Which is the best way to make config changes in conf files in ansible - linux

Initially I used a makefile to deploy my application in linux.
I had various sed commands to replace variables like the PHP upload file size, post size, log file location etc.
Now I am shifting to ansible. I know I can copy the files, but how can I make changes to the conf files? Like if i just want to change the upload_filesize = 50M parameter. I don't want to make copies of the whole conf file and then replace with my file.
Sometimes it’s only a one-line change. Is there any better way to edit the config files in ansible?

If it's an INI file, then your specific requirements can be probably met by ini_file module (http://docs.ansible.com/ini_file_module.html).
If your change is limited just few lines (or eve one), then you can probably look at lineinfile module (http://docs.ansible.com/lineinfile_module.html).
Should you however need to change large number of settings, then it may be more beneficial to use template (http://docs.ansible.com/template_module.html) or assemble (http://docs.ansible.com/assemble_module.html). The main disadvantage of this approach is that you may need to review your template or fragments when updating your dependency.

Depending on the operating system, you can add files here /etc/php/apache2/conf.d/10-someinifilewithsetting.ini


Unix create multiple files with same name in a directory

I am looking for some kind of logic in linux where I can place files with same name in a directory or file system.
For e.g. i create a file abc.txt, so the next time if any process creates abc.txt it should automatically check and make the file named as abc.txt.1 should be created, then next time abc.txt.2 and so on...
Is there a way to achieve this.
Any logic or third party tools are also welcomed.
You ask,
For e.g. i create a file abc.txt, so the next time if any process
creates abc.txt it should automatically check and make the file named
as abc.txt.1 should be created
(emphasis added). To obtain such an effect automatically, for every process, without explicit provision by processes, it would have to be implemented as a feature of the filesystem containing the files. Such filesystems are called versioning filesystems, though typically the details are slightly different from what you describe. Most importantly, however, although such filesystems exist for Linux, none of them are mainstream. To the best of my knowledge, none of the major Linux distributions even offers one as a distribution-supported option.
Although it's a bit dated, see also Linux file versioning?
You might be able to approximate that for many programs via a customized version of the C standard library, but that's not foolproof, and you should not expect it to have universal effect.
It would be an altogether different matter for an individual process to be coded for such behavior. It would need to check for existing files and choose an appropriate name when opening each new file. In doing so, some care needs to be taken to avoid related race conditions, but it can be done. Details would depend on the language in which you are writing.
You can use BASH expression to achieve this. For example if I wanted to make 10 files all with the same name, but having a unique number value I would do the following:
# touch my_file{01..10}.txt
This would create 10 files starting at 01 all the way to 10. This method is also hand for looping over files in a sequence or if your also creating directories.
Now if i am reading you question right your asking that if you move a file or create a file in a directory. you would want the a script to automatically create a new file for you? If that is the case then just use a test and if there is a file move that file and mark it. Me personally I use time stamps to do so.
# The [ -f ] tests if the file is present
if [ -f $MY_FILE_NAME ]; then
# If the file is present move the file and give it the PID
# That way the name will always be unique
# Move or make the file here
As you can see the logic is very simple. Hope this helps.
I don't know about Your particular use case, but You may try to look at logrotate:

Is there a simple way to make perforce 'automatically' ensure that two files, under different paths, always contain the same contents?

We currently have a header file that sits in two different depots (identical copies), and whenever we update it, we have to manually make sure that the other copy is updated as well.
Is there a simple way to get perforce to enforce this? Or would I need to set up something with triggers? (I'm a bit worried about doing it 'properly' if so, don't have any experience with that).
I assume you'd need admin access to the perforce server to do this?
To do this with a trigger, you'd want to put a change-commit trigger on the file:
copy-always change-commit //depot/my/file.h "my-copy-script"
and then my-copy-script would run commands like:
p4 copy //depot/my/file.h //depot/my/other/file.h
p4 submit -d "copy my file to my other file"
But! Keeping two identical copies is an antipattern and you shouldn't do it. Keep one file and use client mappings, branch mappings, streams, or symlinks to make it look like it's in two places. The exact solution you use depends on why you think you need two copies of this file in the first place. :)

Is it possible to use multiple p4aliases files in perforce?

