Forging or Building packets in NodeJS - node.js

I have to send a packet, when viewed in hex is:
0A 00 2C 01 23 00 0C 00 B3 01
0A 00 is the length which is 10.
2C 01 is a identifier 12c or could be a decimal packet id.
23 00 is a version of dec 35.
0C 00 is another version which is dec 12.
b3 01 is 435.
which is from different variables and configs.
var packet_id = 300;
var game_version =; // 35 from config
var update_version = config.update.version; // 12 from config
var date_version =; // 435 from version
The length is then calculated from the size with the length. Then build this buffer and send it..
But how do I do this? I also was thinking that I want to predefine packet structure and just enter parameters like:
packet("versionCheck", // name of packet structure (defined somewhere
300 , // the packet id on the structure, // the 2nd parameter for the versionCheck structure.....
I am trying to use the packet package by bigeasy for node but I can only make it work with Parsing, not with Building packets.

That's actually a pretty basic example of packet, since everything is static. Something like this might work:
function Packet (length, id, v1, v2, other) {
this._length = length;
this._id = id;
this._v1 = v1;
this._v2 = v2;
this._other = other;
Packet.prototype.toBuffer = function () {
var buffer = new Buffer(this._length);
buffer.writeUInt16LE(this._length, 0);
buffer.writeUInt16LE(this._id, 2);
buffer.writeUInt16LE(this._v1, 4);
buffer.writeUInt16LE(this._v2, 6);
buffer.writeUInt16LE(this._other, 8);
return buffer;
var packet = new Packet(10, 0x12c, 35, 12, 435);
Also for parsing you don't need anything special, just same as toBuffer, but with read instead of write methods


Handling ArrayBuffer in mqtt message callback

A mqtt client send a binary message to certain topic. My node.js client subscribes to the topic and recieves the binary data. As our architecture payload is Int16Array. But I cannot cast it successfully to Javascript array.
//uint16 array [255, 256, 257, 258] sent as message payload, which contents <ff 00 00 01 01 01 02 01>
When I do this:
mqttClient.on("message", (topic, payload) => {
The output like:
ArrayBuffer {
[Uint8Contents]: <30 11 00 07 74 65 73 74 6f 7a 69 ff 00 00 01 01 01 02 01>,
byteLength: 19
which cant be cast to Int16Array because of odd length
It also contains more bytes than the original message
As it seems the original bytes exist at the end of the payload, which is offset for some reason.
Buffer also contains the offset and byte length information inside. By using them casting should be successful.
let arrayBuffer = payload.buffer.slice(payload.byteOffset,payload.byteOffset + payload.byteLength)
let int16Array = new Int16Array(arrayBuffer)
let array = Array.from(arrayBuffer)

