Excel PowerPivot Average Calculation - excel

I am having some difficulty determining how to produce a calculation of averages that can be plotted on a PivotChart.
Specifically, I wish to compare a Sales Rep's performance (gross profit by month/year) against all other reps (using an average) who are in a comparable role (the same workgroup) for a given period.
Let's just say the data structure is as follows:
SaleID SaleLocation SaleType SalesRep SaleDate WorkGroup SalesGP
1 Retail1 Car John A 01/01/2014 Sales $301
2 HQ Bike John A 01/01/2014 Sales $200
3 Retail1 Car Sam L 02/01/2014 Sales $1300
4 Retail2 Plane Sam L 02/01/2014 Sales $72
5 Retail2 Plane Vince T 03/01/2014 Admin $55
6 Retail2 Bike John A 04/01/2014 Sales $39
7 HQ Car Vince T 05/01/2014 Admin $2154
In the excel data model I've added calculated fields (that use a lookup table) for the sale date so that sales can be plotted by Month or Year (eg. =YEAR([SaleDate]) and =MONTH([SaleDate]))
As an example, let's say I want to plot someone's GP (Gross Profit) for a period of time:
My question is this......
How can I calculate an "average gross profit" that I can plot on the PivotChart? This "average gross profit" should be the average of all sales for the same period for the same workgroup.
In the example above, in the PivotChart I am wanting to plot an "average" series which plots the average GP by month for all SalesReps that are in the same Workgroup as John A ("Sales").
If my request isn't clear enough please let me know and I'll do my best to expand.

Zam, this should be quite easy. You just need to create a new calculated field that calculates the average for ALL sales rep.
Let me walk you through it:
I used your data table and then added it to my PowerPivot (Excel 2013). Then I created those calculated measures:
1. Sales Average:
2. Sales Average ALL -- this will calculate the average for ALL rows in the table and will be used in other calculations. Notice I used the first calculated field as the first parameter to make this flexible:
=CALCULATE([Sales Amount Average],ALL(SalesData))
3. Sales Comparison to Average. I wasn't sure what is your goal, but I made this one a bit more complex as I wanted to display the performance in percentage:
=IF([Sales Amount Average] > 0, [Sales Amount Average] / [Sales Average ALL] -1)
Basically, what this does is that first it checks if their an existing calculation for a sales representative, if so then it divides Sales Average for a given sales representative by the average sale amount for ALL sales representatives. And then I subtract 1 so the performance can be easily grasped just by looking at the percentages.
To make it easy-to-understand, I decided to use bar charts in conditional formatting instead of stand-alone pivotchart -- I believe it does exactly what you need:
In the picture above, the first table represents your data. The second table is the actual powerpivot table and shows what I have described.
Hope this helps!
I didn't want to make things over-complicated, but should you want to remove the percentage total from Grand Totals row, use this calculation instead for the percentage comparison:
IF([Sales Amount Average] > 0,
[Sales Amount Average] / [Sales Average ALL] -1),
To calculate the performance per workgroup instead of ALL sales representative, add those two measures:
4. Sales Average per Workgroup
This will calculate the average sale per workgroup (don't get confused with using SalesRep in ALL function, it's related to filter context).
5. Sales Diff to Average per Workgroup
=IF(HASONEVALUE(SalesData[SalesRep]),IF([Sales Amount Average] > 0, [Sales Amount Average] - [Sales Average per Workgroup]),BLANK())
This simply calculates the difference between average sale of given sales rep and the average sale per workgroup. The result could then look like this:
I have uploaded the source file to my public Dropbox folder.


How can I add weighted calculations to a pivot table?

I have a set of sales figures that came from New Business and Upsells that I am trying to cross reference with the cost of sales effort. I am trying to add weights to the values to reflect that we consider one type of sale to require more effort, and then to calculate how much effort we really spent on each item.
Here's an example, assuming Product 1 sales effort of 600 and Product 2 sales effort of 200
Now in a simple calculation it's easy to determine how much sales effort went into each line, and therefore how much sales effort we would need to replicate these results:
Type of sale
Value of sale
Sales Effort
Product 1
New business
Product 1
Product 2
New business
But we consider that new business requires 10x the sales effort compared to upsells, so I need to incorporate that. Here's how that should end up looking:
Type of sale
Value of sale
Weighted value of sale
Weighted sales effort
Product 1
New business
Product 1
Product 2
New business
So far the best way I found of doing it was the following formula, for example for E2, then changing the value of the sales effort:
E2 = (total sales effort for that product) * D2 / (SUMIFS(D2:D4,A2:A4,A2))
I think the (sales effort for that product) could be replaced with an IFS statement to automatically pick that value given A-column value, but am I missing something? Is there a better way of doing this if I want to include it in a Pivot table with some easy to use slicers?

