website of interactive audio podcast, "on-demand" - audio

what is the best way to make podcasts available on a website, in a more interactive way possible.
I have to use Wowza? how does it work? how to create a stream to the user's liking of several hundred files already recorded, these podcasts are episodes of a radio show ...
is there a way to 'tag' and listen to the audio at will?
I can not be more specific in my question, sorry.

Wowza allows on-demand streaming and live streaming.
+ you can use server-side playlists, i mean you can create live feed from already recorded files, so that will behave like TV.
IMO Wowza should be ok for your project, however some consultant/developer will be needed.

Wowza should work well for what you are trying to do. I would contact their team to have them help tell you specifically what you will need.


Play playlist of audio on website using node to create a jukebox / radio app

So I have some time on my hands and thought I would make myself a little jukebox / radio type app.
It would be fairly simple, just a collection of MP3's on the server, one is chosen at random, it plays, on completion, the next one is chosen and plays. The front of this would just be a super simple page that has a player and displays the metadata.
I don't really have any experience with server programming but I'm going to look in to Node, seems like it would be good for this. I've already written a little script in Python that chooses a song from a selection and plays it (using VLC at the moment) so it should be simple to port it to Node / js.
Just wondering if someone could point me in the right direction for how to link the "player" with the "playlist".
Looking in to it, I can only find solutions involving a client and server using shoutCast or ICEcast or similar - so the playlist streams audio to a shoutcast server, and the website is just a player looking at the shoutCast URL - that seems unnecessary for me, as the streaming and the site would be the same thing.
New to a lot of this :) but I have time at the moment so happy to get stuck in!
Thanks in advance
I've built something similar and opted to do almost all the work client-side. There are several advantages:
Less infrastructure needed (and less to go wrong)
You can re-use normal HTTP CDNs for serving static files
More flexibility for client changes later (like sending different content to different clients, for A/B testing)
Potential for offline playback
No need for SHOUTcast or Icecast. All you need to do is publish the playlist and associated files to a web server. Client side, you can read this playlist, randomly pick an entry, and then load it via a simple new Audio().
Now, when your audio object fires its ended event, set the src property to the URL of the next item in the playlist. (This detail is important or Safari will stop playing audio, as they assume the user didn't want to continue.)
I am searching for the same. I think you are right using node.

How companies like UDEMY protects videos from being downloaded

Some of them may think it's not relevant for discussion as it does not
fit here. Why not? As I think in StackOverflow we find smartest people
around the globe. Even if I try to create in other StackOverflow
domains it won't be that visible.
NOTE: So if your the kind of guy who is trying to pull this down. Please
have some pity on me as I won't get good answers in other Q&A sites
like Quora
I would like to understand how companies like UDEMY protects the videos that are not allowed to download. I know they cant just fully protect but can harden it via various methods. Some of them what I found is as follows:
In Udemy I saw with point 3. Sounds interesting.
Starting from basic one
1. Disable right-click to download (Can be hacked by disabling the browser js).
2. You can use custom video libraries or no download options but god knows how fairly it plays. As I was able to download that kind of video.
3. Using BLOB URL for the video, this downloads the video in bytes. (Kind of secure using but can use HLS video downloader)
4. Can use On-demand live HTTP video streaming from Amazon or Vimeo but over time they may cost much price.
5. Then I read about large giants like Netflix, Amazon Prime uses multiple streaming files which will be stored in different chucks. Which makes it harder to download.
Any other ways you guys might have found an interesting way to harden it would love to hear.
Streaming IS downloading. If you want someone to be able to watch a video, you MUST let them download it.
The way large sites protect the content is not through downloading, but by encrypting the files BEFORE they are downloaded. Then the player knows how it request the decryption key from a DRM server.
For more information, read about DRM and EME on Wikipedia.

