So I recently was writing program to confirm that Dijkstra mutual exclusion algorithm is working. I decided to use Kotlin coz I didn't want to use C++ and manage memory myself. Today I saw that despite the fact my program is running sequential all cores are in 100% use, is it some JVM optimization? Or maybe Kotlin optimized my recursion calls? I need to mention that my recursion is not tail recursion. Do any of you know why this happens? I did not use threads or coroutines just to be clear.
Short answer: don't worry!
If you're not using coroutines or explicit threads, then your code should continue to execute in the same thread.
However, there's no guarantee that your thread will always be executed on the same core; the OS is free to schedule it on whichever core it thinks best at each moment. (I don't know what criteria various OSs may use to make those decisions, but it's likely to take account of other threads and processes. And your thread can move between codes quickly enough to confuse any monitoring you may do.)
Also, even if you don't start any other threads, there are likely to be several background threads handling garbage collection, running finalisers, and other housekeeping. If you use a GUI toolkit such as JavaFX or Swing, that will use many threads, as will a framework such as Spring. (These will usually be marked as ‘dæmon’ theads, so they don't prevent the JVM from exiting.)
Finally, the JVM itself is likely to use system threads for background compilation of bytecode, monitoring, and so on. (Different JVM implementations may do this differently, of course.)
(None of this is specific to Kotlin, by the way; it's the same for all Java apps. But it'd almost certainly be different for Kotlin/JS and Kotlin/native.)
So no, activity on multiple cores does not imply that your code has been transformed or rewritten. It just means that you're not running on the bare metal, and should trust the JVM to take care of things!
It was GC, here is Reddit post I created there.
I am kind of new to programming in general (about 8 months with on and off in Delphi and a little Python here and there) and I am in the process of buying some books.
I am interested in learning about concurrent programming and building multi-threaded apps using Delphi. Whenever I do a search for "multithreading Delphi" or "Delphi multithreading tutorial" I seem to get conflicting results as some of the stuff is about using certain libraries (Omnithread library) and other stuff seems to be more geared towards programmers with more experience.
I have studied quite a few books on Delphi and for the most part they seem to kind of skim the surface and not really go into depth on the subject. I have a friend who is a programmer (he uses c++) who recommends I learn what is actually going on with the underlying system when using threads as opposed to jumping into how to actually implement them in my programs first.
On there are quite a few books on concurrent programming but none of them seem to be made with Delphi in mind.
Basically I need to know what are the main things I should be focused on learning before jumping into using threads, if I can/should attempt to learn them using books that are not specifically aimed at Delphi developers (don't want to confuse myself reading books with a bunch of code examples in other languages right now) and if there are any reliable resources/books on the subject that anyone here could recommend.
Short answer
Go to OmnyThreadLibrary install it and read everything on the site.
Longer answer
You asked for some info so here goes:
Here's some stuff to read:
I personally like: Multithreading - The Delphi Way.
(It's old, but the basics still apply)
Basic principles:
Your basic VCL application is single threaded.
The VCL was not build with multi-threading in mind, rather thread-support is bolted on so that most VCL components are not thread-safe.
The way in which this is done is by making the CPU wait, so if you want a fast application be careful when and how to communicate with the VCL.
Communicating with the VCL
Your basic thread is a decendent of TThread with its own members.
These are per thread variables. As long as you use these you don't have any problems.
My favorite way of communicating with the main window is by using custom windows Messages and postmessage to communicate asynchronically.
If you want to communicate synchronically you will need to use a critical section or a synchonize method.
See this article for example:
Communicating between threads
This is where things get tricky, because you can run into all sorts of hard to debug synchonization issues.
My advice: use OmnithreadLibrary, also see this question: Cross thread communication in Delphi
Some people will tell you that reading and writing integers is atomic on x86, but this is not 100% true, so don't use those in a naive way, because you'll most likely get subtle issues wrong and end up with hard to debug code.
Starting and stopping threads
In old Delphi versions Thread.suspend and Thread.resume were used, however these are no longer recommended and should be avoided (in the context of thread synchronization).
