when you're in "vi" (but not in input mode), typing control-Xcontrol-X will:
G go to last line in file; replace this with the "motion" keys sequence appropriate for your use (or nothing at all if you want to append the line right after the cursor)
o open a new line
<ESC> escape out of input mode
!!date ... invoke the date command, replace the current line with its stdout (output)
A append at the end of the line (now having the "date")
/ Dan... verbatim intput text
<ESC> escape out of input mode
control-Xcontrol-X can be some unusual sequence that you'd normally not use for anything, nor used by any "vi" operation that you might use. I use as the first character, because in "vi", decrements the next integer on the line after the cursor, if any. That is something I hardly ever do. I define my macros to be invoked with <C-X><C-B>, <C-X><C-D>, <C-X>s1, etc.
To create an input macro, well, that's another whole long subject, and I'm tired of typing today, so, another day. :)

VIM Editor: How to do auto formatting in VIM?

I am new to VIM, so still learning. The thing I wanna do is instead of using tabs, I wanna to use 2 spaces to replace A tab. I wanna apply this format to my entire java code. How would I do it? Thanks!
Updated I used this following and it worked
:%s/\t/ /
There are many ways of replace tabs with spaces. If you want to use search-and-replace, you need the :s command. Try typing ":help :s" for help. You'll find that the following works:
:%s/<ctrl-v><tab>/ /g
There is a builtin :retab
You can also use gg=G to reindent the entire source file.
You may use the = command to format code, if you indent a line with two spaces, the following lines may be indented with 2 spaces if you use the =<movement> command on them.

Is there a "verbatim" mode for the vim map command?

I am trying to set up some useful coding templates in vim, for example I have mapped
map `cl iclass <+CLASSNAME+><CR>{<CR><Esc>Iprotected:<CR><+PROTECTED MEMBERS+><CR><Esc>Ipublic:<CR><+PUBLIC INTERFACE+><CR>};<CR><++><CR><Esc>3kv<0v3k<2k
so that when I type `cl in vim I get
class <+CLASSNAME+>
(so that I can jump between the <+ +> tags with C-j). This works fine, but I find the above remap pretty obscure. Is there a way to enter what I want vim to type in "verbatim mode"? So I would want to write something like
Thank you
I don't know if there is such a "verbatim"-mode for mappings.
I, personally, would use one of the snippet-plugins to do this.
See and search
for "snippet". I have not tried all of them (just SnippetsMgr ;-) ),
but I suppose that they are handier to define multi-line-snippets.
Some of the available snippet-plugins on snippets.vim ,
snippetsEmu, snipMate, SnippetsMgr, etc.
As Habi has mentioned, one way to go about this is with a snippet plugin.
Another way is to copy that snippet of code into its own file and set up your mapping to insert that file below the cursor:
map `cl :r /path/to/code_snippet<CR>
Kind of obvious (and probably not what you want) is:
map `cl iclass <+CLASSNAME+>
\ in beginning of line tells that the line is the continuation of the previous one. But this is rather literal continuation: it doesn't add new lines so one has to add them manually. Since it uses the insert mode, the operation would be also affected by the current indentation mode. (Though one can try to work that around with :set paste/:set nopaste.)
I would have tried to put the text into a temp variable or register then Pput (or :put) it into the buffer. E.g. setreg() allows one to tell that the content of a register are lines and thus Putting it would work regardless of indentation.
Otherwise, looking in :help line-continuation or :help variables I see no way how one can specify a multi-line string or text.
