Easily edit formatlistpat? - vim

I'd like to try out different regexes for the formatlistpat option. Any suggestions as to the easiest way to do this?
I know in Insert mode I can use <Ctrl+r> to paste in a register. And that I can use this do edit macros. Is there an equivalent for options? Or something even simpler?
The other idea I had was just sourcing a buffer with the set command in it. But I'm unsure of the way to put an option value into buffer so it can be edited.
Any thoughts? Tips? Suggestions?

When you are editing command-line you have two options here:
Use autocomplete:
set formatlistpat=<Tab>
(not really tab, but rather whatever 'wildchar'/'wildcharm' is set to). This will populate command-line with current option value, properly escaped. I cannot suggest this way for this particular option because double escaping looks ugly and there are lots of escapes in most patterns.
Use expression register (works both in command-line and in insert mode):
let &formatlistpat=<C-r>=string(&formatlistpat)<CR>
Note that in this case escaping is not done automatically. Using :let and string() is easier then do proper escaping for :set.

Based on ZyX's answer, the following is effective for a .vimrc file:
let &formatlistpat="^\s*\d\+[\]:.)}\t ]\s*\|^\s*[-*]\s+"
let &formatlistpat=string(&formatlistpat)


is there a way to see the replaced selection after search and replace in vim

When replacing a regex in vim using search and replace in vim, is there a way to see the result before moving onto the next replace.
The interactive option shows the string matching the regex before replace, but with a complex regex it might or might not work as expected so.
If theres a plugin or hack or default option to achieve this i would really like to know.
The traces.vim plugin provides range, pattern and substitute preview for Vim.
Neovim has a native method to do substitutions previews. I believe it is the 'inccommand' option.

Substitute in vim, with special characters

I am trying to use substitute command in vim to enclose all occurences of a particular pattern
Based on other answers in stack exchangeI used the following vim command
But, no luck. It says "no matches found". I put two back slashes, one of which is supposed to be the escape character. Kindly help.
I know I could use some other editor and finish the job, but I want to know my mistake. Thank you.
please escape ()
You do not need a capture group to get the entire match. You can use \0 or & for the whole match in the replacement portion of your substitution.
If you do want to use a capture group, then you need to escape the capture group/parenthesis.
For more help see:
:h :s%
:h /magic
As mentioned, normally you need escape the parentheses.
You can use very magic mode (\v) to make the regex simpler; removing the need to escape lots of the regex parts, including the parentheses for capturing:
Knowing what every sign in a regular expression does in vim is sometimes very
difficult, especially for all the modes and configuration variables that this
depends on. For that reason, it is very important to have visual feedback about
what text are we really matching in any moment while crafting regular
If you work with neovim, there is a special option called inccommand that you
can enable to live preview the matches and substitution. That way you can figure
out you errors more quickly. This feature is very likely to be included also in
vim in the future, but independently of that, you can also use simple vim to
give you visual feedback if you enable the option incsearch.
With incsearch set, you can watch the matches of / and ? while you write them
just to be sure that the pattern is correct. Later you can exploit a nice
feature from the substitution: if you leave the first section empty, the last
search will be used.
So you could first make the search:
In the meantime, vim will be showing you the matched text visually. Once you
are sure that the pattern is correct press enter, and finally type:
Also, in case you want something more powerful than this simple hack, you can go
for my plugin Extend.vim, that can
do that and much more with great visual feedback.

How to create a macro with vim commands?

I am trying to create a macro to use it globaly. I have inserted this command to my .vimrc file
let #c='<esc>:r c.c'
let #c=':r c.c'
but in both cases when I use "#c" on any file it only prints 'c>:r c.c' on the the file
Try adding a '^M' at the end of your macro, then "#c" should work. Else ':#c' should work as mentioned by ebenezer. You should use Ctrl+VEnter to insert '^M'.
let #c=':r c.c^M'
Best way would be to record the macro first and then save it to the .vimrc.
If these doesn't work, you can check the content of your register c using "cp and see if there is something missing.
This is described in another answer. Try something like this:
let #c = ':r c.c'
and then, in your file, use
to execute it.
If you want to include special characters in your macro (like Escape or Enter) then use a non-literal string (double quotes, not single quotes) and the correct syntax. See :help expr-string. You could use raw special characters, as #Amit suggests, but this will make your vimrc file hard to read.
Assuming that you are starting in Normal mode and want to type #c, there is no need to start off with an Escape.
For testing purposes, I tried
:let #c = ":echo 'foo'\<CR>"
and it worked as expected. I even added this line (without the leading :) to my vimrc file just to make sure, and tested it that way. This should work:
:let #c = ":r c.c\<CR>"

What is the purpose of the ‘:list’ and ‘:print’ commands in Vim?

Not looking for the help file, more for the motivation why would one use these commands?
I don't recall ever using :list in over a dozen years of Vim use.
:print I use often in this form:
Where re is a regular expression. Handy for seeing where a string appears in a file without having to move through it.
:list looks neat, though. Perhaps I should :s/p/l/ in the previous command. :-)
I use :print occasionally when I want to print only a chunk of code. If you have a block of text being visually selected, the command will operate only on what is selected.
The :list command does the same thing, but makes an effort to output things like control characters in a more readable fashion.
I think those are simply old Ex commands, originating from the original vi. It’s useful if you use Ex mode often (see :help Ex-mode). But I use them very seldom.

Does Vim have an auto-comment feature based on the file's syntax?

I'm not sure this is possible, but I'm interesting in making this happen.
Ideally, I would like to map this feature to SHIFT+CTRL+3.
I'm looking for a way to have Vim enter a comment (single line) which corresponds to the syntax of the file I'm editing. If there are multiple single-line comment styles, Vim could either automatically pick one, or give me the choice. If the single-line comment has two parts (e.g. /* and */), then pressing SHIFT+CTRL+3 the first time will start the comment, and the second time will close the comment.
Python: #
JavaScript: //
C, C++: /* with */ or //
I know there are scripts which will insert comments for you, but I haven't seen any that will do this based on the syntax of the file.
I highly recommend NERD Commenter.
Sort of! I don't believe vim will do this out of the box, but you can install plugins that will do fairly intelligent commenting (using movement keys, visual line highlighting, etc) that are specific to the filetype being edited. You can get these plugins off of vim.org, and you should be able to make your own key mappings in your .vimrc file if you don't like the ones they come with.
tComment is pretty well regarded, and has worked for me.
I've heard that EnhCommentify might be better, but I haven't used it myself.
Seems like a similar question to this:
How to comment in vim while respecting the indent?
Use the nerd commenter plugin:
See: this script which provides a function to commented a highlighted area in visual mode.
You want to start a comment in insert mode so your function would look more like:
fun CommentLines()
exe ":s#^#".g:Comment."#g"
Not quite what you're looking for, but efficient, and I suppose you know which comment to use.
(all this in command mode)
Put your cursor to the first line you want to comment. We willl then set a marker called a (valid names are a-z, single character) by typing
put the cursor to the last line, then set a marker called b by typing
Then comment the whole block (by searching for a newline and inserting the comment character (note the use of "#" as search delimiter because otherwise wee have to escape the "/")
or for Python:
To uncomment:
As we do line comments, it doesn't matter if we have other comments already in the file, they will be preserved.