See this question: With what delphi Code should I replace my calls to deprecated TThread method Suspend?
Also have a look at this question although the answers are more vague: TThread.resume is deprecated in Delphi-2010 what should be used in place?
You can use suspend and resume to pause and restart threads, just don't use them for thread synchronization.
Performance issues
Putting wait_for... , synchonize etc code in your thread effectively stops your thread until the action it's waiting for has occured.
In my opinion this defeats a big purpose of threads: speed
So if you want to be fast you'll have to get creative.
A long time ago I wrote an application called Life32.
Its a display program for conways game of life. That can generate patterns very fast (millions of generations per second on small patterns).
It used a separate thread for calculation and a separate thread for display.
Displaying is a very slow operation that does not need to be done every generation.
The generation thread included display code that removes stuff from the display (when in view) and the display thread simply sets a boolean that tells the generation thread to also display the added stuff.
The generation code writes directly to the video memory using DirectX, no VCL or Windows calls required and no synchronization of any kind.
If you move the main window the application will keep on displaying on the old location until you pause the generation, thereby stopping the generation thread, at which point it's safe to update the thread variables.
If the threads are not 100% synchronized the display happens a generation too late, no big deal.
It also features a custom memory manager that avoids the thread-safe slowness that's in the standard memory manager.
By avoiding any and all forms of thread synchronization I was able to eliminate the overhead from 90%+ (on smallish patterns) to 0.
You really shouldn't get me started on this, but anyway, my suggestions:
Try hard to not use the following:
TThread.Resume, (except at the end of constructors in some Delphi versions)
Use the PostMessage API to communicate to the main thread - post objects in lParam, say.
Use a producer-consumer queue to communicate to secondary threads, (not a Windows message queue - only one thread can wait on a WMQ, making thread pooling impossible).
Do not write directly from one thread to fields in another - use message-passing.
Try very hard indeed to create threads at application startup and to not explicitly terminate them at all.
Do use object pools instead of continually creating and freeing objects for inter-thread communication.
The result will be an app that performs well, does not leak, does not deadlock and shuts down immediately when you close the main form.
What Delphi should have had built-in:
TWinControl.PostObject(anObject:TObject) and TWinControl.OnObjectRx(anObject:TObject) - methods to post objects from a secondary thread and fire a main-thread event with them. A trivial PostMessage wrap to replace the poor performing, deadlock-generating, continually-rewritten TThread.Synchronize.
A simple, unbounded producer-consumer class that actually works for multiple producers/consumers. This is, like, 20 lines of TObjectQueue descendant but Borland/Embarcadero could not manage it. If you have object pools, there is no need for complex bounded queues.
A simple thread-safe, blocking, object pool class - again, really simple with Delphi since it has class variables and virtual constructors, eg. creating a lot of buffer objects:
I thought it might be useful to actually try to compile a list of things that one should know about multithreading.
Synchronization primitives: mutexes, semaphores, monitors
Delphi implementations of synchronization primitives: TCriticalSection, TMREWSync, TEvent
Atomic operations: some knowledge about what operations are atomic and what not (discussed in this question)
Windows API multithreading capabilities: InterlockedIncrement, InterlockedExchange, ...
Of course this is far from complete. I made this community wiki so that everyone can edit.
Appending to all the other answers I strongly suggest reading a book like:
"Modern Operating Systems" or any other one going into multithreading details.
This seems to be an overkill but it would make you a better programmer and
you defenitely get a very good insight
into threading/processes in an abstract way - so you learn why and how to
use critical section or semaphores on examples (like the
dining philosophers problem or the sleeping barber problem)
I have done this POC and verified that when you create 4 threads and run them on Quad core machine, all cores get busy - so, CLR is already scheduling threads on different cores effectively, so why the class TASK?
I agree Task simplifies the creation and use of threads, but apart from that what? Its just a wrapper around threads and threadpools right? Or does it in some way help scheduling threads on multicore machines?
I am specifially looking at whats with Task wrt multicore that wasnt there in 2.0 threads.
