How can I read a string directly into a variable? Java, slick - slick

I want to program some kind of game where the player has to name loacations shown on a map. I am using the slick library.
My problem is that I need some way to get the keyboard input from the player. I tried it with InputDialog from JOptionPane but I do not really like it. I would rather have the string appear on some part of the screen. But I do not have any idea how I can read from the keyboard directly into a variable that should be drawn on the screen. I thought that it would be possible to use streams but if I try to get some examples, they are always about reading from files and I do not know how to use that for reading from keyboard.
String answer;
public void render(GameContainer gameContainer, StateBasedGame sbGame, Graphics g){
g.drawString(answer, 50, 50);
public void update(GameContainer gameContainer, StateBasedGame sbGame, int delta){
//user types something which I now call "inputFromUser"
//it does not appear anywhere before the string is drawn on the screen.
answer = inputFromUser;
Something like a Scanner does not work for me because the user has to type that into the console, and I want him to type it "directly into the game" like it works with a textfield. (But I do not want to use a textfield.)

I have one way to accomplish that but it's fairly resource intensive. First create a global variable to keep track of the current letters. now create a new method that runs through all of the keys to check if they are down
private String totalString;
private void handelUserInput(Input input){
totalString = totalString.substring(0, totalString.length() - 1);
totalString += "a";
totalString += "b";
next create an input handler in the update loop to pass into the handle input method.
public void update(GameContainer gc, StateBasedGame sbg, int delta)throws SlickException {
Input input = gc.getInput();
and then print the string somewhere on your window in the render loop. by the way the Input class is built into slick.


Sorting a Listbox in C++

first time asking questions here. I'm having trouble sorting a listbox in a c++ form. I would much rather do this in C# but it's a class requirement unfortunately. Here's the code in question:
void updateCourseDisplay()
set<Course*> courseSet = courseControl->getCourseSet();
std::set<Course *>::iterator it;
for (it = courseSet.begin(); it != courseSet.end(); ++it)
Course * c = (*it);
String ^courseId = gcnew String((c->getID().c_str()));
String ^courseName = gcnew String((c->getName().c_str()));
courseListBox->Items->Add(courseId + " - " + courseName);
I know this is pretty messy but I didn't want to mess around with creating managed objects to add to the form. The error I'm getting when I try and run this says that System::Windows::Forms::ListBox::Sort() would have been called but it is inaccessible. All I want is simple ordering of the list by the string value. Any thoughts?
Sort is a protected method that can not be accessed from the "outside". You should set the public Sorted property to true instead.

How to pass string as value in mapper?

I am trying to pass a string as value in the mapper, but getting error that it is not Writable. How to resolve?
public void map(LongWritable key, Text value, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
String TempString = value.toString();
String[] SingleRecord = TempString.split("\t");
//using Integer.parseInt to calculate profit
int Amount = Integer.parseInt(SingleRecord[7]);
int Asset = Integer.parseInt(SingleRecord[8]);
int SalesPrice = Integer.parseInt(SingleRecord[9]);
int Profit = Amount*(SalesPrice-Asset);
String ValueProfit = String.valueOf(Profit);
String ValueOne = String.valueOf(one);
data.set(ValueOne + ValueProfit);
context.write(custID, data);
Yahoo's tutorial says :
Objects which can be marshaled to or from files and across the network must obey a particular interface, called Writable, which allows Hadoop to read and write the data in a serialized form for transmission.
From Cloudera site :
The key and value classes must be serializable by the framework and hence must implement the Writable interface. Additionally, the key classes must implement the WritableComparable interface to facilitate sorting.
So you need an implementation of Writable to write it as a value in the context. Hadoop ships with a few stock classes such as IntWritable. The String counterpart you are looking for is the Text class. It can be used as :
context.write(custID, new Text(data));
Text outValue = new Text();
context.write(custID, outValue)
I case, you need specialized functionality in the value class, you may implement Writable (not a big deal after all). However seems like Text is just enough for you.
you havent set data in map function according to import text in above,and TextWritable is wrong just use Text as well.