Is it possible to use multiple p4alias files, like one personal p4alias file and one project related? I do not see a way to source or concatenate multiple files.
Practical answer: not really, no -- you should just copy and paste the project alias file into your personal alias file. A fun trick here is to keep the aliases file in the depot, so you can use merging to pull project-level changes into your personal file without having your own changes go back.
Impractical answer: run something in the background that will concatenate the files together for you and surface them as a single p4aliases file, e.g. https://superuser.com/questions/762590/can-i-create-a-symlink-esque-file-to-merge-two-files-together

Increase max line length for coffeelint in vim (mvim) when editing coffee files

When I edit any .coffee file in my mvim and try to save that file with any line longer than 80 symbols, I get such error.
file_name.coffee |18 error| Line exceeds maximum allowed length Length is 91, max is 80.
This is extremely annoying, especially taking into consideration that we have convention of max 100 symbols per line in our company and even code of other team members causes problems for me locally.
The only place where I can change this limit is in nodejs module in file .../node_modules/coffeelint/lib/coffeelint.js, which has such line:
max_line_length: {
value: 80,
-level: ERROR,
+level: IGNORE,
message: 'Line exceeds maximum allowed length'
But, of course, editing sources of nodejs libraries is not a good option.
In my mvim I use these dotfiles - https://github.com/skwp/dotfiles
In my project directory I have .coffeelint.json, but it does not work, however, it seems to contain needed and valid code for that (it works perfectly on TravisCI and on machines of other team members).
Is there any place where I can turn off coffeelint call when saving file?
Is there any place where I can configure my coffelint max allowed line length?
Putting properly named (.coffeelint.json) config file into home directory helps, but is not proper solution in my case.
It seems it is more a coffeelint question than a Vim question.
From http://www.coffeelint.org/#options :
It seems you have to generate a configuration file, tweaking the following option.
max_line_length This rule imposes a maximum line length on your code.
Python's style guide does a good job explaining why you might want to
limit the length of your lines, though this is a matter of taste.
Lines can be no longer than eighty characters by default.
default level: error
It also seems you have to call coffeelint with your configuration file:
From : http://www.coffeelint.org/#usage
coffeelint -f coffeelint.json application.coffee
You probably have to find in your dotfile where the coffeelint invocation is done, and add the configuration file with the -f option there.
You don't have to pass the config file explicitly. Here are the user docs for CoffeeLint. You should either create a ~/coffeelint.json file or create a coffeelint.json in the root of your project.
In all project parts (5 different repos now) we currently have .coffeelint.json file, that is not the proper name for coffeelint, if you want it to pick config file automatically. Current .coffeelint.json is used on TravisCI when checking code and is invoked with -f option, as it turned out. So I my case I have two ways to fix weird behaviour (that is intended behaviour, actually):
Copy one of the configs from 5 related repos to ~/coffeelint.json, so that coffeelint will use it automatically when vim will check file on save (but this will not do if some repos will have different configs, however, this solution does not require any changes to repos).
Create copy of each config file in each repository (so I'll have both .coffeelint.json and coffeelint.json in each repo) and add the newly added one to .gitignore, so that team members will not see it in their editors. This option is also inappropriate and looks ugly, cause I have to add 5 changes and 5 commits.
It seems that guys from the team decided to name coffeelint config file not properly in order to hide it visually in code editors. Solution cost me nerves, so, probably, I'll reconfigure everything properly and will rename configs to default names.
It would be nice if coffeelint supported multiple config files with levels of priority, but this is not possible now.