"I agree Task simplifies the creation and use of threads"
Isn't that enough? Isn't it fabulous that it provides higher-level building blocks so that us mere mortals can build lock-free multithreaded code which is safe because really smart people like Joe Duffy have done the work for us?
If TPL really just consisted of a way of starting a new task, it wouldn't be much use - the work-stealing etc is nice, but probably not crucial to most of us. It's the building blocks around tasks - and in particular around the idea of a "future" - which provide the value. Do you really want to write Parallel.ForEach yourself? Do you want to want to work out how to perform partitioning efficiently yourself? I know that if I tried doing that, it would take me a long time and I'd certainly do a worse job of it than the PFX team.
Many of the advances in development haven't been about making it possible to do something which was impossible before - they've been about raising the abstraction level so that a problem can be solved once and then that solution reused. Do you feel the same way about the CLR itself? You could do the same thing in assembly yourself, obviously... but by raising the abstraction level, the CLR and C# make us more productive.
Although you could do everything equivalently in TPL or threadpool, for a better abstraction, and scalability patterns TPL is preferred over Threadpool. But it is upto the programmer, and if you know exactly what you are doing, and based on your scheduling and synchronization requirements play out in your specific application you could use Threadpool more effectively. There are some stuff you get free with TPL which you've got to code up when using Threadpool, like following few I can think of now.
work stealing
worker thread local pool
scheduling groups of actions like Parallel.For
The TPL lets you program in terms of Tasks not threads. Thinking of tasks solely as a better thread abstraction would be a mistake. Tasks allow you to specify the work you want to get executed not how you want the work executed (threads). This allows you to express the potential parallelism of your application and have the TPL runtime--the scheduler and thread pool--handle how that work gets executed. This means that the TPL will take a lot of the burden off you of having your application deal with ensuring the best perfromance on a wide variety of hardware with different numbers of cores.
For example, the TPL makes it easy to implement key several design patterns that allow you to express the potential parallelism of your application.
Like Futures (mentioned by Jon) as well as pipelines and parallel loops.
I was reading the SQLite FAQ, and came upon this passage:
Threads are evil. Avoid them.
I don't quite understand the statement "Thread are evil". If that is true, then what is the alternative?
My superficial understanding of threads is:
Threads make concurrence happen. Otherwise, the CPU horsepower will be wasted, waiting for (e.g.) slow I/O.
But the bad thing is that you must synchronize your logic to avoid contention and you have to protect shared resources.
Note: As I am not familiar with threads on Windows, I hope the discussion will be limited to Linux/Unix threads.
When people say that "threads are evil", the usually do so in the context of saying "processes are good". Threads implicitly share all application state and handles (and thread locals are opt-in). This means that there are plenty of opportunities to forget to synchronize (or not even understand that you need to synchronize!) while accessing that shared data.
Processes have separate memory space, and any communication between them is explicit. Furthermore, primitives used for interprocess communication are often such that you don't need to synchronize at all (e.g. pipes). And you can still share state directly if you need to, using shared memory, but that is also explicit in every given instance. So there are fewer opportunities to make mistakes, and the intent of the code is more explicit.
Simple answer the way I understand it...
Most threading models use "shared state concurrency," which means that two execution processes can share the same memory at the same time. If one thread doesn't know what the other is doing, it can modify the data in a way that the other thread doesn't expect. This causes bugs.
Threads are "evil" because you need to wrap your mind around n threads all working on the same memory at the same time, and all of the fun things that go with it (deadlocks, racing conditions, etc).
You might read up about the Clojure (immutable data structures) and Erlang (message passsing) concurrency models for alternative ideas on how to achieve similar ends.
What makes threads "evil" is that once you introduce more than one stream of execution into your program, you can no longer count on your program to behave in a deterministic manner.
That is to say: Given the same set of inputs, a single-threaded program will (in most cases) always do the same thing.