Choose correct PRODUCT COST from ROW based on amount sold

I am making a sheet to CALCULATE REAL REVENUE from each sale I make on my online store.
The problem is that the COST of my products is not always constant. It varies depending on many factors so each time I make a purchase I add the NEW PRODUCTS COST (LATEST COST).
Each time I make a new purchase I will add the QUANTITY and the new COST. (PURCHASE 1, PURCHASE 2, PURCHASE 3,etc).
Screenshoot of my sheet with example on ROW 41
In Column B I want to know which is the CURRENT COST based on the amount of TOTAL SALES of each product.
For example:
If I have sold less than 100 ( Pruchase 1 QUANTITY) then I need the formula to choose value of E41 (PURCHASE 1 COST).
If I have sold MORE than 100 and LESS than 300 (which is the SUM of PURCHASE 1 & PURCHASE 2) I need the formula to choose value of G41 (PURCHASE 2 COST) AND SO ON...
The formula I have come up with so far is this:
This formula WORKS but only for the first 3 PURCHASES.
I need a formula that has no limit but I don't know how to make a VARIABLE formula.
Please take my words literally when I say that I wouldn't waste one minute on trying to solve your problem with your current sheet design. You would need VBA, and then extract quantities and prices from each purchase without the ability to filter on columns. (Minute is up.)
What you need is a Purchase database: ItemID, Date, Quantity, Price, maybe Ref#. From that you can pull out the transactions for any item by filtering on the item and the cost by using functions like SUMIF. However, this just brings the real problem within reach without solving it.
The problem is that when you buy 100 pcs #42 your price is 42. Then you buy another 100 pieces #46 your average price is 44. But if you sold 50 pieces with a cost of 42 then the average cost of the remaining 150 is 45. Therefore you can't determine the average cost of any remainder without knowing the quantity sold and the average cost applied to that sale. To solve that problem you will still need VBA but the suggested db format of purchase record would at least support such a solution.
Not so long ago I programmed a solution where there were additional columns in the db and each sale was recorded in 3 columns (much like your present purchase record): date, Qty, Ref. In this way I could trace the sale of each individual purchase (this was for shares trading). The sale of the newer quantity wouldn't start until the earlier quantity was sold out.
Perhaps you don't need to trace where the purchased quantity went to and just need one column to count down the balance to zero. That would be much simpler but has the drawback that you can't roll back errors. In the end the rollback was the reason why I abandoned the design. The key to the ability to abandon it is a similar db for sales: date, qty, price, Ref#.
With such a setup you might design a system to either extract the average or FiFo price from the purchase side and associate it with a sale. If the condition is that it should be done with worksheet functions you could add a column for "current cost" in the purchase db, changing with each purchase, which you look up by date from the sales side using VLOOKUP or SUMPRODUCT, having set a cost price applicable from the day of purchase until the next. If that appeals to you, a method must be found to deal with days on which there are both purchases and sales.

Calculate the average sale for each month in excel 2013 pivot table

I have a large chunk of sales data with (some columns removed for clarity purposes):
Order Id, Order Date, Product, Amount, Product Price, Row total cost, Order total cost
A specific order can, as you may see, be divided over multiple rows - were order id, order date and order total is the same on each row. The "row total cost" contains the price for a specific amount of a specific product in the order.
It's not the best way to store data - I know...
Any ways. What I would like to do is to calculate the average sales value for each month. For example - total sales in sep 2012 is $1000, and in sep 2013 it's $500. The average sale for september would be 1000 + 500 / 2 = $750.
This I would like to present in a pivot table and pivot chart.
What I'm stuck with is an average sales value compared to the grand total (sep 2013 compared with all month of 2013 and 2012). I believe I need to group or filter my average calculation - but can't figure out how to do that.
Any help is much appreciated. Using Excel 2013.
Is the challenge caused by the "Order Total Cost" column containing repeats, and hence when you get average of that column it is not accurate?
If I assume that the columns you list are headings in row 1 and that data starts in row 2, then add a column headed Real order total with the formula =if(A2=A1,"",G2) in cell H2. Copy that down and it will give the order total just once for each order. Then base your average or pivot table on col H rather than G.

