haskell error parse error (possibly incorrect indentation) - haskell

this is my code
font a = let x= ord a in
if x>=0 || x<=31 || x>=126 then ["*****","*****","*****","*****","*****","*****","*****"]
auxfont (fontBitmap!!(x-32))
auxfont b = let y = map trns (map rInt (map show b)) in
convertir y []
trns z = modA [] 1 z
modA o l k
| l < 8 = modA (o++[(k `mod` 2)]) (l+1) (k `div` 2)
| otherwise o
convertir (e1:e2:e3:e4:e5) f
| e1==[] = f
| otherwise convertir [tail(e1),tail(e2),tail(e3),tail(e4),tail(e5)] (f++[(psr(head(e1)))++(psr(head(e2)))++(psr(head(e3)))++(psr(head(e4)))++(psr(head(e5)))])
psr 0 = " "
psr 1 = "*"
and i had and this error in convertir:
[1 of 2] Compiling Pixels ( Pixels.hs, interpreted )
Pixels.hs:122:13: parse error (possibly incorrect indentation)
Failed, modules loaded: none.

Why the error
Every (normal) guard is of the form
| boolean expression = value
You missed this out for your otherwise cases. It works like this because otherwise is defined as
otherwise = True
so it's not a keyword like else, it's just a human-readable "always", and since the guards are tried top-to-bottom, this is a catch-all for anything that wasn't true above.
Some corrections
font a = let x= ord a in
if x>=0 || x<=31 || x>=126 then ["*****","*****","*****","*****","*****","*****","*****"]
auxfont (fontBitmap!!(x-32))
auxfont b = let y = map trns (map rInt (map show b)) in
convertir y []
trns z = modA [] 1 z
modA o l k
| l < 8 = modA (o++[(k `mod` 2)]) (l+1) (k `div` 2)
| otherwise = o -- added =
convertir (e1:e2:e3:e4:e5) f
| e1==[] = f
and here:
| otherwise = convertir [tail(e1),tail(e2),tail(e3),tail(e4),tail(e5)] (f++[(psr(head(e1)))++(psr(head(e2)))++(psr(head(e3)))++(psr(head(e4)))++(psr(head(e5)))])
psr 0 = " "
psr 1 = "*"
Some abbreviations
By the way,
["*****","*****","*****","*****","*****","*****","*****"] is replicate 7 "*****" and
map trns (map rInt (map show b)) is map (trns.fInt.show) b.
Also [tail(e1),tail(e2),tail(e3),tail(e4)] is map tail [e1,e2,e3,e4,e5]
but I think you have a type error with :e5, because it has to be a list of lists in the pattern (e1:e2:e3:e4:e5) but you've used it like an element tail(e5).
Also [(psr(head(e1)))++(psr(head(e2)))++(psr(head(e3)))++(psr(head(e4)))++(psr(head(e5)))] is map (psr.head) [e1,e2,e3,e4,e5].