A multi-threaded program, given the same set of inputs, may well do something different every time it is run, unless it is very carefully controlled. That is because the order in which the different threads run different bits of code is determined by the OS's thread scheduler combined with a system timer, and this introduces a good deal of "randomness" into what the program does when it runs.
The upshot is: debugging a multi-threaded program can be much harder than debugging a single-threaded program, because if you don't know what you are doing it can be very easy to end up with a race condition or deadlock bug that only appears (seemingly) at random once or twice a month. The program will look fine to your QA department (since they don't have a month to run it) but once it's out in the field, you'll be hearing from customers that the program crashed, and nobody can reproduce the crash.... bleah.
To sum up, threads aren't really "evil", but they are strong juju and should not be used unless (a) you really need them and (b) you know what you are getting yourself into. If you do use them, use them as sparingly as possible, and try to make their behavior as stupid-simple as you possibly can. Especially with multithreading, if anything can go wrong, it (sooner or later) will.
I would interpret it another way. It's not that threads are evil, it's that side-effects are evil in a multithreaded context (which is a lot less catchy to say).
A side effect in this context is something that affects state shared by more than one thread, be it global or just shared. I recently wrote a review of Spring Batch and one of the code snippets used is:
private static Map<Long, JobExecution> executionsById = TransactionAwareProxyFactory.createTransactionalMap();
private static long currentId = 0;
public void saveJobExecution(JobExecution jobExecution) {
Assert.isTrue(jobExecution.getId() == null);
Long newId = currentId++;
executionsById.put(newId, copy(jobExecution));
Now there are at least three serious threading issues in less than 10 lines of code here. An example of a side effect in this context would be updating the currentId static variable.
Functional programming (Haskell, Scheme, Ocaml, Lisp, others) tend to espouse "pure" functions. A pure function is one with no side effects. Many imperative languages (eg Java, C#) also encourage the use of immutable objects (an immutable object is one whose state cannot change once created).
The reason for (or at least the effect of) both of these things is largely the same: they make multithreaded code much easier. A pure function by definition is threadsafe. An immutable object by definition is threadsafe.
The advantage processes have is that there is less shared state (generally). In traditional UNIX C programming, doing a fork() to create a new process would result in shared process state and this was used as a means of IPC (inter-process communication) but generally that state is replaced (with exec()) with something else.
But threads are much cheaper to create and destroy and they take less system resources (in fact, the operating itself may have no concept of threads yet you can still create multithreaded programs). These are called green threads.
The paper you linked to seems to explain itself very well. Did you read it?
Keep in mind that a thread can refer to the programming-language construct (as in most procedural or OOP languages, you create a thread manually, and tell it to executed a function), or they can refer to the hardware construct (Each CPU core executes one thread at a time).
The hardware-level thread is obviously unavoidable, it's just how the CPU works. But the CPU doesn't care how the concurrency is expressed in your source code. It doesn't have to be by a "beginthread" function call, for example. The OS and the CPU just have to be told which instruction threads should be executed.
His point is that if we used better languages than C or Java with a programming model designed for concurrency, we could get concurrency basically for free. If we'd used a message-passing language, or a functional one with no side-effects, the compiler would be able to parallelize our code for us. And it would work.
Threads aren't any more "evil" than hammers or screwdrivers or any other tools; they just require skill to utilize. The solution isn't to avoid them; it's to educate yourself and up your skill set.
Creating a lot of threads without constraint is indeed evil.. using a pooling mechanisme (threadpool) will mitigate this problem.
Another way threads are 'evil' is that most framework code is not designed to deal with multiple threads, so you have to manage your own locking mechanisme for those datastructures.
Threads are good, but you have to think about how and when you use them and remember to measure if there really is a performance benefit.
A thread is a bit like a light weight process. Think of it as an independent path of execution within an application. The thread runs in the same memory space as the application and therefore has access to all the same resources, global objects and global variables.
The good thing about them: you can parallelise a program to improve performance. Some examples, 1) In an image editing program a thread may run the filter processing independently of the GUI. 2) Some algorithms lend themselves to multiple threads.
