Sybase 15.7 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.4 (Santiago) - linux

I am migrating to Red Hat from Solaris. Previously on Solaris, we connected to Sybase datasources through Java by passing an interfaces file location to a JDBC library. When I checked the Sybase documentation, they only list interfaces files as an option for UNIX and Windows... Does anyone know what the equivalent is for Linux?
I know our datasources have been transfered over, because when i connect with:
isql -S <server> -U <user> -P <password>
I can connect to the database. Unfortunately the team who installed the software on our new machines is unable to provide any details...
In summary, I know our datasource profiles are listed somewhere, because I can specify a server by name and connect. I need to find out where that information is.

The interfaces file on Linux works the same as on Unix. It should be in the root of the Sybase ASE installation.
Assuming you have the Sybase ASE environment sourced in your shell it should be:
The utilities to edit the file are dscp or dsedit,.
To run dsedit:
To run dscp:


why azure file share is not mounting on centos versions under 7?

Is there any way to create Azure File Share mounts on CentOS versions lower as 7?
Azure documentation recommends centos 7+ for it.
I have tried the same for CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 16.04.Its working fine.
But for CentOS version under 7 it is not working.
But for CentOS version under 7 it is not working.
It is a by design behavior, because Azure files share requires SMB 2 dialect which supported by newer CIFS module in RHEL 7.
Pasting the note from Redhat Support Forum:
"For RHEL when you use the mount command your are using the kernel
driver for cifs. The features for cifs commections are tied to the
kernel module providing this. You can see details for this with module
"man mount.cifs" The RHEL6 kernel is only capabable of mounting older
1.0 smb protocol mounts. RHEL7 however can mount smb2 version of the protocal since the kernel is using a newer cifs module. On RHEL7 in
"man mount.cifs" you will see the options to specify vers= 1.0, 2.0,
2.1, or 3.0."
If you want to mount Azure files share to Centos 6, as a workaround we can update your kernel to 3.1.0 or 4.6, install the last version of cifs-utils, but it is not recommended.
As per my knowledge,you are missing the mount-point directory in the Linux VM to mount the SMB share to.
In Linux VM: You need to create a local directory at /mnt/mymountdirectory, use the following example to create a local directory:
sudo mkdir -p /mnt/mymountdirectory
Then Mount the SMB share to the local directory by providing your own storage account username and storage account key for the mount credentials as follows:
sudo mount -t cifs // /mnt/mymountdirectory -o vers=3.0,username=mystorageaccount,password=mystorageaccountkey,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777
For more details, refer “Use Azure Files with Linux”.
And also, you may refer MSDN thread, which addressing your query.

remote command on windows from linux

I want to run windows command on windows 2003 server from RHEL machine.
I tried one way to do it using winexe and it is working as expected. However to do this one I have to keep 139 port open and apparently this is a very vulnerable port and is advised not to be kept open.
One other way I found was to use cygwin and open ssh packages but these are again not supported in windows 2003 server.
Can anyone please suggest me any other way leaving these 2 to connect linux and windows machine and run command on cmd.exe from linux terminal.
You can emulate the whole Windows on RHEL using the Wine software. So you won't need to connect anywhere.
Other option is to connect from RHEL to Windows 2003 Server via an SSH.
Installing of an OpenSSH server on Windows has a couple of quirks:
in Windows settings you have to allow your account to run services
in the sshd config file of the OpenSSH server you have to set the StrictModes option to no, so you can use the SSH authentication by public/private keys

Can't open lib '/home/user/install/os410042/var/progress/DataDirect/Connect64_for_ODBC_71/lib/' : file not found

We have an application which works with oracle. Our application servers run in the Linux Platforms, and we have database servers running on the Windows machine. We are currently testing the new Progress ODBC driver to connect the Oracle DB from Linux server. So i have installed the DATA DIRECT PROGRESS ORACLE ODBC DRIVER, when i try to connect i got the below error
[unixODBC][Driver Manager]Can't open lib '/home/user/install/os410042/var/progress/DataDirect/Connect64_for_ODBC_71/lib/' : file not found
below is my ODBC.ini entry , and through isql i can able to connect to the Oracle Machine , but only my application is unable to connect.
[ODBC Data Sources]
Oracle Wire Protocol=DataDirect 7.1 Oracle Wire Protocol
ORACLE_TEST_DSN=DataDirect 7.1 Oracle Wire Protocol
Description=DataDirect 7.1 Oracle Wire Protocol For Oracle
ldd also fine , it doesnt show anything not found.
Run the DataDirect setup script to set variables: Two scripts, odbc.csh and, are installed in the installation directory. For Korn, Bourne, and equivalent shells, execute For a C shell, execute odbc.csh. After running the setup script, execute the env command to verify that the ODBCHOME/lib directory has been added to your shared library path.
Link to related documentation.
An application restart may be required to pick up the new shared library path. Once the environment is configured, you'll be able to load the drivers.

Oracle on lxc in ubuntu

I'm currently trying to install an oracle server (11g) in a linux container on ubuntu (following this tutorial (
When I try to change the file handler with sysctl, the modifications doesn't save into my container. Moreover, when I make the modification in the main ubuntu kernel, it propagates to the containers, so my question is as follow:
How can I modify the file handlers only in my oracle container ?
Try out the Orabuntu-LXC project code. It supports Ubuntu 16.04, 17.04, 17.10 and is purpose-built for running Any Oracle on Any Linux, including Ubuntu Linux. Note that as you probably already know, Oracle Corp does not formally support or certify Oracle on Ubuntu Linux.
As far as you question about the file handlers, some sysctl values can only be set at the LXC host level, and some can be set in the container.
Please note that the step-by-step guides are quite old and that the basic LXC infrastructure together with OpenvSwitch, an LXC-containerized DNS/DHCP, and an optional SCST Linux SAN can all be installed on Ubuntu 16.04, 17.04 and 17.10 with one command:
after completion of which all you would need do is download your Oracle database installtion media and install.

Remote client for oracle on linux

I need to drop remote oracle db with *.sql script from linux env. How i can do that? Before I tried install sqlplus, but I could not install it...
There may be some other linux console client for oracle?
You cannot install sqlplus alone.
You need to install an Oracle client.
Choose you system here, click on See All, and the client is the second link.
After that you sould add an entry in your tnsnames.ora file (located in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin) and if you have connection to your remote server, sqlplus will work.
PS: Drop a oracle db is a strange operation to do. You need a dba to administration stuff.