Getting parse error while doing list comprehensions in haskell

I'm writing a function like this:
testing :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
testing lst1 lst2 =
let t = [ r | (x,y) <- zip lst1 lst2, let r = if y == 0 && x == 2 then 2 else y ]
let t1 = [ w | (u,v) <- zip t (tail t), let w = if (u == 2) && (v == 0) then 2 else v]
head t : t1
What the first let does is: return a list like this: [2,0,0,0,1,0], from the second let and the following line, I want the output to be like this: [2,2,2,2,1,0]. But, it's not working and giving parse error!!
What am I doing wrong?
There are two kinds of lets: the "let/in" kind, which can appear anywhere an expression can, and the "let with no in" kind, which must appear in a comprehension or do block. Since your function definition isn't in either, its let's must use an in, for example:
testing :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
testing lst1 lst2 =
let t = [ r | (x,y) <- zip lst1 lst2, let r = if y == 0 && x == 2 then 2 else y ] in
let t1 = [ w | (u,v) <- zip t (tail t), let w = if (x == 2) && (y == 0) then 2 else y] in
return (head t : t1)
Alternately, since you can define multiple things in each let, you could consider:
testing :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
testing lst1 lst2 =
let t = [ r | (x,y) <- zip lst1 lst2, let r = if y == 0 && x == 2 then 2 else y ]
t1 = [ w | (u,v) <- zip t (tail t), let w = if (x == 2) && (y == 0) then 2 else y]
in return (head t : t1)
The code has other problems, but this should get you to the point where it parses, at least.
With an expression formed by a let-binding, you generally need
let bindings
(there are exceptions when monads are involved).
So, your code can be rewritten as follows (with simplification of r and w, which were not really necessary):
testing :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
testing lst1 lst2 =
let t = [ if y == 0 && x == 2 then 2 else y | (x,y) <- zip lst1 lst2]
t1 = [ if (v == 0) && (u == 2) then 2 else v | (u,v) <- zip t (tail t)]
head t : t1
(Note, I also switched u and v so that t1 and t has similar forms.
Now given a list like [2,0,0,0,1,0], it appears that your code is trying to replace 0 with 2 if the previous element is 2 (from the pattern of your code), so that eventually, the desired output is [2,2,2,2,1,0].
To achieve this, it is not enough to use two list comprehensions or any fixed number of comprehensions. You need to somehow apply this process recursively (again and again). So instead of only doing 2 steps, we can write out one step, (and apply it repeatedly). Taking your t1 = ... line, the one step function can be:
testing' lst =
t1 = [ if (u == 2) && (v == 0) then 2 else v | (u,v) <- zip lst (tail lst)]
head lst : t1
Now this gives:
*Main> testing' [2,0,0,0,1,0]
, as expected.
The rest of the job is to apply testing' as many times as necessary. Here applying it (length lst) times should suffice. So, we can first write a helper function to apply another function n times on a parameter, as follows:
apply_n 0 f x = x
apply_n n f x = f $ apply_n (n - 1) f x
This gives you what you expected:
*Main> apply_n (length [2,0,0,0,1,0]) testing' [2,0,0,0,1,0]
Of course, you can wrap the above in one function like:
testing'' lst = apply_n (length lst) testing' lst
and in the end:
*Main> testing'' [2,0,0,0,1,0]
NOTE: this is not the only way to do the filling, see the fill2 function in my answer to another question for an example of achieving the same thing using a finite state machine.

Haskell program that gives pretty prime numbers

I've made a haskell program that computes pretty prime numbers. Pretty primes are primes that are very close to a power of 2. You give 2 numbers for example: 10 and 20 then it returns 17 because 17 is the closest to a power of 2. 17 - 16 = 1 so it is the closest.
I've made this:
EDIT: I've rewrote the primefunction like this and e verw function but still getting -1.
-- Geeft priemgetallen terug tussen de 2 grenzen
-- English: Gives primenumbers between 2 numbers
priemgetallen :: Int->[Int]
priemgetallen b = take b (zeef [2..])
where zeef (p:xs) = p : zeef [x | x<-xs, (mod x p) /= 0]
-- Geeft machten terug tussen de 2 grenzen
-- English: Gives powers of 2 between 2 numbers
machten :: Int->Int->[Int]
machten a b
| a <= 2 = 2:[2^x| x<-[2..b], (2^x) `mod` 2 == 0, 2^x < b, 2^x > a]
| otherwise = [2^x| x<-[2..b], (2^x) `mod` 2 == 0, 2^x < b, 2^x > a]
-- English: the start of the function
prettyprime :: Int->Int->Int
prettyprime a b = vergelijk ( verw a (priemgetallen b)) (machten a b)
-- Filter the list
verw :: Int->[Int]->[Int]
verw _ [] = []
verw k (x:xs)
| x > k = [x] ++ verw k xs
| otherwise = verw k xs
-- Vergelijkt alle priemgetallen en geeft welke korste bij het ander ligt
-- English this function must see what primenumber is the closest to a power of 2 but I can't fix it
vergelijk :: [Int]->[Int]->Int
vergelijk [] _ = -1
vergelijk _ [] = -1
vergelijk (x:xs) (y:ys)
| x - y < vergelijk (x:xs) ys = x
| x - y > vergelijk (x:xs) ys = vergelijk xs (y:ys)
| x - y == vergelijk (x:xs) ys = x
main = do
print $ prettyprime 14 20
Can someone help me?
Kind regards,
The incomplete pattern is because you've omitted the case when x - y == vergelijk (x:xs) ys. The compiler is capable of warning you about this if you add -fwarn-incomplete-patterns and convert your guards into a real case:
vergelijk (x:xs) (y:ys) = case compare (x - y) (vergelijk (x:xs) ys) of
LT -> x
-- you will get a warning about having no case for EQ
GT -> vergelijk xs (y:ys)
As a bonus, this version is much less likely to recompute the recursive call, especially on low optimization levels.