One 2 many audio streaming, via NodeJS or whatever

For sometime now I've been trying to do something that I never thought that it would be that hard: audio streaming. My objective is simple; a simple web app through which a certain someone can click a button and live-stream his own voice to other people using this app. It's an online classroom of sorts. Here's the details:
A broadcast/lecture is scheduled for a certain date and time (done)
A user logs-in as a teacher/instructor to a simple interface where he can click "start broadcasting" (done)
When the instructor clicks "broadcast" his voice is streamed to other users. Other student-type users can also log in and start listening to THE BROADCAST this teacher started. (and here is the trick!)
The broadcast itself should be automatically stored to a local file in the process. So that students can go back to it anytime.
Of course I spent so many hours googling and stackoverflow-ing this problem, and here is what I could understand so far:
If the starting point is the browser, I must use the GetUserMedia API, the result is raw PCM data that I can download, send to server or stream to others. (simple)
Offering the broadcast to the listeners (students) will be done via HTML5's Audio API. (simple)
WebRTC cannot help me here, because it's a p2p thing, there cannot be a server middling in the process, and I NEED TO KEEP A COPY OF THE LECTURE LOCALLY. (Here's a working example)
I can use tools like Binary.js to stream the audio binary data to the students, but this requires a file to be present already on the desk.
I need to convert the PCM data to a format like MP3 or OGG in the process, and not use WAV because it's much expensive bandwidth-wise.
I feel like it should be straight forward, but I cannot get it to work, I cannot piece all of this together and offer a stable and good experience for the user.
So again, I would love to know how to do the following:
Break the GetUserMedia raw data into packets and convert it to mp3, stream it to the server, where a script (NodJS probably) can store it locally and stream it whoever tuned-in, in real time.
I am open to whatever tool you recommend, I know that NodeJS will be present in the solution, and I am happy to use it. If the streaming could be done via a 3rd-party tool, I have no problem with that.
Thanks you in advance.
I see your comment about WebRTC, but I think you should investigate it more.
Like what you see here in this (old) post:
Otherwise, you might have to go for a third party solution, like
(Even if you find a video-only solution, you can use a static picture or so for the video)
Event broadcasting is a good business for many companies. If it was that easy, there wouldn't be only few and well known competitors in the market.

how to implement a web site like youtube?

I'm doing a language web site for my university language center, where students login and see videos to learn English. i have to do it like this,
person is logging in to the system, search using a search area and find the details,lessons and videos relevant to that videos. this functionality exactly matches the youtube scenario.
for implementing twitter like functionality we can use status-net, is there a similer library, statusnet like famous implementation for youtube or a some kind of platform or a framework like codeigniter that we can use to implement youtube like site very easily??
please suggest some options?? a open source one or a commercial one ???
and what is the best video format to use in a such web site?? flv?? mp4?? or mov???
Your best option is to use a 'cloud' based video processing service. Most have a sample project / library for many different languages and frameworks. Here is a list of a few I've tried and liked:
The typical steps involve uploading the video files to a large 'cloud' static asset host (such as S3) through the browser. If you are inexperienced it is best to select a processor that provides an uploader (it will handle putting the files in the right spot). Of the three, Transloadit and Panda both have custom unloaders.
Usually the service will allow you to either pass the encoding settings (what formats and qualities to) output to as parameters or configure them in your account. To support all current HTML5 browsers you just need H264 (.m4a) and OGG (.ogv). However, the new trend in the video world is for WEBM (.webm) so you might want to include it as well.
Next you will receive a unique code from the web service that you must store in persistent storage (database). The web service can be configured to 'callback' (perform an HTTP POST or GET request to your service) once the video is encoded.
Once your recieve a callback you can activate your video and start dislpaying it on your pages. For displaying, if you are inexperienced I'd highly recommend you use one of the following players:
They all do similar things for different prices. My current personal favourite is Sublime Video (it offers cool light box effects and a gorgeous player).
Why do you have to re-implement Youtube when you can just use it for hosting your videos for free? Many online e-learning portals (e.g. Khan academy) do exactly that.
As far as the best video format to use -- go read about H.264/AVC. It's what Youtube currently uses.
I think you will not find already built solution ;)
But it's not really that hard. You can use existing frameworks that will make your life easier while you build account management system, the rest shouldn't be really that hard (assuming you don't really want to re-build the whole Youtube ;D ).
For playing videos, you can use JW Player. A great piece of software, you should check it out.

How would you display Video on the web?