Decoding UDP Data with Node_pcap

I am trying to build quick nodejs script to look at some data in my network. Using node_pcap I manage to decode almost everything but the payload data that is end through the UDP protocol. This is my code (fairly basic but gives me the headers and payloads)
const interface = 'en0';
let filter = 'udp';
const pcap = require('pcap'),
pcap_session = pcap.createSession(interface, filter),
pcap_session.on('packet', function (raw_packet) {
let packet = pcap.decode.packet(raw_packet);
let data =;
console.log(data.toString()); // not full data
When I try to print data using toString() method, it gives me most of the data but the beginning. I have something like this printed :
Li?��ddn-�*ys�{"Id":13350715,... I've cut the rest of the data which is the rest of the JSON.
But I am suspecting that the bit of data that I can't read contain some useful info such has how many packet, offset packet and so on..
I manage to get a part of it from the buffer from a payload :
00 00 00 01 52 8f 0b 4a 4d 3f cb de 08 00 01 00 00 00 04 a4 00 00 26 02 00 00 26 02 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 09 2d 00 00 00 00 f3 03 01 00 00 2a 00 02 00 79 00 05 73 01 d2
Although I have an idea of what kind of data it can be I have no idea of its structure.
Is there a way that I could decode this bit of the buffer ? I tried to look at some of the buffer method such as readInt32LE, readInt16LE but in vain. Is there some reading somewhere that can guide me through the process of decoding it?
[Edit] The more I looked into it, the more I suspect the data to be BSON and not JSON, that would explain why I can read some bit of it but not everything. Any chance someone manage to decode BSON from a packet ?
How does the library know which packet decoder to use?
It starts at Layer 2 of the TCP/IP stack by identifying which protocol is used
switch (this.link_type) {
this.payload = new EthernetPacket(this.emitter).decode(buf, 0);
this.payload = new NullPacket(this.emitter).decode(buf, 0);
this.payload = new Ipv4(this.emitter).decode(buf, 0);
this.payload = new RadioPacket(this.emitter).decode(buf, 0);
this.payload = new SLLPacket(this.emitter).decode(buf, 0);
console.log("node_pcap: PcapPacket.decode - Don't yet know how to decode link type " + this.link_type);
Then it goes upper and tries to decode the proper protocol based on the flags it finds in the header in this particular case for the IPv4 protocol
IPFlags.prototype.decode = function (raw_flags) {
this.reserved = Boolean((raw_flags & 0x80) >> 7);
this.doNotFragment = Boolean((raw_flags & 0x40) > 0);
this.moreFragments = Boolean((raw_flags & 0x20) > 0);
return this;
Then in your case it would match with the udp protocol
protocols[17] = require("./udp");
Hence, If you check the packet is automatically decoded and it exposes a toString method
UDP.prototype.toString = function () {
var ret = "UDP " + + "->" + this.dport + " len " + this.length;
if ( === 53 || this.dport === 53) {
ret += (new DNS().decode(, 0,;
return ret;
What does this mean for you?
In order to decode a udp(any) packet you just call the high level api pcap.decode.packet(raw_packet) and then call toString method to display the decoded body payload
pcap_session.on('packet', function (raw_packet) {
let packet = pcap.decode.packet(raw_packet);

Most efficient way of copying a "hex array" string to a buffer?

I'm receiving a high volume of "hex array" strings in the form:
'16 03 03 00 50 40 f2 12 71 0b c0 4f 99 dc 87 6f'
What's the most efficient way of copying them into an existing, larger buffer?
I'm guessing the naive way would be:
var lineBuffer = new Buffer(line.replace(/\s+/g, ''), 'hex');
lineBuffer.copyTo(mainBuffer, offset);
offset += 16;
I'm wary of using line[index] and doing the simple bit shift and sum, because string[index] just resolves to another string.
To move this out of the comments,
The solution you're looking for is probably something like this:
const line = '16 03 03 00 50 40 f2 12 71 0b c0 4f 99 dc 87 6f';
const regex = / /g;
const encoding = 'hex';
const replacement = '';
function getHexString(input) {
return input.replace(regex, replacement);
const existingBuffer = Buffer.alloc(1024); // just as an example
const offset = existingBuffer.length; // or wherever you need them to go.
function write(buffer, str, pos) {
const hexString = getHexString(str);
buffer.write(hexString, pos, encoding);
write(existingBuffer, line, 0);
I can get about 1,600,000 ops/sec through benchmark.js with () => write(existingBuffer, line, 0). Cheating a bit, since I'm constantly writing to position 0 instead of appending, but it should be close enough to get you an idea. The closest I could come with other combinations I was trying was about 1,200,000 ops/sec.
Also as a side note, I would strongly suggest using Buffer.alloc() wherever you are creating your original buffer, if you aren't. You can also use Buffer.allocUnsafe() which is faster, but that may leave non-zero data in the buffer. Which may be okay, if you know you're going to fill the entire buffer with new data before using it (or are only using known-filled slices). More reading here.