FizzBuzz cleanup

I'm still learning Haskell, and I was wondering if there is a less verbose way to express the below statement using 1 line of code:
map (\x -> (x, (if mod x 3 == 0 then "fizz" else "") ++
if mod x 5 == 0 then "buzz" else "")) [1..100]
[(1,""),(2,""),(3,"fizz"),(4,""),(5,"buzz"),(6,"fizz"),(7,""),(8,""),(9,"fizz"),(10,"buzz"),(11,""),(12,"fizz"),(13,""),(14,""),(15,"fizzbuzz"),(16,""),(17,""),(18,"fizz"),(19,""),(20,"buzz"),(21,"fizz"),(22,""),(23,""),(24,"fizz"),(25,"buzz"),(26,""),(27,"fizz"),(28,""),(29,""),(30,"fizzbuzz"), etc
It just feels like I'm fighting the syntax more than I should. I've seen other questions for this in Haskell, but I'm looking for the most optimal way to express this in a single statement (trying to understand how to work the syntax better).
We need no stinkin' mod...
zip [1..100] $ zipWith (++) (cycle ["","","fizz"]) (cycle ["","","","","buzz"])
or slightly shorter
import Data.Function(on)
zip [1..100] $ (zipWith (++) `on` cycle) ["","","fizz"] ["","","","","buzz"]
Or the brute force way:
zip [1..100] $ cycle ["","","fizz","","buzz","fizz","","","fizz","buzz","","fizz","","","fizzbuzz"]
If you insist on a one-liner:
[(x, concat $ ["fizz" | mod x 3 == 0] ++ ["buzz" | mod x 5 == 0]) | x <- [1..100]]
How's about...
fizzBuzz = [(x, fizz x ++ buzz x) | x <- [1..100]]
where fizz n | n `mod` 3 == 0 = "fizz"
| otherwise = ""
buzz n | n `mod` 5 == 0 = "buzz"
| otherwise = ""
Couldn't resist going in the other direction and making it more complicated. Look, no mod...
merge as#(a#(ia,sa):as') bs#(b#(ib,sb):bs') =
case compare ia ib of
LT -> a : merge as' bs
GT -> b : merge as bs'
EQ -> (ia, sa++sb) : merge as' bs'
merge as bs = as ++ bs
zz (n,s) = [(i, s) | i <- [n,2*n..]]
fizzBuzz = foldr merge [] $ map zz [(1,""), (3,"fizz"), (5,"buzz")]
Along the same lines as larsmans' answer:
fizzBuzz = [(x, f 3 "fizz" x ++ f 5 "buzz" x) | x <- [1..100]]
where f k s n | n `mod` k == 0 = s
| otherwise = ""
I think the reason why you feel like you are fighting the syntax is because you are mixing too many types.
Instead of trying to print:
[(1, ""), (2,""), (3,"Fizz")...]
Just think of printing strings:
My attempt:
Prelude> let fizzBuzz x | x `mod` 15 == 0 = "FizzBuzz" | x `mod` 5 == 0 = "Buzz" | x `mod` 3 == 0 = "Fizz" | otherwise = show x
Prelude> [fizzBuzz x | x <-[1..100]]
In order to convert an Int to String you use the:
show x
Just for studying
zipWith (\a b -> b a) (map show [1..100]) $ cycle [id,id,const "fizz",id,const "buzz",const "fizz",id,id,const "fizz",const "buzz",id,const "fizz",id,id,const "fizzbuzz"]
Writer monad may look nice (if you don't like concat):
fizzBuzz = [(x, execWriter $ when (x `mod` 3 == 0) (tell "fizz") >> when (x `mod` 5 == 0) (tell "buzz")) | x <- [1..100]]
It's not particularly succinct though.

How to check that I'm dealing with a list in Haskell?