Whats bad about them? if a program is poorly designed they can lead to deadlock issues where both threads are waiting on each other to access the same resource. And secondly, program design can me more complex because of this. Also, some class libraries don't support threading. e.g. the c library function "strtok" is not "thread safe". In other words, if two threads were to use it at the same time they would clobber each others results. Fortunately, there are often thread safe alternatives... e.g. boost library.
Threads are not evil, they can be very useful indeed.
Under Linux/Unix, threading hasn't been well supported in the past although I believe Linux now has Posix thread support and other unices support threading now via libraries or natively. i.e. pthreads.
The most common alternative to threading under Linux/Unix platforms is fork. Fork is simply a copy of a program including it's open file handles and global variables. fork() returns 0 to the child process and the process id to the parent. It's an older way of doing things under Linux/Unix but still well used. Threads use less memory than fork and are quicker to start up. Also, inter process communications is more work than simple threads.
In a simple sense you can think of a thread as another instruction pointer in the current process. In other words it points the IP of another processor to some code in the same executable. So instead of having one instruction pointer moving through the code there are two or more IP's executing instructions from the same executable and address space simultaneously.
Remember the executable has it's own address space with data / stack etc... So now that two or more instructions are being executed simultaneously you can imagine what happens when more than one of the instructions wants to read/write to the same memory address at the same time.
The catch is that threads are operating within the process address space and are not afforded protection mechanisms from the processor that full blown processes are. (Forking a process on UNIX is standard practice and simply creates another process.)
Out of control threads can consume CPU cycles, chew up RAM, cause execeptions etc.. etc.. and the only way to stop them is to tell the OS process scheduler to forcibly terminate the thread by nullifying it's instruction pointer (i.e. stop executing). If you forcibly tell a CPU to stop executing a sequence of instructions what happens to the resources that have been allocated or are being operated on by those instructions? Are they left in a stable state? Are they properly freed? etc...
So, yes, threads require more thought and responsibility than executing a process because of the shared resources.
For any application that requires stable and secure execution for long periods of time without failure or maintenance, threads are always a tempting mistake. They invariably turn out to be more trouble than they are worth. They produce rapid results and prototypes that seem to be performing correctly but after a couple weeks or months running you discover that they have critical flaws.
As mentioned by another poster, once you use even a single thread in your program you have now opened a non-deterministic path of code execution that can produce an almost infinite number of conflicts in timing, memory sharing and race conditions. Most expressions of confidence in solving these problems are expressed by people who have learned the principles of multithreaded programming but have yet to experience the difficulties in solving them.
Threads are evil. Good programmers avoid them wherever humanly possible. The alternative of forking was offered here and it is often a good strategy for many applications. The notion of breaking your code down into separate execution processes which run with some form of loose coupling often turns out to be an excellent strategy on platforms that support it. Threads running together in a single program is not a solution. It is usually the creation of a fatal architectural flaw in your design that can only be truly remedied by rewriting the entire program.
The recent drift towards event oriented concurrency is an excellent development innovation. These kinds of programs usually prove to have great endurance after they are deployed.
I've never met a young engineer who didn't think threads were great. I've never met an older engineer who didn't shun them like the plague.
Being an older engineer, I heartily agree with the answer by Texas Arcane.
Threads are very evil because they cause bugs that are extremely difficult to solve. I have literally spent months solving sporadic race-conditions. One example caused trams to suddenly stop about once a month in the middle of the road and block traffic until towed away. Luckily I didn't create the bug, but I did get to spend 4 months full-time to solve it...
It's a tad late to add to this thread, but I would like to mention a very interesting alternative to threads: asynchronous programming with co-routines and event loops. This is being supported by more and more languages, and does not have the problem of race conditions like multi-threading has.
It can replace multi-threading in cases where it is used to wait on events from multiple sources, but not where calculations need to be performed in parallel on multiple CPU cores.
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Closed 9 years ago.
I was recently working on an application that sent and received messages over Ethernet and Serial. I was then tasked to add the monitoring of DIO discretes. I throught,
"No reason to interrupt the main
thread which is involved in message
processing, I'll just create
another thread that monitors DIO."