Unable to set custom colors inside ExpandableListView

I'm an Android newbie.
I'm trying to set custom colors inside an ExpandableListView adapter. I have defined my colors in colors.xml, but I'm unable to use them in my adapter. I get an error "The method getResources() is undefined for the type ExpandableListAdapter"
The function expects an int. I've tried to pass my result from getResources in, but, it does'nt work. I've also tried to pass in a hex value, but it does'nt change anything.
How can I use my custom colors in my code?
public View getGroupView(int groupPosition, boolean arg1, View convertView,
ViewGroup arg3) {
int n = 0;
String laptopName = (String) getGroup(groupPosition);
if (convertView == null) {
LayoutInflater infalInflater = (LayoutInflater) context
convertView = infalInflater.inflate(R.layout.group_item, null);
TextView item = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(;
item.setTypeface(null, Typeface.BOLD);
return convertView;
Thanks guys, the following snippet works
this.context = (Activity) context;
Assuming you have a context instance somewhere in the adapter instead of this
it should be this
convertView.setBackgroundColor((your context).getResources().getColor(R.color.purple));
and if you don't have a reference to the context just pass it in to the adapter constructor
As loulou8284 mentioned you can put it in your XML, or if it is fixed, define it with Color.rgb(), but to make your code running you need to get the reference to your Context as your class is not declared inside a context-class:
You can declare the color in you .xml file ( in your item xml file )
Use setBackgroundResource() rather than setBackgroundColor()
setBackgroundResource() takes an integer resource index as parameter, and load whatever resource that index points to (for example; a drawable, a string or in your case a color).
setBackgroundColor(), however takes an integer representing a color. That is, not a color-resource, but a direct, hexadecimal, rgba value (0xAARRGGBB).

CLLocation does not have a Coordinates property

I am just working my way through the location services for the first time and everything appears to be working in that it correctly finds my location but I am having trouble extracting the coordinates.
The docs states that CLLocation has a "Coordinates" property and the compiler is happy with this piece of code. However at runtime the CLLocation only appears to return a string description.
I start the location manager
_locationManager = new CLLocationManager ();
_locationManager.DesiredAccuracy = 1000;
// handle the updated location method and update the UI
_locationManager.LocationsUpdated += (object sender, CLLocationsUpdatedEventArgs e) => {
UpdateLocation (e.Locations [e.Locations.Length - 1], _destinationLatitude, _destinationLongitude);
if (CLLocationManager.LocationServicesEnabled)
_locationManager.StartUpdatingLocation ();
The event fires correctly
static public void UpdateLocation (CLLocation current, Double destinationLat, Double destinationLng)
//Make the start pairing
string start = current.Coordinate.Latitude.ToString() + "," + current.Coordinate.Longitude.ToString();
//Make the destination pairing
string destination = destinationLat.ToString() + "," + destinationLng.ToString();
However the app just crashes out. Catching it on a breakpoint I see the following which only appears to have a description property that contains.
Description "<+50.58198902,-3.67661728> +/- 65.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) # 25/07/2013 13:11:28 British…" string
I can obviously extract the lat/lng from this text field but I get the feeling I shouldn't need to do this. Any help appreciated.
I moved the exact same code into a different controller and it worked fine. The only difference between the two controllers was that the failing controller was using the monotouch dialog reflection api to bind the screen elements. I can't see why this would make any difference but it is the only difference between the two controllers. Everything is working now, I will try to reproduce in a smaller sample if I get the time.

get back to lower level j2me

I have a textfield (lower level) a call a function that call a higher level form that contains a datafield to pick up a date and display it in my textfield lowerlevel.
The problem is I cannot get back to my textfield (lower level) since the datefield appears
public void formdatepicker() {
final javax.microedition.lcdui.Command CONFIRM_COMMAND
= new javax.microedition.lcdui.Command("OK",
javax.microedition.lcdui.Command.OK, 1);
javax.microedition.lcdui.Command CANCEL_COMMAND
= new javax.microedition.lcdui.Command("Cancel",
javax.microedition.lcdui.Command.CANCEL, 2);
final DateField datefield = new DateField("Pick a date", DateField.DATE);
form.setCommandListener(new CommandListener() {
public void commandAction(javax.microedition.lcdui.Command c, Displayable d) {
Date date = datefield.getDate();
display.setCurrent(null);// try to hide the current form to get
Your mistake is wrong assumption about what setCurrent(null) does. Per your question and code snippet, it looks like you expect it to somehow show the screen that has been displayed prior to form. It doesn't, see the exaplanation in the API javadocs (available online):
The application may pass null as the argument to setCurrent(). This does not have the effect of setting the current Displayable to null; instead, the current Displayable remains unchanged. However, the application management software may interpret this call as a request from the application that it is requesting to be placed into the background...
If you want to use setCurrent(Displayable) to show some screen instead of current one, you need to pass this screen as an argument to setCurrent.
For the sake of completeness, note that there is another version of setCurrent that accepts two parameters, first of which is Alert, which works a bit differently, but it is not applicable in your case because you use Form not Alert.
