IIS V6 autoblocking ip - iis

the linux-guy here has a question about IIS v6.
The case is, that i have a site running, when i do some specific tasks on this site ( Like deleting a specific item, three times in a row) the site will break, and a completely blank page will appear. Checking the response headers, i noticed that the server sends a "403 Forbidden: IP address of the client has been rejected."
Through a proxy, i can connect just fine.
Checking the site-options in the IIS manager, shows me that my IP is not blocked globally, its something thats just happening.
Where can i check for this? It happens automatically and the block ends after about 8-12 minutes, every time?
best regards.

do you have access to IIS?
i assume blocking occure on web site side (inside ASP code), not in IIS.
please check IIS console, and make sure that there are no blocked IP's. If it's true, you should find database/table or some config file, where stored all blocked IP's. After that, you should get able to find ASP code, which is responsable for blocking....
you also could try make quick search inside all ASP pages for text like: "REMOTE_ADDR" and ".ServerVariables"


Locally setting up redirect to https://

I have read a few answers to try and find a solution to a ridiculous problem.
I dont have access to a server that I can log on to access phpmyadmin,
What is supposed to happen is that the web url is supposed to be viewed via https, and in most cases this happens.
Except for a particular PC I have at home and it never seems to open in https. Why this is happening on this given machine is completely unknown.
Is there a way I can set up a rule on my local machine that will ALWAYS convert http://pathtomysite.com to https://pathtomysecuresite.com, (possibly via the 'hosts' entry (and yes it is a windows machine running win10).
I could do this on the web server itself, I know how to do this, but the problem is, I don't have, nor am I allowed to have, access to the database server to update the .htaccess or webconfig.xml on the server. (I am 99% sure its Apache, not nginx or IIS).
Any help is allows gratefully received.

IIS 7 returns 404 for all requests

I have a default website and 2 applications underneath it. One is a WCF service on "http,net.tcp". The other is an asp.net site.
When I browse to the service, static files, the asp.net site or the default website I get a blank 404 response. The raw response in fiddler is "HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"
I've tried reinstalling IIS. I thought it might be the handlers so I've had a look at the list but they exactly match a machine that does not have this issue.
The local 'hosts' file is empty and the machine.config file has not been manually edited.
(I can still connect to the service 'dsxwebservice' with tcp, and this issue has only been present for a few days, probably triggered by some change I've made to the configuration / install)
Have you seen Diagnosing 404 errors on IIS 7 and ASP.NET MVC?
You can also see if Failed Request Tracing can shed some light on your specific scenario.
Skype was hogging port 80
I came to this conclusion from using this on the command line:
netstat -ano
Then finding the PID against port 80 in Task Manager
Then quitting skype and seeing the issue go away.
I resolved the conflict by changing Skype settings to leave port 80 alone. This also explains why the 404 was not an IIS styled 404 page and why there was nothing in the IIS logs - just a question mark against the default website icon.

IIS 7.5 pointing requests to wrong physical path

I have a website set up on IIS 7.5. The host headers are working, the pages are returning fine. But when the browser requests an image, I get a 404 message. And I noticed that in the 404 details, the "Physical Path" that is specified is on the "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\images...".
The reason this is so strange is that the website is on the "D:" drive: "d:\inetpub\wwwroot\images...". The physical path is configured properly on IIS (I've done this a million times) but when attempting to serve images, it's using the wrong drive... why? Where is it getting this? I'm competently experienced with IIS for more than a decade and I have never seen this before. WTF??
You probably have two web sites binding to the same IP address, and one of them (with the physical path shown) is being honored.
If you add your application/virtual under the one website that's not being honor, you will see this error.
You need to set up the application under the web site that's being honored by IIS when using the IP.

Server - Windows 2K8/IIS7/ColdFusion throwing intermittent 403 errors

We've just set up a new dedicated server at hostgator, running Windows 2008 Server, IIS7 and ColdFusion 8 ENT.
On browsing the homepage, sometimes the site works, sometimes, part of the site runs and I can see a 403 error in Firebug. At other times, I only get an IIS error page saying:
"403 - Forbidden: Access is denied. You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied."
The site is http://www.asia-buy.com. It might run first time, but if you refresh it a few times, you'll probably encounter the problem.
There is a lot of ajax and JSON stuff going on under the hood and I'm wondering if that has any bearing on the problem.
Would appreciate advice from anyone who may have solved a similar issue in the past.
Resolved: Hostgator says this is actually a security setting in IIS to attempt to prevent DDOS attacks on the website. A a developer, I use CTRL-F5 a lot. A normal user would not.
Full error:
HTTP Error 403.502 - Forbidden
The IP address from which you are browsing is not permitted to access the requested Web site because it has made too many requests over short period of time.
Open IIS Manager.
Go to your website.
Go to Features/IP Address and Domain Restrictions/Dynamic IP Restriction Settings
Uncheck the boxes, or change the values, as needed

Using IIS7 can I get the IP that accessed a webpage at a certain time?

Using IIS7 can I get the IP that accessed a webpage at a certain time?
Such as 3:41:17 am? Not a programming question, but I need to track down whoever connected and trashed my web project. So please dont close this question.
You can look at the IIS logs to see this information. It normally is recorded (originating IP address and time as well as other data - the requested page, size of response and result code).
This of course assumes that logging is turned on.