This decision, however, proved to be poor. Sometimes the main thread would be interrupted between a Send and a Receive serial message. This interruption would disrupt the timing and alas, messages would be lost (forever).
I found another way to monitor the DIO without using another thread and Ethernet and Serial communication were restored to their correct functionality.
The whole fiasco, however, got me thinking. Are their any general guidelines about when not to use multiple-threads and/or does anyone have anymore examples of situations when using multiple-threads is not a good idea?
**EDIT:Based on your comments and after scowering the internet for information, I have composed a blog post entitled When is multi-threading not a good idea?
On a single processor machine and a desktop application, you use multi threads so you don't freeze the app but for nothing else really.
On a single processor server and a web based app, no need for multi threading because the web server handles most of it.
On a multi-processor machine and desktop app, you are suggested to use multi threads and parallel programming. Make as many threads as there are processors.
On a multi-processor server and a web based app, no need again for multi threads because the web server handles it.
In total, if you use multiple threads for other than un-freezing desktop apps and any other generic answer, you will make the app slower if you have a single core machine due to the threads interrupting each other.
Why? Because of the hardware switches. It takes time for the hardware to switch between threads in total. On a multi-core box, go ahead and use 1 thread for each core and you will greatly see a ramp up.
To paraphrase an old quote: A programmer had a problem. He thought, "I know, I'll use threads." Now the programmer has two problems. (Often attributed to JWZ, but it seems to predate his use of it talking about regexes.)
A good rule of thumb is "Don't use threads, unless there's a very compelling reason to use threads." Multiple threads are asking for trouble. Try to find a good way to solve the problem without using multiple threads, and only fall back to using threads if avoiding it is as much trouble as the extra effort to use threads. Also, consider switching to multiple threads if you're running on a multi-core/multi-CPU machine, and performance testing of the single threaded version shows that you need the performance of the extra cores.
Multi-threading is a bad idea if:
Several threads access and update the same resource (set a variable, write to a file), and you don't understand thread safety.
Several threads interact with each other and you don't understand mutexes and similar thread-management tools.
Your program uses static variables (threads typically share them by default).
You haven't debugged concurrency issues.
Actually, multi threading is not scalable and is hard to debug, so it should not be used in any case if you can avoid it. There is few cases where it is mandatory : when performance on a multi CPU matters, or when you deal whith a server that have a lot of clients taking a long time to answer.
In any other cases, you can use alternatives such as queue + cron jobs or else.
You might want to take a look at the Dan Kegel's "The C10K problem" web page about handling multiple data sources/sinks.
Basically it is best to use minimal threads, which in sockets can be done in most OS's w/ some event system (or asynchronously in Windows using IOCP).
When you run into the case where the OS and/or libraries do not offer a way to perform communication in a non-blocking manner, it is best to use a thread-pool to handle them while reporting back to the same event loop.
Example diagram of layout:
Per CPU [*] EVENTLOOP ------ Handles nonblocking I/O using OS/library utilities
| \___ Threadpool for various blocking events
Threadpool for handling the I/O messages that would take long
Multithreading is bad except in the single case where it is good. This case is
The work is CPU Bound, or parts of it is CPU Bound
The work is parallelisable.
If either or both of these conditions are missing, multithreading is not going to be a winning strategy.
If the work is not CPU bound, then you are waiting not on threads to finish work, but rather for some external event, such as network activity, for the process to complete its work. Using threads, there is the additional cost of context switches between threads, The cost of synchronization (mutexes, etc), and the irregularity of thread preemption. The alternative in most common use is asynchronous IO, in which a single thread listens to several io ports, and acts on whichever happens to be ready now, one at a time. If by some chance these slow channels all happen to become ready at the same time, It might seem like you will experience a slow-down, but in practice this is rarely true. The cost of handling each port individually is often comparable or better than the cost of synchronizing state on multiple threads as each channel is emptied.