linux script, standard directory locations

I am trying to write a bash script to do a task, I have done pretty well so far, and have it working to an extent, but I want to set it up so it's distributable to other people, and will be opening it up as open source, so I want to start doing things the "conventional" way. Unfortunately I'm not all that sure what the conventional way is.
Ideally I want a link to an in depth online resource that discusses this and surrounding topics in depth, but I'm having difficulty finding keywords that will locate this on google.
At the start of my script I set a bunch of global variables that store the names of the dirs that it will be accessing, this means that I can modify the dir's quickly, but this is programming shortcuts, not user shortcuts, I can't tell the users that they have to fiddle with this stuff. Also, I need for individual users' settings not to get wiped out on every upgrade.
Name of settings folder: ~/.foo/ -- this is well and good, but how do I keep my working copy and my development copy separate? tweek the reference in the source of the dev version?
If my program needs to maintain and update library of data (gps tracklog data in this case) where should this directory be? the user will need to access some of this data, but it's mostly for internal use. I personally work in cygwin, and I like to keep this data on separate drive, so the path is wierd, I suspect many users could find this. for a default however I'm thinking ~/gpsdata/ -- would this be normal, or should I hard code a system that ask the user at first run where to put it, and stores this in the settings folder? whatever happens I'm going ot have to store the directory reference in a file in the settings folder.
The program needs a data "inbox" that is a folder that the user can dump files, then run the script to process these files. I was thinking ~/gpsdata/in/ ?? though there will always be an option to add a file or folder to the command line to use that as well (it processed files all locations listed, including the "inbox")
Where should the script its self go? it's already smart enough that it can create all of it's ancillary/settings files (once I figure out the "correct" directory) if run with "./foo --setup" I could shove it in /usr/bin/ or /bin or ~/.foo/bin (and add that to the path) what's normal?
I need to store login details for a web service that it will connect to (using curl -u if it matters) plan on including a setting whereby it asks for a username and password every execution, but it currently stores it plane text in a file in ~/.foo/ -- I know, this is not good. The webservice (osm.org) does support oauth, but I have no idea how to get curl to use it -- getting curl to speak to the service in the first place was a hack. Is there a simple way to do a really basic encryption on a file like this to deter idiots armed with notepad?
Sorry for the list of questions, I believe they are closely related enough for a single post. This is all stuff that stabbing at, but would like clarification/confirmation over.
Name of settings folder: ~/.foo/ -- this is well and good, but how do I keep my working copy and my development copy separate?
Have a default of ~/.foo, and an option (for example --config-directory) that you can use to override the default while developing.
If my program needs to maintain and update library of data (gps tracklog data in this case) where should this directory be?
If your script is running under a normal user account, this will have to be somewhere in the user's home directory; elsewhere, you'll have no write permissions. Perhaps ~/.foo/tracklog or something? Again, add a command line option, and also an option in the configuration file, to override this.
I'm not a fan of your ~/gpsdata default; I don't want my home directory cluttered with all sorts of directories that programs created without my consent. You see this happen on Windows a lot, and it's really annoying. (Saved games in My Documents? Get out of here!)
The program needs a data "inbox" that is a folder that the user can dump files, then run the script to process these files. I was thinking ~/gpsdata/in/ ?
As stated above, I'd prefer ~/.foo/inbox. Also with command-line option and configuration file option to change this.
But do you really need an inbox? If the user needs to run the script manually over some files, it might be better just to accept those file names on the command line. They could just be processed wherever, without having to move them to a "magic" location.
Where should the script its self go?
This is usually up to the packaging system of the particular OS you're running on. When installing from source, /usr/local/bin is a sensible default that won't interfere with package managers.
Is there a simple way to do a really basic encryption on a file like this to deter idiots armed with notepad?
Yes, there is. But it's better not to, because it creates a false sense of security. Without a master password or something, secure storage is not possible! Pidgin, for example, explicitly stores passwords in plain text, so that users won't make any false assumptions about their passwords being stored "securely". So it's best just to store them in plain text, complain if the file is world-readable, and add a clear note to the manual to warn the user what's going on.
Bottom line: don't try to reinvent the wheel. There have been thousands of scripts and programs that faced the same issues; most of them ended up adopting the same conventions, and for good reasons. Look at what they do, and mimic them instead of reinventing the wheel.
You can start with the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard. I'm not sure how well followed it is, but it does provide some guidance. In general, I try to use the following:
$HOME/.foo/ is used for user-specific settings - it is hidden
$PREFIX/etc/foo/ is for system-wide configuration
$PREFIX/foo/bin/ is for system-wide binaries
sym-links from $PREFIX/foo/bin are added to $PREFIX/bin/ for ease of use
$PREFIX/foo/var/ is where variable data would live - this is where your input spools and log files would live
$PREFIX should default to /opt/foo even though almost everyone seems to plop stuff in /usr/local by default (thanks GNU!). If someone wants to install the package in their home directory, then substitute $HOME for $PREFIX. At least that is my take on how this should all work.
