Server - Windows 2K8/IIS7/ColdFusion throwing intermittent 403 errors - iis

We've just set up a new dedicated server at hostgator, running Windows 2008 Server, IIS7 and ColdFusion 8 ENT.
On browsing the homepage, sometimes the site works, sometimes, part of the site runs and I can see a 403 error in Firebug. At other times, I only get an IIS error page saying:
"403 - Forbidden: Access is denied. You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied."
The site is It might run first time, but if you refresh it a few times, you'll probably encounter the problem.
There is a lot of ajax and JSON stuff going on under the hood and I'm wondering if that has any bearing on the problem.
Would appreciate advice from anyone who may have solved a similar issue in the past.

Resolved: Hostgator says this is actually a security setting in IIS to attempt to prevent DDOS attacks on the website. A a developer, I use CTRL-F5 a lot. A normal user would not.
Full error:
HTTP Error 403.502 - Forbidden
The IP address from which you are browsing is not permitted to access the requested Web site because it has made too many requests over short period of time.

Open IIS Manager.
Go to your website.
Go to Features/IP Address and Domain Restrictions/Dynamic IP Restriction Settings
Uncheck the boxes, or change the values, as needed


403 Forbidden Error - IIS 8

I'm using IIS 8 on Windows 2012 server. I have a site set up to serve as an API for HTTPS traffic on a custom port (4443). I have installed a wildcard SSL certificate, which is functioning properly. Our network firewall is routing all public inbound traffic on port 4443 to this server internally, which is then being handled by IIS.
From the server itself, everything works fine. I am not using localhost, and do not have a hosts file entry looping the traffic back internally. Going to returns what I want.
However, from external to the network, I am getting a 403 Forbidden error. I know the traffic is making it to the server because I get the correct custom "X-Powered-By" response header that I have set on that server.
I have tried setting the permissions on the folder that contains the site files to allow Full Control to "Everyone", but no luck. The site has Anonymous Authentication enabled for the user "IUSR". Directory browsing is disabled.
What's going on? I'm assuming it's a permissions error with the file system, but I figured having the Everyone permission would eliminate that. Also, there is nothing special about the internal traffic (from the server itself) in terms of an authenticated session or anything. It's just a plain request with no bells or whistles.
Please help! Thanks.
Here is a sample log entry showing the substatus code of 16:
2018-02-08 17:56:58 GET /favicon.ico - 4443 - Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0;+Win64;+x64)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/63.0.3239.132+Safari/537.36 403 16 2148204809 97
Apparently this is a client certificate trust issue? Upon further testing, I am able to access the site without issue on another device, just not my primary development PC.
I just set the site to Ignore Client Certificates in the SSL Settings, and it is working as expected again.
A 403 error could occur due to multiple reasons. Could you please share the substatus code. You can find it in IIS logs. Default location - C:\inetpub\logs\logfiles\w3svc_websiteID.
Once you have the substatus code, please share it here.
You can also capture FREB logs by following this article -
Just modify step #10 in this article and don't uncheck anything in your case (leave everything to default). This will clearly tell you what's going on in the IIS pipeline.
If its 403.14, just add a default document in IIS and you should be good to go.

Error in non existent global.asa

I have a user's website giving an error in a global.asa file but it does not exist in their web root. It looks like the account has been hacked as it's giving an error about not connecting to a server, and at the same time I see the firewall block outbound connection requests.
msxml3.dll error '80072efd'
A connection with the server could not be established
/LM/W3SVC/6510/ROOT/global.asa, line 66
I've deleted the IIS instance and had the control panel recreate it, but the issue still exists. I've even created a dummy asp file which only displays some text and it happens.
I'm at a loss where this could be being picked up and looking for suggestions. Where might this be set?
I've had the same problem on a w2k3 server (iis6) with many sites, where just one had the fake global.asa;
I've not still found cause but a workaround solution, for me, has been:
open MMC Console (IIS manager)
stop IIS
double click on Web Sites (confirm reload offline configuration)
under every site delete "ghost" global.asa (that you don't find under phisical websites folder)
start IIS

SharePoint default page not loading, users redirected to Page Under Construction

So this afternoon users started reporting that they couldn't get to our SharePoint 2007 intranet site. We set the home page via group policy for all users to the url
When this url is hit, SharePoint redirects to
This has been working like this for years.
Today, our remote branches are getting returned a 'Under Construction' page. However, if these same users hit Refresh on the browser or type in the
they get there without issue.
Our local users are not seeing this problem at all. This tells me there has to be some kind of DNS resolution problem. I'm not much of a SharePoint guy, so I'm at a loss.
Has anyone seen this behavior before? What would be my first step in trying to figure out where the problem is?
I'm posting the resolution for this and the theory behind the issue.
There were a few things that happened in our environment that lead to this 'Perfect Storm' scenario.
At some point in the day, our SharePoint site became unresponsive. Users hitting the site at that time then got back an odd response from the server. It seems that somehow IIS had two sites listening on port 80, both with a wildcard binding. The first site was the SharePoint site, the second one was the default site. When the SharePoint site failed to respond, IIS then went to the Default Site. Since this site hadn't been set up, the 'Site Under Construction' page was returned (IIS6 on Windows 2003 server).
This was odd in itself. However, what happened later is just as bizarre. An IISReset fixed the problem that the SharePoint site was having. As a result, the SharePoint site was again available. However, anyone that had hit the url when it was down had a cached the iisstart.htm page. It appears that when their browser was checking the URL, they were getting a 304 from the server. So the request never made it all the way into the sharepoint site, which actually returns a 302 redirect.
So, for all these users, we had to clear the cache on their machine and this then allowed the to get back to the SharePoint site.