Many tasks may be compute bound, but still not practical to use a multithreaded approach because the process must synchronise on the entire state. Such a program cannot benefit from multithreading because no work can be performed concurrently. Fortunately, most programs that require enormous amounts of CPU can be parallelized to some level.
Multi-threading is not a good idea if you need to guarantee precise physical timing (like in your example). Other cons include intensive data exchange between threads. I would say multi-threading is good for really parallel tasks if you don't care much about their relative speed/priority/timing.
A recent application I wrote that had to use multithreading (although not unbounded number of threads) was one where I had to communicate in several directions over two protocols, plus monitoring a third resource for changes. Both protocol libraries required a thread to run the respective event loop in, and when those were accounted for, it was easy to create a third loop for the resource monitoring. In addition to the event loop requirements, the messages going through the wires had strict timing requirements, and one loop couldn't be risked blocking the other, something that was further alleviated by using a multicore CPU (SPARC).
There were further discussions on whether each message processing should be considered a job that was given to a thread from a thread pool, but in the end that was an extension that wasn't worth the work.
All-in-all, threads should if possible only be considered when you can partition the work into well defined jobs (or series of jobs) such that the semantics are relatively easy to document and implement, and you can put an upper bound on the number of threads you use and that need to interact. Systems where this is best applied are almost message passing systems.
In priciple everytime there is no overhead for the caller to wait in a queue.
A couple more possible reasons to use threads:
Your platform lacks asynchronous I/O operations, e.g. Windows ME (No completion ports or overlapped I/O, a pain when porting XP applications that use them.) Java 1.3 and earlier.
A third-party library function that can hang, e.g. if a remote server is down, and the library provides no way to cancel the operation and you can't modify it.
Keeping a GUI responsive during intensive processing doesn't always require additional threads. A single callback function is usually sufficient.
If none of the above apply and I still want parallelism for some reason, I prefer to launch an independent process if possible.
I would say multi-threading is generally used to:
Allow data processing in the background while a GUI remains responsive
Split very big data analysis onto multiple processing units so that you can get your results quicker.
When you're receiving data from some hardware and need something to continuously add it to a buffer while some other element decides what to do with it (write to disk, display on a GUI etc.).
So if you're not solving one of those issues, it's unlikely that adding threads will make your life easier. In fact it'll almost certainly make it harder because as others have mentioned; debugging mutithreaded applications is considerably more work than a single threaded solution.
Security might be a reason to avoid using multiple threads (over multiple processes). See Google chrome for an example of multi-process safety features.
Multi-threading is scalable, and will allow your UI to maintain its responsivness while doing very complicated things in the background. I don't understand where other responses are acquiring their information on multi-threading.
When you shouldn't multi-thread is a mis-leading question to your problem. Your problem is this: Why did multi-threading my application cause serial / ethernet communications to fail?
The answer to that question will depend on the implementation, which should be discussed in another question. I know for a fact that you can have both ethernet and serial communications happening in a multi-threaded application at the same time as numerous other tasks without causing any data loss.
The one reason to not use multi-threading is:
There is one task, and no user interface with which the task will interfere.
The reasons to use mutli-threading are:
Provides superior responsiveness to the user
Performs multiple tasks at the same time to decrease overall execution time
Uses more of the current multi-core CPUs, and multi-multi-cores of the future.
There are three basic methods of multi-threaded programming that make thread safety implemented with ease - you only need to use one for success:
Thread Safe Data types passed between threads.
Thread Safe Methods in the threaded object to modify data passed between.
PostMessage capabilities to communicate between threads.
Are the processes parallel? Is performance a real concern? Are there multiple 'threads' of execution like on a web server? I don't think there is a finite answer.
A common source of threading issues is the usual approaches employed to synchronize data. Having threads share state and then implement locking at all the appropriate places is a major source of complexity for both design and debugging. Getting the locking right to balance stability, performance, and scalability is always a hard problem to solve. Even the most experienced experts get it wrong frequently. Alternative techniques to deal with threading can alleviate much of this complexity. The Clojure programming language implements several interesting techniques for dealing with concurrency.