Excel Pivot Table - Averaging by Category

I'm trying to create an average by category in a pivot table. This is the first time I've created a pivot table so sorry if the answer is staring me in the face. My raw data looks like:
Date, Transaction type, Description, Paid out, Paid in, Balance, Category
Mar-13, Visa, SHOP, £4.44, , £X, Gifts
Mar-13, Visa, SHOP, £5.00, , £Y, Children
Mar-13, Visa, SHOP, £6.00, , £Z, Gifts
Mar-13, Visa, CLOTHES SHOP YORK, £8.00, , £A, Clothing
Mar-13, Visa, FOOD SHOP, £11.96, , £B, Food
My pivot table shows the information rolled up by Month and grouped by a category:
Row Labels Sum of Paid out Sum of Paid in Sum of Difference
Jan £Jan £Jan £C
Food 1 2 -
Car 2 3 -
Cash 6 6
Feb £Feb £Feb £D
Food 1 2
Car 8 0
Cash 2 3
The categories/data is made up in this case, but the desired outcome I'm after is to get an annual average, informing me how much comes in/out on average across the year per category... looking something like:
Row Labels Sum of Paid out Sum of Paid in Sum of Difference
Avg £AvgIn £AvgOut £AvgDiff
Food 1 2 -
Car 5 1.5 -
Cash 4 4.5
Jan £Jan £Jan £C
Food 1 2 -
Car 2 3 -
Cash 6 6
Feb £Feb £Feb £D
Food 1 2
Car 8 0
Cash 2 3
Is this possible to achieve using a pivot table, as I can't seem to find a way to this at the moment using Excel 2010.
Since it appears that your raw data is already grouped by month, you're able to do this pretty easily. You need to re-arrange your data, however -- the months and the categories need to be on different axes. For example, Category as ColumnLabels, with Values then Month as Row Labels. Then right-click one of the normal values for Paid Out, choose "Summarize Value As...", you'll see SUM is currently checked, just change to AVERAGE. Repeat for one of the Paid In values. The labels should change to help let you know if it worked.
Note that this will NOT work effectively if your source data comes in daily, for example. With only one entry per month, the SUM and the AVERAGE of the single entry are identical. This would not be the case if your raw data was daily (and you still grouped by month) -- you'd be switching from a monthly total to a daily average.
I am currently using LibreOffice, which is just the free version of Excel on a mac. It is basically the same thing, but anyways, do you see the top bar where it says =AVERAGE(B8,C8,D8)? Well, that is how you can incorporate the functions within the table. This is actually a pivot table I had to do for my Java class. All you have to do is click on the cell you want to edit, type =, the function name, (in your case, AVERAGE should be fine) and then any other kinds of functions you use. Hope this helps you out.

Difference Between Quota and Sales Count in Pivot table

This is driving me nuts.
I have a table of sales information based on dates as followed.
Date Price
1/1/12 5
2/1/12 5
12/1/12 5
Now i've used a pivot table firstly to group by week, then count the number of values for sales and tally up the Price as followed
Week Quantity Revenue
1/1/12 - 7/1/12 2 10
8/1/12 - 15/1/12 1 5
I have a 'quota' or desired quantity per week which is 3 and i'd like another column that subtracts 3 from the quantity to give me a difference like so.
Week Quantity Revenue Difference
1/1/12 - 7/1/12 2 10 -1
8/1/12 - 15/1/12 1 5 -2
I've tried adding a formula to do this but firstly i can't access the quantity column because its not a field and i can't work out the formula to make a field to replace the quantity column. Any ideas?
The only way I can figure to do it is to change the source data and add Quota and Quantity columns to it. The quota has to be calculated so that it adds up to the desired amount per week, in this case 3.
The formula for the quota calculation is:
You can then make a calculated field, here shown as "Sum of Field 1":
This isn't a very manageable solution. And if you have multiple products and/or different quotas it will get uglier fast! But it's the best way I can see to do it with a pivot table.