Sorry if the question is confused, as I'm confused myself. I'm working around these requirements:
I'm building a public website where I need to display video.
I need to control what the player looks like
I'm the sole publisher of the video, meaning it can't be on YouTube for example
I need as much protection as possible in terms of protecting the content from being downloaded
So, I've read around StackOverflow and the web, and found lots of suggestions, like numerous flash players, Streaming servers, DRM protocols, services like Panda etc etc.
The problem is I don't understand how everything fits together.
For example, what makes my video content secure?
Is it the player on the client? is it the server that hosts the content? is it the streaming process? who hosts the streaming servers and what difference does this make?
Bearing in mind this is otherwise a very simple site, and is not a business venture.
if you were working around my requirements, what would you do? Could you explain step by step at a high level?
Just based on a couple of answers, I'm not saying no one can ever download my content. And I realize this kind of thing is expensive.
I'm just asking, if you had my requirements, what would you do? And could you explain it to me so i understand?
thanks again
Thanks again for all the feedback, I can't vote anyone up as I'm a new user, but your answers have been very helpful.
The one thing I will say, is that my only request was to attempt security, that is 'make it difficult' for most users...that is common in software security.
Some of the suggestions have been just to not even try.
My question was really based around the fact that I know nothing about video deployment on the web, apart form the basic embedded swf flv combo.
Anyway, your info has been very useful though. I'll try a simple "real" streaming service (as opposed to HTTP streaming).
Any other recommendations would be awesome
"For example, what makes my video content secure? " Nothing.
"Is it the player on the client?" Neither. Anyone can write a client and retain the video content. Remember this. Anyone can write a client. This client can absorb and save your video. Nothing can stop this. Nothing.
"is it the server that hosts the content?" No. Server is only one piece of security. You have to secure the protocol. And the client. And anyone can write a client and retain the video content.
"is it the streaming process?" No. Protocol is only one piece of security. You have to secure the server, the protocol and the client. And anyone can write a client and retain the video content.
"who hosts the streaming servers and what difference does this make?" You host the streaming video servers. Otherwise, you might as well use YouTube.
"The problem is I don't understand how everything fits together."
"For example, what makes my video content secure?"
These are unrelated. You keep mentioning security, AND not knowing how "everything" fits together.
Here's a suggestion: stop mentioning security -- edit your question to eliminate all references to security and see if you get more useful answers.
Many companies sell streaming media servers. You put HTML in your page that references the streaming media site.
Example. Apple sells Quicktime media server. Read for lots of information on how to present video from quicktime.
Before you go too far worrying about setting up these secure streaming protocol client server whatevers, make sure you weigh up the cost of your time getting this going, versus the cost of someone downloading your video.
Just to be clear: if your server is sending to a client, then they can copy (download) it. There's no way around it.
Response to your comment:
What I'd probably try doing if you wanted to try to avoid users downloading the files is this (I'll assume you're using FLV files, since they're the de facto standard on the web these days):
Put the FLV files in a non web-accessible directory.
Have a player.swf file request the file via a script on your site, eg: video.php?file=myVideo.flv
The video.php can then perform whatever security checks you'd like: for example, require logins, check the referrer, etc.
If the security checks are ok, then pass through the appropriate video file. If not, then perhaps have a short back-up video which is an ad for your site or something, saying "to watch this video, please come to!"
Mostly video streaming sites like Hulu achieve a kind of poor-man's security by using RTMP to transfer the video data. You would need special server software to serve video via RTMP, for example Adobe Flash Media Server or WebORB.
RTMP is a proprietary protocol, so this is a case of security through obscurity; it's non-trivial to download a copy of the video (you can't just grab the file from a URL), but there are programs out there that are capable intercepting the stream and keeping a copy.
2.I need to control what the player looks like
Download and customise a free player like OSFLV.
4.I need as much protection as possible in terms of protecting the content from being downloaded
Forget it.
DRM for FLV exists, but you'll have to pay Adobe a load of money for Flash Media Server and Flash Media Rights Management Server, you'll lose client compatibility and ease of deployment, and in the end it's still breakable. Big old waste of time.
Accept that some people will download your videos, and put a big watermark on them so at least when they do you're getting free advertising.