I'm learning Haskell, and I'm trying to add preconditions to a (trivial, as an exercise) element_at function (code below). I've created a "helper" elem_at_r because otherwise, len x fails at some point (when x is a 'literal' rather than a list? - I still have trouble parsing ghci's error messages). elem_at now has all the error checking, and elem_at_r does the work. In elem_at, I'd like to add a check that x is indeed a list (and not a 'literal'). How can I do that?
len x = sum [ 1 | a <- x]
elem_at_r x n | n == 0 = head x
| 0 < n = elem_at_r (tail x) (n-1)
elem_at x n | x == [] = error "Need non-empty list"
| len x <= n = error "n too large " ++ show (len x)
| n < 0 = error "Need positive n"
| otherwise = elem_at_r x n
Due to Haskell's type system, elem_at can only take a list as its first argument (x); if you try to pass a non-list, GHC will detect this and give an error at compile time (or interpretation time in GHCi). I don't know why len would "fail"; could you post the error message that GHCi gives you?
It looks like you were getting errors because of the "x == []" line. The code below pattern matches for that condition and adds a few signatures. Otherwise it is the same. Hope it helps.
len x = sum [ 1 | a <- x]
elem_at_r :: [a] -> Int -> a
elem_at_r x n | n == 0 = head x
| 0 < n = elem_at_r (tail x) (n-1)
elem_at :: [a] -> Int -> a
elem_at [] _ = error "Need non-empty list"
elem_at x n | len x <= n = error ("n too large " ++ show (len x))
| n < 0 = error "Need positive n"
| otherwise = elem_at_r x n
You could also make your helper functions part of this function using a where clause:
elem_at :: [a] -> Int -> a
elem_at [] _ = error "Need non-empty list"
elem_at x n | len x <= n = error ("n too large " ++ show (len x))
| n < 0 = error "Need positive n"
| otherwise = elem_at_r x n
len :: [a] -> Int
len x = sum [ 1 | a <- x]
elem_at_r :: [a] -> Int -> a
elem_at_r x n | n == 0 = head x
| 0 < n = elem_at_r (tail x) (n-1)

Detecting cyclic behaviour in Haskell

I am doing yet another projecteuler question in Haskell, where I must find if the sum of the factorials of each digit in a number is equal to the original number. If not repeat the process until the original number is reached. The next part is to find the number of starting numbers below 1 million that have 60 non-repeating units. I got this far:
prob74 = length [ x | x <- [1..999999], 60 == ((length $ chain74 x)-1)]
factorial n = product [1..n]
factC x = sum $ map factorial (decToList x)
chain74 x | x == 0 = []
| x == 1 = [1]
| x /= factC x = x : chain74 (factC x)
But what I don't know how to do is to get it to stop once the value for x has become cyclic. How would I go about stopping chain74 when it gets back to the original number?
When you walk through the list that might contain a cycle your function needs to keep track of the already seen elements to be able to check for repetitions. Every new element is compared against the already seen elements. If the new element has already been seen, the cycle is complete, if it hasn't been seen the next element is inspected.
So this calculates the length of the non-cyclic part of a list:
uniqlength :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Int
uniqlength l = uniqlength_ l []
where uniqlength_ [] ls = length ls
uniqlength_ (x:xs) ls
| x `elem` ls = length ls
| otherwise = uniqlength_ xs (x:ls)
(Performance might be better when using a set instead of a list, but I haven't tried that.)
What about passing another argument (y for example) to the chain74 in the list comprehension.
Morning fail so EDIT:
[.. ((length $ chain74 x x False)-1)]
chain74 x y not_first | x == y && not_first = replace_with_stop_value_:-)
| x == 0 = []
| x == 1 = [1]
| x == 2 = [2]
| x /= factC x = x : chain74 (factC x) y True
I implemented a cycle-detection algorithm in Haskell on my blog. It should work for you, but there might be a more clever approach for this particular problem:
Just change the return type from String to Bool.
EDIT: Here is a modified version of the algorithm I posted about:
cycling :: (Show a, Eq a) => Int -> [a] -> Bool
cycling k [] = False --not cycling
cycling k (a:as) = find 0 a 1 2 as
where find _ _ c _ [] = False
find i x c p (x':xs)
| c > k = False -- no cycles after k elements
| x == x' = True -- found a cycle
| c == p = find c x' (c+1) (p*2) xs
| otherwise = find i x (c+1) p xs
You can remove the 'k' if you know your list will either cycle or terminate soon.
EDIT2: You could change the following function to look something like:
prob74 = length [ x | x <- [1..999999], let chain = chain74 x, not$ cycling 999 chain, 60 == ((length chain)-1)]
Quite a fun problem. I've come up with a corecursive function that returns the list of the "factorial chains" for every number, stopping as soon as they would repeat themselves:
chains = [] : let f x = x : takeWhile (x /=) (chains !! factC x) in (map f [1..])
take 4 chains == [[],[1],[2],[3,6,720,5043,151,122,5,120,4,24,26,722,5044,169,363601,1454]]
map head $ filter ((== 60) . length) (take 10000 chains)
It works by calculating the "factC" of its position in the list, then references that position in itself. This would generate an infinite list of infinite lists (using lazy evaluation), but using takeWhile the inner lists only continue until the element occurs again or the list ends (meaning a deeper element in the corecursion has repeated itself).
If you just want to remove cycles from a list you can use:
decycle :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
decycle = dc []
dc _ [] = []
dc xh (x : xs) = if elem x xh then [] else x : dc (x : xh) xs
decycle [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 2] == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