How to convert hex text file to jpeg

I have been given a text file containing hex data which I know forms a jpeg image. Below is an example of the format:
FF D8 FF E0 00 10 4A 46 49 46 00 01 02 00 00 64 00 64 00 00 FF E1 00 B8 45 78 69 00 00 4D
This is only a snippet but you get the idea.
Does anyone know how I could convert this back into the original jpeg?
To convert from a hex string to a byte you use the Convert.ToByte with a base 16 parameter.
To convert a byte array to a Bitmap you put it in a Stream and use the Bitmap(Stream) constructor:
using System.IO;
string hexstring = File.ReadAllText(yourInputFile);
byte[] bytes = new byte[hexstring.Length / 2];
for (int i = 0; i < hexstring.Length; i += 2)
bytes[i / 2] = Convert.ToByte( hexstring.Substring(i, 2), 16);
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(bytes))
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(ms);
// now you can do this:
bmp.Save(yourOutputfile, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
bmp.Dispose(); // dispose of the Bitmap when you are done with it!
// or that:
pictureBox1.Image = bmp; // Don't dispose as long as the PictureBox needs it!
I guess that there are more LINQish way but as long as it works..

Why do I get nonstandard responses from the TPM Through TBS?

I have a C++ program to do a basic TPM_GetCapabilities Through TPM Base Services and the Windows 7 SDK.
I've setup the program below
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
pContextParams.version = TBS_CONTEXT_VERSION_ONE;
rv = Tbsi_Context_Create(&pContextParams, &hContext);
printf("\n1 RESULT : %x STATUS : %x", rv, hContext);
BYTE data[200] =
{0,0xc1, /* TPM_TAG_RQU_COMMAND */
0,0,0,18, /* blob length, bytes */
0,0,0,0x65, /* TPM_ORD_GetCapability */
0,0,0,0x06, /* TPM_CAP_VERSION */
0,0,0,0}; /* 0 bytes subcap */
BYTE buf[4000];
UINT32 len = 4000;
rv = Tbsip_Submit_Command(hContext,0,TBS_COMMAND_PRIORITY_NORMAL,data,18,buf,&len);
//printf("\n2 Response Tag: %x Output Bytes: %x",tag,);
printf("\n2 RESULT : %x STATUS : %x\n", rv, hContext);
rv = Tbsip_Context_Close(hContext);
printf("\n3 RESULT : %x STATUS : %x", rv, hContext);
My Return Buffer looks like:
According to this doc, Section 7.1 TPM_GetCapability I should get the following:
Looking at my output buffer, I am getting TPM_TAG_RSP_COMMAND,a value of 18 for my paramSize, 0 for my TPM_RESULT, 0x...04 for ordinal (Not sure what this is supposed to mean.) then 1,1,0,0 for my final bits. I'm at a loss as to how to decipher this.
The answer to your question:
You don't get a nonstandard response.
The response is perfectly fine, there is nothing nonstandard in it. It looks exactly like it is defined in the spec.
The response' content resp you get is also what is to be expected. A Standard conform TPM has to answer with 01 01 00 00 when asked for TPM_CAP_VERSION.
First of all: The line stating TPM_COMMAND_CODE ordinal is not part of the response.
It has no PARAM # and no PARAM SZ. It is only relevant for calculating the HMAC of the response.
So the response is the following:
00 C4 tag
00 00 00 12 paramSize
00 00 00 00 returnCode
00 00 00 04 respSize
01 01 00 00 resp
You asked for the capability TPM_CAP_VERSION. Here is what the spec says:
Value: 0x00000006
Capability Name: TPM_CAP_VERSION
Sub cap: Ignored
TPM_STRUCT_VER structure.
The major and minor version MUST indicate 1.1.
The firmware revision MUST indicate 0.0.
The use of this value is deprecated, new software SHOULD
use TPM_CAP_VERSION_VAL to obtain version and revision information
regarding the TPM.
So when you decode resp, which is a TPM_STRUCT_VER, you get the following:
typedef struct tdTPM_STRUCT_VER {
BYTE major; // ==> 1
BYTE minor; // ==> 1
BYTE revMajor; // ==> 0
BYTE revMinor; // ==> 0
So 1.1 and 0.0, exactly according to specification.