IIS V6 autoblocking ip

the linux-guy here has a question about IIS v6.
The case is, that i have a site running, when i do some specific tasks on this site ( Like deleting a specific item, three times in a row) the site will break, and a completely blank page will appear. Checking the response headers, i noticed that the server sends a "403 Forbidden: IP address of the client has been rejected."
Through a proxy, i can connect just fine.
Checking the site-options in the IIS manager, shows me that my IP is not blocked globally, its something thats just happening.
Where can i check for this? It happens automatically and the block ends after about 8-12 minutes, every time?
best regards.
do you have access to IIS?
i assume blocking occure on web site side (inside ASP code), not in IIS.
please check IIS console, and make sure that there are no blocked IP's. If it's true, you should find database/table or some config file, where stored all blocked IP's. After that, you should get able to find ASP code, which is responsable for blocking....
you also could try make quick search inside all ASP pages for text like: "REMOTE_ADDR" and ".ServerVariables"

IIS 7.5, URL Rewrite 2.0, Kerberos - rewritten URL returning 401.1

I would appreciate any hints regarding the following issue:
The problem summary:
While using Negotiate:Kerberos in IIS 7.5, the authorization works correctly right until we setup URL rewriting (using the MS module "URL Rewrite 2.0") - any rewritten URL then returns "401.1 Unathorized" (requests not matching any rewrite rule keep working though).
The setup:
Windows Server 2008 R2 x64
IIS 7.5
URL Rewrite 2.0
Server is in a domain
SPN exists for HOST/hostname and HOST/hostname.domain (created by default)
Pool is using default ApplicationPoolIdentity (no custom account, not network service)
Kernel mode set to OFF
Authentication providers set to "Negotiate:Kerberos" only (no NTLM or annonymous)
URL Rewrite rule as as "^(.*)/$" => "index?x={R1}"
The result:
1) When accessing any URL not matching any URL rewrite pattern, Kerberos is working correctly, i.e. Kerberos ticket is issued (verified using klist), sent (verified using netmon and HTTP headers) and accepted (verified by URL being accessible and appropriate AUTH_USER property set to my domain account name) => no problem here.
2) When accessing any URL matching URL rewrite pattern, e.g. "hostname/foo" the result is:
HTTP Error 401.1 - Unauthorized
You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.
Module WindowsAuthenticationModule
Notification AuthenticateRequest
Error Code 0x80070055
Requested URL http://hostname/index?x=foo
Physical Path D:\wwwroot\
Logon Method Not yet determined
Logon User Not yet determined
(if we try to access the rewritten URL directly, e.g. hostname/index?x=foo, Kerberos works again normally)
The attempts to solve it so far:
After googling, we have tried several options:
turning kernel mode ON: Kerberos stopped working completely, using either default pool identity or network service (I suppose we would need to setup additional HTTP SPN and/or use custom domain account with additional SPN for that account explicitly)
turning "useAppPoolCredentials" ON: no difference
enabling "Failing Request Tracing": surprisingly these failing 401.1 requests ARE NOT generating any output into the fail logs no matter what rule we try to setup (e.g. 400-999) - the folder is just empty (while other errors, like 404 or even handshake 401.x when accessing not-rewritten URLs are generating logs - very strange)
The conclusion:
So far we have reached a dead end - it may be some weird kind of "double hop" issue requiring using a custom domain account rather than default app pool identity, but as we're in fact accessing the same resources, it seems more like a URL Rewrite issue.
Any tips, hints, pointers? Anything would be highly appreciated.
Best regards,
we face the same issues as you do. By enabling extended error logging, we were able to put the finger on the actual problem, which seems to be a bug in the rewrite module (or at least in some part of IIS, which is related to the module):
When the URL gets rewritten, the access to the new rewritten URL is checked (seemingly hardcoded) using Basic Authentication and NTLM, neither of which has been configured on the Website at hand. The only configured authentication provider is Kerberos. Since the client doesnt send NTLM nor Basic credentials, there is no way this can work.
We (another person on the current project) are sending the issue to Microsoft. I will let you know, when I get any result.
It seems as though you have multiple issues here.
Failed-Request Tracing Logs
To fix your missing logs issue, you must make sure that the user that is running your site's AppllicationPool has read/modify rights to the folder where those logs are generated, otherwise you won't see anything. See the section labeled "Enable Failed-Request Tracing" on this page: Troubleshoot Failed Requests Using Tracing in IIS 7
What isn't clear is the fact that the site's Application Pool Identity (found in Advanced Settings for Application Pool) is the account that needs read/modify rights to that folder.
Once that is fixed you can load the XML logs in IE and see a much clearer picture of what is going on.
401.1 - Unauthorized Issue
A possible fix to your 401 error is to make sure unlisted file name extensions are allowed in Request Filtering. Go to IIS --> Sites --> [your site] --> Request Filtering
You have two options here:
Allow File Name Extension... and add the value "." (minus the quotes), see this answer.
Edit Feature Settings... and enabled the option "Allow unlisted file name extensions"
The 1st option should work well, the 2nd option obviously opens up a gaping hole but allows everything so you should be able to get it working.
I hope that helps.
